My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and forty-two, boys must protect themselves when they go out

Chapter 839 Boys must protect themselves when they go out

the next day.

Standing in front of No. 40 Wall Street, the little dog raised his head and looked at the high-rise buildings in front of him, with a somewhat tangled expression and a hint of shame.

"Boss, shall we go in?" Tom, the CEO of the family office standing beside him, reminded in a low voice.

The little dog sighed and didn't answer.

When it comes to critical moments, I still have to rely on the boss, but I used to... well, I regret it.

You should trust the boss unconditionally, and if you insist on setting up a family office, now that you are in trouble, you still have to come to the boss for help in the end.

Xiaogou was still very ashamed, feeling that he was a little sorry for Xia Jingxing.

Although Xia Jingxing often took advantage of him, but which time he raised a point did not give him a huge benefit.

For example, he was reminded not to sell Facebook shares. As a result, in just a few years, Facebook's valuation rose from a few hundred million dollars to more than 20 billion dollars.

Another example is the current mortgage debt bond and real estate. Xia Jingxing reminded him to sell it quickly, but the house price immediately collapsed.

Xiaogou felt that with his mind and ability, without Xia Jingxing's support, he would probably have entered the society as a social animal like most of his classmates, and he would not be where he is today.

When a company develops to a certain stage, the growth of the founding team and veterans cannot keep up with the pace of the company, and many people are deprived of equity and kicked out.

Just say that Mr. Bill Gates, a good man, also did nasty things of bullying his partners back then.

Only the boss has been taking great care of himself.

Thinking of these things, Xiaogou felt warm in his heart, and at the same time sighed secretly, not knowing how to repay the boss.

After thinking about it, the puppy said, "Let's go."

Then he walked towards the building with firm steps. The kindness will be remembered in his heart, but it can only be repaid in the future, and he has to overcome the difficulties in front of him now.

Tom didn't say a word, and followed the dog obediently. This time, the investment made such a big mess. Although he was not at fault for the main thing, he followed orders, but the dog didn't mean to blame him at all, and let him take charge of organizing the aftermath Work makes him feel that the boss is still very open-minded.

The little dog turned his head slightly, and glanced at Tom who was following him out of the corner of his eye. How could he not know how anxious and uneasy the latter was feeling at this moment, because on the way here, Tom kept apologizing to him, making various promises? with guarantee.

At first, Xiaogou really wanted to fire Tom, but after he calmed down, he felt that it was inappropriate. At this stage, he had to rely on Tom to deal with the aftermath. If a new CEO were to be replaced, it would take a while to get familiar with the company and the team.

And what he lacks most now is time!

So he comforted Tom with nice words, and made Tom believe that he could commit crimes and meritorious deeds, so Tom worked very hard these days.

After so many years of hard work in the mall, with a black-bellied boss beside him, the puppy has matured a lot in doing things, and knows not to act according to personal preferences. In the eyes of adults, there are only pros and cons, there is no right or wrong.

Xia Jingxing was sitting in the office, listening to his father-in-law Walsh Jr. chatting with him.

If Walsh Jr. was Chinese, it is estimated that he should have been called "son-in-law" one by one at this moment.

Although he didn't call it that, Walsh Jr.'s tone on the phone also revealed a closeness that he had never had before.

"Daren, thanks to you, I have the chance to escape this time. You don't know how much those guys at the country club envy me, they keep asking me, where did I get the news..."

"In less than a week, all the dozen or so properties were sold off."

"At first they laughed at me, saying that I cut the price to dispose of the house, and I lost a lot of money, and I will regret it sooner or later. Hehe, now you know who regretted it?"

"Don't worry, I've kept my mouth shut and haven't revealed anything about you."

Xia Jingxing smiled and did not interrupt, just quietly listening to little Walsh's talk.

Little Walsh was in a hurry to deal with the house, and entrusted a broker to sell all the properties at a discount. Although he lost tens of thousands of dollars, he kept the down payment of nearly a million dollars, which was half of Walsh's life savings.

Although the business of the family ranch is booming, the money earned is basically invested in a new round of construction, so little Walsh really doesn't have much savings.

Walsh Jr. originally wanted to make a quick buck by speculating in real estate, so as to facilitate the next cooperation with several major financial institutions to "expand Walsh Ranch".

