My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and sixty-fourth, global talent recruitment

Xia Jingxing looked at Deng Yuanjun who was speaking, raised his hand, and motioned for the other party to continue talking.

"The person I recommend is Liang Mengsong, who lives up to his name, a group of fierce people!"

Deng Yuanjun slowly introduced: "He was born in Wanwan Province in 1952. He first obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in electrical engineering from the National Cheng Kung University of Wanwan, and then obtained a doctorate degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Enter the American processor manufacturer AMD..."

Xia Jingxing's eyes lit up. He had naturally heard of Liang Mengsong's name, so there was no need to say anything about its awesomeness.

However, Deng Yuanjun was worried that his boss did not understand the power of this technology expert, so he continued to introduce: "In the years when Liang Mengsong worked at AMD, in addition to winning more than 180 technical patents, he also published more than 350 related technical articles. Thesis, the performance is genius.

I was working in Zhizhiguowan Branch at that time, and later joined AMD. I met Liang Mengsong by chance, and he left a particularly deep impression on me.

In 1992, Liang Mengsong left AMD and turned to TSMC. He successively served as an engineer and senior R\u0026D director. He has worked in TSMC for fifteen years.

During this period, he first helped TSMC win the Intel foundry order that he had been pursuing for several years, and then led the team to skip the 150nm process technology and directly completed the breakthrough of the 130nm process.

This allowed TSMC, which was originally two generations behind Intel and IBM, to stand on the same starting line as these two American giants.

Immediately afterwards, TSMC completed its overtake of IBM in 2003 and became famous in the 130-nanometer battle.

Among them, Jiang Shangyi contributed the most, followed by Liang Mengsong.

Zhang Zhongmou resigned the year before last, and Jiang Shangyi also retired last year. It is taken for granted that Liang Mengsong will take over the position of vice president of research and development.

However, under the coercion of some capital, this position fell to someone else, and Liang Mengsong was transferred to the bench as the director of some special project.

I had a chat with him some time ago. In words, he seemed to be dissatisfied with the decision of the upper management of TSMC, and told me that Samsung was also poaching him.

In addition, his wife is also of Korean descent, so he is very tempted by the olive branch thrown by Samsung.

I think we can intervene and bring Liang Mengsong to Fuxing Industrial Group instead of letting him join Samsung.

I can assure you,

Liang Mengsong is definitely a good chip maker, no worse than anyone else, and he is definitely the best among Chinese and overseas Chinese. "

Xia Jingxing nodded and said nothing, Liang Meng is a real chip industry macho, there is no doubt about it.

In the previous life, this talent finally agreed to join Samsung.

In order to show enough courtesy, Samsung even sent a special plane to Wanwan to pick up Liang Mengsong and his team.

Of course, Liang Mengsong did not disappoint this courtesy and trust.

Two years after joining Samsung, he led the team to surpass TSMC in the 14nm process.

Later, TSMC used various methods to sue Samsung and Liang Mengsong, forcing this top talent to quit Samsung and join SMIC as CEO.

During his stay at SMIC, Liang Mengsong once again proved his talent and became a pillar talent like a white jade pillar in the sky and a purple golden beam in the sea.

However, SMIC did not give Liang Mengsong the corresponding treatment, which almost caused the loss of talents.

For this kind of great talent, Xia Jingxing, who was eager for talents, naturally would not let him go, his eyes would light up.

"Can you convince Liang Mengsong to join the company?"

Deng Yuanjun nodded: "I don't think it's a big problem! We are a new company, full of vigor and strong capital strength, and Liang Mengsong is not a saint, so he should not be able to refuse a good opportunity to write ink on a piece of white paper."

Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment and said, "Well, tell him that if he agrees to join Fuxing Industrial Group, I can give him the position of CEO of a chip manufacturing company, and the company's investment will not be less than tens of billions of dollars."

"Ten billion dollars?"

