My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and twelve, dream set sail

"Okay, let's take a look at the new music player for the new era of smartphones."

After the scene completely quieted down, Xia Jingxing clicked on a music symbol application on the phone's main interface.

On the projected large screen, the page jumps instantly, and the songs are arranged in a list. At the bottom of the interface, from left to right, there are four buttons such as playlist, album, singer, and more.

"Let's play 'Dangerous,' so where is it?"

Xia Jingxing flicked his finger down, and the list of songs scrolled up like flowing water.

"Found it! Attention everyone, on the right side of the interface, we also designed and arranged 26 letters from top to bottom to help you quickly find songs.

Of course, even without these initials as a guide, I believe that turning pages with fingers to find songs is far better than pressing pages with keyboards.

Sometimes, there are too many songs stored in the mobile phone, and our fingers are swollen, but we haven't found the song we want to listen to.

Or like this, turning the page too fast, resulting in overtaking, we usually can only yell "damn", and then go back to continue searching, very helpless.

If this is often the case, not to mention our fingers can't bear it, even the keyboard will be dented, causing the keyboard to fail, and the keyboard must be replaced.

If you don't believe me, you can pull out your keyboard phone and see if the keyboard is worn?

Even some people's keyboards have been worn off even the icons, and the keyboard is all based on feeling. "

Many people took out their mobile phones and found that this is really the case. The commonly used keys are obviously recessed than other keys. Some letters and icons on the keyboard have even disappeared. It is really all about feeling and memory.

Xia Jingxing complained about his friends for a while, and finally started playing the song.


Along with the performance of the song, the circular record on the mobile phone interface is constantly rotating, and the appearance of the record is the album cover. MJ is wearing a mask, only showing a pair of eyes.

"The cover is very cool, now we click on the album cover, look, we have come to the back of it, there are other songs of the same album displayed here, it is very convenient to find songs.

There are three buttons below the playlist, which are Previous, Pause, and Next.

We like this, hit pause,

The song stops playing.

The progress bar at the bottom, so that you can adjust the volume by sliding left and right. "

After the demonstration, Xia Jingxing exited the music playback interface, and displayed the album, artist, and more interfaces in turn.

The reason why the classification is so detailed is to help users find songs faster and more accurately.

Looking at the audience below, Xia Jingxing paused the demonstration and said with a smile, "What do you think of this music player now?"


There were whistles and applause from the audience again.

"I think so too, but there are better things to come."

Xia Jingxing did not give the audience too much time to react, and quickly demonstrated the video player again.

Today, he wants to make these audiences dazzled and their minds completely conquered.

The relevant interface and functions of the video player are similar to those of the music player.

But when the mobile phone was turned upside down and turned into a horizontal screen to play the video, the audience was surprised again, and then they gave out overwhelming applause.

No matter how ignorant the audience is, they also know that the mobile phone screen is horizontal like a TV, and the viewing experience will be better!

With this black technology product, what MP4 do you need?

Satisfied with the audience's reaction, Xia Jingxing smiled, and then extended his moves outward.

"I just said that to redefine mobile phones, what is the most basic function of mobile phones? It is to make calls.

Now let's take a look at how the ZTE phone makes calls. "

Xia Jingxing clicked the phone icon on the main interface, and the page jumped. Several recent contacts lay on the second-level page. At the bottom, from left to right, there were several buttons such as frequently used, recent, address book, dial, and voice message.

With Xia Jingxing's fingers flicking lightly, the address book began to scroll upwards, and even flicked upwards when it touched the bottom.

Some people understand this function and think it is a very thoughtful little design.

"I want to call my friend Andrew now, just find his name in the address book and click on his name."

Following Xia Jingxing's finger pressing, the page jumps to the dialing interface.

In the interface, in addition to the hands-free and hang-up buttons, there is also a background image of the Egyptian pyramids.

"Andrew, good morning! I have a good news for you, the ZTE mobile phone is finally built!

You said before that when the revival mobile phone is built, it will be the first to call you, so that you can enjoy the brand-new calling experience brought by the smartphone.

Now I've got your wish, how do you feel, man? "

"It feels great, even your annoying guy's voice is much more pleasing to the ear than usual."

Andrew and Xia Jingxing had a humorous interaction, and then the fat man held his mobile phone, stood up from the audience with a smile on his face, and waved his hands around like a star.

