My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and forty-three, the culture of Wall Street

Chapter 840 The Culture of Wall Street


Manhattan, Upper East Side.

Xia Jing walked and got off the car, in front of him was a very rare detached villa in this area.

As the core area of ​​Manhattan, this place is very expensive, most of the houses are townhouses, and the price of single-family houses has to catch up with his large flat apartment in Central Park.

After showing the invitation letter to the security personnel at the gate, Xia Jingxing walked through the gate and entered the villa.

The courtyard is decorated with lanterns and festoons, singing and dancing, which is very lively.

A group of bald white middle-aged and elderly men in suits and leather shoes held wine glasses in one hand and put their arms around a thinly clad blonde girl in the other, chatting together in groups of three or four.

"Daren, I thought you weren't coming!"

John Paulson stood out more and more. He was wearing a well-tailored high-end suit, and his thinning hair was carefully groomed. He looked extraordinarily energetic.

In him, it seems that he can no longer see the abjection a few months ago, but now he is full of high spirits.

"As the largest LP of Paulson Fund, you want to hold a celebration banquet, how can I not come!"

Xia Jingxing held Paulson's hand and shook it vigorously.

The guests around were all curiously looking at the young Asian man who appeared last.

Someone recognized Xia Jingxing and raised a glass to him.

More people are discussing this young Chinese rich man who is well-known in American society with the people around him in a low voice.

Paulson led Xia Jingxing aside, and said, "Dailun, my second short-selling fund is about to close. Are you sure you don't want to invest any more?"

Xia Jingxing smiled. He really wanted to vote, but he had already run out of bullets, and he had no money to support Paulson's great cause.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't speak, Paulson immediately understood the meaning, smiled and said, "Well, the 400 million US dollars you invested in me before can be regarded as a great help to me. No matter what, I will do my best to bring you a generous return." return."

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, "Paulson, I trust your ability very much, but at the moment I don't have any spare funds in my hand. You know, Facebook is not a listed company yet, so I can't change money at any time."

Paulson nodded, thinking about it, he has already invested 400 million US dollars in himself, and it is really not good to ask for more.

Still, he now has no shortage of wealthy investors waving checks to get into his car.

Before this year, the Paulson Fund itself was neither big nor small, and it was not well-known in the industry.

But as the housing market plummeted,

The name of the Paulson Institute began to circulate among the upper class.

The reason for this is also due to Paulson's behavior of attracting investment around last year.

At the beginning, many people rejected this fool who wanted to short subprime mortgages.

But this year, a lot of people found themselves the fool.

So this group of people began to come to Paulson with a shy face again, hoping that he would ignore the previous suspicions and accept the funds they entrusted to manage.

Paulson is a very rational person, so naturally he would not reject these dollar bills delivered to his door, and would accept them all as they were ordered.

Today's Paulson Fund has a strong momentum of development, catching up with Peter Thiel's Clary Capital.

"Daren, there are quite a few big clients here today. After I finish speaking, they may come to you for a chat. I hope you can give me some good words."

Xia Jingxing immediately understood Paulson's intention for inviting him over. It turned out that he was using himself as a tool to stand and endorse the Paulson Foundation.

But this is exactly what he wanted, and he replied straightforwardly: "No problem, the performance of the Paulson Fund is obvious to all, and smart people know how to choose."

Paulson laughed heartily, knowing it was done.

Then he strode toward the crowd.

"I started researching subprime mortgages two years ago, and found that the housing market and related financial derivatives markets were full of bubbles, so I raised the first fund shorting subprime mortgages last year..."

Standing in the center of the crowd, Paulson began bragging about his fund like a shining star.

However, the audience in a circle around him didn't feel that he was bragging. Instead, they thought that Paulson was a person who did great things. It was only natural that he had spent so long researching subprime mortgages, and now he was reaping the rewards.

Xia Jingxing stood aside, watching all this with a smile.

He doesn't want the title of Wall Street sky god and the number one hedge fund man. It's better to let Paulson and Peter Thiel compete for this title, and maybe they can create a "short twin".