If it wasn't for Xia Jingxing's reminder, his plan to expand the ranch would not only be in vain, but also cause the whole family to eat porridge.

Christina is very rich, but American parents and children have a relatively clear division of property, and with Walsh's pride, he will not ask his daughter for money. The Walsh ranch passed down from his ancestors must be independent in his hands go toward success.

He temporarily ignored the advertising help from Facebook and Youtube, and he promised that the ranch will make up for the advertising fee if it makes a lot of money in the future.

In short, for Xia Jingxing who saved him and his dream, little Walsh now completely changed his perception and became very fond of Xia Jingxing.

In fact, he used to have a good impression of Xia Jingxing, but he likes to yell, this is not good, that is not good.

"Darren, the house price has plummeted, you should have made a lot of money, right?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "It's not bad, I made about 600 to 700 million U.S. dollars."

Little Walsh was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, he shouldn't have asked, it was too shocking.

In order to realize his dream of expanding the ranch, he, who has never been in speculative business, worked hard to speculate on real estate, and ended up losing tens of thousands of dollars. look.

It’s really too much money to spend! No wonder houses with a cost of 200 million U.S. dollars are also built casually.

At the same time, from another perspective, little Walsh also understood how much risk Xia Jingxing took to remind himself.

A short seller with billions of dollars to remind a bull who has bet hundreds of thousands of dollars to run away. If the news leaks out, will he vomit blood at a loss?

Little Walsh is not a financial professional, so he doesn't know much about the twists and turns. He just thinks that Darren is a good kid, and he really treats himself as a family member.

Hey, I really shouldn't have treated him that way before.

Little Walsh felt remorse in his heart, but he had a stubborn temper and couldn't say a word of apology.

He made up his mind that in the future he would not scare this kid with "I'll kill you with a gun".

While chatting with little Walsh on the phone, the landline on the table rang suddenly. Xia Jingxing picked up the landline, and when he heard the puppy came, he hurriedly ended the call with little Walsh, and walked quickly to the front desk.

"Boss, you came to greet me in person, which made me feel embarrassed." Xiaogou hid a lot of his thoughts with a playful smile on his face.

Xia Jingxing glanced at the puppy, then noticed Tom standing behind him, and suddenly understood a lot.

"Come on, go sit in my office and talk!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing walked into his office with Xiaogou and Tom.

As soon as Xia Jingxing sat down, he went straight to the topic: "What's the situation with you now? Can't you sell the house? Can't you find a home for the subprime mortgage?"

The little dog looked embarrassed, "The housing price collapsed too fast, and it can't be sold at all."

Xia Jingxing frowned: "I didn't sell one set? Didn't I tell you to sell it at a discount?"

Xiaogou shook his head, "It's not that one set was not sold, I also discounted it according to your order, but not many people are willing to buy it, so I sold 20 or 30 sets, and there are nearly 300 sets left in my hand."

Xia Jingxing looked up at the ceiling, a little speechless.

But when he thought about it carefully, the house was not a Chinese cabbage, especially since the little dog had accumulated so much in his hands, it really couldn't be emptied in a short time.

"If I had known that the house price would drop so quickly, I would have sold it at a 20% or 30% discount."

While talking, Xiaogou was also complaining about himself, the stop loss was not firm enough, and now the situation is more complicated.

Xia Jingxing shook his head, it wasn't entirely Xiaogou's fault, he didn't expect the subprime mortgage to explode so soon, he thought it would take another month or two.

Before the housing price collapsed, it was right to sell the puppies at a 10% discount. Who didn't want to keep more of the principal.

"People always like to chase the ups and downs. The more they go up, the more they buy, and the more they go down, the more they wait and see. You still have hundreds of houses in your hands. If you don't want to cut the meat, it may be difficult to clear it." Xia Jingxing sighed.

Xiaogou nodded, "I understand, I decided to sell it with 30% off, 40% off, or even 50% off."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Xiaogou, "Such a big decision? Housing prices are really falling, and at most they will be cut in half. The house itself is valuable, but now it's just squeezing out the bubble."

Xiaogou sighed, "If you can get back half of the principal, it's half, I invest all the money in you, maybe you can make back the loss.

If you keep holding the house in your hands, you don't know when it will rise back to the peak. Ten or eight years is too long, it's not worth waiting. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, Xiaogou is not so stupid after all, even if he breaks his bones and sells the house, as long as the money is invested in him, it will definitely not be a problem to make up for the loss.

