My Age of Investment

Eight hundred fifty-three, ST shares

After only staying in Dajiang for half a day, Xia Jingxing left in a hurry.

Now that the industry is getting bigger and bigger, he is often busy without touching the ground.

His second stop came to Modu.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator on the 49th floor of Jinmao Tower, he saw Zhao Jun and Deng Fenghua who were waiting at the door of the company early.

"President Xia, you've worked hard all the way."

Zhao Jun greeted him with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Xia Jingxing, while Deng Fenghua stood aside and smiled.

Xia Jingxing glanced at Deng Fenghua. The latter was wearing a neat suit, and his face was no longer as youthful as before. He had matured a lot.

He walked over and patted Deng Fenghua on the shoulder, and asked with concern: "How is it? Are you still used to it?"

"It feels great! The team atmosphere is just amazing."

Deng Fenghua smiled, then glanced at Zhao Jun, and said, "I learned a lot from Master, all of which I couldn't learn from school books."

Xia Jingxing laughed loudly, "Hahaha, then you must remember Mr. Zhao's kindness in preaching and teaching."

"Oh, don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, Mr. Xia, you speak too seriously."

Zhao Jun waved his hands again and again. He knew that Deng Fenghua was Xia Jingxing's classmate, and he might take over his class in the future, so he was really serious about teaching Deng Fenghua.

Of course, Deng Fenghua is also very smart, and he never shows off just because he is a boss and a classmate. He is very humble and studious, so Jun Zhao has a good impression of Deng Fenghua, and he is very happy to get along with him.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhao Jun led Xia Jingxing and his party into the company.

Xia Jingxing has an office here, but he rarely comes to use it.

When he walked into his office, he found that the room was spotlessly cleaned, and even the layout was similar to that of a few months ago.

Although others are not in Shanghai, the people below never dare to neglect.

Liu Xiaoduo delivered several cups of coffee on a tray, and the three of them each took a cup and sat on the sofa to chat.

"Mr. Xia, last year the market went up really fast, but it's a pity that margin financing and securities lending haven't been opened in A shares yet."

Zhao Jun's face was full of regrets,

He heard about the performance of Envision Capital's US hedge fund, and he was very envious, but he couldn't increase leverage in A shares, so he could only earn some honest money.

Xia Jingxing smiled. At this time, there is no brokerage fund allocation company, but there are private fund allocation companies, but he cherishes his feathers and does not touch this gray area.

Otherwise, if the news spreads, it would be too ugly for the richest man to borrow money to speculate in stocks. The loss of reputation is far greater than the little money he gained.

"Just wait, I heard that a trial will be carried out next year." Xia Jingxing comforted with a smile.

Zhao Jun sighed: "Next year and next year, it is estimated that it will be fully opened in two or three years."

Xia Jingxing didn't say a word, and Zhao Jun really hit the mark. The big A shares only officially opened the margin trading and securities lending business in 2010.

"Although there is no leverage, we actually made a lot of money in the big market last year." Deng Fenghua interjected with a smile.

"Oh, it's a pity. I missed the ship sector. Last year, this was the fattest."

Zhao Jun shook his head while talking, although he made a lot of money, he always felt that it was not perfect.

"Don't worry, there is never enough money to be made in the market, and the Grain Fund has performed very well."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and said again: "Show me last year's performance!"

Zhao Jun smiled and nodded, and told Deng Fenghua to get the computer.

After a while, Deng Fenghua brought the computer. He first turned on the projector in Xia Jingxing's office, and then closed the window. The light in the room dimmed instantly, and the projection screen on the wall slowly lit up.

"Citic Securities has 20 million shares, with an average holding price of 7.39 yuan, a current price of 40.2 yuan, a market value of 804 million, and a floating profit of 656.2 million."

"Sinolink Securities has 20 million shares, with an average holding price of 4.62 yuan, a current price of 19.08 yuan, a market value of 381.6 million, and a floating profit of 289.2 million."

"Oceanwide Construction has 30 million shares, the average price of holdings is 5.48 yuan, the current price is 23.2 yuan, the market value of holdings is 696 million, and the floating profit is 531.6 million."

"Luzhou Laojiao has 30 million shares, with an average holding price of 6.13 yuan and a current price of 28.01 yuan. The market value of holdings is 840.3 million, and the floating profit is 656.4 million."

