My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and nineteenth, a backhand is a slap

the next day.

Apple and Jobs, who have endured several waves of blows from the media, the Internet, and celebrities, once again ushered in a heavy blow.

In the morning, the Nasdaq had just opened.

Apple's stock price plummeted, plummeting 17.23%.

From $92.75/share, it fell to $76.77/share.

The market value has evaporated by more than 9.5 billion US dollars!

This is not over yet. Several anti-racism organizations in the United States have spoken out together, saying that they will boycott Apple's products.

Among them, the most vocal one is the Committee of 100, which called on all Chinese Americans, overseas Chinese, and Chinese Americans to stand up together in the media to boycott Apple, and strongly demanded that Apple apologize to all Asian Americans.

The Committee of 100 is a Chinese elite organization in the United States, with about 140 members, all of whom are influential and well-known Chinese in American society.

Founded in 1990, the organization was founded in 1990 by well-known Chinese-Americans such as I.M. Pei and Yo-Yo Ma. Famous members include Jerry Yang, Chen-Ning Yang, Li Guanfu, Jen-Hsun Huang, Gary Locke, Steven Chu, East West Bank President Wu Jianmin, BlackBerry CEO Cheng Shouzong, Microsoft Vice President Zhang Yaqin and others spanned the four circles of politics, business, academics and the military.

In terms of achievements, Xia Jingxing was able to join the Committee of 100 a few years ago, but he is not American, so he does not meet the membership requirements.

He has dealt with many members of the Committee of 100 and has some personal relationships, but these are not the reasons for the Committee of 100 to take action.

The reason why hundreds of people are willing to make a move is actually another reason.

"Brother Yang, thank you for your help this time!"

Sitting in Fuxing Mobile's Silicon Valley office, Xia Jingxing dialed Yang Zhiyuan's number. This time he didn't call Jerry, but directly called him "Brother Yang".

Yang Zhiyuan's performance yesterday and today is completely worthy of being called a big brother.

The news that Yang Zhiyuan poured wine on Jobs' face at the reception yesterday has already spread in the United States, and Xia Jingxing naturally also learned about it.

This incident made Xia Jingxing change a lot of his views on Yang Zhiyuan, he is a bloody man!

Subsequently, Yahoo was the first to stand up and announce the cessation of all cooperation with Apple.

In addition, Yahoo also used its media to lash out at Apple, becoming one of the three most powerful online platforms for Apple.

The other two platforms are Facebook and YouTube.

In addition to the above-mentioned things, Yang Zhiyuan also mobilized his contacts, which contributed to the high-profile move of the Committee of 100 today.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm also Chinese. Jobs trampled on and insulted the dignity of our Chinese. If I still cooperate with him or hide and pretend not to see, then who am I?"

Yang Zhiyuan's voice was calm. The reason why he shot unreservedly this time was actually a kind of strong catharsis after being oppressed to the extreme and his emotions broke out.

He immigrated to the United States with his mother since he was a child. He could not choose where to live, but the last dignity of the Chinese must be maintained.

This time it was Xia Jingxing who scolded all the Chinese, but what about him next time? All of these made him feel like he was hurting others, so he acted angrily.

"In short, I still want to thank you. Without you, there would not be so many Chinese compatriots supporting us." Xia Jingxing's voice revealed a kind of sincerity. Yang Zhiyuan helped him a lot this time, and he owed the other party an adult. Affection.


Yang Zhiyuan sneered, "Don't treat everyone as your compatriots. Have you noticed, who are the ones who will speak out?"

Xia Jingxing frowned, and used the mouse to click on the "Message of the Committee of Hundred People to All Chinese Compatriots in the United States" on the computer, and found that there were only a few names signed, and they were all celebrities in the academic and business circles.

"Did you find out?"

Yang Zhiyuan sneered on the phone, "Those politicians dare not speak at all, whether it is Yu Yinliang or Zhao Xiaolan, they are all cowards.

They are afraid of getting involved with you, being labeled a big hat, and affecting their future prospects.

If you ask me, one of these people counts as one, and all horses are puppets. If they wag their tails well, the white master will give them two bones to eat. "

Xia Jingxing was silent, Yang Zhiyuan was right in fact, the Chinese could do well in the academic and business circles, but they had no sense of presence in the political and military circles.

In the future, Anze Yang ran for the election for the general and supported Black Lives Matter, but he was angered by the black people and scolded him until he left the stage. It was a living farce, like a clown.

It is not impossible for Chinese in the United States to engage in politics, but they must be united, and it is best to gather in one state to have some hope.

In a state of disunity, no one will look at you seriously, let alone respect your rights and interests. When you are attacked, you can only cry and lick your wounds.

"Sometimes I really envy the Koreans. They still left behind the incident of "Koreans on the roof" that shocked the United States. What do the Chinese have?"

Yang Zhiyuan complained for a while, saying: "Not only did they not want to speak out, but they also tried to persuade other members of the Committee of 100 not to speak out, as if the phrase "yellow monkey" didn't scold them.