"Where's another 100 million US dollars of CDO collateralized debt obligations?" Xia Jingxing asked.

The little dog didn't speak, and pouted at Tom, who said, "Mr. Xia, our main energy during this time has been on disposing of CDOs. At present, we have cleared all CDO assets worth 100 million U.S. dollars, and returned 9,000 U.S. dollars. Ten thousand dollars, a loss of 10%.”

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing nodded, "You did a good job and were decisive enough to avoid even greater losses."

The little dog smiled and said, "I told you to empty everything, so it won't be sticky. Tom has been working on this matter for several days, and it should be a great credit."

Tom smiled. It seems that the boss still hasn't forgotten his hard work. During this time, he has been doing his best to make up for it, and he is under great physical and psychological pressure.

Xia Jingxing said: "Then why hesitate, vacate all the property, no matter if it is 40% off or 50% off, sell it all, not keep one set.

I will give you a week, and after a week, all the funds will enter the fund's account. "

After a pause, Xia Jingxing looked at the puppy, and said in a very serious tone, "I'm afraid it might be too late."

The puppy understood the hint and nodded heavily: "No problem, just a week."

The three of them chatted for a while, finalized some plans for the future, and then Xiaogou sent Tom away to visit the Vision Capital office. Only he and Xia Jingxing were left in the room.

"Boss, I'm very sorry for causing you trouble!" The little dog stood up and bowed deeply to Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand: "Hey, this kind of feudal dross should have been abolished a long time ago. It's alright, don't bow down, there are many ways to thank me. Besides, I didn't say that I won't charge management fees and profit sharing."

The puppy straightened up, but his face was still very heavy.

The 250 million US dollars obtained some time ago pledged his 2% stake in Facebook and YouTube.

He now only holds 4.55% of Facebook shares. Once there is a problem with the investment, the worst consequence is to lose half of the Facebook and Youtube shares he holds.

If Xia Jingxing didn't save him, he knew that he should not escape this disaster.

"Hey, if you're really sorry, you can lend me the comic book you have at home to study for a few days."

Xia Jingxing winked at the little dog, slightly diluting the stagnant air in the latter's heart.

The little dog waved his hand generously: "There are dozens of books left, all of which are given to you, and I will keep it for myself."

"Bright!" Xia Jingxing gave a thumbs up.

"Oh, by the way, why didn't Constance come with you?"

As soon as this woman was mentioned, Xiaogou's face, which had just recovered a bit of a smile, became ugly again, and he said with gloomy eyes: "I fired you! I won't have anything to do with her in the future."

Xia Jingxing's expression was wonderful, he thought that the little dog would not anger Constance, but he did not expect to kill so decisively!

"You... don't like her anymore?"

Xiaogou nodded first, then shook his head, "It's not because of the investment failure, I'm not so narrow-minded. During this period of time, I found someone to investigate her and her parents, and found that they..."

"What's wrong with them?" Xia Jingxing became interested in an instant, and the little dog actually knew how to investigate these situations, which showed that he had really matured.

The little dog sighed, feeling that there was nothing to hide, so he just said it all at once.

"Her parents have always hoped that she would marry a white man, improve her social status, and integrate into mainstream American society. Her previous boyfriends were all white, and I only have a little money, otherwise they would not look at me at all."

"The whole family speaks English, which is completely different from the Chinese-American family I imagined. It is simply too westernized."

"And when she was in college, she gave birth to a child!"

Xia Jingxing's eyes widened, "Then... where did that child go? In vain you have read countless films, and you can't tell if the child was born or not?"

The little dog pouted and sighed again: "Oh, it was also found out, she has undergone surgery!"


Xia Jingxing opened his thumb and index finger first, then retracted, "This kind?"


The little dog nodded slightly, and then talked about the childbirth.

It turned out that when Constance was in college, she had dated a Malaysian Chinese student who was from a well-known local family.

After giving birth to the child, the two broke up, and the man gave Constance a lot of compensation.

Xia Jingxing frowned when he heard it. In his previous life, he had heard another version of the story, but the man became a rich second generation from the mainland.

Chinese girls approached these second generations with a purpose, and then intentionally became pregnant, in order to threaten to obtain a compensation fee.

If you want to have an abortion, yes, you can pay compensation, eight-digit RMB.

