My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventeenth, the honest man's counterattack

Just a few hours after the Apple product launch event, online public opinion against Fuxing Mobile has intensified, and endless abuse has flooded Facebook, Youtube and other platforms.

Jobs led a group of Apple executives and held a celebration banquet at the hotel with Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, Google chairman Schmidt, and CEO Stan Higman, the largest wireless operator in the United States, who were invited to attend the press conference.

"Steven, congratulations, I think public opinion has completely sided with Apple."

Schmidt is not only the chairman of Google, but also a director of Apple. At this moment, he is holding a wine glass to congratulate Jobs.


Jobs clinked glasses with Schmidt, and he was in a good mood at the moment, because, as Schmidt said, public opinion has turned to Apple in a large area, and the revival mobile phone seems to have solidified its reputation as a plagiarist.

The resentment he felt yesterday because he was slapped with a sap by Fuxing's mobile phone has dissipated a lot.

Although this is a bit disrespectful of martial arts, taking advantage of the identity of an American company, but in commercial competition, who would care about means, if you have an advantage, you are a fool if you don't use it.

And for a thief company like Fuxing Mobile, Jobs felt that there was no need to keep his hands, until he was killed.

"Steven, is there anything I can help you with?"

Stan Higman came over and said with a smile: "We and Apple are strategic partners. If anyone blocks our cooperation, just crush him."

Jobs understood the hint. It is not a big company, but the parent company AT\u0026amp;T behind it is a behemoth, and its status in the United States is equivalent to China Mobile.

"Haha, Stan, thank you, I will speak up if I need it, come on, let's toast our cooperation."

Jobs picked up his glass and touched Higman.

At this time, Yang Zhiyuan also came over with a cup, and said with a smile: "Steven, Apple's press conference was a success, congratulations to you and Apple."

Looking at Yang Zhiyuan's yellow face, Jobs' eyes flashed doubt and coldness.

In fact, in addition to suspecting Apple's internal thieves, he also suspected these external partners.

Among them, the most suspected one is Jerry Yang, who is also Chinese with Xia Jingxing.

"Jerry, I heard that you and Darren Xia have a very good relationship. Yahoo and Vision Capital also jointly invested in China's largest e-commerce company Ahri?"

Jobs looked at Yang Zhiyuan with a smile,

Interested to see how the latter answers this question.

The two white men, Schmidt and Higman, also looked at Yang Zhiyuan with a smile, ready to watch a good show.

According to their understanding and inherent impression of the Chinese, this is a timid, timid, and humble race.

They guessed that Yang Zhiyuan would try his best to disregard his relationship with Xia Jingxing, claiming that they were just ordinary partnerships.

as expected!

Yang Zhiyuan said indifferently: "The relationship between the two of us is average. Yahoo has competed with Facebook before, and investing in Ali is just a company-level cooperation."

Jobs smiled, and the other two white men also smiled knowingly.

Yang Zhiyuan felt that the smiles of the three people were a bit malicious, and asked, "Steven, what do you mean by asking?"

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."

Jobs shrugged with a smile, and continued to ask: "Then what kind of person do you think Derren Xia is?"

Yang Zhiyuan glanced at Jobs, then at the other two white men, and found that all three of them seemed to have a joke mentality.

This reminded him of the scene he saw in school.

The white student does not play with the Chinese student, and encourages the Chinese student to bully another Chinese student.

Then, the Chinese student agreed and punched his compatriots.

The picture is actually ridiculous, and the Tubai people accept him and stop beating him.

And he was the Chinese student who was beaten.

The white people throw out some benefits that are not called benefits at all, to provoke the Chinese to fight among themselves, and then the white people seem to be watching a farce, standing aside and pointing, in order to trample on the dignity of the Chinese and satisfy their superior psychology .

Now that he has become a billionaire, it is true that no white student will beat him up anymore, but the upper class in the United States still faintly reveals their rejection and disrespect for him.

"Dai Lun is very smart, he is the smartest and most talented Chinese young man I have ever seen, in him, we can see the crystallization of the five thousand years of wisdom of the Chinese nation.

During the rise of Facebook, I also saw many shadows of ancient Chinese military books, such as Sun Tzu's Art of War. "

After World War II, the study of Sun Tzu's Art of War became popular in European and American high society, and many great commanders were his loyal fans, including Chuan Bao.

