My Age of Investment

Eight hundred and ninety-seven, Riddler


Wearing a hard hat, Xia Jingxing, accompanied by Zhu Zhaojiang, Bei Lizhong and their entourage, began to inspect the progress of the decoration of the first flagship store of "Fuxing House".

"For the main body of the building, we plan to use glass curtain walls, with a single piece of glass up to 10 meters high, and the cost is about 4 million yuan.

Good lighting and high ceilings can create a bright, clean, and spacious atmosphere. Customers can patiently purchase products after entering the store, and they will not feel too depressed when there are many people.

The floor tiles are all made of granite, which is hard and dense, with high compressive strength and low water absorption. No matter how large the passenger flow is, there is no need to worry about damage.

On the outer terrace of the second floor, we also planted a row of the city tree of the capital—the Chinese pagoda tree, which adds a touch of fresh greenness to the building and at the same time provides an additional resting area..."

Bai Li spread out a design drawing, and gave Xia Jingxing a detailed introduction to the decoration pattern and various materials of Fuxing House's flagship store.

Xia Jingxing didn't know much about architecture, but Bailey's language was easy to understand, so he understood it.

"Mr. Bei, thank you for your hard work. The first flagship store of Fuxing House is very important to Fuxing Industrial Group, and it plays the role of a facade.

I am relieved to entrust the design work of the first flagship store to you, a master. "

Bai Lizhong smiled faintly, "Mr. Xia, you are being polite. I should thank you for continuously placing orders for us and taking care of our firm's business."

In addition to the flagship store of Fuxing House, Bai Lizhong also undertook the design order of the $200 million hilltop manor in Silicon Valley.

At present, the mansion is under intensive construction. Xia Jingxing only saw the photos sent by the construction site two days ago. The mountains are almost flattened, and the terrain has changed greatly. It is almost unrecognizable.

However, just from a prototype, one can see that the design pattern is grand and majestic. It is not like building a house for a single family, but more like building a resort or a community on a mountain.

It was precisely because of the basis of the previous cooperation that Xia Jingxing handed over the design order for the flagship store of Fuxing House to Bai Lizhong.

In the whole process of building and maintaining a high-end brand, Zhizhiguo actually has a lot of merits. For example, Zhizhiguo’s directly-operated stores are willing to spend money, and the high-end atmosphere is full. Many directly-operated stores have become landmark buildings. For this reason, the division won the design award.

If Fuxing Mobile wants to form a high-end brand in the minds of users,

In addition to working hard on the phone itself, some details cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Xia Jingxing persuaded the board of directors to invest hundreds of millions of RMB to build the world's first flagship store after sponsoring the Olympic Games.

The board of directors felt that Xia Jingxing was crazy, and they didn't understand this kind of extravagant and wasteful behavior. Isn't it just a store that sells goods, and the ready-made decorations can't be used?

Moreover, Xia Jingxing also said that not only will it be necessary to open such a super-high-cost directly-operated store, but the long-term plan is to open hundreds of similar stores in major cities around the world, all of which will be opened in local shopping malls and trendy districts to create a revival. The high-end brand image of the industrial group.

The directors were taken aback! It's not good to do something with tens of billions, just clean up some face-saving projects.

The one who reacted the most was Ms. Lin Weiping, the former proprietress of Skyworth, who was very distressed. She gave an example of how many TVs would be sold to build a Fuxing Home.

In the end, it was Xia Jingxing who used the chairman's authority and tried his best to persuade the directors to open two companies to test the waters. The effect was good, and they continued to open.

"In addition to the flagship store in Beijing, the one in San Francisco will also be counted on Mr. Bei."

Bai Lizhong smiled and said: "It's easy to say, President Xia trusts us, and we will not let down the trust of President Xia. We will definitely present our best design works."

Xia Jingxing nodded and said no more.

On the way back to the company, Zhu Zhaojiang and Xia Jingxing took the same car, sat in the back of the car and reported the work situation to the boss.

"Mr. Xia, in addition to Fuxing Home, multiple sales channels such as Fuxing Mall, Jingxi Mall, and Ahri flagship store are ready, and the mobile phone will be officially launched in June."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, and asked, "Do you think domestic users can accept the prices of 3999 yuan and 4799 yuan?"

Zhu Zhaojiang pondered for a moment, then replied: "This price is considered sky-high in China, and only a small number of high-end models from foreign mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia and Samsung can reach or exceed this price.

