My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventy-fourth, see it with a degree, use it with restraint

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the eighteenth day of February in the Gregorian calendar, Xia Jingxing ate two bowls of glutinous rice balls at home, and then went out with two dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Chenguang went home for the New Year holidays, and the bodyguard on duty who lived in a nearby hotel drove a black Mercedes parked in the Rongcheng office of Envision Capital to pick up Xia Jingxing and drove towards Chunxi Road.

Xia Jingxing didn't go shopping, he went to visit Daci Temple next to Chunxi Road first.

This is also a famous temple, which was first built during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. Master Xuanzang still placed orders here and lectured on scriptures for four or five years.

The temple has a grand hall, a deep courtyard, and towering ancient trees. It was turned into a museum after liberation, and it was re-turned into a temple and opened to the public a few years ago. Now it has a tea garden, a chess garden, and a famous snack bar.

Since it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, there were crowds of people who came to the temple to offer incense.

However, Xia Jingxing was a VIP, and after receiving a call from Master Yongxin from the Central Plains Province, Abbot Daen of Daci Temple hurried out to greet him.

Xia Jingxing is also a well-known benefactor in Buddhism. Under his advice, Shaolin Temple opened a Youtube account, which has millions of followers in Europe and the United States. Last year, the number of foreign tourists visiting Shaolin Temple doubled compared to the previous year.

Abbot Daen is not an ordinary person either. He was the first young man to become a monk after the Cultural Revolution in Sichuan Province, and also the first university monk in Sichuan Province after the Buddhist Academy resumed enrollment.

Under the leadership of Abbot Da'en, Xia Jing walked through the VIP passage to the Daxiong Palace to burn two sticks of incense, and then ate a vegetarian meal in the temple.

Before leaving, Xia Jingxing offered a trick to the master who hadn't asked for anything: he invited Daci Temple to become Kiva's partner in China, or more specifically, in Rongcheng.

Kiva is a public welfare P2P loan in the United States. Lenders can browse the loan projects and information introductions on the website, and remit money to Kiva based on the idea of ​​charity. Kiva will then remit the funds to the borrower through the free transfer provided by PayPal. , or remit to microfinance institutions around the world, and these institutions then allocate the borrowings to lower levels.

The repayment of the borrower also follows this path and is recovered layer by layer, but only the principal needs to be repaid without interest.

Xia Jingxing also sponsored 1 million US dollars to Kiva, and requested that it must be lent to the Chinese.

With the help of Xia Jingxing, Kiva has passed the review of relevant departments, and the website of Kiva China has also been launched. The next step is to find and screen borrowers.

Since it is a non-profit organization,

Kiva relies entirely on donations to operate, and cannot afford to hire too many employees, so the operation of Kiva China is entrusted to Xia Jingxing, which means that Kiva is just a name, and the charity activities have expanded again, adding another China to the map.

In the early stage, we mainly used Xia Jingxing’s 1 million US dollars as a loan experiment. If the effect is satisfactory, the American lenders on Kiva and lenders all over the world can lend to Chinese borrowers interest-free.

For Xia Jingxing, the initial cost is mainly the donation of 1 million US dollars. After the model is passed, what needs to be borne is the operating expenses generated by Kiva China.

This operating expense, which includes website maintenance and upgrades, also includes staff to find and screen borrowers.

Xia Jingxing planned to hand over the task of finding borrowers to Daci Temple. This temple participated in a "Sichuan Provincial Charity Merit Association" and often organized monks to help the poor and help students.

In the process of doing charity, if you find someone who is eligible for Kiva’s interest-free loan, such as a disabled hawker, the monk can recommend it to Kiva, and Kiva’s employees will further visit and review the project, and then enter the project on the website to raise funds and distribute funds.

In addition to temples, Xia Jinghang also plans to cooperate with many charities to expand the eyes and ears of the website at no cost. After all, everyone is doing public welfare, and charities will not ask Kiva for any intermediary fees.

At first, Xia Jingxing only planned to donate 1 million US dollars to settle the matter, and at most he would help Kiva enter China and introduce some units.

After thinking about it, he felt that it would not work. Without his own participation, it might not be possible, or his influence would be limited. Therefore, he took over the operating rights of Kiva China and was willing to bear all the operating expenses incurred.

The reason why he still bears the name of Kiva is that he wants to see if he can get more funds from Americans and foreigners to help the poor Chinese.

If the effect is not satisfactory, in the future, we will take off the hat of Kiva and use our own public welfare fund to independently operate a public welfare loan institution to help the poverty alleviation work and achieve the goal of common prosperity.

At his position, with so much wealth, it is necessary to give back to the society. Even if he donates 100 billion in the future, it is not a big deal.

Charity includes many kinds, such as student aid, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation that he wants to use Kiva to achieve.

If the operation effect is satisfactory, he intends to use the funds of his public welfare foundation for long-term "public welfare loans" and "interest-free loans".

It is often said that a penny beats a hero, especially the disadvantaged.

He intends to invest in the main support group of public welfare loans to those orphans, widows and children who are willing to rely on themselves. After all, the principal needs to be repaid, not donations.

A donation of 10,000 yuan may only help one person.

Subsidize public welfare loans of 10,000 yuan, can release and recover 1 million yuan of loans, and help 100 people.

The meanings of the two are different.

Of course, his public welfare fund will still donate money, mainly for those groups who have completely lost their labor force, which belongs to another department of the fund.

After achieving certain results in poverty alleviation public welfare loans, Xia Jingxing intends to continue to expand the target group, from disadvantaged groups who are willing to rely on themselves to outstanding college student entrepreneurs, and to provide low-interest and interest-free loans for small and micro enterprises with potential.

When entering the campus, you can also publicize the dangers of online loans to students. Of course, the kind of people who spend extravagantly on living expenses and run to jump into a pit knowing that it is a trap cannot be saved, and they are not worth saving!

After listening to Xia Jingxing's introduction to his public welfare fund and Kiva, as well as his vision for the future, Abbot Da En put his palms together and said in Sichuan dialect: "Amitabha, Mr. Xia has the world in mind and saves all living beings. Our Daci Temple is willing to do our best to save all living beings." Little power."

Xia Jingxing bowed back and said with a smile, "Buddhism has spread so widely in China because Buddhists value compassion and help common people.

If our public welfare undertakings develop smoothly, I also hope that the master will appeal to the religious circles and friends who are enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings to join in and contribute more. "

"This is no problem! Our Daci Temple has a volunteer team, which has various departments such as the volunteer department, the free clinic department, the poverty relief department, and the student assistance department.

This public welfare team often goes deep into the Chengdu community and rural families to help the poor and solve emergencies.

We just need to explain one more thing, let them pay attention to the needy people who are eligible for Kiva assistance.

In addition, I also participated in the founding of the Correspondence Department of Sichuan Buddhist College. There are monks trained by us throughout Sichuan Province and Yuzhou.

If the model is feasible, it should be extended to the entire Sichuan-Chongqing region. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, if so many people came to help, then Kiva's early work would be easy to start.

Now that smartphones have just been born, to promote public welfare loans, we really can only rely on the relatively primitive manual recommendation and manual preliminary review mode.

Saying goodbye to Abbot Da En, Xia Jingxing felt much refreshed the moment he walked out of Daci Temple. I don't know if it was because of the psychological satisfaction he got from public welfare undertakings, or the blessing of mysterious power.

Most people only know that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. In fact, there are the last two sentences: treat it with restraint and use it with restraint.

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