Even if big businessmen don't study it, most of them have heard of it, so they are not unfamiliar with Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Schmidt smiled, "Really? You think highly of Darren Xia. It's certain that he is talented, but his character is not very good."

Yang Zhiyuan didn't answer, he had already tasted it, these people just wanted to see the jokes among the Chinese.

Jobs and Higman were slightly disappointed not to see Jerry Yang bashing another Chinese.

However, it is enough to mention one thing, Yang Zhiyuan is not willing to do what they want, and they will not force them too much. Anyway, Yahoo is still a partner.

That is to say, I know that the Chinese have a relatively high tolerance, and they pay attention to making big things small, and if they are white or black, they really dare not provoke them like this.



The entrance of a hotel in Silicon Valley.

As soon as Xia Jingxing got out of the car, he was treated like a celebrity. Countless reporters crowded in front of him, and the microphone was about to be put into his mouth.

"Daren, is Fuxing mobile phone really copied from Apple?"

"Darren, Jobs has sued you, how do you respond?"



More than a dozen bodyguards with big arms separated the reporters like a wall, with Xia Jingxing protecting Xia Jingxing in the middle, and walked towards the hotel together.

"Don't push, don't squeeze, we held this press conference temporarily to answer your questions.

Please go to the hotel and sit down first, and we will answer your questions there. "

Lin Bing yelled a few times and finally got the situation under control. The reporters followed Xia Jingxing and swarmed into the hotel.

The press conference held by Fuxing Mobile was a bit sudden, which led to a bit of haste in the arrangement, and there were even situations where reporters blocked the boss at the hotel entrance.

On the other hand, it also shows that the news is topical enough and explosive enough, which is why reporters work so hard.

Under the escort of bodyguards, Xia Jingxing walked into the conference hall of the hotel and sat down on the stage.

He looked at the dark press box under the stage, and roughly estimated that there should be hundreds of media present, and the momentum was very loud, which is what he expected to see.

After a while, all the reporters were seated, and the guns and guns were all set up, and the press conference officially started.

Xia Jingxing sat in the middle, picked up the microphone on the long table and said: "The reason why this press conference is held today is to represent Fuxing Mobile in a unified way to respond to all kinds of doubts from the outside world, and to wash away those rumormongers and slanderers who have poured on us. our dirty water."

The reporters in the audience heard the smell of gunpowder in Xia Jing's jargon, and they were extremely excited. Hearing this tone, it seemed to be the prelude to big news?

Xia Jingxing didn't bother to lay the groundwork, and pointed to the large projection screen behind him and said, "Before answering the questions formally, please watch a video together."

Then, a video played on the big screen, first an office, and then Jobs appeared...

Many reporters rubbed their eyes and found that it was really Jobs, and they were right.

Everyone stared at the screen intently, with strong premonitions and predictions in their hearts.

"Darren, let me just say it straight. Apple is making a mobile phone. When we applied for a patent, we found that it was a coincidence that some patents overlapped with yours..."

The video quality is very high-definition, and the sound quality is also good. Hundreds of reporters saw and heard it clearly at this moment, and then they all froze, and there was an uproar.

Some people have 10,000 alpacas in their hearts.

Jobs was caught by this kind of handle, and he still wanted to sue him? Do you want to show some face?

The video was still playing, and all the reporters continued to watch patiently.

Soon, the reporter understood the whole story.

Since Apple was late in applying for a patent, Jobs came to Xia Jingxing for negotiation.

When the negotiation failed, Jobs began to threaten with lawsuits, and the matter also involved Andy Rubin, the founder of Android.

After a verbal confrontation between Jobs and Xia Jingxing, things got even hotter.

"I can see it clearly. You Chinese are all thieves and liars. You only steal other people's technology and falsify..."

"It's not wrong to say that you are a country of thieves..."

"Waiting for the subpoena, yellow-skinned monkey..."


The video had finished playing, but there was a quiet needle drop at the scene, and countless reporters petrified on the spot.

They never expected that Jobs, a business tycoon, would be an outright racist, and even insulted the whole of China.

Most importantly, all of this was filmed.

In the United States, which pays attention to political correctness, racial discrimination is a serious incorrectness.

Fortunately, only people of the yellow race are discriminated against. If they are black people, the Apple Store may be bought for zero yuan next time.

It wasn't until the video was turned off that the reporter came back to his senses.

Xia Jingxing looked very serious, and began to say on stage: "First of all, I have formally filed a lawsuit in the California court, suing Steven Jobs for racial discrimination against me personally.

