My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and twenty, hit a set of combined punches

Not long after the call with Liu Hai ended, Xia Jingxing saw a piece of financial news.

Citron released dozens of pages of short-selling reports against Apple.

In the report, besides directly pointing out that a series of scandals caused by CEO Jobs will greatly affect Apple's brand image and brand value, it also boldly predicts that Apple will lose the growing consumer electronics market in China.

Then, the report also expresses its views on the intellectual property dispute between Fuxing Mobile and Apple. It believes that Apple will lose this patent lawsuit, and the iPhone plan will fail completely, which will become a bleeding hole for Apple. season manifested.

In addition, Citron also listed the sales data of Apple's Mac, ipod and other businesses, and believed that Apple's iPhone plan has slowed down the update and iteration speed of these two products, and Apple's business growth has been affected. It is predicted that the company's overall performance will continue to decline. There has been a very large decline.

Finally, the report also speculates that there have been a series of negative issues at Apple, and someone must be responsible for them, and Jobs is the best scapegoat, and he may enjoy the treatment of being kicked out of the board of directors for the second time.

The report analysis is well-founded and cannot be refuted!

Subsequently, Apple's stock price fell more than 20% again, falling below $60.

At the same time, Citron’s short-selling report seemed to have fired the starting gun. A large number of short-sellers swarmed in, smelling the smell of rotten meat, and began to build short positions on Apple.

Of course, these are small fish and shrimps. The real predators have already been deployed and are waiting for the fatal blow.

After reading Citron's short-selling report, Xia Jingxing could only say that this old friend was getting more and more knowledgeable.

The last time I cooperated with this old friend was in Hong Kong, and we all shorted the conscience company together.

Citron is just a pawn launched to play the signal gun, and the real short sellers are still hidden underwater.



"Get Apple out of China!"

"Boycott rotten apples!"

"Let Jobs come out and apologize!"


Lu Lei, vice president of Apple Asia, looked at the young people blocking the entrance of the company, holding various banners and flags, and panicked.

If it wasn't for a team of bodyguards to stop him,

These young people are probably about to rush in and smash the company.

"Mr. Lu, what should we do? Now the Internet is scolding our company and calling us traitors."

A receptionist whose face turned pale with fright hid in a corner and said weakly.

Luray pouted his lips, trying to say something, but finally turned into a sigh.

He is completely dumbfounded until now!

First, the video of Fuxing Mobile's product launch conference in San Francisco spread to China and became popular all over the Internet.

This is the first time that a Chinese technology company has gone abroad to hold a product launch conference, and it has also conquered countless foreigners.,, and the three major portal websites all reprinted the various achievements of Fuxing Mobile in overseas. What redefining mobile phones, foreigners pay homage to...

Even before a single mobile phone is sold, Chinese people have already promoted the revival mobile phone to the position of winning glory for the country.

Later, at Apple's product launch event, Jobs named ZTE as a copy of Apple.

After the news reached the country, it caused great controversy.

But soon, Fuxing Mobile held a press conference to refute the rumors.

At the same time, the video of Jobs cursing the Chinese people also spread to China.

How can this be tolerated?

After watching the video, large-scale public opinion criticizing Jobs and Apple erupted on multiple online platforms led by

Users in the Beijing area of ​​ and some enthusiastic college student organizations and associations bought and made flags and banners, and came to Apple's China branch to block the door.

After receiving the news, Lu Lei hurried from Hong Kong Island to solve the matter.

Apple has not yet set up a Greater China region at this time, and does not pay special attention to the Chinese market, and divides it into the Asian region for management.

For college students and netizens, not many people knew about the Apple brand.

But now people across the country remember Apple.

In fact, there are many companies that humiliate China, but not many companies like Jobs were filmed and spread throughout the United States and China. has been instructed by the big boss, so it is natural to go all out to promote Apple's evil.

He even greeted the video sites, portals, and media with good relations, and everyone went to battle together, reminding the people of the whole country to keep their eyes open and recognize the enemy.

