My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty-two, pros and cons

After Li Ying finished speaking, everyone present applauded, and at the same time, they turned their attention to Xia Jingxing who was sitting firmly at the head with a smile on his face.

No objections were raised! No one dared to raise objections!

Because all the executive representatives who came to the scene today, their companies were either wholly acquired by Fuxing Industrial Group and other companies controlled by Xia Jingxing, or they were firmly controlled.

The big boss called them over and read the decision directly, making it clear that they were not negotiating with them and could only obey 100%.

Most people support the merger.

For example, a few senior executives of home appliance companies, they all support Xia Jingxing's decision, Haier is powerful, Midea is eyeing, Gree is working hard...

The old opponents in the home appliance industry are getting stronger one by one!

In this case, a small company has no future and is doomed to be eaten away step by step. How can it be better to rely on a big tree.

Moreover, companies such as Kelon and Rongsheng have just come out of the shadow of bankruptcy. What the remaining executives look forward to most is to welcome a powerful boss to help the company return to its peak.

In their minds, Xia Jingxing, the richest man, is undoubtedly a suitable candidate for the boss.

For Li Ying as the president, several executives of home appliance companies are not unconvinced.

Because since the completion of the acquisition, Li Ying has been responsible for the integration of various companies, and the person who has the most dealings with them is this President Li.

Although Li Ying is young, she has a strong learning ability. She travels all over the world and quickly grows from a home appliance layman to a semi-professional. She also helps various companies solve many problems, such as bank loans, sales channels and so on. For these, the executives of various home appliance companies are watching.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Ying holds Shang Fang's sword and is the direct descendant of the big boss. This identity and qualifications are incomparable to those who have only joined for a long time.

If the group proposes one of them to be the president of this business group, others may still be unconvinced, but for Li Ying, they are generally convinced. This is also a subtle psychological manifestation of their concern for inequality rather than scarcity.

With a smile on his face, Li Zexiang was promoted inexplicably, and a small company in DJI actually formed a business group with a bluffing name, "Aerospace", high-end and high-end!

Wang Tao held an indifferent attitude,

As long as it doesn't affect his development of drones.

All executives of Fuxing Mobile were smiling. Although the president, Lin Bing, was still in the United States and was not present, the rest of them acted as if they had been promoted, and they were happier than in the Chinese New Year.

Because in their view, whether it is the Internet of Things or e-commerce, mobile phone companies or consumer electronics business groups are the core.

If they want to rank the six business groups of the group, they feel that the consumer electronics business group must rank first.

Although there are currently four listed companies in the smart home appliance business group, in terms of technological content and future potential, they have to belong to the consumer electronics business group.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Fuxing Mobile and the group have the same name, and the outside world can tell that they are the direct line and the top brand.

Compared with the others, although Zeng Jiqun, Liang Shaokang, and Chen Tanghua had smiles on their faces, they were actually a little worried.

Xia Jingxing pretended to be inadvertent and glanced at the face of a famous executive, taking in everyone's expressions.

As the president of the energy business group, Zeng Jiqun naturally became his focus of observation. He noticed that the other party frowned. Although it disappeared in a flash, he still caught this subtle expression change.

He didn't ask Zeng Jiqun directly, that was too deliberate.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Jingxing said: "The group plan is only in the drafting stage at present, and it will take three to half a year to integrate it.

Do you have any comments or suggestions on this? Whether it's good or bad, bring it up! Everyone speaks freely. "

"I have no objection at all! I very much agree with Mr. Xia's point of view. Your fingers should be clenched into fists, so that you can punch with strength!"

Zhang Xuebing, CEO of Skyworth, looked around and said impassionedly: "Take our home appliance industry as an example! Those who make white appliances want to enter black appliances, and those who engage in black appliances want to cut into white appliances. Some friends even made mobile phones. .

These performances cannot all be called disorderly expansion. The main purpose is to enhance the strength of the enterprise, in order to survive, to develop new businesses to feed back the main business whose growth is stuck in bottlenecks, and to walk on multiple legs.

Business competition is cruel. Strong companies have more funds, can recruit better talents, and spend more advertising budgets...

Taking a step back, Skyworth could be more ruthless than Changhong if the color TV price reduction war happened again, and Changhong would be the one to scold at that time. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhang Hongbing appreciatively, he is quite enlightened!

"What Lao Zhang said is actually what I want to tell everyone."

Xia Jingxing glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "Merge into a group, and each subsidiary will no longer be isolated and helpless when faced with a harsh competitive environment.

In the past, each company was like a chopstick, but now everyone is a bundle of chopsticks.

Don't talk about domestic counterparts, even leading foreign manufacturers, if they want to fight against us, they have to weigh it.

Because what they are fighting against is not a company, but an industrial giant that spans multiple fields. "

Everyone nodded, that is to make China's Samsung, China's Siemens!

Foreign manufacturers have actually set an example, they just need to cross the river by groping others.

"Mr. Xia, I am actually most concerned about semiconductor and Internet of Things companies. The Fuxing Mall that sells Skyworth TVs is also good." Zhang Hongbing said with a smile.

Xia Jingxing replied with a smile: "Semiconductor companies will provide TV chips for Skyworth, and the Internet of Things will turn Skyworth TVs into smart TVs, the kind that can be controlled by mobile phones, greatly improving the technological content and increasing the appeal to consumers.

Fuxing Mall is responsible for selling Skyworth TV. "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing looked at the others and said, "These words are also for everyone to hear. In addition to enhancing each other's capital strength, the six major business groups can also cooperate, including technological research and development, supply chain, and marketing. etc."

Everyone nodded again, except Zeng Jiqun frowned again.

He pursed his lips and thought for a long time before asking: "Mr. Xia, I have a question. Our energy business group will provide batteries to various consumer electronics manufacturers, including competitors of Fuxing mobile phones. Is this considered an enemy?" ?

Also, some consumer electronics manufacturers that compete with Fuxing may refuse to cooperate with us because of the label on ATL.

For example, we now provide battery products for Wisdom Fruit's ipod. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes, everything has advantages and disadvantages. We span too many fields. Naturally, there will be situations where a certain manufacturer cooperates with one of our subsidiaries and competes with another."

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