My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventy-five, search shop

After leaving Daci Temple, Xia Jingxing went to Chunxi Road Pedestrian Street to feel the lively Chinese New Year atmosphere.

Near noon, he left Chunxi Road and came to a nearby street.

Compared to the bustling and bustling Chunxi Road next to it, the street he just arrived on is much deserted, with few pedestrians on the road, and most of the shops facing the street are closed and closed for holidays.

There is only one store, and customers keep coming in and out, and it seems that the business is not bad.

Xia Jingxing looked up at the shop's signboard, and there were three large characters of "Konglecook" written on it. Among them, the word "Cook" was specially used in artistic fonts. On the left was a round chafing dish pot with flames in it, and on the right was a "ow" "The word looks a bit like the catchphrase in Sichuan and Chongqing, "empty blowing".

At the same time, the round hot pot pot is a bit like a human mouth, breathing fire from the mouth, which vividly reflects the spicy characteristics of hot pot.

In fact, the character "cooking" also gradually evolved from the character "blowing", and blowing fire means cooking, but the radical of the word "mouth" was gradually omitted, and the character "fire" was also placed on the left.

It was the first time that Xia Jingxing saw the hotpot restaurant he invested in in real life, and it felt a little strange, because before that, all he saw were pictures.

Although partner Yu Youwei would regularly send him work emails to report on the development of the hot pot restaurant, there are many things that cannot be found on paper, so he came here to take a look when he was free on the first day of the new year.

Looking back, Xia Jingxing walked towards the door of the store together with the bodyguards who were behind him.

Seeing Xia Jingxing and the two coming to the door, the welcoming lady in red overalls greeted them with a smile on her face, and warmly greeted them into the shop.

On the way to lead the way, the welcome lady asked Xia Jingxing kindly: How many people are dining? Have you booked a table yet? Use the hall or private room? Do you need a window seat or a sofa seat...

Xia Jingxing pretended not to understand anything, and asked all kinds of questions, and the welcoming lady answered patiently.

When Miss Yingbin learned that Xia Jingxing was here for the first time, she led him and the bodyguards to an empty table in the lobby and sat down. Before leaving, she made a point of explaining to the waiter and colleague who stood upright at the side.

In charge of looking after Xia Jingxing's table were two waitress girls, they were not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

One has neatly cut short hair, and the other has long hair tied up in a bun. Compared with the afro, bangs and other non-mainstream hairstyles that are very popular among young girls these days,

It seemed a little out of place.

Xia Jingxing was not very surprised by this, because he had read the rules and regulations of the hot pot restaurant, and there were requirements on the dress and hairstyle of male and female employees, and they were not allowed to have naked tattoos.

The short-haired waiter brought the menu, took a mouthful of authentic Trump, and began to introduce each dish on the menu to Xia Jingxing, who had been speaking Mandarin and pretending to be a provincial, including what the raw materials were, how they were made, where to eat, etc. , introduced them all.

"This is the yellow throat, which is the aorta and large blood vessel in livestock such as pigs and cattle. It tastes very crisp after being scalded in a hot pot. After eating, it can supplement the protein and amino acids of the human body."

"This is goose intestine. It can be eaten after 15 seconds of rinsing. It has a good regulating effect on human metabolism, nerves, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular."


Xia Jingxing pointed to a dish, and the short-haired waiter introduced one, very patiently.

"You know so much, have you ever been to university?" Xia Jingxing asked.

The short-haired waiter shook his head: "No, I came out to work after graduating from junior high school. Each of our employees must recite the introductions of these dishes in accordance with the management regulations for waiters."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "With so many dishes, it shouldn't be easy to memorize, right? There are so many requirements to be a waiter?"

The short-haired waiter said with a smile: "If you recite it, you can pass the exam and get a salary increase. Everyone is more serious than when you were studying."

At this time, another long-haired waiter counted the checked menus and said, "Sir, you have ordered fifteen dishes at this table, but there are only two of you. I suggest you return a few dishes and wait until you finish eating." Again, there will be no waste."

The short-haired waiter immediately echoed: "Yes, our food is served very quickly. Order after you finish eating, and it won't delay your meal."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Okay then, let's return a few dishes!"

