My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and thirteen, aiming to lead the world

After the press conference ended, the audience began to leave one after another.

Wang Tao and Li Zexiang didn't move their buttocks, the latter was still persuading the former earnestly.

"Have you seen it now? This is the energy of capital. With your own efforts, can you create such an epoch-making mobile phone?"

Wang Tao was silent. Compared with Fuxing mobile phone, DJI is a scumbag.

No matter how arrogant he is in his heart, in the face of the huge gap, he has to admit that this phone seems to be alien technology.

This is also the goal he has always wanted to pursue, to develop a drone similar to alien technology.

Wang Tao suddenly turned his head and asked, "Teacher, what do you think about the future of Fuxing Mobile?"

"Just like its name, it leads the revival of Chinese mobile phones."

Li Zexiang murmured: "The reason why this name is so big must be that Mr. Xia has placed high hopes on it."

"Lead China's mobile phone to revival?"

Wang Tao frowned, and muttered to himself: "Have domestic mobile phone companies ever been brilliant?"

Li Zexiang loves and hates Wang Tao's love of cutting corners. What he loves is that he can bring this thirst for knowledge and seriousness into scientific research work, and what he hates is that he is completely unsophisticated and difficult to mix in a complex social environment.

"In ancient China, technology was still very advanced. You can understand "Renaissance" from this perspective."


Wang Tao scratched his head, and then asked again: "Then teacher, do you think Fuxing Mobile can reach the sales target of tens of millions of units in the next year?"

Li Zexiang pondered for a moment, then replied: "It's hard to say, $499 and $599 are not very expensive for Americans and people in some developed countries, most people only have a weekly salary.

But for ordinary people in China, the exchange rate of 1 to 7.8, if the prices are synchronized, is more than 3,000 to 4,000 yuan, which is equivalent to two months' salary for most people.

Fuxing Mobile should focus on overseas markets, which can be seen from the location of their product launch in the United States.

Tsk tsk tsk~, it’s really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, this is the first time for a domestic technology company! "

While talking, Li Zexiang actually started talking to himself, "However, judging from the technology displayed by Fuxing mobile phones, they have the ability to go overseas to seize the market.

The strength to compete with Silicon Valley technology companies.

Xia Jingxing is very powerful, he travels between China and the United States, and the layout is deep and wide, and this scene is set up in one fell swoop! He is indeed a person who has seen the world. "

Wang Tao was confused, "Teacher, you haven't answered my question yet?"


Li Zexiang came back to his senses, and realized that he had strayed from the topic, and quickly said: "To complete the shipment target of 10 million units, we are technically capable, but I am more worried about their sales channels."

Li Zexiang's vision is very vicious, and he can see the weakness of Fuxing mobile phone at a glance.

Sometimes, the smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

Wang Tao was going to continue to ask, but a staff member wearing a Fuxing mobile phone uniform walked towards them and said with a smile, "You two, Mr. Xia invites you to go over."

"Okay, it's time to work."

Li Zexiang smiled and got up, Wang Tao also pressed the question in his heart and followed.

The two were brought to a small room at the backstage of the venue. Xia Jingxing was drinking water in the room. When he saw the two coming, he immediately got up to meet them and shook hands with them respectively.

"Wang Tao, Professor Li, please sit down."

After Xia Jingxing greeted the two of them to take their seats, he smiled and said, "I've been really busy these few days, and I haven't taken time to meet with you. Please forgive me if there is any negligence."

Li Zexiang looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile, and he had a good impression of Xia Jingxing's approachability. As the richest man in the mainland, it was really rare to be so respectful to a corporal.

At the same time, Li Zexiang discovered that those unscrupulous editors in Hong Kong Island were obviously making up things, and it was pure nonsense to portray Xia Jingxing as a domineering, self-respecting person.

The media on Hong Kong Island are just like that.

"Mr. Xia, congratulations. The mobile phone you launched is really amazing. I believe it will definitely occupy a place in the mobile phone field."

Xia Jingxing smiled, Li Zexiang, the teacher, obviously talked more than Wang Tao, the student.

And Li Zexiang's resume is also very good, it can even be said to be quite excellent.

Born in Hunan Province in 1961, he was admitted to the Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in the first year after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

In 1979, he was sent by the government to study in the United States, and completed his undergraduate, master's, Ph.

In 1992, he began to teach in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Now he is also a professor at the Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology Pengcheng.