In this way, Apple has also gained great attention and brand exposure in China. Of course, what was exposed was full of evil deeds.

Looking at the students who came to block the door, and the reporters who kept walking around looking for angles to take pictures, Lu Lei didn't know what to say. The Chinese area was only getting better, and the headquarters just came and went.

Moreover, it has been happening for so long, and the headquarters has not given him a clear instruction, not even a word of comfort.

Even the video of Jobs yelling at the Chinese was seen on the Internet by himself.

He felt like an abandoned son, whose father did not love his mother.

Take Apple’s best-selling iPod as an example. The global sales volume is five to six million units a quarter, but China can only sell tens of thousands of units a quarter, and its performance has long accounted for less than 1% of Apple’s global share.

Therefore, there is also a reason for not being taken seriously, that is, you feel that you are dispensable.

Apple's performance in China itself is poor, and such an incident broke out again, and its reputation instantly became as bad as a sewer.

Most of China is over!

This is Luray's real idea.



silicon valley.

Apple headquarters.

The same thing happened at the Chinese branch. Hundreds of ethnic Chinese blocked the entrance of the Apple Park, holding signs with various anti-discrimination slogans, and shouting slogans with loudspeakers.

"Apple must apologize to Asians!"

"Boycott Apple!"

"Death Street Jobs, get out!"


A large group of whites and blacks stood on the side of the road to watch the excitement. They rarely saw Asians in parades, so they thought it was strange!

There were also many journalists running around with long guns and short cannons to interview the demonstrators.

"Excuse me, did you organize this parade spontaneously?" A reporter handed the microphone to a gray-haired Chinese aunt.

The Chinese aunt glanced at the middle-aged man standing beside her, and then began to read her lines: "Yes, Apple insulted all of us Asian-Americans, and each of us is very angry, and we must let Apple get the punishment it deserves. "

The reporter noticed this scene and handed the microphone to the middle-aged man: "Excuse me, are you the organizer of this parade?"

"Yes, I opened a restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. Today we organized the entire community to come to Silicon Valley to seek justice for us Chinese."

Qiu Zhiyi's cousin was wearing black super sunglasses, his sleeves were rolled up high, and the green dragon tattoo on his arm looked very ferocious. He even waved his fist vigorously at the camera, trying to make himself look a little more menacing.

The reason why he gave up his restaurant business and organized so many neighbors to take a day trip to Silicon Valley was mainly because his cousin Qiu Zhiyi gave him a task and brought a check for $100,000.

As long as the money is given, the elders and aunts in Chinatown are still willing to go out for a walk. Anyway, the car picks up the car and takes care of the food and water. In addition, each person can get 200 US dollars as a reward.

Cantonese, Mandarin, and Wan Wan dialects came and went at the gate of Apple, and they had been cursing for hours, and they still refused to stop, and they took turns cursing alternately.

Regardless of whether white people can understand it or not, Chinese uncles and aunts have enough momentum.

More than a dozen temporarily hired bodyguards looked at this group of grandpas and aunts who were full of fighting power, and secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, these Chinese were only cursing fiercely, but they were still very civilized in their hands.

Inside the Apple building.

Jobs and Cook looked at the group of Chinese blocking the door through the glass window, and were speechless for a long time.

"Tim, please reply to the board of directors for me, I am willing to leave."

After saying these words, Jobs seemed to have been drained of energy, and his whole body was much haggard.

Staring at Cook, Jobs said in a deep voice: "But you must convince the board of directors to stick to the iPhone development strategy we formulated before, this is the real future of Apple!

I can leave, but the iPhone must stay. "

Cook wanted to persuade him to stay, but he knew that Jobs had made up his mind to go, and that the board of directors and public opinion were putting pressure on him, so Jobs couldn't leave if he wanted to.

With a long sigh, Cook nodded: "Steven, let me take care of Apple for you for a while, and we will wait for you to come back."

Jobs smiled and patted Cook on the shoulder, "You already have all the qualities that a good CEO should have. I believe that Apple in your hands will definitely defeat that damn yellow dead monkey."