If you don’t want to have an abortion, you still have to get married, that’s fine, but you have to give a bride price, and you have to buy a house in the United States. When you’re pregnant, you have to have a nanny, shark’s fin and bird’s nest.

After the child is born, these scheming whores will be divorced, because the child is young, and the child has to be awarded to the mother.

Then the scheming bitch coerced the emperor to order the princes, and used the child to constantly ask for alimony.

American law stipulates that the standard of alimony cannot be lower than the standard of living at the time of marriage. This is one chain after another, and it has been planned long ago.

The child directly became a cash cow, and the man kept sending money, which was enough for the ABC family to live a good life.

A powerful scheming bitch, you can hunt again, complete the second kill, the third kill...

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a pregnancy scam aimed at the second generation who are stalking overseas. ABC and its parents use their familiarity with American laws to precisely get rid of poverty through one pregnancy or one child.

Very disrespectful, right? But many ABCs have long since abandoned everything about their motherland, except for their yellow skin. Many of them can’t even speak Chinese, or their parents themselves carry exquisite self-interested genes.

It doesn’t matter if they immigrated to the United States in the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China or later. Those who went abroad from the mainland in the 1980s and 1990s can be regarded as the favored children of heaven, but most of them who stayed in the United States were not as developed as those who returned to China to become professionals in various fields. Pillar of students.

They are dissatisfied, and apart from posting reactionary remarks on social media, they have no choice but to instigate and instigate their daughters to do such things in order to obtain a superior life for the rest of their lives.

Sad and hateful, but definitely not pathetic.

Xia Jingxing suddenly thought of a question, looked at the puppy with a serious expression, and said, "Did you take protective measures when you were doing business?"

The puppy was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

Xia Jingxing coughed violently, he had an ominous premonition.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

The little dog shrugged, "It's like spending tens of millions of dollars to play with a chicken."

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "Things are not as simple as you think. Did she have any weird reactions during this time? Or did she go to the hospital?"

Xiaogou frowned, "She seems to have gone to the hospital for an injection some time ago, and there are needle holes in her buttocks, why are you asking this?"

Xia Jingxing scratched his head, he was 100% sure that the puppy was hit.

Thanks to the subprime mortgage crisis, otherwise the puppies would not wake up now.

Even he and the foreign girl were careless, and underestimated the methods of scheming whores these days.

"That... little dog, I suggest you talk to her, or find someone to continue investigating, I guess you are going to be a father!"

Xiaogou looked stunned, "What do you mean? I have already broken up with her, how could it be..."

Speaking of this, Xiaogou also reacted, "You mean she was pregnant on purpose?"

Xia Jingxing nodded heavily.

"No way?"

The little dog murmured, his face was still calm, but there was already a huge wave in his heart.

"Then why didn't she tell me?" the puppy wondered.

"Because this is a business, it's not yet time for angel round financing."

At this moment, Xia Jingxing deeply understands that there are many routines in society, and the famous saying "boys should protect themselves when they go out" should always be kept in mind.

"Then what should we do now?" The puppy panicked.

"Didn't I just say that? First investigate and confirm, and if there is such a thing, then slowly figure out a solution. However, you have to be mentally prepared."

Xia Jingxing sighed, "You are also a super rich man now, you have to learn to reject the women who are sent to you by your side!"

Xiaogou is not feeling well now, his face is like that of a bitter gourd, he has no time to joke with Xia Jingxing, and is thinking carefully about the thorny issues that he may face next.

"Oh, don't think about it anymore. I really met him, and I can't escape." The puppy shook his head again and again, with a blank expression.

"Cheer up, the worst thing is to give birth to the child. You can follow Jobs and refuse to admit it directly, and hire the best lawyer to file a lawsuit."

The little dog shook his head: "But the child is innocent!"

Xia Jingxing remained silent, this matter would be uncomfortable for anyone, unless it was really ruthless.

"Forget it, I'd better go back to San Francisco quickly."

The little dog got up, he had no interest in staying any longer, unless this matter was confirmed, he guessed that he would not be able to sleep well at night.

"Keep calm when you encounter problems, and don't promise anything casually. If you have anything to discuss, you can discuss it with me." Xia Jingxing reminded.

"Okay, I see!"

The little dog seemed to have been drained of energy, and he pushed the door listlessly and left.

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