After receiving the menu that was handed over, Xia Jingxing crossed out a few dishes, and then the long-haired waiter took the menu and left, while the short-haired waiter continued to stand aside, chatting with Xia Jingxing.

"Sir, if you are here for the first time, you can experience the shoe shine and massage services we provide. Now it is also the waiting time for meals, so you will not be delayed."

"Massage available?"

Xia Jingxing deliberately made a fuss, and then asked the waiter to lead the way.

After arriving at the place, Xia Jingxing found that there were already several customers sitting there, and several waiters in overalls were squatting, sitting, or standing, and they were seriously helping customers shine their shoes, doing hand care and shoulder and neck massage.

Xia Jingxing chose shoulder and neck massage, and when he sat down, he began to chat with several customers around him.

"Brother, do you come to this hotpot restaurant often? It's the first time I've seen a hotpot restaurant where you can shine shoes and get massages. It looks amazing."

"Haha, then you must come here more in the future. It doesn't matter whether the hot pot is good or not. The key is that the service attitude is too good..."

"Brother, how do you know about this store? Are there usually many customers here?"

"I was introduced by a colleague from my work unit. They bragged about this store so magically, I wanted to see if it was "empty and blown", but it turned out that there was no blow, and what they said was true.

Usually there are too many customers, and it takes hours to queue up, fortunately it is Chinese New Year..."


Xia Jingxing gave a simple massage for a few minutes, asked all the customers around him, and then returned to his seat with a lot of rewards.

After a while, the dishes were served one after another. The short-haired waiter helped to put the dishes into the pot, and warmly reminded how long each dish would take to be blanched. Xia Jingxing listened with relish, and asked a few questions from time to time.

"Waiter, hurry up, the drinks we want haven't been served yet." Someone from the next table shouted impatiently.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll get it right away!"

The short-haired waiter turned his head, gave the customer at the next table a smile, then swiftly finished the work on Xia Jingxing's table, and finally went to get the drink quickly. The whole process was orderly, without seeming flustered at all.

Xia Jingxing and the bodyguards heated the hot pot and chatted while eating.

"Mr. Xia, this hot pot restaurant is so special."

The bodyguard smiled and said, "I just looked around. There are two waiters for every five tables. Are you afraid of losing money if you hire so many people?"

"No loss, the turnover rate is very high!"

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly and shook his head. He was quite satisfied with what he saw and heard in the shop today, and the model was not much worse than the mature version of Haidilao.

After a while, the short-haired waiter came back with a drink, and after delivering it to the next table, he stood quietly with the long-haired waiter.

The eyes of the two little girls glanced at the surrounding tables from time to time. Although they were both at a troublesome age, they did not chat in private.

Xia Jingxing paid attention to this scene, nodded secretly, then he called the short-haired waiter over again, and continued chatting with the little girl.

"Today is the first day of the new year. Don't you all have a holiday? And you are still so passionate about your work?"

The short-haired waiter replied with a smile: "In the past few days during the Chinese New Year, the company paid us three times the salary, and the company usually treats us very well, so we all stayed here voluntarily.

Yesterday, our store manager accompanied all the employees to celebrate the New Year together. We made dumplings together, performed performances, and drew prizes...

I didn't expect that there are so many talents in the store. Everyone sings and dances together. The feeling is better than at home. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, and just as he was about to continue asking, he found Yu Youwei striding towards him.

"Mr. Xia, why don't you notify me when you're here?"

Yu Youwei was wearing a black tight-fitting suit exclusive to the restaurant and hotel industry, her jet-black hair was tied into a bun at the back of her head, and she was full of leadership style.

"I'll stop by to have a look. Those who celebrate Chinese New Year are still sticking to their posts. Thank you for your hard work."

Yu Youwei smiled, "It's not hard, but the last two days have been much easier than usual."

Xia Jingxing took a few glances at Yu Youwei. She was still a little immature before, but after a year of training, her temperament and conversation have become much more mature.

"Come and sit in my office!"

Xia Jingxing nodded and said yes, got up and left with Yu Youwei, the two waitress girls were confused.

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