My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixteenth, beat down 1 rake

the next day.

Apple held a product launch event as scheduled.

The appearance of the iPhone caused a lot of discussion among the audience.

"Why is it also a big screen?"

"And multi-touch?"

"The iPhone also has a Home button, and the appearance is very similar to the revival phone!"


The bursts of doubts from the audience interfered with Jobs' performance.

Moreover, today's PPT and speech content were revised once yesterday, so Jobs' operations and demonstrations were unavoidably a bit rusty.

In the middle, I accidentally misplaced the PPT a few times, which attracted a lot of boos from the audience.

Many of the audience present today are fruit fans who have bought Macs and iPods, and they are considered technology enthusiasts.

Many of them watched the Fuxing mobile phone launch conference that was so popular on the Internet yesterday, and some of them even watched it several times.

In this case, the iPhone will naturally be compared with the revived mobile phone.

But the various functions displayed by the iPhone today are almost completely similar to the revival mobile phone, and there are no games to play.

If it weren't for Apple's illustrious reputation, many people would have planned to leave.

Looking at the lack of interest in the audience, Jobs' face was ashen, and his fists were clenched even more tightly.

Although they made predictions yesterday, they didn't expect the situation to be so bad. The revival mobile phone ruined their press conference.

This made Jobs remember Xia Jingxing again in his heart.

Suddenly, Jobs stopped the demonstration, walked quickly to the center of the stage, and said loudly: "There is one thing, I must declare that the Apple mobile phone has been plagiarized."

Hearing this, many audience members in the audience immediately felt relieved. It seems that there is a big war about to happen?

“In 1976, Apple changed the personal computer industry, in 2001, the iPod changed the music player, and today, we want to change the mobile phone industry.

However, our design and technology were stolen, and they shamelessly ran in front of us to hold a product launch event.


Big melon!

Absolutely big melon!

Many people think that this is much more interesting than a simple product launch. Is Jobs going to bombard the revival of mobile phones?

Many people who have seen the revival mobile phone have a question in their mind when they see the iPhone for the first time: who copied who?

Jobs sneered, "Some audience may not believe what I said, but you will understand after listening to a few sets of data.

Two years and five months ago, Apple started developing the iPhone, while ZTE only started investing in mobile phone research and development more than a year ago.

In terms of time, Apple is a full year earlier than them.

Apple has 30 years of research and development experience and thousands of engineers. Fuxing Mobile was established only a little more than a year ago, and the number of engineers is only 1,000.

Prior to this, Fuxing Mobile did not launch a consumer electronics brand.

Apple is an American company located in Silicon Valley, and Fuxing Mobile is headquartered in Zhongguancun, the capital of China, a place known as China's Silicon Valley.

China's Silicon Valley, you can take a closer look, the Chinese copy everything, even a place name.

Do you think they will let go of all the innovative technologies and designs of smartphones? "

There was an uproar in the audience, this is really big news!

Many people have always wondered why a Chinese company can launch a mobile phone that looks like alien technology.

Now I have the answer, it turned out to be plagiarism!

"Sue the plagiarists!"

Tuo, who was arranged in the crowd, suddenly jumped up, waving his fists and shouting slogans.

The melon-eaters who didn't know the truth also followed behind and shouted.

Jobs waved his hand to the audience, and after the scene quieted down, he continued: "At present, we have collected relevant evidence and submitted it to the California court. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

Seeing Jobs's tone of voice so confident, those who were originally neutral were shaken. Could it be that Apple already has any evidence to be so emboldened?

After finishing his big move, Jobs continued to demonstrate the product.

Nobody booed him this time, and many even started to sympathize with Apple.



As soon as the Apple conference was over, the major media began to report relevant news. No one paid attention to the functions of the iPhone, and all the reports focused on "plagiarism".

"At Apple's product launch, Jobs called out ZTE's plagiarism, and said that he has filed a lawsuit in the California court, and will protect his legitimate rights at all costs."

"Apple with a glorious history of 30 years VS Fuxing mobile phone, which was established only a year ago, who is the real industry changer?"