In addition to investing in DJI founded by student Wang Tao, other student entrepreneurial projects invested by Li Zexiang, such as Liqun Automation and Yidong Technology, have developed very well.

In addition, Li Zexiang also initiated and co-founded the Hong Kong Island Clear Water Bay Entrepreneurship Fund, Songshan Lake Robot Industry Base, Star City Robot Research Institute, Star City Autonomous Driving Research Institute, and jointly established the Hong Kong Island X Venture Platform with Shen Beipeng.

He is a bigwig who straddles the academic and venture capital circles.

Of course, Li Zexiang's success is inseparable from the brilliance of DJI.

However, at the most difficult time for Wang Tao, it was Li Zexiang who provided the funds and recommended many outstanding students to join Wang Tao's team, which led to the glory behind DJI.

Therefore, the two are mutually successful.

Xia Jingxing looked at Li Zexiang with a smile. This professor's style is very similar to the professors at Stanford. They all like to invest in students, push scientific research results to the market, and industrialize them.

The reason why venture capitalists like Shen Beipeng value him is because they value his ability to train students to be bosses.

At present, academic entrepreneurship is not as popular in China as grassroots entrepreneurship, because the latter are more adaptable to the market and have no taboos in fighting.

But more than ten years later, academics and hard technology entrepreneurship became popular, all of which are cutting-edge technology fields such as autonomous driving and AI robots. They are quite unfriendly to grassroots, and the threshold for entrepreneurship has become higher and higher.

"President Xia, can you show me your mobile phone on the table?" Wang Tao seemed to have thought about it for a long time before he finally summoned up the courage to say this. He looked at Xia Jingxing eagerly, very afraid of being rejected.

"of course!"

Xia Jingxing handed the mobile phone to Wang Tao, and then said with a smile, "I will ask the staff to give you and Professor Li a mobile phone later."

Hearing this, Wang Tao did not hide his true emotions, his face was full of joy.

Li Zexiang was much more mature and serious, and asked, "Mr. Xia, your mobile phone hasn't been launched yet, so it won't affect you, right?"

"No, no, no!"

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, very generous, because they made hundreds of mobile phones in this batch, and gave them away casually.

Li Zexiang glanced at Wang Tao, who was playing with his mobile phone like a child. He suddenly felt a headache, coughed, and said, "Wang Tao, don't you have something to say to Mr. Xia? Mr. Xia's time is precious, we still Don't keep him too long."

Hearing this, Wang Tao put down his phone, looked at Xia Jingxing and said, "Mr. Xia, I have decided to accept your investment. As long as it can produce a product like Fuxing Mobile, it will be worth it no matter what."

Li Zexiang looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile, waiting for his next words.

"I can invest 100 million yuan in DJI, but I want 70% of the shares. At the same time, DJI will join Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group and become one of the member companies."

Xia Jingxing looked at the master and the apprentice, and gave his quotation and investment conditions.

Hearing this, Wang Tao's face suddenly collapsed, and he put down his phone, as if he was very unhappy.

Li Zexiang was different. He was much calmer. He still kept a faint smile on his face and asked, "Mr. Xia, isn't this the usual practice of venture capital? It's more acquisition?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "According to the usual practice, DJI is not worth 100 million yuan, but I appreciate Wang Tao's hard work and willingness to give a premium to talents.

Of course, I also hope that Professor Li can join DJI to take care of Wang Tao and do some general work so that Wang Tao can focus on research and development. "

The amount of information is a bit large.

But Li Zexiang quickly figured it out.

First, only appreciating Wang Tao's technical talent, not enough management level.

Second, let yourself join DJI and help Wang Tao share some management work.

Third, only invest money, will not intervene too much in daily work, and still rely heavily on the two of you.

If there was no condition for holding shares, Li Zexiang thought that the conditions offered by Xia Jingxing were so good that they even took into account Wang Tao's flaws, so he brought himself, a mentor, into the team.

Li Zexiang asked: "Do I have to be a controlling shareholder? A DJI that hasn't even launched a formal product, is it so worthy of Mr. Xia's attention? Or, Xia always values ​​the future potential of the drone industry?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "The current drone industry, or even can't be called an industry, except for military drones, civilian drones are just a group of hobbyists.

The water in this industry is very deep, and research and development may be a bottomless pit.

When DJI joins Fuxing Industrial Group, in addition to getting help in terms of funds, it can also get support from a huge system of resources in terms of technology and supply chain. "

Li Zexiang nodded, "I understand, Mr. Xia, you want DJI to grow quickly."

