My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and two, the door full of guests

The signing ceremony between CIC and Vision Capital was very grand. The press conference was held in the ancient royal garden of the Gouyutai State Guesthouse. To witness this event with your own eyes.

At the meeting, Lou Wei took "Lixia No. 1 Fund's three-year 60-fold rate of return" as an example, spoke highly of Vision Capital's professional level and superb trading skills, and expressed his appreciation for the future cooperation between the two institutions high hopes.

Sixty times the rate of return in three years!

If these words hadn't come from Lou Wei's mouth, the people attending the meeting would never believe it. What kind of fairy-level investment is this? It's like going to heaven!

Originally, some people questioned whether CIC invested 4.5 billion U.S. dollars in Envision Capital, which was established only three years ago, which is about 35 billion yuan at this time. Is this too risky? Is there a black box operation?

Now these people have closed their mouths wisely, anyway, they can't reach this level of investment anyway, and they are greedy, but they don't have the ability.

Invited by China Investment Corporation, Zhang Fan, Xiong Xiaoge and others who had the cheek to come to the meeting were also shocked by this rate of return. They were so shocked that they didn’t even feel like complaining. Butt left, no face to stay any longer. The main reason was that he was afraid of going late, and Xia Jingxing would meet him and make fun of him face to face.

Except for Envision Capital, all domestic venture capital institutions that submitted application materials this time were all unsuccessful!

To be more precise, CIC has no intention of injecting VC funds at all.

It is only a special case to cooperate with Vision Capital to establish S Fund and indirectly take shares in four Internet companies.

After the meeting, relevant news reports were released, which aroused heated discussions in various circles such as the real estate circle, the Internet circle, and the financial circle.

The Internet circle is afraid of Xia Jingxing's financial resources, because the media has already reported that the Liqiu No. 2 Fund alone has reached a scale of tens of billions of dollars. If you add other PE funds, VC funds, hedge funds and other funds, Vision Capital Asset Management The total scale may have been close to, or even exceeded 30 billion US dollars.

What is the concept? Looking at China, this is the number one asset management company, and it is almost on the verge of becoming a large asset management institution on Wall Street.

Many people on the Internet are discussing: Does this mean that Mr. Xia is worth 30 billion U.S. dollars?

Chen Tianqiao, Xiao Ma, and Lao Ma strongly sneered at this. What is worth 30 billion US dollars? It just means that Xia Jingxing can control assets of 30 billion US dollars.

But it's also scary!

Greatly aggravated the Internet circle,

Especially the worries of a group of CEOs in the gaming industry.

During this period of time, Chen Tianqiao hosted a banquet for all the heroes in the game circle in the Shanghai Metropolis, engaged in a series of actions, and was going to give domestic games a big blow!

But in the face of absolute strength, these small actions are ridiculous.

But we can't just give the French military salute just because Xia Jingxing wants to make a game, right?

Therefore, the heroes in the game circle were made very worried and entangled...

The financial circle has always been known for its rigorousness. Some people carefully counted and analyzed the various funds of Vision Capital and believed that although the scale is large, the asset quality is still a bit poor, in other words, they are puffy.

This is because Liqiu No. 2 and other VC and PE funds occupy half of the total asset management scale of Vision Capital, all of which are equity assets of unlisted companies.

However, professionals in the financial circle also gave positive comments on Vision Capital: With the continuous development of these companies, after successful listing in the future, equity assets will become securities assets with higher liquidity, and Vision Capital will truly rank among the world's first-class asset management mechanism.

Local bosses in the real estate circle don't care whether Xia Jingxing is worth 30 billion US dollars, or the quality of Envision Capital's assets. They only pay attention to the 1.5 billion US dollar real estate fund.

These bosses who are sensitive to policies and the actions of the country's large financial institutions consulted professionals, and then they were overjoyed!

It turned out that this real estate fund was specially set up for them. They could buy shares in real estate companies, real estate projects, or acquire real estate projects.