"Vanke A has 30 million shares, the average holding price is 6.71 yuan, the current price is 17.61 yuan, the market value of holdings is 528.3 million, and the floating profit is 327 million."


Liu Hai played a set of PPT pictures, and each set of pictures was equipped with the K-line chart of the stock, stock price changes, number of shares held, market value of shareholding and other data.

Xia Jingxing was looking at these pictures seriously, and to be honest, he got more than he expected. You must know that this is still without leverage, the bull market is well-deserved, it is really delicious!

"Mangzhong Fund has a total principal of 1 billion, and holds 15 stocks in the investment portfolio, with a total market value of 4.062 billion. The floating profit has just tripled, and it has earned 3 billion."

Deng Fenghua reported the summary data, his face was full of pride and pride, because the stock with the highest profit, Luzhou Laojiao, was the one he strongly recommended to buy, contributing more than 20% of the profit of the entire fund.

He is completely obsessed with baijiu stocks! I will never change my mind in this life!

Xia Jingxing sighed in his heart, it would be great if the leverage was increased by three or four times, and the profit this time would definitely break through the tens of billion mark.

It's really not easy to make some money in A-shares, that is, when you encounter a big bull market, otherwise you can only make so much money in a short period of time by doing some crooked ways.

At present, their amount of funds is not small, and it is not impossible to earn several times and several times, and they have to rely on the bull market behind.

Xia Jingxing applauded softly: "You did a good job. In less than a year, without leverage, you have quadrupled your capital, and it's still a billion principal. Who would believe it? Hahaha~"

Zhao Jun followed with a smile. Although he didn't appear to be too happy on the surface, he was actually very satisfied with this result in his heart.

With this achievement, it is enough to be a god outside.

But when he thought of the huge asset management scale of Vision Capital and the Lixia Fund, which had grown by more than 50 times in three years, he felt a little discouraged. It was incomparable!

However, this is not a fault of war. The environment limits the upper limit of trading profits, and he has nothing to do.

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "What are your thoughts on this year's trading strategy?"

"During the big bull market, the performance of brokerage companies soared, and it was a must-have stock. Now the big bull market is far from over, so I plan to continue to hold it."

Xia Jingxing thought silently for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, but we need to pay attention to the ebb tide of the bull market. There are already some signs of something wrong in the United States."

Zhao Jun heard the implication, and asked, "Mr. Xia, you mean that housing prices in the United States have plummeted?"

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly: "Yes, Americans have built countless bonds and credit derivatives on housing subprime mortgages. Once something goes wrong, it will be thousands or trillions of dollars of financial assets fluctuating and depreciating.

These financial risks are likely to be passed on by the Americans, and then cause a world-class financial crisis. "

Zhao Jun also studied the American financial market on weekdays, but after all, he had no personal contact with it. Hearing Xia Jingxing's words at this time, he couldn't help frowning: "Mr. Xia, are these inferences accurate?"

"I can't say 100%, at least 80%." Xia Jingxing said flatly.

Zhao Jun said: "If this is the case, then we need to add one more item of attention, the financial risk transmitted by the United States."

"It's best when something big happens in the United States, and we all take short positions to hedge."

Zhao Jun took a look at Xia Jingxing and raised a different opinion: "Mr. Xia, it's not possible that the United States can have such a big impact on the A shares?"

Xia Jingxing knew that Zhao Jun might not have listened to his words too much, but it was actually normal, who would have expected the Yankees to play so well.

"In short, I and the US team are monitoring the changes on the other side of the ocean at any time. If there is any major movement, we must retreat immediately."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's resolute attitude, Zhao Jun tried his best to dissuade him, but after all, the other party was the boss, and he was just a worker.

"Okay then! It's good to be safe, the most important thing is to keep the fruits of victory. The bull market cannot go on forever."

Xia Jingxing saw that Zhao Jun still seemed a little unconvinced, so he didn't bother to persuade him, and he would just speak with facts in the future.

Zhao Jun then reported: "In addition to securities companies, I also recommend keeping positions in real estate and liquor."

Xia Jingxing nodded. He reckoned that these two sectors should still have some room for growth, but not so much.

But now I have already made three times the profit, and if I double it on this basis, it will be six times the profit. There is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"Finally, I suggest excluding some stocks that are not performing well, and take 20% of the position to bet on ST stocks."

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhao Jun with wide eyes, and asked, "ST shares?"

"Yes, ST shares." Zhao Jun nodded with firm eyes.

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