The photographer gave him a close-up shot, and a big face immediately appeared on the other screen on the stage, occupying most of the area.

The audience in the audience laughed and applauded.

After the interaction was over, Xia Jingxing hung up the phone, looked at the audience and said, "This is a shortcut dial, if there is no address book stored in the phone, and there is no recent call history, how can I make a call?

It's very simple, we can click the dial button below. "

The audience in the audience opened their eyes wide and looked at the virtual keyboard that appeared on the projection screen. Everyone's expression was a little surprised. This phone really brought them more and more surprises.

Another call was made using the dial pad. After demonstrating the manual dialing, Xia Jingxing then began to demonstrate and introduce some small functions, including visual voicemail, multi-person calls, top contacts, and so on.

"Next, let's take a look at SMS text messages."

Xia Jingxing clicked on the text message icon to enter the secondary page, where there were several historical text messages.

Seeing the text message page on the big screen, some people feel a little disappointed. This is no different from the previous text message system, right?

But after Xia Jingxing clicked on the text message and entered the third-level page, they immediately changed their minds.

"This is a text message Andrew sent me. After clicking on it, I can see that the few text messages he sent me a few days ago and the few text messages I replied to him are arranged in the form of a conversation, and there is still time Display, all information is clear at a glance.

You can read historical messages by flipping up, and you don’t have to worry about missing information due to too many and complicated text messages.

Oh, Andrew also invited me to eat Chinese food tonight, and now I reply to him: OK, today's product launch is relatively popular, I have to reward myself. Please order an extra General Tso's chicken, thank you for your cooperation. "

Through the small screen on the stage, the audience saw that Xia Jingxing once again demonstrated his extraordinary hand speed, his hands were flying, and he typed in just a few seconds.

Lin Bing, Zhou Guangping and others in the audience smiled and said nothing. This is not the first time they have seen the boss use a smart phone, and they don't know why the boss is more proficient in using it than these R\u0026D personnel.

There were not many innovations in the SMS function, Xia Jingxing quickly skipped it, and the demonstration went to the photo library.

As soon as you open the photo library, the top is the Great Wall, the Pyramids and other seven human miracles, and there are portrait photos and landscape photos when you scroll down.

"These photos can be set as the boot background image, the dial background image, whatever you want."

Xia Jingxing randomly clicked on a photo of a child, and turned his phone sideways to the camera, "Don't be distracted, the surprise is here."

The photo of the white child was instantly magnified, and even the freckles on his face were clearly visible, but soon, the photo was instantly shrunk.

People with good eyesight noticed that Xia Jingxing used his fingers and thumb, and the two fingers kept opening and closing, and the photo kept zooming in and out following the movements of the fingers.

Xia Jingxing introduced the "Zoom" function emphatically in words, and at the same time demonstrated it several times with his hands, and did not stop until everyone understood it.

"Now that we have demonstrated the mobile phone, handheld game console, MP3, MP4 and other functions of Fuxing mobile phone, it is time to demonstrate the PC function we mentioned at the beginning, that is, the Internet access function.

It is a brand-new Internet service, which is absolutely different from the WAP Internet in the past. It has Yahoo Mail, IE mobile browser, Naftec map, and small tools such as weather and stocks. "

"Now let's start with the introduction of Yahoo Mail, which is the world's largest email service provider with 250 million users worldwide.

At present, we have reached a cooperation with Yahoo, and Yahoo Mail will provide free email push service for all Fuxing mobile phone users, just like BlackBerry. "

Hearing this, the audience applauded one after another, because BlackBerry mobile phone users stood at the top of the chain of contempt for mobile phones because of this mailbox function.

Americans love email, so this app is a big draw.

The interface of the mailbox is similar to that of a text message, but after clicking on it, in addition to text, there are photos and links.

Xia Jingxing demonstrated how to check emails and reply emails, and then introduced small functions such as inbox, outbox, draft box, etc. in turn.

"Now we open the IE browser and try to visit Facebook. There are too many pictures, which makes the loading a bit slow. Fortunately, we have already connected to WiFi."

Limited by the internet speed at this time, it took a few seconds to access Facebook.

What made Xia Jingxing a little dissatisfied was that there was no "mobile version" of the webpage at this time, and what was displayed was the super-large webpage of the PC version, with all the interface looking a bit messy and the fonts so small that they could not be read clearly.

