My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and twenty-one, telecommunications overlord

The battle with Apple came to an end for the time being, and Xia Jingxing began to seriously consider the issue of revitalizing mobile phone sales channels.

At this time, there are two ways to sell mobile phones in the United States, bare metal and operator contract phones.

Needless to say, the bare phone is placed in China by the operator's contract phone, that is, China Mobile and China Unicom have launched a series of activities: free mobile phone, but the minimum monthly consumption is 88 yuan / 188 yuan...

This is the so-called contract machine!

The national conditions in the United States are different from those in China. Contract machines are very popular, and the sales ratio of bare machines has reached an astonishing 99:1.

In other words, if you want to sell mobile phones in the United States, you must find an operator to cooperate with.

U.S. operators generally conduct strategic talks with mobile phone companies once a year to determine the requirements, styles, supply status, and delivery time of mobile phones this year.

The centralized procurement is generally twice a year, and the sales window for mobile phone manufacturers after winning the bid is generally 6-8 months.

Apple's selected wireless carrier partner is AT\u0026T, the largest telecommunications company in the United States, a giant who founded Bell Labs.

The two companies signed an exclusive multi-year cooperation agreement.

In other words, except for Apple's direct stores, American users can only buy iPhones from Apple's offline business halls.

If the sales volume of the iPhone is satisfactory, it will bring extremely considerable new users, or increase the average revenue per user, that is, the ARPU value.

The benefits are not for nothing. Contracted phones will be subsidized to make the price of mobile phones even lower. Users only need to sign a contract with the operator as required to enjoy the most favorable "0 yuan purchase".

Later, this set of models spread across the ocean to China.

Excluding AT\u0026T, which is no longer possible to cooperate, there are not many remaining options. There are probably three mainstream players in the US telecom market, Verizon Fleissen, T Mobile Deutsche Telekom, and Sprint Sprint.

Fleissen is the best choice, because this company is the second largest telecommunications company in the United States after AT\u0026T, and AOL and Yahoo will also be acquired by this giant in the future.

T Mobile ranks third and is also an important potential partner.

Sprint ranked fourth. Currently, it is suffering from indigestion due to mergers and acquisitions in the past few years, and its business performance is very poor. Coupled with the smallest scale, it has been listed as the last place in the list of potential cooperation by Xiajing.

In his previous life, Masayoshi Sun proudly went to the United States to acquire a telecommunications company. However, due to the obstruction of the eagle sauce, the acquisition of T Mobile failed, and he acquired Sprint instead.

Over the past few years, I haven't earned a dime, and have consumed more than 20 billion US dollars of precious cash flow, and have incurred debts of 40 to 50 billion US dollars.

It can be seen from this that Ying Jiang is very good at bullying foreign investors.

In the end, Sun Zhengyi could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, dumped the big burden of Sprint to T Mobile, and slapped his ass and left.

So far, the four-power struggle for hegemony in the US telecommunications industry has become a three-nation hegemony.

If it weren't for Ahri's most successful investment backing, Sun Zhengyi would almost fall into Yingjiang's gutter.

Softbank has been tossing in the United States for several years, and it really can't stand it. Losses are secondary, and other disgusting tricks emerge in endlessly.

When Sun Zhengyi let go of Sprint, T Mobile turned around and merged with this company.

You know, when Sun Zhengyi was running Sprint, he really wanted to acquire T Mobile, but the Foreign Investment Committee of Yingjiang did not support your merger on the grounds of "anti-monopoly".

There's no way, no matter how much money the venture capital emperor has in his family, he can't stand the bloodletting and killing of pigs like Ying Jiang.

Xia Jingxing led the team, and the first thing they went to was Fleissen, which is headquartered in New Jersey.

After arriving at the place, Ivan Seidenberg, the CEO of Fleissen, led a group of executives, and warmly received Xia Jingxing and his party who came to negotiate.

"Daren, these days, the whole of the United States is talking about reviving mobile phones. You guys are really amazing. You have created an amazing product."

Ivan Seidenberg is about sixty years old, with gray hair and rich body language when speaking. He looks very humorous.

Xia Jingxing looked at this old man who had fought in Vietnam for two years, but he didn't have any military temperament in his body. He had a bad reputation in the telecommunications industry, and was regarded as a person who "runs the train with his mouth full of words", just like a certain general.

