My Age of Investment

One thousand four hundred and seventy four, we must win

"FXPad and iPad were launched in the United States at the same time at the beginning of this month. iPad achieved first-day sales of 300,000 units, while we only achieved first-day sales of 180,000 units."

In the North American Renaissance Industrial Park, Lin Bing was holding a summary meeting in the conference room. The executives present were in a low mood and did not dare to look into Xia Jingxing's eyes.

A saying that Xia Jingxing often talks about is "crushing the wisdom fruit", and this has indeed been the case with the sales of Fuxing mobile phones in the past few years.

But when it launched the tablet product line, Fuxing Industrial suffered a setback and was surpassed by Wisdom Fruit. Executives speculated that the boss was now on the verge of rage.

Lin Bing glanced at the expressionless Xia Jingxing and took the initiative to apologize: "Mr. Xia, I didn't do my job well this time!"

"Of course you didn't do your job well!"

Xia Jingxing's gaze was like a knife scraping across Lin Bing's face, and he reprimanded loudly: "Starting from this month, Zhiguo's tablet sales are no longer lower than ours. If the Fuxing FX3 fails again next month, we will He will be left far behind by the fruit of wisdom.

In the past, I have repeatedly asked you not to be complacent because of the results you have achieved.

But what about you? My words completely fell on deaf ears, and I felt that wisdom was of little use.

Now the brand strength and technical strength they have accumulated for more than 30 years are starting to show their strength. If you continue to manage and operate products according to past ideas and ideas, I believe that the consumer electronics group will not be able to rest on its laurels for several years.

Samsung Galaxys has been launched this month. It is also equipped with Android system and uses a processor developed based on ar-rtex architecture. It is also priced at about 4,000 yuan...

Because of the advent of this high-end Android phone, the sales of Fuxing fx2s have been greatly affected, and the sales life cycle has been greatly shortened.

The current situation is that there is a tiger like Wisdom Fruit in the front and a bad wolf like Samsung in the back. It is time to fight for the revival of mobile phones. "

All the executives, including Lin Bing, lowered their heads. Xia Jingxing's rebuke really woke them up.

Compared with Zhiguo and Samsung, which have decades of history and were fought with swords and guns, the rise of Fuxing Mobile has taken a lot of cleverness. It is as clever as the Qing Dynasty taking over the world. The surrounding forces are all rotten fruits. Cut it into pieces.

Nokia, Motorola, LG, and Sony are also rotten fruits. They have not launched a few decent mobile phones in the past two years, and they have watched the market share of Fuxing mobile phones increase steadily.

But now, great powers such as Wisdom Fruit and Samsung have arrived with foreign guns and cannons. The dream of reviving mobile phones has officially ended. What follows is an era of global hegemony. To revive mobile phones, we must adapt to the times and innovate ourselves.

Xia Jingxing was actually not too angry because he had already anticipated the weak growth of Fuxing Consumer Electronics Group.

Wisdom Fruit has a self-developed chip, while Fuxing Tablet uses a processor provided by Samsung, so it naturally loses.

The era of assembly machines is over. If we don’t change, we will become the next conscientious group.

Xia Jingxing raised his chin towards Lin Bing, "Continue to talk, we must face backwardness calmly. If there are problems, find them and solve them!"

Lin Bing said with a heavy face: "According to our internal laboratory disassembly evaluation, Zhiguo's A4 processor chip is actually modified based on the s5pc110. Compared with the Samsung s5pc110 series processor equipped on the fxpad, although Both use the rtex-a8 computing core, with the same main frequency, 1ghz, but the a4 is highly customized, removing many unnecessary modules for the iPad, and increasing the cache to improve performance...

This change is reflected in the use of specific end products, that is, iPad runs faster than fxpad, consumes less power, and saves more power.

To solve this problem, we must develop our own chips like Zhiguo did.

Only you know whether your shoes fit your feet or not!

Moreover, Samsung has now become a direct competitor of Fuxing Mobile. It is difficult to say that it will be able to purchase chips as freely as it does now in the future. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "So I say, no matter how much money we spend or how much we pay, we must make the Suanni chip our trump card. We cannot rely on others, we can only rely on ourselves.

