My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and seventy-nine, seize user time

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, two days after the launch of "QQ Farm" and "Renren Farm", "Happy Ranch" and "Happy Orchard", which have been developed and ready for a long time, were launched on the domestic Internet., like the two peers, did not rely on any external publicity force, and all relied on its own platform for promotion.

Open the Hainei website, log in to the homepage, news feed, open platform, and even "Happy Farm", all of which are pushing information about the launch of two new games.

"After the farm, the pastures and orchards are coming, and we will create a perfect virtual home for you."

"A brand new gameplay that is different from the farm, waiting for you to explore!"

"The farm was stolen overnight and returned to before liberation? It doesn't matter! Ranches and orchards, everything starts from scratch, first come first served, register the game now, the first 10 million players can get the game spree, including 10 "sea shells" and All kinds of exquisite game props..."

Countless users on the Hainei network turned on their computers in the morning, and as soon as they logged in to the website, they saw countless indiscriminate bombardment of information.

Some people are curious about the gameplay of the two new games, and some people are curious about the seashells and various game props mentioned in the game gift package.

In order to find out, countless users clicked the mouse to enter the event page, and then clicked on account authorization, and simply registered a game account with their Hainei account.

As a game enthusiast and the company's game tester, Liu Xiaoduo sat in the office and, together with countless users, registered game accounts as soon as the two games were launched.

Liu Xiaoduo first registered "Happy Ranch". After the registration was completed, a piece of land surrounded by a fence appeared on the game page, surrounded by green grass.

At this time, a gift package popped directly in the middle of the page, Liu Xiaoduo clicked the mouse to open it, and a cartoon pig turned somersault and appeared on the screen.

The cute cartoon piggy is wearing the kind of red brocade clothes worn by the silly son of the landlord and rich family during the New Year. He is very festive, and he even wears a round hat on his head.

When it appeared on the stage, it made a funny pose first, and then bowed its hands to greet the New Year. Then, like magic, a pair of couplets appeared in the left and right hands, and it was held in the hand.

Looking at the cute little piggy, Liu Xiaoduo couldn't help laughing.

This year happens to be the year of the pig, and she guessed that no one would dislike the introduction of such a pig pet.

Pig Pet then took something out of his pocket,

One, two, a total of ten fan-shaped gold shells were pulled out.

Liu Xiaoduo knew that this was the company's new game currency - Haibei.

The reason for taking this name is that seashells, like animal skins, pearls and jade, and cloth, were a kind of currency in ancient times.

In addition, the word "sea" of Haineiwang is also attached, just like Q coins, which are easy to be remembered by users.

Liu Xiaoduo tried raising small animals in the game, to be precise, domestic animals, chickens, ducks and geese.

Then she opened the props store, spent a few seashells, and bought a batch of feed. After feeding, the little chickens immediately turned into big roosters.

As the first batch of livestock grew up and went out to slaughter, the experience bar in the upper left corner was full, and a message popped up, reminding her that her account had been upgraded to two levels.

After raising the second batch of livestock, Liu Xiaoduo went to browse the mall again, and found the Spring Festival couplets.

When she just wanted to buy it, she was reminded that there were not enough seashells.

So she followed the prompts and registered another "Haifutong" account. With one pass operation, she used online banking to recharge 100 yuan, and then the balance of Haifutong was displayed as 100 yuan.

Immediately afterwards, she used another 100 yuan to buy 100 seashells, and began to frantically scan the game store, buying Spring Festival couplets, blessing characters, lanterns...all of them.

She used these props to decorate the ranch, and the originally monotonous pasture turned bright red and beaming.

Liu Xiaoduo hasn't forgotten to open the friend list on the right side of the game page, swipe to scout around, and finally go to someone else's ranch to steal two chickens and a duck.

Then, she registered "Happy Orchard" and planted a lot of fruits such as oranges, grapes, and apples.

Of course, she didn't forget to help the friends in the game list to pick fruit, she was very helpful.

After trying two games, and experiencing the company's new online payment, game currency, paid game props, etc., almost an hour passed.

Liu Xiaoduo remembered that her own farm might be ripe, so she zoomed in on the pages of the two games and entered "Happy Farm".