Cook frowned, but knowing that Jobs was stubborn by nature, he probably wouldn't lower his head. That would be worse than killing him.



Large-scale demonstrations broke out in front of Apple offices in China and the United States.

The news swept across the financial circles like a rocket, and Apple's stock price plummeted again, falling below $50.

Soon, Apple issued a heavy announcement: CEO Jobs voluntarily resigned.

Citron's prediction came true.

Although Jobs was riddled with scandals, he was Apple's stalwart Bai Yuzhu and Zijin Liang. After he returned to Apple, he achieved remarkable results.

With the short-sellers' money, the financial media began to "miss" Jobs again, and published various pessimistic predictions about Apple's loss of Jobs.

It's just so unscrupulous, as long as you give me money, you can do anything! Black is white, it's just a small matter.

With the joint efforts of short sellers from all sides, Apple's stock price fell again, falling to $30 before gradually stopping the decline.

But it also fell miserably, which is equivalent to losing two-thirds of the market value in a few days.

The bad news was exhausted, and Vision Capital also began to close when it was good, and quickly closed positions.

They bought Apple shares at an average price of around US$30, and repaid all the Apple shares they borrowed from various institutions and sold at an average price of more than US$90.

In the last inventory, the profit of short selling reached an astonishing 720 million US dollars!

If they add in the $104 million profit from the previous purchase, they made a total of more than $800 million from this operation on Apple.

It is equivalent to earning back all the money Fuxing Mobile invested in Android, mobile phone research and development, and the mobile phone industry chain.

Whoring for nothing again!

However, from the beginning to the end, no one at Apple stood up and apologized for racial discrimination.

The Chinese in the United States have completely died down, because they didn't really want to come out to make troubles, and Jobs has also left his job now. In their eyes, it is equivalent to an explanation.

Xia Jingxing despised this very much, and thought it was normal, because even the parade was a "daily job" hired by him with money.

The only thing that made Xia Jingxing feel a little relieved was that after the news about Apple's refusal to apologize was spread back to China, the Internet platforms headed by once again erupted into a large-scale frenzy of public opinion.

Apple, despise the Chinese!

More and more users in China have learned about Apple's various behaviors, and the big hat is directly on Apple's head. There are also "enthusiastic netizens" who start to make up jokes and arrange Apple to deepen the memory of netizens.

According to common sense, the new CEO Cook should make a statement and try to save the Chinese market.

But Cook didn't!

Even if Apple was disgraced and its market value dropped by two-thirds, it still stood tall and refused to bow its head for the sake of the Chinese market.

Because the Chinese market at this time could not affect the overall situation, the native Chinese in the United States surrounded the Apple headquarters once and then dispersed.

Short sellers in the stock market are also taking a lot of profits, leading to a continuous recovery in Apple's stock price.

All indications are that Apple's crisis seems to have been lifted.

If so, why should I apologize? This is Cook's real idea, and it also means to vent his anger on his friend and old boss Jobs.

The shareholders also acquiesced in this kind of behavior, which was caused by the psychology of white people being superior, and also the psychology of revenge against the Chinese and embarrassing the Chinese.

After receiving the happy news email from Liu Hai, Xia Jingxing was filled with emotion, knowing that everything was over.

Getting Apple to this point is almost the limit.

After all, it only discriminates against the Chinese and a Chinese market that accounts for less than 1% of its business. If Apple discriminates against Black Lives Matter, that is another matter.

Then again, Apple's shareholders are not vegetarians, they will not just watch Apple be killed.

The Yingjiang government has not yet dealt with the patent lawsuits between ZTE Mobile and Apple, and is deliberately delaying.

However, after hitting this wave of combined punches, several of his basic goals have been achieved.

Smelly apples in China;

oust Jobs;

A small wave of blood back by shorting Apple;

Occupy the name of the pioneer of smart phones.

Today, the battle between the financial battlefield and the public opinion battlefield is over. The final showdown with Apple has to go back to the business itself.

That was a longer, more intense battle.

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