"Daren, I heard that you are the largest LP of the Paulson Fund. I thought you could only run Internet companies. I didn't expect you to be so discerning in financial investment."

The pungent smell of perfume came over my face, and a blond woman with heavy makeup appeared beside Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing turned his head and took a look. The woman was probably in her thirties, wearing a low-cut dress, and her two balls were extremely plump.

Looking at the woman's face and recalling it carefully, Xia Jingxing realized that he didn't know this woman, and guessed that it might be the LP invited by Paulson, so he smiled politely at her: "Thank you, I was just lucky, everything All credit to Paulson, he is the best investment manager I have ever seen."

The blond woman grinned, "You Orientals are really humble. I have met many financial bigwigs, and most of them are very flamboyant in private."

"So, I can't be called a boss yet, I'm just a beginner." Xia Jingxing said lightly.

"You are really too humble. As far as I know, the asset management scale of Vision Capital has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. This size can be called a big company on Wall Street."

Xia Jingxing glanced at the woman, "You seem to know me well?"

"Not to mention, I know the major Wall Street companies very well, because their top executives are all my clients."

Xia Jingxing asked, "What does your company do?"

"I run a modeling website. The contracted models on our website have all received high-quality education from American Ivy League universities, and it is also a gathering place for the most beautiful women in the world."

With a business card between her fingers, the woman handed it to Xia Jingxing lightly, and said with a deep smile, "Specially for you Wall Street men to relieve pressure."

Xia Jingxing was stunned for a moment, then took the business card and glanced at it for a while, then looked up and found that the woman had already walked several steps away.

The woman suddenly turned her head and said, "My name is Billie, I hope you can give us more comments on our website."

Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, he knew who this woman was, the number one bustard in New York, the mommy of Manhattan, the whoring list released in his previous life directly pulled down the governor of New York, and countless prominent executives on Wall Street trembled.

No wonder I am so familiar with Envision Capital, I think they are a new company as a big customer, and I am planning to develop business, maybe it is an enterprise-level group buying.

Work on Wall Street is stressful, and sex is unavoidable and an essential topic.

Some time ago he heard that someone had stained the walls of the company's conference room, and many traders had to masturbate before work...

This kind of thing has been banned repeatedly, Xia Jingxing is too lazy to care about it, so he can do as the Romans do.

But he is not interested in prostitution, prostitution for free is okay, pay for it, it's not good enough.

With a flick of his finger, the business card in his hand flew away.

At this time, Paulson's speech also ended.

The guests gave the most enthusiastic applause to the newly promoted financial tycoon, and looked at Paulson more and more eagerly.

Xia Jingxing stayed at the party for a while, and there were indeed many people who came to chat with him. They were basically inquiring about the Paulson Foundation. He kept his previous agreement and said a lot of good things about Paulson. They were amazed again and again.

Now he wished that this group of people would give all their belongings to Paulson, so as to help Paulson become famous as soon as possible.

After a while, the entertainment time starts.

Billie, who disappeared for a while, came out of the villa with a group of coolly dressed girls, dancing various provocative dances, showing her graceful figure to the old men present.

Paulson and a few old men commented and got along with each other.

Xia Jing walked over to say hello to Paulson, and the stage helped him stand up, and he was about to leave.

"Daren, you seem to be a little uncomfortable with these occasions? In fact, don't be surprised, high rhythm, sex, cocaine, drugs, this is the culture of Wall Street." Paulson joked as he sent Xia Jingxing out of the door.

Xia Jingxing smiled, but didn't answer.

In the end, he is still not as good as these grandsons, and he has a certain moral bottom line in his heart. In pursuit of excitement, these grandsons will do more shit, change wives... any kind of bad things.

"Have fun, I'll go first."

Patting Paulson on the shoulder, Xia Jingxing walked away with a smile.

Paulson shrugged his shoulders, watched Xia Jingxing get into the car and left, then returned to the villa whistling.

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