My Age of Investment

Three hundred and seventeen, redefine social

"Jing Xing, how unpleasant you say that this matter is done well!"

Deng Feng, president of Huayuan Science and Technology Association, called Xia Jingxing.

"It's alright, business skirmishes cannot be avoided."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile that he and Yang Jieyuan are both members of Huayuan Science and Technology Association.

Now that the two sides are in conflict, it is normal for Deng Feng, as the chairman, to come out as a peacemaker.

Deng Feng also knew that this matter was tricky, but he didn't care, apart from calling Xia Jingxing, he also communicated with Yang Zhiyuan.

The other party also responded in the same way: nothing, small problem, don't worry.

Deng Feng knows that Facebook and Yahoo are both in the Internet, and their peers are enemies. It is very normal for some conflicts to arise.

Facebook's valuation has reached at least five billion US dollars, and the interests involved are too many and too large.

He tried to persuade a few words, but it basically didn't work.

"Business competition is competition, and everyone still belongs to a group. Don't hurt each other's harmony because of this."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "Don't worry, I am a more open-minded person."

"That's it!"

Deng Feng pursed his lips and wanted to tell Xia Jingxing to be careful. This time, Google and Yahoo were attacking Facebook, and the pressure was not ordinary.

But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed again.

It's better to say less, so as not to be offensive.

After hanging up Deng Feng's phone, Xia Jingxing got up from the office, straightened his clothes, and walked out.

In an office on the fourth floor, executives such as Evans, Puppy, Yang Niu gathered together.

"Daren, you are here, come and try the new product! It feels so magical!"

Seeing Xia Jingxing pushing the door, Yang Niu beckoned.

The rest of the executives also looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile.

If this scene is seen by the outside media,

It must have been a shock to the eye.

Because the unscrupulous media spread rumors, saying that this time Google and Yahoo are real, Facebook and YouTube are in danger!

In terms of market value, user volume, and operating time, compared to the two giants, Facebook is all at a disadvantage, making it impossible to see the odds of winning.

The media speculates that Facebook's management may have trouble sleeping and sleeping, and can't sleep at night.

But no one could have predicted that Facebook's management felt no pressure at all and ignored the recent big moves by Yahoo and Google.

Google and Yahoo have increased their social media once again, and the media has been buzzing. These have become the hottest topics of discussion at the moment.

But Facebook did not accept any interviews and did not respond to any questions.

In the eyes of most people, this is probably a confession.

Xia Jingxing found a seat and sat down with a test laptop in front of him.

Like him, several other executives each had a computer in front of them.

"Have you tried it?"

Evans explained with a smile, "Just now you've been on the phone, and we couldn't help but... play around."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "Okay, don't wait for me, you should enjoy it first."

Several executives laughed awkwardly.

Xia Jingxing still had some measure of this, without blaming anyone, he lowered his head and started to use the computer.

After logging in to Facebook, Xia Jingxing clicked the mouse and quietly checked the details of the website.

His account has received a lot of waterfall news, Evans changed a new avatar, Christina posted a new update, and the puppy updated the album...

All the executives did not speak, their eyes focused on Xia Jingxing.

They all think the product is good, but the final opinion depends on the big boss.

Especially Evans, looking at Xia Jingxing eagerly, his eyes were mixed with hope, expectation, and a trace of nervousness, and he was very uneasy.

This is a product they spent a year polishing.

Although this was an idea proposed by Xia Jingxing, it was followed up several times in the middle.

But the final form, the boss should see it for the first time.

I don't know if he is satisfied or not. Will it be recognized?

Evans was very impatient, and kept rubbing the mouse with his hand to relieve some tension.

Xia Jingxing changed his avatar and then uploaded a new photo.

Finally, I came to the information flow page and published a personal news.

He posted a photo he took on the Great Wall and wrote a paragraph: I come, I see, I conquer!

Soon, Xia Jingxing found out that there were several more likes and comments under his post.

Puppy Comments: Boss, mighty and domineering!

babes comment: sound the horn of war!

Evans Review: All Competitors Will Creep Under Our Feet!


Until this moment, Xia Jingxing finally smiled.

After completing this function, Facebook's basic product functions in the PC era are complete.

If the previous Facebook was dead, then this moment is completely alive.

"Fine, that's the functionality I want."

Hearing such a sentence pop out from the boss's mouth, Evans's heart was finally relieved in the air, and he let out a long sigh of relief.

Lori, Owen and other executives also showed smiles.

"Hurry up and arrange it so that all users can experience what real social networking is."

Evans hesitated, then asked, "Don't hold a press conference?"

"Don't play those fancy things, just upgrade directly. We will give users a surprise and let them discover it by themselves!"

Evans nodded, "Okay, then I'll make arrangements."



24 o'clock in the middle of the night.

All Facebook employees did not leave work, sitting at their desks together, waiting for the release of new features.

With a loud roar from Evans, the employees in the open office area seemed to hear a flare gun.

Looking at this interesting scene, the dog standing next to him asked Xia Jingxing, "Boss, how high do you think our user base can be?"

Several other executives also looked at Xia Jingxing, the boss must have high hopes for this product so highly.

They also wanted to know how much Xia Jingxing expected from this product.

"In the short term, there will be no significant change in user growth, but it will only make our relationship chain more stable.

In the long run, sharing life on Facebook will no longer be a slogan, but a reality. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "As for how influential it is, let's see what happens next!"

Several executives nodded. Indeed, the final effect has to be tested by actual test.

A few minutes later, Facebook's otherwise quiet office suddenly became noisy, as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Haha, finally someone found out that Facebook has launched a new feature!"

"Someone commented on me and asked me what the hell was going on?"

"Don't they see the big reminder on the homepage?"

"I saw it, but I don't know how to play? I'm teaching them how to post personal updates."


Facebook employees began to talk to each other constantly, and the topics were all around the information flow products.

There was joy and surprise on everyone's face, all natural and without any exaggeration.

Xia Jingxing and several executives watched this scene and smiled, it was all expected.

Even when a few of them first saw the information flow product, their reaction was not much better than that of these employees.

Because this is almost a product that crosses the times, redefines the social network!

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