Even another private equity credit fund with a scale of 1.5 billion US dollars, real estate companies can also borrow some money, mortgage, unsecured and even repayment methods can be flexibly selected, which is much looser than the bank's credit standards.

After figuring out the situation, Xia Jingxing immediately became the God of Wealth in the real estate circle, and the visiting real estate businessman almost broke the threshold of Envision Capital.



China Merchants Building.

Pan Shiyi left the Vision Capital office and walked into the elevator. He touched his bald forehead, looked at his wife and asked, "Mr. Xia wants us to go back and wait. What do you think he means?"

"What's the point? I don't like our SOHO!"

Zhang Xin looked at his bald and ugly husband with a mentally retarded look, and his tone was full of disgust.

Pan Shiyi seems to have gotten used to Zhang Xin's domineering attitude, because from the moment they got married, women were strong and men were weak.

Zhang Xin was originally born in Beijing, but her parents immigrated to Hong Kong Island with her family in 1979 when she was 14 years old.

After working on the factory assembly line for five years, Zhang Xin got the opportunity to study economics at the University of Sussex in the UK, and later obtained a master's degree in economics from the University of Cambridge. He worked in Goldman Sachs and Traveler Group successively. A typical Wall Street elite.

In 1994, Zhang Xin, who had a high degree of education and a good job, married a bumpkin Pan Shiyi, and the couple co-founded SOHO the following year.

At that time, Zhang Xin was married off, so she treated Pan Shiyi to death.

Two years ago, Pan Shiyiyi went to the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business to study for an MBA, and met a confidante, who accidentally killed him and had an illegitimate daughter.

Because of this incident, Zhang Xin and Pan Shiyi had a quarrel, and finally Pan Shiyi gave Zhang Xin all the shares of the company as a gift.

Since Zhang Xin is a foreigner, it is not wrong to say that SOHO is a foreign-funded enterprise.

Zhang Xin became a banana man very early on, and Pan Shiyi's grandfather was a Whampoa officer, and his father was a rightist, so it is not surprising that the two couples behaved and raised any children.

After dismissing Pan Shiyi and his wife, Xia Jingxing sat in the office, calling out his bad luck!

The news about China Betting's investment was only released yesterday, and today Pan Shiyi and his wife licked their faces and came to the door.

The couple planned to use Envision Capital to make some connections and make SOHO's performance report more beautiful, because this company will be listed in the second half of the year.

After listening to the couple's explanation of their intentions, Xia Jingxing didn't say anything, and directly refused. He would not invest in and help such a dude's enterprise even if he was beaten to death.

Soon after Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin left, Sun Hongbing came.

After selling Sunco Real Estate to Fuxing Industrial Group, Sun Hongbing relieved the terrible debt pressure, retained some good land, and reorganized into today's Sunac Group.

Sun Hongbing came here today because he wanted to get 100 to 200 million US dollars of convertible bonds from Xia Jingxing, stock up some ammunition for Sunac, and start again in the real estate industry.

In view of the good cooperation last time, Xia Jingxing did not refuse people thousands of miles away, and readily agreed to Sun Hongbing's request, planning to take advantage of Sunac's initial development and investment, and the profits were very considerable.

Most of the money he earned belonged to the state, so Xia Jingxing had no reason to reject Sun Hongbing. Compared with Pan Shiyi and his wife, although Sun Hongbing was also American, his reputation was better.

Not a while after Sun Hongbing left, Wu Yajun from Longhu came again.

Seeing Wu Yajun walk into his office, Xia Jingxing got up and greeted warmly: "Old sister, long time no see, please take a seat!"

"What old sister, you call everyone old, will you die if you call Sister Wu?"

Wu Yajun reproached him, but he sat down very familiarly without showing any awkwardness.

To be honest, Xia Jingxing had a good impression of a group of women entrepreneurs in Yuzhou, including Wu Yajun, all of them were heroines in the female school, free and easy, bold, and not at all twitchy.