"Yes, just like we were the first to launch an epoch-making smartphone, if DJI can be the first to launch a truly high-performance drone, I think it might be possible to test the waters in the international market.

Foreigners like to travel outdoors and pursue all kinds of novel big toys. Maybe the product sales are more popular than those in China.

One step ahead, step by step, DJI may not be able to be the leader in the global drone field. "

Li Zexiang nodded slightly, Xia Jingxing made no secret of his optimism in the field of drones, and even more ambitiously wanted to be number one in this field.

If he does not accept his holding, he may give up DJI and start anew.

Accepting Xia Jingxing's conditions, the development of DJI can directly improve several steps, maybe it can also sail to the international track like Fuxing Mobile, but the price is to become a minority shareholder.

If you don't accept the conditions, DJI will develop slowly by itself, and may have a bright future, but it is more likely that like most start-up companies, it will die in obscurity.

Li Zexiang himself also started a company outside, and he is well aware of the cruelty of entrepreneurship and the low probability of success.

If it is up to him to choose, there is nothing to hesitate, and he directly chooses to join the Fuxing Industrial Group family.

This path is not 100% successful, at least 80% successful. Even if it fails, you can still work in a mobile phone company and have a good future.

But DJI is not his, he can't make the decision, so he looked to Wang Tao.

"I will not sell the company."

Wang Tao's attitude was decisive, and he refused very simply.

"It's a chicken head and anchovies option!"

Xia Jingxing looked at Wang Tao and said calmly, "You forgot what I told you a few days ago?

What do you want to achieve with a drone? wealth? fame? ideal? "

Li Zexiang nodded secretly in his heart. He felt that Xia Jingxing's question was good. His student was born a technical talent, but he was not a particularly suitable entrepreneur. Among other things, his personality was a big problem.

The most suitable position for Wang Tao is actually technical management, freeing himself from complicated company affairs and focusing on research and development.

You can start a business with complementary people, but doing it alone is a disaster.

Looking at it now, Xia Jingxing's conditions are actually a kind of joint venture. Xia Jingxing provides funds and resources, and covers everything, so that Wang Tao has no worries at all and can carry out research and development with peace of mind.

If I, a student, started my business for fame and ideals, the hand of friendship that Xia Jingxing extended was undoubtedly an opportunity.

And if you start a business for the sake of wealth, if you pay so many shares at one time, you will benefit in the short term, but not necessarily in the long run.

However, then again, DJI is now penniless, and its shares are worthless at all.

What Xia Jingxing valued was Wang Tao.

Wang Tao was seriously thinking about Xia Jingxing's words, what did he hope to gain from the drone?

"Ideal, I hope to realize my childhood ideal and develop a drone that can hover in the air."

Wang Tao still hasn't finished his sentence, starting a company is to serve this ideal. Of course, it is the best to be able to support the family and completely free from material troubles in life.

Xia Jingxing smiled, he knew that this guy didn't start his business for money, otherwise he wouldn't have rejected the investor who came to him last time.

Starting a business in a small warehouse of less than 20 square meters, decisively rejecting investors, is this something that ordinary entrepreneurs can do?

Since we want to talk about ideals, then Xia Jingxing is best at this.

"It's easy to realize your childhood dream, a drone that can hover, but this is only a phased goal. What will happen after it is realized? What have you thought about doing? Or what do you want to do?"

Wang Tao was dumbfounded by Xia Jingxing's series of soul-torture questions. After a while, he said, "Open a small company to support yourself and satisfy your hobbies."

"I also said last time that big companies will use their advantages in technology, cost, marketing and other aspects to crush small companies into slag."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Li Zexiang, "You can ask Professor Li, what is the minimum number of mobile phone shipments to be profitable?"

"Generally, for mobile phones on the market, at least hundreds of thousands of shipments are required to dilute various costs such as R\u0026D and marketing.

Mr. Xia and the others have invested a lot in the research and development of the Fuxing mobile phone. It is estimated that it will cost several million units, right? "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "That's right, this is also a market trend, consumer electronics are becoming more and more sophisticated, and the market structure is becoming more and more sophisticated.

There is no Xanadu, but there are also Xanadu for big companies.

If you really want to continue the drone business for a long time, the only way to go is to continue to make the company bigger and stronger. "

"But if this is the case, the control of the company is no longer in my hands, so what's the point?" Wang Tao asked.

