My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventy-eight, lead by example

When Xia Jingxing was about to continue interviewing Xiao Wu, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was Huang Xin calling.

"Daren, I can count on your call." The voice on the other end of the phone faintly reveals a trace of anxiety.

"What's the matter? The phone just ran out of battery, so I turned it on."

Xia Jingxing went to bed too late last night and forgot to charge his phone. He turned off the phone shortly after he went out in the morning. He only charged his phone when he got to Yu Youwei's office.

Hearing Huang Xin's tone, it seemed that the other party had called him a lot.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Darren, the penguin has made a move."

"I see. I'm still playing their "QQ Farm" right now. It's worthy of being a penguin. It perfectly restores the original flavor of the farm game. It's so ingenious that it can be called a generation of pixel-level replica masters."

Huang Xin was speechless, "You can still laugh, Penguin is coming aggressively this time, without any news promotion beforehand, it went online suddenly, and today, it is estimated that it has gained millions, even tens of millions of users.

What I'm most worried about is the penguin's social relationship chain!

I have noticed that many QQ groups are spreading "pictures of stealing vegetables" at the moment. After stealing vegetables, they post them to show off. This is a community interaction function that does not have, so we must be vigilant. "

Xia Jingxing put away his smile and finally became serious, and said, "I saw it too, but don't be discouraged.

Penguin has a huge user base, no matter what product it promotes, it can get twice the result with half the effort.

This is a very normal thing and we cannot stop it at this stage. "

"Well, I understand! I'm still at my hometown airport right now, and I'm going to board the plane right now. When I get back to the capital, shall I pull the trigger immediately and launch our counterattack plan?"

Xia Jingxing laughed and said, "What do you think? Bonima wanted to catch us off guard, so he can only say that he made a wrong calculation.

This Spring Festival, I have to work hard for you and the friends who are on duty in the company.

I will come back the day after tomorrow and accompany everyone to fight this "Spring Festival Battle". "

When the word "Spring Festival Campaign" was mentioned, the corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth curled up unconsciously.

That's right, they had already set up a trap and waited for the pony.

They had estimated before that according to Penguin's research and development strength, the farm game should have been developed last month.

Xiao Ma deliberately dragged on and delayed launching the game. He must have chosen an auspicious day and brought a big surprise to

After thinking about it, this auspicious day must be during the Chinese New Year.

Come on, it’s the Chinese New Year, all walks of life in society are closed, and the Internet cafes are full, which is very suitable for launching new games.

Second, and most importantly, the employees of have all gone home on vacation, which is very suitable for a wave of surprise attacks. After the Spring Festival, the overseas network realized that the foundation of QQ Farm had been laid.

However, Bonima guessed a little wrong. Not all employees of went home on vacation, and a combat readiness team was still sticking to their jobs in Zhongguancun, the capital city.

If the penguins do launch a raid, then there will be a storm waiting for the pony.

However, having said that, Penguin didn't issue any press releases, didn't hold a product launch conference, and didn't launch any external advertising channels. It only relied on its own strength to make "QQ Farm" such a big hit, which made Xia Jingxing even more. In addition to being worried, there is also a hint of envy.

Xia Jingxing hung up the phone, got up and said to Yu Youwei: "I have to go, I will trouble you with the company's affairs."

"Okay, Mr. Xia, I'll see you off!"

Xia Jingxing thought about going along the way, so he didn't refuse, and left with Yu Youwei.

Along the way, the two chatted while walking, not talking about empty cooking, but chatting about the Internet for a while.

Walking to the side of the road, the car was already waiting, but Xia Jingxing didn't rush to get in the car, and gave Yu Youwei a few words.

"The Internet is a very good medium. Next, you can think more about how to use the Internet to enhance the reputation of Konglaicang, build a brand image, and then turn these intangible assets into tangible benefits."

Yu Youwei nodded: "I have considered this aspect. In the future, I plan to cooperate with Tudou to shoot an advertising video; cooperate with Dianping to present vouchers and discount coupons; cooperate with Kugou Music to create a brainwashing divine song..."

Xia Jingxing smiled, you are really being impolite, are you planning to use up all of my network?

But he doesn't mind this either, if he has resources, he must use them rationally. If resources are not used, they are not called resources.

"You can also plan an online marketing event, inadvertently showing the characteristics of Kongzao that is different from ordinary restaurants, and then let public opinion ferment, arousing netizens' curiosity and desire to explore."

Yu Youwei smiled, "Sister Fu Rong, please wear a cheongsam as a welcome guest?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head repeatedly: "That's too vulgar, not only does it not reflect the characteristics of empty cooking, but also lowers the style, which is not enough to arouse the curiosity and desire of netizens.

Be careful, you must not be deliberate, let the netizens themselves be like Sherlock Holmes, peeling off cocoons, exploring a little bit..."

"Okay, I've already worked out the question, you can answer it yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Jingxing got into the car.

Suddenly, he put down the car window and looked at Yu Youwei standing outside with a smile: "I have done a good job, but I still need to continue to study and work hard. Come on, and strive to become a new generation of hot pot queen."