However, fortunately, there is a zoom function, Xia Jingxing zoomed in on the webpage one by one, and took the audience to visit his own Facebook account.

Visiting the Facebook account of the founder of Facebook is very attractive. Many people are staring at the big screen intently, unwilling to let go of a detail.

At this time, Xia Jingxing suddenly picked up his mobile phone, pointed the camera at the audience, and took a pitch-black photo.

Then he uploaded the photo to his public homepage, and edited the text to write: "Here is the site of the Fuxing mobile phone conference, take the time to post a news."

After posting the news, Xia Jingxing said to the audience: "Users whose mobile phones have WAP Internet access function, can check it now to see if the news is displayed?"

Hearing this, someone in the audience immediately took out their mobile phone and began to visit the WAP version of Facebook.

Facebook has developed a mobile version, that is, a WAP version of the webpage, but it is relatively small, and access and browsing are not as convenient as computers, and few people use it.

The audience whispered to each other, and some people stretched their heads to check the mobile phones of the audience next to them.

The news is really published successfully!

After confirming, there was a round of applause from the audience.

"Now that we bookmark the Facebook page, who should we visit next? Visit YouTube."

While talking, Xia Jingxing began to enter the YouTube website.

This time, it took longer to load, and it took half a minute to enter the website.

"We're not posting videos here because it's taking too long to upload and we're trying to play a video."

Xia Jingxing zoomed in on the webpage, randomly clicked on a video on the homepage of Youtube, loaded it for a while, and the video began to play.

Many viewers nodded inwardly, focusing on the Internet access function, this phone is worth buying.

At this time, there is no mobile phone that zooms in on the web at all on the market. Compared with others, WAP Internet access is directly reduced to scum in seconds.

Then, Xia Jingxing demonstrated and introduced the two applications of weather and stock.

"Finally, let's look at the map.

As we all know, Naftec is one of the largest electronic map suppliers in the world. Now this excellent company has reached a cooperation with Fuxing Mobile to jointly create a mobile map for users. "

Xia Jingxing clicked on the map icon, and a map of the fifty states of the United States appeared on the secondary page.

"Use two fingers to zoom in and out, and the scale of the map can be zoomed in and out. Now let's see, where are we on the map?"

As Xia Jingxing kept spreading his two fingers, the map of the entire bay area appeared on the large projection screen.

Gradually, a red dot can be seen shining continuously.

"Okay, we found our location, now we are going to find a Starbucks, you can enter Starbucks in the search bar at the top."

Soon, the search results came out, the screen was full of bright red dots, and there was a list of nearby Starbucks addresses at the bottom of the page.

Then, Xia Jingxing started to show the satellite map again.

Following the screen projection on the mobile phone, 3,000 spectators at the scene visited the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Washington Monument and other world-famous attractions.

It's just that the accuracy of the current civilian satellite map is far from being as high-definition as the street view map in the future.

On the big screen, even if the satellite map is maximized, the Eiffel Tower looks like a big pillar, and the figures on the ground cannot be seen clearly at all. The significance of the decoration is more than practicality.

"Today, we are honored to invite our partner, Mr. Bill Gates, and welcome Mr. Gates to speak on stage."

After almost all the functions of the mobile phone were introduced, Xia Jingxing began to invite important guests. As the richest man, Gates was the first.

Gates laughed and walked quickly onto the stage, shaking hands with Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jing walked back to the demonstration stage on the side, leaving the big stage to Gates.

"I like this product very much. The brand-new design concept perfectly integrates hardware and software, which has always been the goal pursued by Microsoft.

Dai Lun said that Fuxing Mobile is redefining mobile phones, and I agree with this sentence very much.

A series of new technologies such as touch screen, multi-touch, and gravity sensing have been applied to this mobile phone. I believe this will bring new thinking to the entire mobile phone industry.

In cooperation with Fuxing Mobile, Microsoft opened the IE browser and Live Search (the predecessor of Bing) search engine.

This is an era full of openness. Countless excellent companies open their data interfaces to each other and work together to create those truly outstanding products.

From Microsoft's point of view, we will do our best to cooperate with partner companies and provide the best products we can.

In this way, Fuxing mobile phones and other devices in the future can use our Internet services. "

After finishing speaking, Bill Gates turned around and gestured to Xia Jingxing, "Daren, congratulations, this product will definitely be a hit."