Xia Jingxing replied lightly: "I won't get involved in DJI too much, you can research any aircraft you want, as long as the company is getting bigger and stronger, then our goal will be the same.

If the company gets worse and worse, it will collapse, and it will be the same if I intervene or not.

The company is gone, your ideals are all shattered, so what if you have 100% control? "

At this time, Li Zexiang also came out to help and said: "Wang Tao, with Mr. Xia's investment, you can build a research and development laboratory that is ten times or a hundred times larger than what you have now, and you can decide everything in the laboratory.

You don't need to worry about whether you can sell the products you produce.

You only need to do one thing well, research and development.

Isn't this what you've always dreamed of? Have you ever thought about how DJI makes money and survives?

Starting a company is a complicated matter. It is not enough to make a good product. Those annoying mundane tasks are too many to imagine.

Of course, if you are willing to change yourself and try to adapt to those mundane affairs, DJI still has a chance.

An excellent entrepreneur cannot only understand technology, but must continue to learn and evolve to adapt to the increasingly complex business environment.

In short, think it over for yourself and make up your own mind. "

If it wasn't for the fear of Wang Tao's misunderstanding, Li Zexiang would have wanted to persuade Wang Tao to quickly agree to Xia Jingxing and let it go. There is a high probability that you will not be famous if you start your own business.

It's not that Li Zexiang's vision is bad, but that Wang Tao is at this level at this time. Any investor will see that he is full of holes. The only shining point is his dedication to technology.

At this time, domestic VCs do not value technology the least, thinking that they are only generals, and it is difficult to control an entire army. If the CEO does not understand technology, it is enough to recruit a technical partner or a good R\u0026D team. This is the preference of many people. idea.

Wang Tao thought about it for a long time, and his expression kept changing, as if he was making a difficult decision.

In the end, he took a long breath and replied, "Well, I agree. However, I also have a condition?"

He looked at Xia Jingxing, and said slowly: "I want to recruit and build a top team in the industry to make the most perfect product."

"That 100 million yuan was originally spent on your research and development. If you can invite Turing Award winners to join the company, I will not object."

Xia Jingxing looked at Wang Tao, smiled and said, "Like you, I am an aviation enthusiast. I hope to see the appearance of drones with better and better performance. It can fly over mountains, rivers, and canyons, just like Fuxing mobile phones. , bringing some new fun to people's boring life."

Wang Tao nodded lightly. He considered a lot. The reason why he let go of his agreement was not because of Xia Jingxing's richest man in the mainland, but because of Fuxing Mobile.

Geeks only appreciate geeks, and Xia Jingxing's ability to tinker with Fuxing mobile phone should also help him realize his ideals.

He transferred some of his appreciation for Jobs from his previous life to Xia Jingxing in this life by accident.

Ape dung is so wonderful.

Xia Jingxing was very happy, he finally took down Dajiang, and it was worth all his talking.

His attitude towards DJI is actually not special. The reason why he chose a controlling merger is because he feels that DJI can complement Fuxing Industrial Group.

The reason why DJI ranks first in the global consumer-grade drones is because the cost is well controlled, the advantages of China's supply chain are obvious, and many of the accessories are common to smartphones.

At the same time, having an additional consumer electronics brand that ranks first in the world can further defend and improve Fuxing Industrial Group's high-end manufacturing brand.

In addition, he also hopes to further expand the business of Fuxing Industrial Group to several fields such as aviation, transportation, and robotics through DJI. These are industries that can carry out long-term struggle.

Then, Xia Jingxing began to mention the share distribution plan: "For the 30% of the shares, you can get 10% for Wang Tao, Professor Li for 5%, and the other 15% for the employee option pool."

Wang Tao nodded, agreeing.

Seeing that the students agreed so readily, Li Zexiang naturally had no objection, and nodded accordingly.

Xia Jingxing said: "Well, you guys stay in the United States for a few more days, there will be a product launch event in a few days, we can witness it together."

"There's still a press conference?" Wang Tao almost forgot that Xia Jingxing had mentioned this before.

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly.

"How does it compare to Fuxing mobile phone?" Li Zexiang asked.

"Being strong but not weak will redefine an industry." Xia Jingxing's tone was calm, very Versailles.

Li Zexiang and Wang Tao are completely speechless, and they will redefine the industry at every turn.

But then I thought about it, what a terrible thing it would be to really have the level of revival of mobile phones!

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