My Age of Investment

Four hundred and two, big nonsense

Seeing Musk, an old acquaintance, Xia Jingxing was not too surprised.

In the morning, he asked Gene to go to Nikolai's booth to inquire about the military situation. When Gene came back, he told him everything.

To describe it in a poem: the gloomy clouds are gloomy and the ten thousand miles are condensed!

At the beginning, there were a lot of people watching the car at the Nikola booth, but as Tesla delivered the test drive car, people left on the spot.

Many of these people did not come to Tesla's booth, because they thought it was too troublesome to queue up to see Tesla's cars!

Outside the exhibition area, both sides of Tesla's test drive road have become a check-in place for these audiences.

There is no need to queue here, just stop by the side of the road, and you can see the Tesla sports car performing various extreme accelerations on the road.

It can be said that Tesla has become the most beautiful boy among all exhibitors in the exhibition area today.

From inside the exhibition area to the road outside the exhibition area, countless people are paying attention to Tesla and discussing Tesla.

Although you can't afford it, you can still enjoy your eyesight and brag about it.

In contrast, Nicholas was beaten in all directions.

There is no test drive car, sell a hammer car!

This is actually what Musk did on purpose.

Because he found out that Tesla was going to participate in the Santa Clara Auto Show and made its official public debut.

In order not to lag too far behind Tesla, Musk took out a half-developed car.

You can see it, you can touch it, but you can't open it.

This is called a concept car!

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Mr. Musk, if you want to order one of our sports cars, I'll give you a discount."

Musk felt that the face of the Asian man in front of him was so disgusting that he wanted to punch him in the face.

He thought about it, but held back.

"Okay, I heard that you are a gold medal salesman, please introduce it to me well, I am happy to hear that, maybe I will buy it."

Musk hasn't had close contact with Tesla yet,

Only seen pictures.

At this moment, he changed his mind, and it would be good to take this opportunity to observe Tesla.

At the same time, it can disgust this annoying Chinese.

"Mr. Musk, let me introduce you to the car!"

Straubel has been watching silently from the side, when he saw that Musk wanted to deliberately disgust, or want to belittle Xia Jingxing's status, he couldn't help but jumped out.

Xia Jingxing looked at Straubel a little more approvingly, he had a sharp eye.

And Musk looked at Straubel's eyes with two points of disgust.

In order to poach Straubel, he once offered the position of Nikola's chief technology officer, plus a part of Nikola's equity.

Originally Straubel had promised well, but at the last minute he backed off.

This made him have a very bad impression of Straubel, thinking that he was a person with no principles and no credibility.

Originally, he and Straubel still had a little friendship, but this friendship has long since dissipated with Straubel's rejection of his kindness.

At this time when the two met again, Musk looked coldly, and said stiffly: "Now it's a conversation between the bosses, and it's not qualified for you to interrupt.

Darren, is this how you manage your subordinates? Distinguished? "

Straubel's face was livid, because Musk almost pointed his nose and cursed.

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "I don't think it's a problem, this is how I manage the company, in terms of personality, everyone in the company is equal.

Oh, by the way, we don't advocate that kind of "tyrant" and "dictatorship" management. "

Musk felt that the other party was alluding to his dictatorship and tyrant management in the company.

Although he did do that, often insulting employees.

But this kind of thing, it's your turn, a Chinese, to point fingers?

"Daeron, you will pay for your arrogance one day."

Musk's left leg, which had been on the booth, was retracted again, and he has no interest in looking at the car now.

All he thought about was how to defeat Tesla and how to make Xia Jingxing beg for mercy.

"Let's talk about launching the rocket first!"

Xia Jingxing didn't have the so-called celebrity complex, no matter who he was, he was right.

Musk is pushing his nose to his face now, and he won't be used to it.

Musk took a deep look at Xia Jingxing and Straubel, turned and left without saying anything.

The appearance of Musk is just a small episode of the auto show.

In the afternoon, the queuing scene at the Tesla booth was even hotter than in the morning.

After understanding, Xia Jingxing and the Tesla team learned that after the car reporters took the photos in the morning, someone had already sent the photos back to the newspapers and magazines.

