My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and twenty-two, sales plan

"Our solution is simple."

Xia Jingxing said sternly: "First, Fleissen will subsidize Fuxing mobile phone users. The subsidy methods include but are not limited to subsidy for the difference in purchase price, package discounts, free phone data, etc."

"no problem."

Seidenberg smiled and agreed very readily.

Then he stared at Xia Jingxing with very sharp eyes, and said, "But we have to sign a supplementary condition. The size of the subsidy depends on the sales of mobile phones."

"The size of the subsidy also determines the sales of mobile phones." Xia Jingxing looked at the old man without showing any weakness.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Seidenberg smiled, "Well, young man, you win, we can directly provide the maximum subsidy first.

But if the sales are not satisfactory, you have to get your money back! "

"What about the sales volume?" Xia Jingxing asked.

Seidenberg said with a smile: "The sales volume of 5 million units you set shall prevail."

"Our target for 2008 is only 10 million units."

"Young people need to be confident."

Seidenberg paused, and said with a smile: "I believe Fuxing Mobile has this strength. We, Fleissen, are willing to invest so many resources in you, and we have high hopes for you."

Xia Jingxing felt that the old man in front of him was very slippery and difficult to deal with.

"In 2007 and 2008, the two-year sales volume in the United States can be set at 5 million units."

Although the slogan was very loud, Xia Jingxing knew his own family affairs, and the road ahead for Fuxing Mobile was not smooth, and there were still many variables ahead.

It is impossible for the old man to flatter him with a few casual words, and just want him to sign it stupidly.

Seidenberg didn't get too entangled, nodded and said: "Two years, maybe two years. For new partners, Fleissen has always been generous."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and said again: "Secondly, we have to decide the details of the release of Fuxing mobile phone."

Hearing this, Seidenberg's face darkened instantly, "We have never agreed to this request from a certain mobile phone company. This is too outrageous. All mobile phone sales strategies have always been decided by Fleissen himself."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "There is a first time for everything.

In my opinion, Fleissen has always been a company that dares to innovate and try. "

"It's not about innovation and experimentation, it's about unequal treaties."

Seidenberg looked at Xia Jingxing with a serious face, "Apple also made the same request as you, and then they can only go to ATT to cooperate."

Xia Jingxing kept smiling, the old man did not lie, Apple first wanted to cooperate with Fleissen, but Jobs was too domineering, and the old man in front of him refused to agree to some cooperation agreements that he considered unequal.

In the end, Apple ran to cooperate with the largest AT\u0026T.

Why did Apple plan to cooperate with Fleissen in the first place? And the old man has the confidence to reject Apple?

This is because Fleeson's network service quality is the best in the United States. Although it is the second largest telecommunications company, its development momentum is not weaker than ATT, or even better.

Later, the old man saw that Apple's sales were good, which drove the increase of ATT's users, and he went to Apple to cooperate with him with embarrassment.

To put it bluntly, I just misjudged and planned to make up for it.

"ATT accepted Apple's conditions." Xia Jingxing said flatly.

"That's ATT spineless, I just kicked that arrogant guy Jobs out of my office."

Seidenberg's serious appearance made it impossible for Xia Jingxing to tell the truth of this sentence.

But Jobs was notoriously arrogant, and things were at least half true.

"Why did ATT make such a big concession, Mr. Seidenberg, have you thought about this problem?"

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, tilted his head and looked at Xia Jingxing, "You mean, ATT saw Apple's potential?"

Xia Jingxing said with a solemn expression: "To be more precise, it is the potential of smart phones, and the birth of smart phones has brought a chance to reshuffle the telecommunications industry."

The old man smiled with a hint of sarcasm, "So, Fleissen should do whatever it takes to sign a contract with Fuxing Mobile to fight against the alliance formed by Apple and AT\u0026T?"

Xia Jingxing has almost figured out that the old man's true perception of Fuxing mobile phones, or smart phones, is similar to that of Motorola and Palm executives, and he does not think that smart phones are a disruptive force for the mobile phone industry.

Because of this perception, the old man rejected the apple and started bargaining with himself again.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing suddenly became a little envious of Apple, ATT can be said to bet on the iPhone with all its strength.

With such heavyweight channel support, it is enough to play a vital role in Apple's sales.

As for Fuxing Mobile, it is very difficult to find such a single-minded teammate. The old man in front of him treats Fuxing Mobile in the same way as he treats other mobile phone companies, and does not intend to give too much preferential treatment.

If he does nothing, and when Apple's sales take off completely, ATT will follow suit, and the attitude of the old man in front of him should take a 360-degree turn.

But is it really possible to do that? That is to give up the golden opportunity of development to Apple.

"When the sales of mobile phones reach 5 million units, the sales strategy will be negotiated and formulated by both of us."

Xia Jingxing had no choice but to adopt a roundabout tactic, the old man was most concerned about sales.

As long as there are sales and can bring benefits to Fleissen, then anything is easy to talk about.