"The development of Fuxing mobile phone, which was promising yesterday, has been cast a shadow, and it has been dragged into the plagiarism storm."

These reports are not clearly inclined.

The media with obvious tendencies directly put the big label of plagiarism on Fuxing mobile phone.

"I questioned yesterday, can Chinese companies have such strong innovation capabilities?

Sure enough, Jobs answered my question today.

Support Jobs, support Apple, take up the weapon of law, and let the infringers accept sanctions! "

"According to what Jobs said, our reporter visited and investigated two companies and found that the birth of Fuxing Mobile was really sudden and full of strangeness.

A company with a glorious history of 30 years has launched an epoch-making mobile phone. I believe it has this strength.

A Chinese company that has only been established for more than a year, according to common sense, except for stealing technology, it is absolutely impossible to have such a development speed and technical background. "


On the Internet, it became even more noisy.

Some are on the side of Fuxing mobile phones, and some are on the side of Apple mobile phones.

Fuxing mobile phone supporters are more sensible, and feel that they should not listen to the words of the Jobs family. If it is really plagiarism from Apple, can they copy so much and go ahead of Apple to release the mobile phone? Isn't Apple's interior defenseless?

Apple mobile phone supporters don't care so much, they just don't believe that Fuxing Mobile, which has been established for a short time and is a Chinese company, has this strength.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, but overall Apple supporters have the upper hand.



In the Silicon Valley office of Fuxing Mobile, a group of executives gathered together to watch Apple's product launch, and naturally saw Jobs bombarding Fuxing Mobile.

With a "bang", Zhou Guangping slapped the table and said angrily, "This is clearly a slander. Does Jobs have evidence? Say we plagiarized? No, we must countersu Apple and Jobs."

Looking at Zhou Guangping, whose face was flushed because of his excitement, Lin Bing waved his hands, "Hey, Guangping, don't get too excited, we can't control the fact that your mouth grows on other people."

"Then let's just sit around like this? The media and the Internet have exploded, and many people call us a company of thieves."

Zhou Guangping looked indignant, "The most annoying thing is that these Americans are indiscriminate, thinking that if you are a Chinese company, it must be inferior to an American company.

This is discrimination, naked discrimination! "

Lin Bing looked at Xia Jingxing, and said lightly, "Mr. Xia, you really got it right. Jobs really jumped the wall, and beat us up!"

Xia Jingxing sneered, "If he doesn't do this, the plagiarist will have to bear the big hat.

Now, he took advantage of the opportunity of holding a press conference to preemptively strike.

Moreover, Apple is an American company with 30 years of background, and most people will choose to believe them.

From this point of view, Jobs' choice is not wrong, even very clever. "

Lin Bing nodded, "Yes, they are playing at home, so they naturally have an advantage."

"What is this called! We held a press conference first, but instead became thieves?"

Zhou Guangping spread his hands helplessly, "And he is also a godly thief. He stole from Apple without realizing it, and stole hundreds of technologies from them."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhou Guangping, "Feel wronged?"

Zhou Guangping was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I'm just not convinced!"

Xia Jingxing said with emotion: "The overseas company is like this, if you want to make a living abroad, you have to put in more effort than in China.

However, if Chinese companies want to gain more living space, or even stand on the top of the world, they must not only fight domestically, but go out and fight upward.

Only when Chinese enterprises can grab more resources from the outside world and get higher value from the industry can the wealth of the Chinese people rise.

Being in the nest is not a skill, but earning money from foreigners is the real skill.

Every step we take now has warning and reference significance for the latecomers.

Before the rise of the United States, Yankees went to Europe to do business, and they were often made things difficult by British gentlemen.

Therefore, only when the country is strong and prosperous can businessmen be tough when they go overseas to do business. "

Zhou Guangping nodded, then looked at Xia Jingxing again, and asked, "Then Mr. Xia, are we going to let them pour dirty water like this?"

"How can it be!"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, and said with a serious face: "The law of survival of the white people is the law of the jungle. They are fierce. You must be more fierce than them."

After speaking, he looked at Lin Bing again and said, "It's time for our preparations to come in handy."

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