Domestic mobile phones, not to mention the price of more than 3,000 yuan or 4,000 yuan, it is difficult to break through 2,000 yuan.

Common people still believe in foreign goods more these days. "

Xia Jingxing sighed: "That's right, it cannot be said that the common people worship foreign countries and favor foreign countries. It is an indisputable fact that most domestic products are inferior in technology. Domestic brands must work hard!"

Zhu Zhaojiang thought that the boss was worried that the price of Fuxing mobile phone was too high, and the domestic market was cold, so he comforted him: "Mr. Xia, in fact, our Fuxing mobile phone is still very famous on the Internet. Many netizens said: Even if you save two months' salary , You have to buy one if you want to sell your iron.

Of course, there are also many people who speak in a strange way, saying that we are a new brand, and the price is so high when we come up, why? "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "You know, the manufacturing cost of Fuxing mobile phone accounts for half of the selling price. We want to sell it cheaper, but we can't do it at all."

"Mr. Xia, don't pay attention to those noises. Does China lack a low-end mobile phone brand? No! What we lack is a high-end mobile phone brand that is influential in the world!

Through this high-end mobile phone brand, it can drive the development and progress of the entire domestic mobile phone industry chain, creating countless jobs and tax revenue.

We want to enter the semiconductor field, and having a high-end mobile phone brand in hand can also achieve twice the result with half the effort. "

As he talked, Zhu Zhaojiang's tone became a little excited. How did the Bird mobile phone he worked for back then fail? It is the low-end brand image that limits profits, selling tens of millions of mobile phones every year, but only a profit of two to three billion.

Even if all this money is spent on research and development, it won’t be able to make a big name. Compared with foreign mobile phone manufacturers, Bird’s technology is always a shortcoming.

If the technology is not improved, the market positioning cannot be broken through, and it can only hang around in the low-end mobile phone market, which forms a vicious circle. Even if it becomes a fighter in mobile phones, the king of domestic mobile phones, it cannot escape the fate of being eliminated.

Zhu Zhaojiang briefly shared with Xia Jingxing the reasons for Bird's failure in the past, and then said: "Mr. Xia, mobile phone technology will only become more and more sophisticated. This is the general trend! In the past, mobile phones were only communication tools for making calls. TV, playing games, more and more functions.

If you want to stay at the forefront of technology, you have to continuously invest in research and development, which in turn requires mobile phone companies to make money, and make a lot of money.

Smartphones are just showing a glimmer of light, and our Fuxing mobile phone is at the forefront of the times, one step ahead. This is the first-mover advantage that many manufacturers dream of.

Even if it is more difficult to expand the smartphone market in the early stage, we must persevere, first bitter and then sweet. "

Xia Jingxing nodded: "That's right, bitterness first, sweetness later, it sums it up very well."

Zhu Zhaojiang smiled, "I just summed it up blindly, and Mr. Xia laughed."

"When the domestic work is over, are you interested in exploring overseas markets?"

Zhu Zhaojiang was taken aback for a moment. Although he had the title of vice president of sales, he was actually the vice president of sales in China. Lu Lei was in charge of the Asian market except China, and Lin Bing was in charge of the North American market. There was only one European market in the target market. The helm is still up in the air.

"President Xia, are you talking about long-term work abroad?"


Xia Jingxing looked at Zhu Zhaojiang with a smile, he is a talent with great pioneering spirit, otherwise how could he have become the king of Africa in his previous life.

However, the African market alone is a bit of a waste of talent.

He wants to send Zhu Zhaojiang overseas to train for a while, to see if he can be trained, and then entrust him with a more important task.

Zhu Zhaojiang has an adventurous gene in his bones. When he heard that he was going to work overseas, he didn't flinch at all. He nodded hurriedly: "Mr. Xia, I am willing to go overseas, and I will pick up English again next time."

"Don't worry about English, learn slowly!"

Xia Jingxing wanted to laugh when he said it, and he couldn't speak English, so he dared to accept overseas assignments, especially the most arduous task of market development.

"Okay, don't worry about the overseas affairs, let's deal with the domestic affairs first this year!"

Zhu Zhaojiang moved his lips, although he really wanted to ask the riddler to clarify the matter, but after all, the boss stopped the topic, so he had to keep his mouth shut and stop asking. He was thinking about where to find a beautiful foreign teacher to learn English. ?

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