After thinking for a while, Seidenberg nodded. If Fuxing Mobile can prove his strength, then he is not the kind of person who can't change his mind. As long as the interests are in place, he can talk about it.

"Third, Fuxing Mobile must enjoy the right to share the call charges." Xia Jingxing continued to raise conditions.

Hearing this sentence, Seidenberg got a little angry, and said coldly: "You really think that Fuxing Mobile is an Apple company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars, and Fleissen is a weak and incompetent ATT?"

The old man's sudden change of face startled the executives from both sides who had not interrupted the conversation.

This was a good talk, why did he suddenly get angry?

Lin Bing, who was sitting beside Xia Jingxing, secretly sweated in his heart.

From a practical point of view, he very much hopes that the company will reach a cooperation with Fleissen, because only in this way can the gap with Apple in sales channels be narrowed.

Xia Jingxing was not intimidated by the old man, because intimidation is also a commonly used method in shopping malls.

"Apple's market value is no longer tens of billions of dollars, and it has recently fallen to just over ten billion dollars.

Fleissen is indeed not ATT. Although the business growth of ATT has slowed down, it has always maintained an enterprising spirit.

You must know that ATT is still the dominant player in the industry, occupying the first place, but they still want to go further. "

Xia Jingxing's face remained calm, he glanced at the expressionless old man, and continued: "Give part of the benefits to Apple, ATT is indeed making less money.

But once Apple opens up sales, ATT won't earn that little star.

This is the same as raising fish. You don’t want to sprinkle feed into the fish pond. Does the bait grow fast? "

"If you feed too much bait, it's easy to overwhelm the fish."

Seidenberg can be regarded as a veteran who has been in the industry for nearly forty years, how could he be lied to by Xia Jingxing.

Although many netizens think that Fuxing mobile phone is better than Apple, but in the eyes of those who really know how to do it, Apple is still far better than Fuxing mobile phone.

Because the background is different!

Moreover, Apple still has a market value of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars. What does ZTE Mobile have, a valuation of 1 billion U.S. dollars? Or two billion?

Even Apple didn't impress him, let alone Fuxing mobile phone, which is temporarily ahead of Apple in popularity.

Cooperation is okay, but there is no way to split money!

"If we hit 5 million units sold..."

Seidenberg stopped Xia Jingxing with a wave of his hand, because he already knew what the next line would be.

The old man said resolutely: "Don't talk about 5 million sales, even if it is 50 million, we will not share the phone bills, because this is the inherent income of the operator.

I thought that Jobs was the only one who had a whimsical idea, but I didn't expect that a Chinese company like yours would also imitate his random conditions.

This is our bottom line and it will never waver.

Selling mobile phones is your main profit, and phone bills are one of the main profits of operators. "

Xia Jingxing didn't know how Jobs negotiated with ATT for the share of the call fee. It was simply too strong. ATT really trusted Apple and was willing to agree to such a condition.

Seeing that the old man was very conflicted about this matter, Xia Jingxing had no choice but to abandon his thoughts for the time being.

Compared with Apple mobile phones, they still have a long way to go, and it is impossible for them to fully enjoy the same treatment as Apple.

Apple has representative products such as Mac and iPod, which are the basis for cooperative enterprises to trust Apple.

For the time being, Fuxing mobile phone only has PPT, and has not yet proved itself in the market.

This is a very real scenario.

If you want to take the initiative in cooperation, you have to further demonstrate your own value.

"That's all for the big cooperation framework, now let's talk about the details."

Xia Jingxing looked at the old man and said, "I hope Fleissen will subsidize 200 dollars for each mobile phone."

Seidenberg was stunned, and then he sneered, "Young man, how dare you think, for 5 million mobile phones, we need a subsidy of 1 billion US dollars. This is a very huge number."

This number sounds scary, but with the cooperation between ATT and Apple, the contract price of iPhone 3G is as low as $199 and $299, and the subsidy for a single mobile phone is as high as $325.

However, it was the second mobile phone, and the subsidy for the first-generation iPhone was still not that great.

"The greater the subsidy, the cheaper the price of the contract machine. Correspondingly, the bundled two-year network access agreement package and tariff can be appropriately increased.

At $30 a month, that would generate $720 for Fleissen over 24 months.

But I believe that with the revival of the convenience of surfing the Internet on the large screen of mobile phones, the traffic consumption will definitely not be small, and the actual tariff consumption will be higher than predicted. "

Xia Jingxing is very clear about the profit point of the operator. Directly earning personal phone bills is only a part of the profit point. There are also a series of derivative businesses such as family package, fixed-line package, and broadband service that can be developed.

As long as users enter this net, they can try to scrape more oil and water.

Seidenberg shook his head slightly, "We need to upgrade and maintain hardware facilities such as signal towers and base stations every year, and we also support hundreds of thousands of employees, your plan is not attractive to us.

Even if the tariff is raised, the profit we can obtain is very limited. "

Xia Jingxing pursed his lips and remained silent. The trend of high subsidies for contract phones was also brought about by Apple. After the outbreak of smart phones, a mobile phone was easily subsidized by two to three hundred dollars. Subsidies among telecom companies became a mountain of blood. The annual subsidy amount is in tens of billions of dollars.