Xia Jingxing smiled, walked over to shake hands with Gates, and Gates walked off the stage amid applause.

Then, Xia Jingxing successively invited the CEO of Naftec and a senior executive of Yahoo to speak on stage.

Because Yang Zhiyuan agreed to participate in Apple's press conference, Fuxing Mobile only sent a chief operating officer.

But it doesn't matter, the two people who took the stage later, like Gates, first praised the Fuxing mobile phone, and then made some soft news for their own company.

The press conference is here, and it is nearing the end.

Many people still have something to say!

Xia Jingxing seemed to know what these people were thinking, and began to review the innovative functions of Fuxing mobile phone through PPT.

"There are many innovative technologies in Fuxing mobile phone, and now I will review it with everyone.

Multi-finger touch screen, unprecedented miniaturization in the industry;

Excellent battery management system, 5 hours of continuous talk, video, surfing the Internet, and 15 hours of music playback;

Innovative smartphone operating system - Android;

Desktop-level application software;

3.5-inch full touch screen that can watch videos and pictures in horizontal screen;

The ultimate gaming experience comparable to a handheld;


Xia Jing walked in the center of the stage, spread his hands and said: "Over the past year or so, we have made various innovations and attempts frantically, and have applied for more than 100 patents for Fuxing Mobile.

That's right, next we have to protect these intellectual property rights. "

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, is this a warning to friends and businessmen?

"Next, I'm going to talk about the topic that everyone is most concerned about. How much is the price of the revival mobile phone?"

Hearing this, everyone focused on the figure on the stage.

"Before uncovering the mystery, let's look at another set of PPTs."

The audience whose appetite has been slackened is all crossed in their hearts, and their pants are all taken off, so just show me this.

In order to achieve marketing effects, Xia Jingxing could only continue to use Mr. Jia's PPT method.

“The price of MP4 is 200 US dollars, the general mobile phone is 200 or 300 US dollars, the handheld is 200 US dollars, and the general PC is 500 US dollars.

So all these electronic devices add up to $1,100? $1200? "

The audience, especially some students, became uneasy. Electronic equipment worth thousands of dollars is considered very expensive.

Xia Jingxing deliberately did not mention the price, and quickly reviewed the attractive functions of the Fuxing mobile phone through the PPT.

Then he said earnestly: "Although we are newcomers in the industry, we also hope to contribute to the transformation of consumer electronics. The first step is to let more people afford Fuxing mobile phones, and combine the innovation of this mobile phone with Fun places to share with friends and relatives around you.

So..., we decided not to have $1200 nor $1100. "

Xia Jingxing pressed the PPT controller in his hand, pointed to the big screen and said, "499 dollars, 4GB version; 599 dollars, 8GB version."

The audience in the audience applauded, this price is twice as expensive as the average mobile phone, but there is a reason why it is expensive. In terms of the functions displayed, it is completely worth the price.

"When will it be released?"

Xia Jingxing asked himself and answered: "Next year in June! Because during this period, we need to pass the review of the Federal Communications Commission.

In June 2007, the United States and China will implement simultaneous sales, Europe in the fourth quarter of next year, and Asia and other regions in 2008. "

"Well, let's take a look at how big the consumer electronics market is. Based on the performance reports of the first three quarters of major manufacturers, we speculate on the sales volume of consumer electronics in 2006.

26 million handhelds, 94 million digital cameras, 135 million MP3/4, 210 million computers, and 1 billion mobile phones.

This means that only 10 million mobile phones are sold to occupy 1% of the market in the mobile phone industry.

And our goal for 2008 is to sell 10 million units throughout the year.

We entered the mobile phone industry with a 1% market share as the starting point.

This is an industry full of giants, but we firmly believe that we have the best products in the world.

Then, let's fight! Let the storm come harder! Let's see if we can achieve our goals?

OK, thank you very much, please join us to witness the start of the revival of the mobile phone dream! "

As soon as Xia Jingxing finished speaking, the lights of the big curtain behind him changed rapidly, and a small white sailboat sailing towards the sea appeared on the screen, rushing towards the endless blue sea with an indomitable momentum.


There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the applause almost shook the roof down.

This time, the voice of the atmosphere group was suppressed, and all the audience applauded this product that conquered their minds from the bottom of their hearts.

A revolutionary product that deserves such praise.

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