My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty, spare tire plan

"Old money is right!"

Deng Yuanjun's eyes suddenly lit up, "We can't affect the overall situation, but Fuxing Mobile, as a leader in China's technology industry, should appear in the Olympics.

In addition to a sponsorship fee, we can also give away thousands of mobile phones as sponsored items. "

Li Guangnan nodded fiercely: "This is good, this is good, even the conscientious company can sponsor the Olympics, ZTE Mobile should not be worse than them.

This is a grand event that attracts the attention of 1.3 billion Chinese people, and it will be broadcast live and broadcast by media all over the world. There is no better advertisement than this. "


Liu De nodded in agreement, "All we sponsor are 3G mobile phones. In this way, the government must at least test run 3G in the capital, right? Users in the capital area can use the 3G network to watch the Olympic Games with their mobile phones, which is in line with the theme of high-tech Olympics. .

Even if there is no large-scale commercial 3G network, it can form a large-scale publicity for Fuxing mobile phone, so that more users can understand the various innovative experience brought by "3G+smartphone", which is of great benefit to our follow-up sales plan. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't speak, Liu De changed the topic: "Of course, the advertising fee is definitely not cheap. Our mobile phone is only on sale, so there is a certain amount of financial pressure."

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "Sponsorship is acceptable. It's not just a commercial matter. As a Chinese company, we have a duty to contribute to national events."

Hearing this, everyone present smiled. It seems that Mr. Xia is also very mature politically. This is an inevitable problem on the road to becoming a bigger and stronger enterprise, and it is the same both at home and abroad.

Xia Jingxing felt a pity in his heart that the Internet sponsor was taken away by Sohu, otherwise Haineiwang would have to snatch it.

But it's not easy for him to make twists and turns for things that have been decided, so let Charles experience the last peak of his life!

"Hurry up and do this matter as soon as possible, and treat it as an important task! It must be taken!"

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhu Zhaojiang with a serious expression, and the latter immediately beamed with joy: Is Mr. Xia entrusting such an important task to himself?

Zhu Zhaojiang immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Mr. Xia, I will contact the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee immediately."


Xia Jingxing nodded slightly,

Looking at the others, he asked, "Do you have anything else to report?"

"In addition to mobile operator sales channels and electrical appliance chain stores, we also plan to build a "Fuxing Mall" with brother companies to sell all products of Fuxing Industrial Group member companies through e-commerce channels.

In addition, we also plan to cooperate with Ari to open an official flagship store in Ari. "

Zhu Zhaojiang glanced at Xia Jingxing, and asked tentatively, "I also considered opening an offline direct-sale store like "Wisdom Fruit" to explore this kind of sales model."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, Zhu Zhaojiang seemed to be encouraged, and said all the thoughts in his heart.

"Whether it is a mobile operator or an electrical appliance chain store, they are all selling on other people's territory, and the sales channels are controlled by others, which is easy to be manipulated.

We open our own online shopping mall and offline direct sales store. In addition to grasping the lifeline of sales, we can also directly contact users. We can receive feedback from users as soon as possible. We release new products and launch new product pricing strategies. It can also be received immediately.

Between us and users, we can have a better interaction, so that users can remain loyal to the brand. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, it was a bit like "fan operation".

"In the short term, it's a waste of time and money for us to do so, it's superfluous.

But in the long run, the independence of sales channels and brand operation capabilities will become one of our core competitiveness. "

While other colleagues were working hard to develop mobile phones, Zhu Zhaojiang was not idle during this period of time. He did a lot of investigation and research on the sales channels of electronic products and gained a lot of insights.

"Mr. Xia, the other home appliance brands of Fuxing Industrial Group have always had a hard time cooperating with home appliance chain stores. If they ask for a profit, they will give up the profit, and if they ask for a payment, they will press the payment. This is a situation that is controlled by others."

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhu Zhaojiang with a smile, and he was interested in the latter, so he asked: "The group has been doing business, and suddenly opened an online shopping mall, where does the traffic come from? E-commerce is not easy to do, we enter this field, maybe Ahri They don't work with us anymore."

Zhu Zhaojiang replied seriously: "We only sell our own products and will not compete with Ahri.

Doesn't have an open platform? We can get Renaissance Mall into it.

The users of are young people who like to pursue novelty. The products of Fuxing Mall can satisfy their curiosity.

Besides, Mr. Xia, haven't you also invested in websites such as Tudou, Ganji, and Autohome? They can all open a traffic entrance for us. "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "You have a good abacus."

Zhu Zhaojiang smiled, "The main reason is that Mr. Xia has a wide investment layout. The people below us are even more powerful when we do things. There are friends everywhere."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly: "I approved it, to act boldly according to your ideas, you need funds and resources..."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing paused, glanced at the rest of the executives, and said, "I'll do my best for you!"

Liu De, Deng Yuanjun and other executives understood the boss's attitude, and expressed their support.

"Oh, Mr. Xia, Lu Lei asked me to talk once, and he wants to join our company."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's puzzled face, the vice president of human resources hurriedly added: "Lu Lei is the vice president of Zhizhiguo, responsible for the sales of Zhizhiguo computers and other products in Asia.

Wisdom Fruit is isolated from the Chinese people, and there is a lot of criticism on the Internet, and Lu Lei, the vice president, can't do it anymore.