Of course, all these money will be earned back through the "high-priced package", which is actually equivalent to a disguised form of consumer loan, which is paid first and paid later, but the repayment tool has become phone bills.

"How much is Fleissen willing to subsidize for each mobile phone?" Xia Jingxing asked.

The old man thought for a while and replied, "100 dollars."

Xia Jingxing frowned. There is not much difference between a subsidy of 100 US dollars and no subsidy. At least the price of a mobile phone priced at 500 or 600 US dollars should be lowered by half to attract more people to buy it.

Although five or six hundred dollars is only the weekly salary of many Americans, Americans do not have the habit of depositing money, and paying too much at one time will also reduce their desire to buy.

"How about this, the functions of ZTE mobile phones and Apple mobile phones are very similar, if the sales of Apple mobile phones are hot, then ZTE mobile phones will not be bad.

Whatever grade of contract machine ATT launches, Fleissen will launch the same grade of contract machine.

In this way, Fleesen will not miss a potential good opportunity, and there is not much risk. "

Seidenberg pondered, the default risk of the contract machine is actually controllable, because it is bundled with personal credit.

The reason why he is unwilling to introduce too high a subsidy has something to do with the flow of funds. It would be cool to take away the purchase price of Fuxing Mobile in one go, but it will take two years for Fleissen to earn back the money.

However, it is not impossible to consider stimulating a certain amount of sales and bringing them more telecom users.

Because Fleissen has a revenue of nearly 100 billion U.S. dollars a year, and a cash flow of hundreds of millions or billions, they are not so indispensable in their eyes.

"Can you really sell 5 million mobile phones?"

Suddenly, Seidenberg looked at Xia Jingxing with burning eyes.

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing almost slapped his forehead. After cooperating with him for a long time, the old man was still skeptical, or only now started to be skeptical.

"Without a certain degree of certainty, I will not report the target number indiscriminately. After all, the sales volume is also related to our interests."

Xia Jingxing replied confidently, he knew that now was the critical moment, so he had to be more confident.

Seidenberg finally thought about it seriously. Selling 5 million mobile phones does not mean that it will bring them 5 million new users, because there may be some old users of Fleissen, but judging from the current market share, at least they can Bring in half of the new users, or 2.5 million.

This is not a small number, and the total number of users of Fleissen is only 60 million.

While thinking, the old man looked at Xia Jingxing, and had to admit that he was really moved by the young man's proposal.

But it is worried that Fuxing mobile phone will not be able to complete the sales task of 5 million units.

Then he thought, it doesn't matter if you can't finish it, just refund the money.

"If we can't complete the sales task of 5 million units in two years, Fuxing Mobile will have to bear half of the price difference we subsidized."

In fact, the so-called "price difference" can be earned back through bundled packages.

But since the initiative of cooperation is in the hands of Fleissen, it is reasonable for the old man to make such a request, but it is a bit bullying.

But who made Fuxing Mobile just a newcomer in the industry, or a foreign company, in order to open up the US market, it must choose one or more operators to cooperate with, otherwise the mobile phone will not be sold.

The old man grasped this point and wanted to get an agreement for his company to guarantee the income from drought and flood.

However, Xia Jingxing would not let the old man decide.

He replied neither humble nor overbearing: "We need to think about it."

The old man looked at Xia Jingxing with a half-smile, and said, "You want to have another round of contact with T Mobile and Sprint, right?

It's okay, you can approach them.

But I can guarantee that they will never be as bold as Fleissen.

Fuxing Mobile is just a new company. It takes strength and courage to play a big game with you. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, the situation of smartphones is not particularly clear now, so the attitude of the telecommunications companies is still relatively serious.

When the tide of smart phones rises, the cooperation initiative will be exchanged.

Let the old man be arrogant for another year or so.

In addition, even if half of the subsidy is really refunded, Fuxing Mobile will not lose money, because the profit margin is really high.

At present, Fuxing mobile phones are anchored by Apple, so the price is very high. The purpose is to seize the high-end market during this precious window period when the wave of smart phones has just emerged.

At present, there are only two smartphones on the market, Fuxing Mobile and Apple, and the performance of Fuxing Mobile is no worse than that of Apple.

But if Apple develops along the trajectory of its previous life, the pressure on Fuxing Mobile will increase.

In order to continue to compete with Apple, the European and American markets with stronger consumption power must be opened up, the mobile phone shipments should be increased, and the revenue, volume, research and development, etc. must all be bigger and stronger.

For this long-term strategy, it is acceptable for Xia Jingxing not to make money or even lose money in the mobile phone business.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after the sweater war started, both Fleissen and ATT stopped selling Juchang's mobile phones, which directly caused an avalanche of Juchang's sales in the United States.

The only way to counter it is an eye for an eye and an eye for an eye.

But there are many things that can't be broken. It can only be said that the Chrysanthemum Factory has been wronged.

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