After receiving a compliment, Yu Youwei felt flattered, smiled and shook hands at Xia Jingxing, then watched the car go away.

She didn't put her hands down until the car completely disappeared into the street, then turned around and walked briskly into the store.



On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Xia Jingxing accompanied his parents back to the countryside, visited his grandparents, and had a reunion dinner together.

At the dinner table, Xia Shihe rarely asked his grandson about the development progress of the neutron bomb.

Because he has more things to care about.

"Is it a boy or a girl? Why don't you bring the "Where is the screw" to China?"

Xia Shihe's face was flushed, and his tone was very excited.

He hasn't been this happy for a long time, because in a few months, there will be four generations in the family.

Thinking of this great event, the old man couldn't help but poured another big gulp of white wine into his mouth.

Xia Jingxing's cousin, that is, his uncle's daughter, is actually married and has children, but after all, her surname is not Xia, and the old man is still very traditional in his bones, and he has always been thinking about when his grandson will get married.

Xia Jingxing glanced at his parents, and found that the faces of both of them were a little unnatural, so he knew that the two of them were talking loudly again, and they couldn't hide things in their hearts.

In fact, Xia Jingxing didn't mean to blame him, seeing his grandfather so happy, he thought it was okay to say it.

He smiled and answered his grandfather: "I didn't check the gender, boys and girls are the same."

Xia Shihe frowned: "The truth is correct, but if it's a girl, you have to have another one, because our Xia family is the only seedling in your generation, and we are still counting on you to flourish."

Xia Jingxing followed the old man's wishes and said, "Sheng Shengsheng, it's okay to have seven children, you can afford it!"

Xia Shihe pretended to be angry and said: "You think you are raising gourd babies? Seven more? I won't help you raise gourd babies anymore."

Xia Jingxing smiled. When he was a child, his favorite cartoon was calabash baby, and he was clamoring all day to grow calabash baby.

After his grandfather heard the news, he found gourd seeds and actually helped him grow a gourd, which was about the size of a palm and could be used as a water bottle when it was hollowed out.

After he brought the gourd to school, he immediately made him the most beautiful boy in the class, enviing countless classmates, no matter boys or girls, everyone wanted to come and touch his baby.

Of course, he only touched girls, and boys could only watch from the side.



Big Year.

Xia Jingxing bid farewell to his parents, and flew from Rongcheng to Beijing by Gulfstream private jet.

As soon as you get out of the airport, go straight to Zhongguancun Haidian Park.

After arriving at the place, as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw Huang Xin waiting at the front desk.

"What's going on now?"

There was no time to exchange pleasantries, Xia Jingxing went straight to the point.

"All have been officially launched, and we are currently doing our best to encircle and suppress penguins."

Xia Jingxing nodded, and asked again: "Where is Thousand Oaks? I almost forgot our old opponent."

"It's online. It's on the same day as the penguins. It's called "Everyone's Farm". It's a farm that no one plays."

Huang Xin's tone was full of disdain. He didn't know whether he was disdainful of Thousand Oaks' plagiarism or the other party's achievements.

"Tell me in detail."

Huang Xin nodded, and led Xia Jingxing to the company, introducing the situation at Thousand Oaks while walking.

"Chen Yizhou is reluctant to throw money at all, or he doesn't have much money to throw at him. At least Penguin has QQ to attract people. What does Thousand Oaks have? Mop?

Oh, they really used cat pounce to drain traffic, but the effect is just that, and it can't be compared with QQ at all.

With "Happy Farm" ahead and "QQ Farm" behind, "Everyone's Farm" is doomed to be cannon fodder. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, Thousand Oaks was already a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and turned into a cat, nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, Penguin, relying on the big killer QQ, may become their most difficult enemy.

The two walked through the open office hall, and Xia Jingxing noticed that half of the seats were filled, no one was doing foreign work, and every employee was working hard.

"President Xia, happy new year!"

Seeing Xia Jingxing's appearance, some employees yelled at their workstations, which immediately caused a chain reaction.

"President Xia, Gong Xi Fa Cai~"


Along the way, Xia Jingxing saw smiles on every employee's face and high morale, which made him very satisfied, so he responded with a smile: "I called Gong Xi Fa Cai, and everyone will get a red envelope later!"

"President Xia is mighty!"

"Thank you Xia for the reward!"


The employees suddenly burst into cheers.

Xia Jingxing knew that the high mood of the employees was not entirely due to the red envelopes. He came back to work overtime with the employees before the Spring Festival was over, which might be the most important factor.

Xi Ge delivers the courier, Yu Youwei shoeshine, and he will also move a computer to the lobby later, code a few strings of codes for the employees to see, and let them see what real technology is.

In this era of countless entrepreneurs vying for the first place, taking the lead and setting an example are the basic qualities that an excellent entrepreneur must possess.

He estimated that Xiao Ma should not be idle at the moment. He might have a cigarette in his mouth and scratch his scalp in the office, thinking about how to attack

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