My Age of Investment

Eight hundred fifty-two, school-enterprise cooperation

The three of them chatted for more than half an hour and finally finalized the next development strategy of DJI.

After talking about his own affairs, Xia Jingxing did not forget his father's long-standing wish, and took advantage of the opportunity to propose a school-enterprise cooperation plan between DJI and Rongcheng Aviation Vocational and Technical College.

"No problem! What do we need to do?"

Wang Tao looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face. He had known the father of the richest man and the principal's father from Xia Jingxing before, and he had a good impression of this old gentleman who planned to be the first in the country to open a drone major. At the same time, he I am also very curious, and I especially want to meet him.

Even if Xia Jingxing didn't mention it today, when he thought of it another day, he would ask about it.

Li Zexiang frowned. He thought about the problem more comprehensively and deeply. Does a vocational college have the teaching staff to carry out drone teaching and research?

However, it is not suitable to ask such words, he wisely kept silent, intending to listen first.

Xia Jingxing replied: "My father has been working hard to establish a drone major, asking for policies, funding, and recruiting teachers, and now there are some plans.

However, if this matter really wants to be done, it is inseparable from the support of drone companies. "

"Why?" Li Zexiang asked.

"Not to mention anything else, the main problem is that the number of teachers is too thin, and it is difficult to find suitable teachers.

Just as the UAV supply chain market is a desert, UAV teaching is also very daunting. There is no such major in China, and naturally there are no professional teachers.

My dad said he was going to hire several retired Air Force pilots to serve as teachers. "

Wang Tao's eyes widened, "Is this possible? The models are different, and the Air Force's are all big guys."

Xia Jingxing smiled wryly, right now everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, there is nothing they can do.

After the drone track became popular in the previous life, hundreds of colleges and universities collectively set up drone majors on a large scale, but they all faced the same problem-weak teachers.

This is the case when a new industry is just born. There is a lack of everything, and after a period of development, there will be a surplus of talents, and it will start to involve wildly.

Li Zexiang said slowly: "President Xia, forgive me,

Hiring a retired Air Force teacher as a teacher is not a good idea. It is obviously better to hire a few teachers in the field of robotics.

A drone is said to be an airplane, but it is actually a flying robot. "

Xia Jingxing nodded: "Yes, so I plan to let DJI and Ronghang University jointly establish a research and development center, and DJI can hand over part of the research and development tasks to this laboratory.

At the same time, the laboratory can also take students to take theoretical courses and carry out practical operations at the same time.

I know that Ronghang Academy still has nothing, but isn’t DJI the same?

Both of us start from scratch, learn and explore together, and make progress together.

When the first batch of students graduate, DJI's development is almost on the right track, and we can use these students for our own use! "

"How to say?"

Li Zexiang realized that he seemed to have misunderstood the boss, not simply to make his father happy.

Think about it too, how could such a big capitalist have a pure motive for doing things.

"Limited by the quality of students and the school's own level of strength, Ronghang College does not offer majors that focus on theory and research and development. It offers some applied majors, such as drone control and drone maintenance."

Xia Jingxing had already considered it thoroughly. Instead of engaging in those bells and whistles, vocational education should be down-to-earth, so that students can truly master a skill and gain a foothold in society after leaving school.

He glanced at Wang Tao and Li Zexiang, and asked calmly: "Do you know what it means for these majors to continuously train students?"

Wang Tao asked suspiciously, "Isn't it the constant training of employees for DJI?"

Li Zexiang gave Wang Tao a sideways look, and smiled wryly, really stupefied with reading.

"Is it related to the industry-level unmanned aerial vehicle we want to develop?" Li Zexiang asked tentatively after feeling some ideas of Xia Jingxing.


Xia Jingxing glanced at Li Zexiang appreciatively, smiled and said: "The purpose of my doing this is to create an industry ecology! Currently, the drone market has not yet taken shape. If we want to become a mature industry as soon as possible, we must improve the industry chain.

If agricultural companies and power companies buy our drones, but they can't control them? how to do? We send employees to help them control? Or help them train?

This will not work! The operating model is too heavy, and the delivery process is also very long, which is not conducive to rapid market expansion.

We have to let colleges and universities help us train "pilots"! "

Noticing the puzzled look in the eyes of the two, Xia Jingxing specially explained: "A pilot is a drone operator, and it may become a new profession in the future. Maybe you need to take a driver's license test."

Wang Tao looked at Xia Jingxing with an unbelievable look, and asked, "Isn't it? I still need to take a driver's license test? This is not a car."

Xia Jingxing smiled without saying a word.

Li Zexiang immediately thought of a lot, nodded and said: "If drones become popular in a large area, and the sky is full of such aircraft, whether it is for safety reasons or for traffic control considerations, it is possible to implement the "certified Go to work".

When the car was first born, there was no driver's license, but various accidents occurred soon. Our country first had a car driver's license in the Republic of China. It is very possible that drones will be regulated in the future. "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Yes, playing model airplanes is still a gray field, and no one cares about small areas. But in the future, drones will fly all over the sky. One day they hit people, tomorrow they smashed the glass of a building, and the day after tomorrow they collided with planes in the air... …

Is this plausible? The state cannot turn a blind eye. "

Xia Jingxing didn't mention the low-altitude flight restriction order, so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of the two of them to start a business, and wait until the company grows bigger and the country will soon introduce relevant laws.

"So, it's not that easy to be a pilot. If you don't go through a long-term and professional study, you may be a sky killer."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "In particular, industry-level drones are larger in size and have more complicated usage scenarios such as pesticide spraying and circuit inspection.

After these students have acquired the skills, we will recommend them to work in units that purchase our industry-level drones.

We not only sell aircraft to customers, but even provide manpower for customers, which is a perfect delivery solution that can be used immediately.

When customers have tasted the sweetness, they may continue to increase orders, and other wait-and-see companies will also buy our products one after another.

The market for our industry-level drones has just opened up! Coupled with consumer-grade drones, DJI can walk on two legs and develop faster and more stably. "

In his previous life, DJI missed the golden age of industry-level drone dominance. Xia Jingxing intends to make up for this regret for DJI.

Especially in the field of agriculture, forestry and plant protection, Jifei, which was established later, has become a powerful challenger to DJI.

After the domestic low-altitude flight restriction order was issued, consumer drones directly touched the growth ceiling. On the contrary, the application scenarios of industry-level drones are becoming more and more abundant and promising.

Therefore, if consumer-level drones are to be launched, industry-level drones should not be left behind.

After listening to Xia Jingxing's analysis, Wang Tao and Li Zexiang fully understood that this is to cultivate the drone market.

"That's no problem! DJI can regard the cooperation with Chengdu Aviation Institute as a key project. They have created new majors in an innovative way, and DJI will take advantage of the opportunity to open up the industry-level market. Both parties will get something and benefit from each other."

Li Zexiang nodded while talking, he felt that Xia Jingxing's plan and development ideas were really good, it would serve multiple purposes, and at the same time, it was quite pragmatic and not too ambitious.

Xia Jingxing smiled. The cooperation with DJI is just the beginning. Next, he plans to have more cooperation between Fuxing Industrial Group and Rongcheng Aviation Institute, try to create high-quality vocational education, and make a benchmark school-enterprise cooperation case to attract more Businesses followed suit.

This is not only to help his father realize his wish, but Fuxing Industrial Group can also gain a lot from it. At the same time, it can be regarded as a contribution to the progress of China's higher vocational education.

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