He wanted to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and join Fuxing Mobile. "

Xia Jingxing immediately understood that Zhizhiguo refused to apologize and had a bad attitude. In addition, his own sales in the Chinese market were very small. If Lu Lei, the vice president, continued to work, he would have no future.

Compared with Wisdom Fruit, Fuxing Mobile has gained a reputation in China, and even overwhelmed Wisdom Fruit abroad.

It has to be said that Luray's choice to jump ship to revive the mobile phone was a very wise choice.

"Lu Lei has worked in Motorola for eleven years, and served as the president of NEC China for two years. He only joined Zhizhiguo last year. He has strong ability and qualifications.

In my opinion, we can absorb him into our team, and by the way, we can take over all the sales network of Wisdom Fruit in China and Asia. "

All the executives present glanced at Liu Wenjuan, with different expressions, they underestimated this woman, and her methods were really dark.

"Is he willing to take the team to jump jobs?" Xia Jingxing asked.


Liu Wenjuan nodded, "This is the foundation of his promotion. Who would want him as a bare-bones commander? He must bring his team to vote for him to be worthy."

Xia Jingxing nodded and asked, "What entry requirements does he want?"

"He wants to meet you in person," Liu Wenjuan said.


Xia Jingxing nodded, making up his mind, as long as Lu Lei's conditions were not too outrageous, he would agree.

Fuxing Mobile is currently a grassroots business, and has not even established sales channels outside of China and the United States. If Lu Lei brings a group of people to invest, at least the framework in the Asian region will be supported, which can save a lot of construction work.

At the same time, this can also weaken Wisdom Fruit and directly paralyze the Asian region.

"Mr. Xia, aside from research and development costs, the hardware manufacturing cost of each Fuxing mobile phone has been calculated. It is 230 US dollars, which is close to 50% of the price of the lowest version."

Liu De sighed, "The three components with the highest hardware cost are the processor, screen and storage.

Among them, the processor and storage are from Samsung, and the screen is from Corning.

We don't have much bargaining power and are somewhat passive. "

Li Guangnan said: "This is the disadvantage of not mastering the core technology. Don't forget, Samsung also has a mobile phone brand.

Now Fuxing Mobile and Wisdom Fruit are looking for Samsung to cooperate. Once Samsung decides to enter the smartphone field, it will not be good news for the two of you.

Don't look at what Samsung keeps saying that the subsidiary's business is independent. Once there are greater interests in front of them, they will do anything. "

Xia Jingxing nodded. From these words, it could be heard that Li Guangnan was very anxious and eager to enter the semiconductor field.

But the old man was right. The lifeblood cannot be in the hands of others. Zhizhiguo has not cooperated with Samsung for too long, so it secretly developed the A-series chips.

To enhance core competitiveness, chips can never be bypassed.

The success of Fuxing mobile phone in front of us is just a castle in the air, and it cannot stand the wind and rain at all.

"Let's take it step by step, we are too far behind, and there are shortcomings everywhere."

Li Guangnan frowned, "Mr. Xia, this matter must not be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the greater the gap will be. Have you forgotten Moore's Law?"

Liu De and the others were a little displeased, feeling that the old man was a little confused, and Mr. Xia had already expressed his position, and he still wanted to press him.

Xia Jingxing could understand Li Guangnan's painstaking efforts, and smiled magnanimously: "Old Li is right, we really can't wait. How about this, first register the company and build up a team, the investment cannot be paid in one go, only in batches Appropriate."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Xia, you are really wise in making this decision!"

Li Guangnan looked happy. He felt that the dark road ahead of China's technology industry was finally brighter.

"Then Mr. Xia, can the Android system on the Fuxing phone be brought back to China?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "Even if the Americans don't stop and move the company back smoothly, the ecology cannot be brought back.

To sell our products overseas, we cannot do without the overseas application ecology.

When Android moves back, it will only gradually become a niche operating system in the end, ceding the overseas market to Microsoft and HP.

At present, the conditions for developing a global operating system are not met, and national strength and overall technological level do not support it.

We can only make Android a nourishment, and focus on the technology branch of semiconductors first.

However, as a defensive strategy and long-term consideration, we should have a purely domestic operating system. "

Hearing this, Li Guangnan's gradually dim eyes lit up again, "What do you say?"

"Fuxing Industry Group has always had a grand plan to use an operating system to connect home appliances, mobile phones, cars and various smart wearable devices in series, named the Internet of Things IoT operating system.

In the future, we will strive to achieve that in the face of the most extreme situation, the domestic market can still be used normally while the overseas market is abandoned. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Li Guangnan, and said with a smile: "I know Mr. Li, you are worried about information security, so you have been pushing the domestic operating system.

But now we are going to overseas markets to make money, and others will worry about their information security!

The Americans are powerful now, so everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

American technology giants are criss-crossing the world, which is the embodiment of national strength.

We are now working on a backup plan. In the most extreme cases, we can quickly replace foreign operating systems and cut off data transmission in mobile phones.

At the same time, this system is also a spark. When the country rises and Chinese technology companies go overseas to conquer cities, they can take this system and promote it overseas. "

Li Guangnan thought for a long time, and then sighed: "You are right, there is really no rush. The revival industry is still very weak, and it would be nice to be able to do a good job in one field."

Xia Jingxing was silent. From the serious point of view, without Android, everyone will be transferred to Hongmeng, and normal life should not be affected.

But if the chip is stuck, all the smart devices will fall for an era.

He repeatedly considered and analyzed the current situation, and felt that the priority of the chip should be placed first for the time being.

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