Across the tea table, Xia Jingxing sat down opposite Wu Yajun, made a pot of tea with his own hands, and mixed a cup for him.

"Don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, Sister Wu, if you have anything to say, just say it? Our family members don't have to be polite."

Wu Yajun drank tea, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Hey, you people from Sichuan are so good at talking, I don't know how many girls have been deceived by this mouth?"

Xia Jingxing joked: "Isn't your husband Brother Cai also from Sichuan? Sister Wu was deceived by him in the same way?"

Being molested by Xia Jingxing, Wu Yajun was not angry, and answered with a smile: "That's not true! In the early 1990s, I thought he was a good talker, smart, and knew how to collect ID cards from the mainland to buy stocks in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. After making money and starting a computer company in Pengcheng, I thought he was a potential stock."

Xia Jingxing smiled. He didn't know Wu Yajun's husband very well, but he knew that when Longfor was first established, Cai Kui also contributed a lot. The couple merged their respective companies to form the current Longfor Real Estate.

It's just that Wu Yajun's business is better, so it holds more shares in Longfor.

Later, Cai Kui fell in love with a stewardess, and the couple divorced. Cai Kui got tens of billions of equity assets, which was regarded as the top business divorce lawsuit in China.

In fact, in China, there are many couples who start businesses together, but many of them will have conflicts and cannot share wealth.

After making a few jokes, Wu Yajun asked with a smile: "Brother Xia, can you tell me about your real estate fund?"

Xia Jingxing briefly explained the operation mode of the real estate fund.

Wu Yajun probably understood, but she didn't have any idea of ​​selling the shares, and then she asked: "What's the interest rate of your private placement credit?"

"The loans issued by our private equity credit fund are overseas debt financing, and the interest rate is slightly higher than that of domestic banks, but lower than that of non-bank financing loans such as trusts. In addition, the loan term can be freely selected from 1 to 10 years."

Wu Yajun was elated when she heard it, but Xia Jingxing's next sentence ruined her good mood.

"However, in principle, Vision Capital's private equity credit funds are only provided to companies that have accepted our equity investment. After all, granting loans is not our current main business. It is more about providing rich financial services to invested companies, which can also be called For value-added services."

How could Wu Yajun fail to understand the hint, and said with a smile: "If you say that, don't you have to accept the equity investment from Vision Capital before you can get an overseas dollar loan?"

"In principle, this is the case, but not absolutely!"

Wu Yajun thought for a moment, and replied: "Okay, I have a general understanding, let me think about it."

Xia Jingxing didn't have the idea of ​​forcibly becoming a shareholder of Longfor, the choice is two-way, everything depends on fate.

After seeing off Wu Yajun, no visitors came to harass Xia Jingxing again.

But on the second and third day, real estate companies big and small, such as Greentown, Greenland, Gemdale, Jinke, Longguang, etc., all came to visit the pier again, which made Xia Jingxing a little tired of coping.

In these years, in fact, real estate companies are not doing particularly well. Except for a few companies that have gone public and opened up the capital market, it is not easy for other companies to raise funds.

Enterprises such as Lvlongan, Yike, Poly, etc. that have been listed successfully or are backed by big bosses are not short of money. Apart from sending one or two small employees to contact Envision Capital, they basically do nothing big, and they don’t seem to care about Envision Capital. investment.

How could Xia Jingxing have the time to chat with so many real estate business owners about business, simply get in touch, and if there are suitable projects, they will be handed over to the newly formed real estate fund and private equity credit fund team to follow up.

Some of the real estate companies who came to visit him wanted to make an equity investment, some wanted to cooperate in the development of real estate projects, and some wanted to borrow money directly.

In short, after the establishment of the two funds, with 3 billion US dollars in hand, there will be no shortage of business.

However, then again, the current year of 2007 and even next year will be a depression in the value of the real estate industry, which is very suitable for bargain hunting.

After making arrangements for the two newly established funds, Xia Jingxing didn't pay much attention to it, and focused on another large investment.

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