My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and two, face base

three days later.

Sun Hongbing replied as promised: sell!

In the Zhongguancun headquarters office that Fuxing Industrial Holding Group has just leased, the two parties signed an equity transfer agreement.

The reason why it is an agreement of intent is because due diligence has to be done.

No matter how much Xia Jingxing believes that investing in real estate can make money, there are still some pitfalls, such as debts and other issues that must be paid attention to.

After signing the agreement, Sun Hongbing seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden and left with ease.

Chen Hong didn't leave, but stayed and chatted with Xia Jingxing for a while.

"Why do you put the headquarters here? It's not suitable for you to be an industrial worker in Zhongguancun, right?" Chen Hong teased.

Xia Jingxing smiled, "I solemnly declare that we are industrial technology! High-end manufacturing!"

"Tch, you sell pots and pans, you bought a few companies, and then you started to shake up, and you still pretend to be high-tech. Be careful that the Zhongguancun Management Committee will kick you out one day."

Chen Hong deliberately teased Xia Jingxing because of the acquisition of Supor before.

It's different now, Chen Hong knows that Xia Jingxing has already started to integrate the home appliance industry, and plans to enter the semiconductor industry in a big way, if he adds the existing mobile phones and cars.

After counting, there are already four industries.

And there are some commonalities between them, for example, chips can be loaded into household appliances, consumer electronics, and electric vehicles;

Air conditioners can also be incorporated into electric vehicles;

Mobile phones can even control household appliances and cars;


Xia Jingxing explained to him the Internet of Things, smart home, and smart cars, which made Chen Hong startled for a while.

However, smartphones have already been manufactured, and what Xia Jingxing told him is not unimaginable.

"Is there any difficulty in acquiring Sunco's 2 billion yuan?"

Xia Jingxing glanced at Chen Hong, and said with a smile, "Do you know that I am in trouble, and plan to help the poor?"

"Your boy is fat and oily, do you still need my help?"

Having said that, Chen Hong knew that Xia Jingxing's capital chain must be very tight.


Because the mobile phone company's funds have been embezzled several times by Xia Jingxing.

The initial investment of more than 400 million yuan, except for the several hundred million yuan spent on research and development in recent years, the rest was misappropriated by Xia Jingxing to Fuxing Industrial Group and a private equity investment fund called Mangzhong.

In fact, this has seriously violated the interests of Hanergy, a small shareholder of the mobile phone company, but who makes everyone friends, and the mobile phone company has also produced such a crazy mobile phone.

After trying the prototype, Chen Hong is sure that this phone will be enough to establish its status in the world after it goes on the market.

After all, it was Xia Jingxing who took care of him and brought him to make money together, so he didn't care about some things.

"Is it really out of money? If you need it, it's okay to raise a few hundred million for an emergency." Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't speak, Chen Hong hastily added another sentence.

Xia Jingxing shook his head, although the 2 billion funds for the acquisition of Sunco were paid off in one lump sum,

But when the due diligence is completed, it will basically be a month or two later.

He has already informed Zhao Jun, who is in charge of the Mangzhong Fund, to pledge part of the stocks of listed companies he holds in exchange for part of the working capital.

Envision Capital America has already all in all the funds. Domestic penguin stocks and home appliance company stocks can be pledged by him, and the accounts of mobile phone companies are even more clean.

Vision Capital's venture capital funds in China and the United States have some balances left, but it is impossible to borrow for a long time to ensure daily investment.

At the same time, none of the start-up companies invested by VC funds have been successfully listed, and none have reached the height of Facebook. It is difficult to get a pledge loan.

So, after searching through the four pockets, Xia Jingxing found that there was really not a single drop left.

On the surface, he seems to be the richest man, but in fact he should also be the most indebted person in China, owed tens of billions.

Some time ago, the Internet questioned him as the first loser, but he really didn't wrong him.

Chen Hong reminded: "Sunco's equity purchase price of 2 billion is just an initial investment. If we want to revitalize this real estate company, we need to invest several billion more."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "I know this, but we don't need to fully revitalize it for now, just invest some money to maintain the daily operation, and temporarily stop external expansion."