"Mr. Seidenberg, thank you for your compliment."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and said again: "Fuxing Mobile has contacted Fleisen before, hoping that the two sides will reach a cooperation agreement.

The answer you gave us at the time was: we can talk about it after the product launch is over.

The product is now released.

As you said, the revival of mobile phones is being discussed all over the United States, and countless young people want to own an epoch-making smartphone.

We also launched a poll on Facebook, and we have received 5 million valid votes so far, which means that 5 million users plan to buy ZTE mobile phones and decide whether to "switch to the Internet".

If Fleissen cooperates with Fuxing Mobile, it can easily bring these 5 million users into its pocket. "

Seidenberg had been listening attentively, and after Xia Jingxing finished speaking, the old man smiled and replied: "Daren, the Fuxing mobile phone is indeed a very innovative mobile phone.

But that's all!

The quality, performance stability, and even network stability of mobile phones are still unknown. "

Xia Jingxing said calmly, "If a certain agreement can be reached, we will accept Fleissen's cooperation in testing."

Seidenberg shrugged, "Okay, next topic. The online voting you mentioned doesn't seem to be the basis for reviving mobile phone sales."

Xia Jingxing looked at the old man and said with a smile, "I believe Seidenberg has also seen our press conference. Do you think the revival mobile phone and other traditional mobile phones are products of the same era?"

The old man spread his hands, "Sorry, all I see so far is a big screen that is easier to break."

Xia Jingxing still maintained a calm smile on his face. During this period of time, they started a public opinion war with Apple, making it known throughout the United States and stealing the limelight from many mobile phone giants.

Now, the dispute between Fuxing Mobile and Apple has gradually subsided, and these mobile phone giants have also begun to show their presence.

Among them, the most criticized and attacked are four points: large screen, no physical keyboard, battery life, and expensive price.

Large screens are easy to break, adding burden to users.

The virtual keyboard is not as good as the physical keyboard, and it is easy to make mistakes. Xia Jingxing's super fast typing speed at the press conference that day was regarded as the result of a year of training.

In other words, they believe that normal users who have not received special training, use a virtual keyboard is definitely not as convenient as a physical keyboard.

This view is supported by many people.

The main thing is that Xia Jingxing's hand speed was too fast that day, which was not normal at all. You must know that Jobs made several mistakes on the spot the next day, and he looked very clumsy.

Xia Jingxing could only laugh at such remarks, can he be blamed for being proficient in using smartphones?

In addition, the batteries of Fuxing mobile phones and Apple mobile phones can only last for five hours, which is far inferior to mobile phones with super long standby times of ten days, half a month or even longer on the market.

The price of 499 and 599 US dollars was even denounced by the executives of the mobile phone company as "crazy about money".

In the end, there were many executives of big companies who criticized the revival mobile phone and Apple mobile phone, such as Palm CEO Ed Collingen and Motorola CEO Ed Sandel.

These people are big players in the field of mobile phones, and their reputation is even more prosperous. They expressed their disbelief towards smartphones, poured a lot of cold water on the supporters of ZTE and Apple phones, and in order to reduce the popularity of smartphones made by the two major mobile phone companies. cooling down.

At present, the two companies have not officially launched the sale, and there is no user feedback. Many people have calmed down and are temporarily neutral and wait-and-see.

Xia Jingxing ignored the provocations from Motorola and Palm companies. These people didn't know they were about to die, so he didn't have the obligation to slap them awake.

Belittle and look down on Fuxing mobile phones, just in time, they can take this opportunity to develop wretchedly.

The birth of the iPhone in the previous life also encountered the same problem. The industry ridiculed, questioned, and splashed dirty water.

In the end, let time tell!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Jingxing replied: "When any innovative product is first born, peers will question and belittle it, and users also need to adapt and learn. I think this is a very normal manifestation.

When the telephone was not born, didn't everyone think that the telegraph was good? Able to communicate across thousands of miles.

But then there were telephones, mobile phones, and satellite phones, and users got used to it, and felt that it was far superior to the previous products. "

Seidenberg laughed, "Daren, I was like you when I was young. I always felt that I was right and everyone else was wrong."

Xia Jingxing shrugged, "Only by sticking to yourself can we win the future."

"Hahaha~, okay, I really appreciate your confidence, let's talk about your plan."

The old man's smile gradually faded, and his whole demeanor changed instantly.

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