Anyway, I have seen it through, this is an organization with a false name but no serious business.

You know, Jobs not only scolded the 1.3 billion Chinese, but also scolded all Chinese and even Asians in the United States.

The Korean and Japanese organizations couldn't stand it anymore, so they came out and said a few words, but they were fine and planned to play dead.

If this continues, it will not be surprising that Chinese Americans in the United States will be attacked by large-scale violence someday.

Because the Chinese are easy to bully! Soft-tempered, he doesn't know how to resist when he is beaten, and bullying is completely worthless. "

"Hey, they also have difficulties. In short, it's good to have some of you speaking out for the Chinese." Xia Jingxing is not American, so he doesn't want to express too much opinion on this matter.

Jerry Yang sighed, "We originally wanted to organize a large-scale demonstration against racial discrimination.

But as soon as I proposed this idea, those people immediately blew up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, saying that I was making a fuss out of a molehill, which would affect the perception of the Chinese community in the United States.

And they also assert that the parade cannot be organized because many Chinese have to work and are not interested in the parade. "

Xia Jingxing remained silent again, because he was right, and there was a real possibility that he could not be organized.

These people are really insensitive. They were attacked by Heiminggui in their previous lives, and they organized a WeChat group to make trouble, but in the end they broke up because of such trivial things as "don't care about lunch and whether there is a special car to pick you up".

The parade failed, and the WeChat group was disbanded.

This incident has spread throughout countless Chinese communities, which is sad and pitiful.

"Don't do it! Why force it!"

Xia Jingxing thought for a while, and then expressed his thoughts: "The bottom line is trampled on again and again, if you can't keep these bottom lines, the bottom line will become lower and lower, and the things you encounter will become worse and worse.

Because no one will take the initiative to hand over the rights and interests to you, it is all obtained by fighting for it. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then he said, "Dai Lun, you are right, to get to where you are today, it's all self-inflicted."

The topic was a bit heavy, Xia Jingxing didn't want to talk about it, so he smiled and said, "Let's have a meal together another day, let's have a good chat."

"Okay, you should be very busy recently, let's take care of your business first. If you need help with anything, just say hello."

After these recent events, the friendship between Yang Zhiyuan and Xia Jingxing has improved a lot.

In fact, Yang Zhiyuan was quite lonely. The white circle rejected him, and the local Chinese circle was too muddy to support him. Xia Jingxing's appearance brought him a lot of thoughts.

Don't flatter white people, don't mix in Chinese circles, single-handedly turned the world upside down in Silicon Valley.

Except for those white supremacists, not many white people hated Xia Jingxing, or even hated with some respect.

It is impossible to win respect by relying on and subduing softness. Innovating products again and again, and fighting fiercely with Yahoo, Google, News Corp., and Apple in turn, have created Darren Xia's great reputation today.

It seems that I have to be stronger against white people in the future!

Yang Zhiyuan remembered the incident of splashing wine yesterday, and felt that it was really exciting, even better than Yahoo's IPO back then!

Xia Jingxing didn't know that he had given Yang Zhiyuan a bright light in life. After he hung up Yang Zhiyuan's phone, he immediately dialed Liu Hai's number.

"Jing Xing, the 4 million Apple shares held by the Lixia Fund were all liquidated yesterday, with a total profit of 104 million US dollars.

Then, we shorted backhand, and currently hold a total short position of $370 million in Apple.

Apple's stock price crashed this morning, and it was another tens of millions of dollars in floating profits.

This in and out, earned almost 200 million US dollars. "

Liu Hai's voice revealed a kind of joy, never felt that money was so easy to earn.

Over the past few years since Vision Capital was founded, the profits it has made from Apple should be the single largest.

In fact, in the financial market, it is very rare to make billions of dollars or tens of billions of dollars. Either the capital is strong, or a big event is encountered, or the bet is particularly daring.

If you don't have any conditions, you can only earn hard money like millions of dollars or tens of millions of dollars.

The self-operated departments of big investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are also divided into multiple trading teams, earning hard-earned money one by one. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

"Good job!" Xia Jingxing praised.

"It's better to assist Fuxing mobile phone!" Liu Hai didn't take the credit, he knew very well who was the good teammate who created this wave of short-selling opportunities.

"The short position is only 370 million US dollars, accounting for less than 1% of Apple's total equity, a little less." Xia Jingxing said with emotion.

Liu Hai smiled wryly, "Actually, it's quite a lot. Our main funds are all in the real estate market. The Lixia Fund has already used all the funds, and we have also increased leverage."

Suddenly, Liu Hai lowered his voice and said: "The most important thing is that we can't eat alone, everyone can gather firewood to make a flame!"

Xia Jingxing raised his eyebrows, "Someone wants to make trouble?"

Liu Hai laughed, "Hahaha~, the opportunity is right in front of you, and anyone can see it."

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