Chen Hong said "hmm", "You, the richest man, is in charge, the bank should give face and temporarily stop collecting debts, but you still have to pay the interest!

Once the expansion is stopped, for real estate, it is tantamount to slow suicide. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It's okay, just stick to it for a year first, and I will re-plan the real estate company later."

Xia Jingxing knew very well that after becoming the owner of Sunco, there were still a lot of troubles waiting for him, and the solution to the problems was very simple, he quickly spent money to clean up the mess left by Sunco.

But the point is that there is no money now!

He doesn't care about the little interest from the bank, and the returns in the stock market are much higher.

After this year, he will inject large-scale capital into Sunco, and develop or sell all the land.

The reason why he took a fancy to Sunco was mainly because of the land, which was considered a bottom line.

After land prices and house prices rebound, his "employee housing" plan will have its first pot of gold.

He didn't speculate on the land on purpose, it's just that Sunco's land was useless to them, and Fuxing Industrial Group didn't expand to those cities, so they had to sell it.

In places like Shanghai and Xuzhou, there are factory buildings set up, and the land can be reserved for staff housing.

"Okay, you know it yourself, just don't buy a bag and come back."

Chen Hong didn't know about Xia Jingxing's staff room plan yet, seeing that Xia Jingxing had his own plans, he didn't bring up this topic again.



the next day.

A Gulfstream private jet landed in Pengcheng.

As soon as Xia Jingxing and his entourage walked out of the airport, they saw the motorcade sent by Skyworth TV to pick them up.

Then they got into the car and drove to Skyworth Industrial Park in Bao'an District.

Skyworth's current CEO, Zhang Xuebing, led a group of people to wait in front of the office building early on. When Xia Jingxing got out of the car, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

"President Xia, you are welcome to inspect the work."

Zhang Xuebing is in his forties, his hair is a little bald, and he has a familiar smell of Trump when he speaks.

Xia Jingxing almost forgot that the Skyworth CEO and he are still fellow villagers.

"Boss Huang admires you very much and has been recommending you to me. Work hard and have a bigger stage waiting for you."

Xia Jingxing encouraged him a few words, and then let Zhang Xuebing lead him to visit Skyworth's technical laboratory and various research and development results.

There is a new brand released just a month ago, Internet TV Coocaa TV, the world's first LCD TV equipped with 3G-USB interface;

The V12 digital engine developed by Skyworth Silicon Valley Company in the United States for more than 7 years is a super core technology chip for processing high-definition TV signals;

The national patented six primary colors, a special technology for improving the brightness, contrast and clarity of color TV screens.

Moreover, Zhang Xuebing also told Xia Jingxing that Skyworth is developing an Internet TV operating system.

After the visit, Xia Jingxing was very satisfied, and felt that he was one step closer to Mr. Jia's ecological transformation.

Mr. Jia's Internet TV, in fact, was proposed by Skyworth very early, but it lacks several major ecological supports.

However, Xia Jingxing did. He held a meeting with Zhang Xuebing and other ten Skyworth executives and technical cores.

At the meeting, Xia Jingxing put forward the concept of ecological transformation one step ahead of Mr. Jia.

In fact, this concept is not so mysterious.

That is, Tudou and Kugou Music open Internet content to Skyworth, helping Skyworth TV users watch movies, listen to music, and sing karaoke online.

For the operating system, we can only fight on our own for the time being. Mobile phones have not yet been launched, and the Internet of Things operating system is still in the making.

In addition, the game department of plans to cooperate with Skyworth to develop some TV games, and cooperate to build a TV game platform in the future.

Limited by the technical environment at this time, the development of industrial integration has to be done step by step.

However, the various ideas put forward by Xia Jingxing still shocked these TV people, they didn't expect that TV could play like this.

The young engineers who developed Coocaa TV were very excited, and felt that the new boss was very forward-looking in technology and had a common language with them.

After having lunch with Skyworth's people, Xia Jingxing left.

He brought Liu Xiaoduo to Che Gong Temple, and was going to meet a netizen, or Mian Ji.

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