My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventy six, store expansion plan

Walking into Yu Youwei's office, Xia Jingxing found that the room was very small. He glanced roughly, and estimated that it might be only a dozen square meters.

The furnishings are also very simple, a desk, a sofa, a bookcase, a water dispenser, and then it's gone.

"Mr. Xia, don't laugh, this place is definitely not comparable to your office."

Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "Starting a business is hard, I know it firsthand, so I won't say these polite words."

"I'll pour you a glass of water."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Yu Youwei, who was squatting to pour water, then withdrew his gaze and began to walk around the room, looking around.

He walked to the bookcase, took out a book from a row of books, and flipped through it.

"Have you read all these books?"

Xia Jingxing raised his head and glanced at Yu Youwei. He thought these books were decorations and decorations, but he didn't expect to see some traces of flipping, as well as bookmarks and notes.

"When the store is not so busy, I just read for a while."

Yu Youwei put water on the table and walked towards Xia Jing.

Xia Jingxing nodded and didn't say much. These books are all about restaurant chain management. It's a good thing to study and recharge your batteries.

Picking up the paper cup on the table and taking a sip of water, Xia Jingxing leaned his body on the desk, then turned his gaze to Yu Youwei standing in front of him, and asked, "Next, what are your plans?"

"Open a branch in Beijing or Shanghai!" Yu Youwei said firmly.

"Why don't you continue to open the second branch in Rongcheng, or open it to your hometown Yuzhou?" Xia Jingxing deliberately pretended to be puzzled.

"There are too many special hot pots in Sichuan and Chongqing, and consumers pay more attention to taste than service.

Look at those "fly restaurants" on the streets of Rongcheng. The bosses are one by one. They only sell so much goods every day, and they close the shop when they are sold out, but customers still don't want to buy it. "

Yu Youwei said lightly: "Our specialty is service, and the middle class in big cities should like this feeling."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. Taking Haidilao as an example, it is not very popular in Sichuan and Chongqing, especially for the locals.

Just eat something fresh.

In order to develop and grow, the company must focus on the first-tier cities, and its potential customers are those who pursue quality life.

"Whether it is the magic capital or the capital, have you figured it out?"

Yu Youwei shook her head, "I'm still thinking about it. If you enter the capital, you will directly collide with Haidilao. If you are in Shanghai, Haidilao has not opened yet."

"Don't take any chances, we will fight Haidilao sooner or later!"

"I know this. The homogeneous competition between our two companies is too fierce. This market is destined to only survive one family."

Yu Youwei has a serious expression. She has thoroughly investigated Haidilao and knows that this company is not easy to deal with, so she has a more serious attitude.

"Mr. Xia, if we go to Shanghai, we can temporarily avoid Haidilao's edge, strengthen ourselves, accumulate strength, and prepare for the final decisive battle.

If you choose to enter the capital, it will be the tip of the needle against the wheat, and the decisive battle will be brought forward. "

Yu Youwei analyzed, "We still have a lot of shortcomings, such as weak talent pool, lack of team cohesion, and even the service we are most proud of, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Even if you inject a large amount of capital into the empty restaurant, we may not be able to kill Haidilao in a short period of time. It is more likely that our management cannot keep up, the quality of service will decline, and the word of mouth will collapse. "

Xia Jingxing stared at Yu Youwei, "Actually, you prefer to go to Shanghai, wait for another year or two to develop, and then go head-to-head with Haidilao?"

"Yes!" Yu Youwei said firmly.

Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment, and said, "You have to know that Kongerzhi is developing rapidly, and Haidilao has not stopped. We open one store a year, and they can open ten stores a year."

"The gap exists objectively, and the problem cannot be solved by simply throwing money at it."

Yu Youwei and Xia Jingxing looked at each other, and said, "We have to admit that Haidilao can't do anything if the cooker is empty now."

Xia Jingxing raised his chin, motioning for her to continue.

"Instead of starting to fight with Haidilao now, it is better to find the code for business growth first, or take down the Modu market and form a north-south confrontation with Haidilao.

Haidilao's conservative attitude towards capital is their weakness as well as their strength.

The disadvantage is that the number of branches grows slowly, and the advantage is that it takes one step at a time, and the foundation is very solid. "

Xia Jingxing thought for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Your thinking is correct. I was worried that you would become overwhelmed by your current grades and your head would become hot. It seems that you are more calm than I thought."

Yu Youwei was overjoyed, "Then, Mr. Xia, do you agree with my plan?"

"Well, the hot pot market is huge, and we won't be able to beat Haidilao anytime soon.

We go to Shanghai to open a store, and Haidilao can open a store in Yangcheng and Pengcheng, just avoid us.

Even if we want to fish in the sea, the other party must be willing to cooperate. "

Xia Jingxing knew that Haidilao would be a strong opponent in the future, but right now he really couldn't beat him to death.

This is not an Internet industry, where one company is the only one, and the hot pot market is very scattered. During the heyday of Haidilao, thousands of restaurants only accounted for 3% of the hot pot market.

However, the two hot pot restaurants are characterized by service. When the business growth reaches a certain level and it is inevitable, they will inevitably face each other. It is nothing more than a matter of sooner or later.

"Last year was our experimental year. Although there are still many shortcomings, we have actually figured out a set of operating models.

This year, we can continue to polish this model, and at the same time complete a small expansion, accumulate expansion experience, and reserve talents.

Next year, when the fire is almost ready, we can try to expand by leaps and bounds.

This is the three-step strategy I think about, progressively. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "It takes three years to solidify the foundation. I think it is feasible, and it is not too late. After all, it is not easy to build a consumer brand."

"By the way, do you have the money to expand now?"


Yu Youwei said with a smile: "Our company's revenue last year was nearly 30 million yuan, and the net profit was 3 million yuan. A part of the loan should be enough to support the opening of another branch."

Xia Jingxing frowned first, then gradually relaxed it.

He originally estimated that it would take one year to recover the cost. Considering that it can only be done by a mature commercial brand, as a new store, it is not bad to achieve this result after only one year of operation.

"How much is the staff cost?" Xia Jingxing asked.

"Almost 9 million, nearly 30% of revenue."

Xia Jingxing did some calculations in his mind, and the cost is actually not too exaggerated when divided among more than 180 employees, but it is 50% higher than the current average hot pot restaurant's employee cost.

Yu Youwei specifically explained: "We equip the staff dormitories with laundry aunts, air conditioners, and computers, and the cost of this is much higher than that of our peers.

In addition, our commission and bonus system also determines that some outstanding employees can earn more wages, but it also guarantees our service level. "

Xia Jingxing waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it was originally to test the financial model, and the results are not bad.

However, I feel that the cost can be further suppressed because there are too many waiters. "

Yu Youwei smiled, "There is no way, we are still in the groping stage, to ensure the quality of service, one waiter can only watch a few less stations.

This year, I plan to transfer a group of people to the branch to try to reduce the cost, but we need to be careful, otherwise it will affect our service quality and reputation, thereby reducing the turnover rate and revenue. "

Xia Jingxing nodded. This is also the reason why he dared not and could not spend money. He worked slowly and meticulously. Only after laying a solid foundation and finding the best financial and human resource model, could he start the store expansion plan with half the effort.

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