Deng Yuanjun hesitated in his heart. The big boss did tell him that he would invest 200 billion in the semiconductor field.

But this is still nothing!

If he boasted so much, would Liang Mengsong feel that Fuxing Industrial Group was fooling him? Deng Yuanjun thinks it is very possible.

"Mr. Xia, let's not talk about the tens of billions of dollars in investment. Let's talk more about the current capital strength of Fuxing Industrial Group. As far as our six major business groups are concerned, they are already attractive enough."

Xia Jingxing smiled helplessly, it seemed that Deng Yuanjun still didn't quite believe in himself.

He was too lazy to explain, and it was not easy to explain.

"Okay, no matter what, we must persuade Deng Yuanjun to join our team. His salary can be doubled, and he will be given a car and a house..."

Xia Jingxing looked at the senior executives present and said, "Fuxing Industrial Group will never be stingy with talents, and will offer the best treatment we can provide.

Technology is productivity, and technology is core competitiveness, which can be incorporated into our core development strategy. "

All the executives nodded together. The generosity and generosity shown by Xia Jingxing was something they had never seen from domestic entrepreneurs.

No one thinks this is bad. After all, almost all of them have been abroad. They understand technological blockades and barriers, and know how much benefit a technological breakthrough can bring.

"Oh, Mr. Xia, if Liang Mengsong joins our group, once he achieves something, he will definitely be hunted down by TSMC.

This is not my wild guess. The experience of SMIC has already explained everything. We must not take potential legal disputes such as non-compete agreements and intellectual property rights lightly. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, even if Deng Yuanjun didn't remind him, he would have thought of this.

TSMC is so ruthless that it can no longer be regarded as a Chinese enterprise. Those Taiwanese have no sense of family and country in their eyes, and have long been reduced to pawns of foreign capital.

"I see, don't worry, I will make proper arrangements."

A look of cruelty flashed in Xia Jingxing's eyes, he had already thought of a solution.

Seeing that the boss was ready, Deng Yuanjun closed his mouth knowingly, and began to think in his heart how to persuade Liang Mengsong.

"Dr. Yi Zhiyao of China Microelectronics, over 60 years old, led a team back to China three years ago, aiming to build a domestic plasma etching machine..."

"Yang Peidong, born in 1971, received a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University at the age of 26. He is now a tenured professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, and a top young scientist in the field of semiconductor nanomaterials..."

"Dai Weijin, Dai Weili, Dai Weimin and the three brothers and sisters of the Dai family..."


The executives at the scene spoke one after another, recommending semiconductor talents they know. Some have returned to China to start companies, and some are still in the United States.

If you don't listen, you don't know. When you hear it, you are shocked.

Xia Jingxing just asked casually, and found that there are as many scientific and technological talents in the field of semiconductors as there are crucian carp in the river, and they cannot be counted.

This is also the status quo. There are not a few Chinese people who are intelligent and intelligent. Every year, many of the outstanding talents trained by colleges and universities in science and engineering go to the United States, and a considerable part of them flow into the semiconductor field and gradually become industry experts.

Xia Jingxing couldn't remember so many people's names at all, so he hurriedly waved his hand to stop: "Okay, okay, after you get down, everyone can send me an email to recommend the candidate you approve to me, and I will arrange someone to contact you."

Hearing this, the extremely enthusiastic referral activity came to an end for the time being.

Xia Jingxing has a very clear understanding that the era of individual heroes in semiconductors is over. Even if top talents are recruited, if they lack supporting conditions, they will still be caught blind.

In other words, top talents are critical, but what is even more critical is a mature technical team.

In addition to recruiting some top talents, they also need to send out headhunters to dig out some engineers with mature skills as the backbone of R\u0026D.

It's just that there's no need to discuss this matter at the meeting, he already has a plan in mind.

Right now the army has already set out, as long as the name is made famous and the signboard is polished, talents from all directions will pour in.

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