Secondly, as you can see through the video, Fuxing mobile phone has applied for related technology patents in the United States, China and other countries, and the patent application time is earlier than Apple.

Where did the theory of plagiarism and theft come from? Can we still copy the air?

If you say plagiarism, it must be Apple.

Fuxing Mobile has decided to file a lawsuit against Apple for defamation and reputation infringement against our company. At the same time, we will also sue Apple for infringement of our company's appearance patents, technology patents and other 56 intellectual property rights. "

While Xia Jingxing was talking on the stage, some staff members began to distribute copies of patent applications and patent certificates to the reporters.

After the reporters saw it, their expressions became more and more exciting. Apple's show operation is still a bit of an amateur, and it's not like that when you want to be a patent troll.

"Finally, I want to explain one more thing. I believe many people have heard it in the video. Fuxing Mobile and its partner companies have invested more than one billion US dollars in new smartphones, which is more than six times that of Apple.

Fuxing mobile phone developed new technology earlier than Apple, applied for patents earlier than Apple, and held product launches earlier than Apple. This is not a coincidence, but an inevitability.

China was also the first to invent gunpowder, but weapons such as flintlock guns, Maxim machine guns, and howitzers were all invented by Western countries.

Just because Apple's mobile phone research and development department was established earlier than Fuxing Mobile, we cannot deny the efforts of others.

The United States has only been established for more than two hundred years, but it has become the world's most powerful country. If you compare history, then China should be the world's most powerful country! "

Among the reporters in the audience, some laughed lightly, more or less feeling Xia Jingxing's indignation.

But at the same time, it also brought some insights to them: the direction is wrong, and efforts are in vain.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand the lead of Fuxing mobile phone.

"The spirit of truth-seeking and pragmatism is the driving force for a company to continuously advance and innovate.

Mercedes-Benz, the oldest car company in the world, didn't point to Ford's nose and say: Hey, buddy, you copied me. I was founded more than 30 years earlier than you. "

Hearing Xia Jingxing's example, some reporters laughed.

"One day HP wants to make a mobile phone, pointing to Apple and saying: Dude, sorry, although you applied for patents for mobile phones earlier than me, but I was established more than 30 years earlier than you, your patents should belong to me, you are plagiarism By."

Xia Jingxing was like talking about a talk show, the reporters couldn't hold it anymore, they laughed and applauded one after another.

This also means that Apple's set of evidence and accusations are totally untenable, and even domestic journalists can't stand it anymore.

Then, Xia Jingxing began to answer reporters' questions.

The reporters basically didn't ask about the grievances with Apple. They asked more questions and focused on digging out the revival mobile phone.

"Yes, there are not many engineers in Fuxing Mobile, including the US branch, there are only 1,000 engineers in total.

But if you go to China to investigate, you will find that Chinese engineers have worked really hard to build this mobile phone. Many people work in 997. This is the result of sweat, and no one can take it away..."

"You are wrong. Fuxing Mobile does not disrespect human rights, but China is still very poor and backward. Many engineers hope to create better living conditions for their families through hard work..."

"Yes, the Chinese are very industrious and smart. They created the four great inventions in ancient times, and today they are innovating a mobile phone. It is not something to be too surprised and bragging about..."

"Yes, I admit that there are not many parts of Fuxing mobile phone that are made in China. Many accessories, such as chips and operating systems, are equipped with foreign products..."




When Fuxing Mobile held a press conference, Apple's celebration reception was not over yet.

Like a dazzling star, Jobs stood in the middle of the crowd, receiving compliments and compliments from all partners.

Suddenly, Cook hurried over and whispered a few words to Jobs, who immediately changed his face.

Just as Jobs was about to leave, a tall figure suddenly stood in front of him, and a glass of red wine was poured on Jobs' face.

"This represents the yellow-skinned monkey throwing at you!"

Seeing this scene, the scene of the reception instantly became silent, and everyone looked at the instigator, Yang Zhiyuan.

"I declare that from now on, Yahoo will stop all cooperation with Apple. A racist is not qualified to cooperate with Yahoo."

Yang Zhiyuan glanced around, smashed the red wine glass on the ground with a "bang", and then left domineeringly, leaving the white people in the hall looking at each other.

Many people don't know what happened, never seen such a fierce Asian.

Yang Zhiyuan's performance made them suddenly remember that this man was once the chief of Yahoo, the world's largest Internet company, and the number one person in Century Internet.

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