Although I don't like Wisdom Fruit, I can't deny that they have taken the right path.

However, the a4 processor and the s5pc110 have the same source, so there will inevitably be a fierce battle! "

Lin Bing asked: "You mean Samsung might sue Smart Fruit?"

"When I saw Zhizhiguo using its own processors to make magic changes and then killing them, I don't believe Samsung can bear this tone."

Xia Jingxing suddenly looked forward to this dog-eat-dog fight, but he quickly remembered that Wisdom Fruit was America's biological son, and a godson like Samsung would definitely not get even half a cent in the lawsuit.

The same is true for the upcoming lawsuit between Oracle and Android. Americans are very good at helping relatives but not taking care of them.

Lin Bing continued: "In fact, the performance of the a4 processor does not exceed that of the s5pc110.

However, Smart Fruit, under the guise of self-developed chips, has attracted a large number of fans to a large extent.

When consumers heard that Zhiguo developed its own chips, while Fuxing Tablet still used Samsung tablets, they made a judgment call, and naturally they were more inclined to choose Zhiguo's products.

What's more, the price of our products is almost the same as that of Smart Fruit, so we don't have much advantage in the competition.

But this time we defeated Wisdom Fruit in terms of tablet shape design.

Our tablets are lighter and thinner, which has been well received by some consumers. "

Xia Jingxing pinched his temples. Although the appearance was important, the core was not as important. The biggest reason why the sales volume of Smart Fruit was lost this time was the processor chip.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing turned to look at Chen Zongjian, who was sitting at the end of the table without saying a word.

“Can the Suanni chip catch up with the release of Fuxingfx3?”

Chen Zongjian nodded heavily, "If we can catch up, Samsung is already officially tape-out. After the testing is optimized, mass production will begin."

After hearing these words, Xia Jingxing finally let go of his hanging heart.

The loss of sales of fxpad is actually a profound warning. If the fx3 is revived without using self-developed chips, it may be beaten by the iPhone 4 of Wisdom Fruit.

Once the sales volume drops, the rising momentum of Fuxing Mobile will be interrupted. Samsung Galaxys does not mind helping Fuxing Mobile take over some market share.

The current situation is so tense, like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

The biggest shortcoming of Fuxing Mobile is its self-developed chips.

"Have you done any product comparison with a4 and s5pc110?"

Chen Zongjian’s answer was simple and affirmative: “I have done comparisons, and I will not be worse than them.”

Looking at Chen Zongjian, who looked almost ten years older, Xia Jingxing felt a little emotional. He had joined the company for almost two years and was entrusted with the important task of leading the Silicon Valley chip team to develop processors. During this period, he had been manipulating employees like a donkey. , to catch up with the schedule, Fuxing Industries now has a bad reputation in Silicon Valley, and is about to be included in the list of the most unpopular employers.

In fact, there is no other way. Fuxing Industrial cannot acquire mature chip research and development companies in the United States, so it can only recruit a large number of employees and start from scratch.

Americans are used to being lazy again. They cry for father and mother when they work overtime. Even if the Renaissance Industry offers two or three times the salary, they just want to take a vacation.

Therefore, Chen Zongjian could only lead by example and coax employees to take turns to work, and then reluctantly completed the design of the Suanni chip.

"Old Chen, you have worked hard these past two years! If Fuxing Mobile can still secure its position as the smartphone champion this year, I will give you and the team credit!"

Chen Zongjian is not good at words, but when he saw his boss' true feelings revealed, he couldn't help but say: "Mr. Xia, we are also part of the company. Now is the time when we need to contribute, and we will never back down."

Xia Jingxing laughed at this, "Give the team a long vacation, charter a flight...oh, no, take my private plane to go out for fun, and the company will reimburse all expenses."

Chen Zongjian finally showed a smile, "Then on behalf of the team, I would like to thank Mr. Xia."

Xia Jingxing nodded, looked away, looked at the executives present, and said with an extremely serious expression: "We have lost the battle of fxpad, but we must win the battle of reviving fx3!"


Chapter 1469 has also been blocked. I don’t know if I can’t write something negative about Tesla. This Tesla is not Tesla, so I might as well rename it Godzilla.


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