My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty-one, 6 business groups

After listening to the high-level meeting of Fuxing Mobile, Li Guangnan was very satisfied and left happily.

As CFO and vice president of investment, Deng Yuanjun is in charge of the company's money bag, he knocked on the door of Xia Jingxing's office worriedly.

"Mr. Xia, how can we have the money to make semiconductors now? I'm not saying that we won't do it. We will definitely do it, but we can only do it later."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "Old Deng, are you telling me a tongue twister? Sit down quickly, don't be so excited."

Deng Yuanjun shook his head and laughed, he was not so anxious after being interrupted like this.

"President Xia, I'm not joking."

Across a desk, Deng Yuanjun sat down opposite Xia Jingxing, looking at the young and energetic boss, he felt that it was necessary to have a good chat with the boss, otherwise the good situation would be ruined.

"Semiconductors are very important. They are the core components of mobile phones. It is best to keep them in our own hands. That's right!"

Deng Yuanjun spread his hands, "But we don't have any money right now, and the mobile phone hasn't been officially released yet. It's best to wait for two or three years of mobile phone sales to generate a certain stable revenue."

Xia Jingxing smiled. What Deng Yuanjun said was actually a mature and prudent statement. He started making chips before any mobile phones were sold.

Whether it is Wisdom Fruit, Huawei, or Xiaomi, which has suffered setbacks in developing surging chips, it is only after a certain period of time that mobile phones have been sold that they start to develop their own chips from the perspective of stabilizing the industrial chain.

However, Fuxing Mobile is different from these companies. It has a stronger determination to make cores and a stable blood vessel.

Xia Jingxing hadn't had an in-depth chat with Deng Yuanjun about his views on semiconductors and the draft development strategy. Taking this opportunity, he told him everything, including the two integrated circuit industry funds with a scale of 100 billion that Envision Capital planned to establish.

"Mr. Xia, can Vision Capital raise so much money?"

Deng Yuanjun was dubious. He knew that the boss was rich, but he didn't...have enough money to spend nearly 200 billion casually.

"After this year, it's not a big problem."

Xia Jingxing replied indifferently that each of his businesses operated independently, and only the US team of Vision Capital who personally participated knew about the shorting of subprime mortgages, and it was only limited to the hedge fund department.

"If there is so much money,

That's something to try. "

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was unwilling to discuss this matter in depth, Deng Yuanjun didn't ask any more questions, and instead began to analyze the semiconductor industry.

"We can design the chip ourselves and hand over the manufacturing to the foundry."

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "We have to control the entire industrial chain by ourselves. We can either do it ourselves or invest in it. We cannot rely on outsiders."

Deng Yuanjun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Is the plan too...big?"

"Fuxing Industrial Group can afford it. At present, only mobile phones, drones and a few home appliance companies are included in the group system, and more companies will join in the future.

Your next task is to integrate the various business sectors of the group and prepare to establish a semiconductor company. "

The various business sectors of Fuxing Industry have always been very loose. Taking advantage of the opportunity of entering the semiconductor field, Xia Jingxing intends to truly integrate all resources and gather strength to form a fist.

"With the mobile phone company as the core?" Deng Yuanjun asked tentatively.

"You'll find out in two days."



two days later.

ATL Liang Shaokang, Chen Tanghua, CATL Zeng Jiqun, DJI Wang Tao, Li Zexiang, Skyworth Zhang Xuebing, and executives from Supor, Kelon, Rongsheng, Little Swan, Xiaoxiong Electric came to the headquarters of Beijing Fuxing Industrial Group.

The headquarters of Fuxing Industry Group is not far from Fuxing Mobile, but the scale is much smaller. It only rents an office building on the first floor. It looks empty, with only a dozen employees working. How shabby and shabby it looks.

The number of senior executives who came to the meeting was as many as dozens, more than the headquarters employees.

A group of people came to the conference room and took their seats one after another. The conference table with a length of more than ten meters was filled to the brim.

Xia Jingxing sat on the upper side and said with a smile: "I called everyone here today, I believe everyone has some guesses in their hearts.

Just as everyone thinks in their hearts, all the companies represented here will be integrated into the Fuxing Industrial Holding Group system. "

Guessing is guessing. When they heard the news was true, some corporate executives who had not yet joined Fuxing Industrial Group couldn't help but look at me and you, with a little surprised expression.

Xia Jingxing continued: "China's industry, especially high-end manufacturing, has always been large but not strong. There are many reasons for this, the biggest reason is that the financial strength is not strong enough, and the technical strength is not strong enough.

Today, Fuxing Industrial Group is willing to raise a banner to integrate the domestic high-end manufacturing industry, clench five fingers into one fist, and move forward to become a world-class manufacturer in many fields.

Our ultimate goal is to surpass South Korea's Samsung and Germany's Siemens, and become a pioneer in the revival of national technology!

Alright, I won't say anything more..."

Xia Jingxing looked at Li Ying who was sitting on his left, and said, "Mr. Li, come and read the order from the group headquarters!"

Li Ying nodded, stood up, held the document in her hand and read: "Fuxing Industry Holding Group's plan is as follows."

"It is proposed to establish Fuxing E-Commerce Company to operate an e-commerce website that sells all products of the group - Fuxing Mall."

"It is proposed to establish a revival Internet of Things company to develop an Internet of Things operating system."

"It is proposed to establish Fuxing Semiconductor Company to engage in semiconductor design, manufacturing, packaging and testing and other process links."

"It is planned to establish Fuxing Automobile Company to engage in the research, development and manufacture of new energy vehicles."


Li Ying reported the names of more than a dozen companies in one breath, and many people present opened their mouths when they heard it. At the same time, they couldn't help but have a question in their hearts. Entering so many fields at once, it can't be a shell company, right?

"Supor Kitchen Appliances, Xiaoxiong Electric Small Appliances, Kelon Air Conditioners, Rongsheng Refrigerators, Little Swan Washing Machines, and Skyworth TVs are divided into smart home appliance business groups, with Li Ying as the president of the business groups."

"ATL, CTAL and Fuxing Solar are divided into energy business groups, and Zeng Mengqun is the president of the business group."

"Fuxing mobile phones and newly registered Fuxing computers (tablets), Fuxing watches, Fuxing glasses, Fuxing speakers and other companies are divided into consumer electronics business groups, with Lin Bing as the president of the business group."

"DJI drones and newly registered DJI electric aircraft, DJI flying cars and other companies are divided into the aerospace business group, with Li Zexiang as the president of the business group."

"Sunco Real Estate, Fuxing Mall, Fuxing Internet of Things, Fuxing Auto and other companies form an innovative business group, and the president is temporarily vacant."

"Several Fuxing Semiconductor companies have jointly formed a semiconductor business group, and the president is temporarily vacant."

Li Ying closed the document and made a concluding speech: "After the integration is completed, the dozens of first-level subsidiaries of Fuxing Industry Holding Group will form six major businesses including smart home appliances, energy, consumer electronics, aerospace, semiconductors, and innovative businesses. group."

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