As a result, the field was robbed, and all the vegetables grown were stolen.

Liu Xiaoduo suddenly became furious, when did he suffer such a big loss?

Then she thought, maybe she was too fascinated by trying two games just now, and forgot the time.

No matter what, someone must pay for today's loss!

Then, Liu Xiaoduo went through all the farms of game friends in the list.

When she was mentally balanced, she glanced at the time, and before she knew it, she had played the game for an hour and a half.

When she subconsciously was about to open her work mailbox, Xia Jingxing and Huang Xin knocked on the door and walked in.

The two were talking and laughing, and they were still discussing the code.

Just now Xia Jingxing went into battle in person and showed his skills, which shocked countless programmers who were watching.

At this moment, everyone in Xia Jing had left, and the employees hadn't stopped talking about it. Huang Xin was even chasing after him and farting non-stop.

"Daren, your code level is not low. It is concise, clear, readable, and maintainable..."

Xia Jingxing smiled at Huang Xin, without saying a word. After entering the room, he looked directly at Liu Xiaoduo who was sitting in front of the computer, and asked, "Da Hua, have you played our new game? Hurry up and give us feedback on your game experience."

"Mr. Xia, I'm not fishing at work, but you called me to be a game tester."

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, "I don't mean to blame you, let me play today! Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year don't have much work to do, so they won't be delayed."

"Then I said, everything is good, but it takes too much time. I played all three games, and it took me an hour and a half."

Liu Xiaoduo said with emotion, "In the afternoon, I will definitely inspect the farms, pastures, and orchards one by one, harvesting, slaughtering, picking, and then focusing on planting and raising...

In the evening, the appeal steps must be repeated again.

In the past, I only played farm, three times a day, at most one hour, now at least three hours.

Otherwise, it will definitely be stolen! "

Liu Xiaoduo sighed as he spoke, he didn't know if he was worried that he would not be able to take care of so many game industries in the future, or he was feeling that he spent too much time on games.

After getting the answer, Xia Jingxing looked at Huang Xin and raised his eyebrows: "How?"

Huang Xin nodded and gave Xia Jingxing a thumbs up, "Dai Lun, you are really good at predicting things!

If every game player is like Xiaoduo, then we will greatly seize the user's game time and squeeze the living space of our peers.

Boys who like to play heavy online games must still like to play games with complex and intense battle scenes, but female players, or casual gamers, may be held back by our three games.

Taking away a few hours of game time from game users is enough to drink a pot of "QQ Farm" and "Renren Farm". "

Speaking of this, Huang Xin chuckled: "It's good if you have a computer at home, you can play games from Haineiwang, Penguin, and Thousand Oaks together.

However, game users who go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet have limited time, and are destined to abandon other games of the same type, and only keep one game for long-term play.

Moreover, "Happy Farm" already has the most users, and now it has launched Ranch and Orchard, one platform, three games, I believe it will not be difficult for users to make a choice. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "After this Spring Festival is over, even if Penguin and Thousand Oaks continue to copy their homework, they will not be able to keep up with our footsteps. The general trend has formed, and there is no turning back."

Huang Xin smiled, "If the three games can have tens of millions of users, if Penguin and Thousand Oaks don't innovate, no one will play their low popularity games.

Games are very particular about popularity, which game is played by everyone around you, which game is played by all Internet cafes, and which game is played by everyone. The reason is, one is interactivity, but the herd phenomenon. "

Xia Jingxing felt that what Huang Xin said was very reasonable, two games with similar functions, gameplay, and quality, whoever was more popular would be the stronger one.

In fact, users do not have much appreciation ability, and most of them are blind and follow the crowd.

The reason why "QQ Dazzling Dance" overwhelmed "Audition Dance Troupe" was because of QQ, a big killer, social drainage, creating a very popular atmosphere.

"Contact the media that is still on duty, tell them the results of our three games, and beat Penguin and Thousand Oaks."

Hearing this, Huang Xin immediately understood that this was to use public opinion to completely ruin the new games of the two companies.

Of course, if the results of Penguin and Thousand Oaks are good enough, they will definitely not be cool. The media is actually reporting the truth, but this report is a little bit too early.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Huang Xinxing rushed out.

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