Then, there have been many discussions about Tesla on various forums on the Internet, Facebook, YouTube, blogs and other websites.

After receiving relevant information, netizens and car enthusiasts near Santa Clara County have already rushed to the location of the auto show in groups, wanting to see the style of the electric sports car.

Gradually, there are more and more people, and the auto show venue was originally quite spacious, but now it has become crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder.

Auto show organizers are the happiest.

A car company that was originally the least optimistic has become a favorite, and it has also become an artifact of the auto show.

In order to win over Tesla, the organizer not only refunded all of Tesla's participation fees, but also actively dispatched staff to help Tesla maintain order at the booth.

Xia Jingxing watched this scene with a smile, everything was going in a good direction.

Gene acted as a messenger, and kept approaching Xia Jingxing, telling the chairman that one more car was reserved, and two more...

"Dearen, hello, I'm a reporter for a car magazine, can I interview you?"

A white man in his thirties approached Xia Jingxing and greeted him warmly.

Xia Jingxing immediately realized, did he recognize himself?

He stood at the booth for a long time today, but no one knew him.

It can only be said that foreigners are too face-blind.

All the reporters this morning paid attention to cars, and no one noticed him as an Asian salesman.

"you know me?"

Xia Jingxing looked at the reporter rushing in front of him with a smile.

"Are you really Darren?"

The reporter was very surprised, as if he had seen something incredible.

Xia Jingxing knew that he had been tricked, and the reporter was not sure about his identity.

"Yes, what do you want to interview?"

The reporter was very excited, "I want to interview you about your views on electric vehicles and your relationship with Tesla."

"Okay, come with me!"

Xia Jingxing was in a good mood, took the reporter to the rest area, and began to accept the interview.

"Darren, in an interview with the media, you once said that after leaving Facebook, you will do something meaningful. Is this referring to Tesla?"

The reporter smiled and said: "I just saw Tesla's test drive outside, it was so cool, like a bolt of lightning."

"Tesla is just one of them." Xia Jingxing replied calmly.

Reporter: "Oh, by the way, what is your relationship with Tesla?"

Xia Jingxing: "I am an investor in Tesla, as well as the largest shareholder and chairman."

Reporter: "Why did you invest in Tesla in the first place?"

Xia Jingxing: "I think this is the trend in the future."

Reporter: "But many people don't agree with electric vehicles, thinking that this is an industry with no prospects. A few years ago, GM recalled all the electric vehicles it had produced and destroyed them..."

Xia Jingxing and the reporter began to chat in detail, from the starting point of investing in Tesla, to judging the development trend of the electric vehicle industry, to Tesla's sales today...

The chat was very in-depth, and Xia Jingxing even deliberately uttered nonsense in order to hype up the popularity.

Following Xia Jingxing's answer, the reporter asked, "How long do you think it will take for electric vehicles to completely replace gasoline vehicles?"

Xia Jingxing blurted out, "Ten years sooner, twenty years slower."

"You are the first company to build cars in Silicon Valley, and none of the founders and executives have work experience in traditional car manufacturing."

The reporter frowned, and asked again: "Has this caused any trouble to your car manufacturing?"

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "Not at all. We are building cars with Silicon Valley thinking and technological means, instead of following the old Detroit."

Reporter: "Oh, okay, how soon do you think Tesla will sell the 100,000th car?"

Xia Jingxing vowed, "Within five years!"

The reporter exclaimed for a while: "You know, you only sold a few dozen cars today. If you want to achieve a leap of nearly ten thousand times, can you do it in five years?"


Xia Jingxing shrugged, "You know, three years ago, no one thought that Tesla could make an electric car.

Now we have not only created it, but it is also very popular with consumers. "

Reporter: "Uh, selling dozens of cars, can it be called a sought after one?"

"You know, Tesla is priced at US$100,000, which is not cheap. I believe that very few car companies can sell dozens of sports cars when they participate in the exhibition for the first time."

The reporter nodded: "That's true, and you are booking in full, which is not mainstream and not easy to accept."

"Yes, so every step we take is innovating!"


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