My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and three billion industrial clusters


Taurus Hotel.

The three parties sat on both sides of the long conference table with clear distinctions.

Xia Jingxing, CFO of Fuxing Industrial Group and manager of the mobile phone industry fund manager Deng Yuanjun, CEO of Skyworth Zhang Xuebing, Liu Xiaoduo and several entourages sat on one side.

Huang Dongsheng, who was sitting not far from them, took out a stack of materials and handed them to the secretary waiting on the side, and then the secretary distributed the materials to the other two parties.

Zhifu Ge and several civil servants sat on the other side of the long table. They took a look at the materials handed over by Secretary Huang Dongsheng, and wrote "BOE Rongcheng 4.5 Generation TFT-LCD Production Line Construction Project Plan" in large characters.

"This 4.5-generation line is expected to invest 3.11 billion yuan. After the first phase of the project is completed, the monthly production capacity can reach 30,000 pieces of glass substrates, and can be expanded to 45,000 pieces. It mainly produces notebook computers and tablet computers below 12.1 inches. , digital photo frame, vehicle-mounted display, mobile display, mobile phone and other small and medium-sized display panels..."

Huang Dongsheng watched several civil servants including Ge Zhifu, and introduced the planning of the entire project in detail.

After listening, Ge Zhifu nodded with satisfaction: "We welcome BOE to build a factory in Rongcheng! But I see that it is written in the plan that we hope that the Rongcheng government will invest 80% of the funds required for the construction of the production line. This is?"

Huang Dongsheng didn't answer, but turned his gaze to Xia Jingxing.

BOE's investment and construction of factories in Chengdu was facilitated by the matchmaking of strategic partner Envision Capital.

To be precise, it cannot be said to have been facilitated at present, but only to be approached.

Xia Jingxing looked at Huang Dongsheng's gaze and said with a smile: "Prefect Ge, all leaders, the funds required for the construction of a panel production line are huge, and BOE's financial resources are limited, so we can only adopt this method of cooperating with the local government to jointly build a panel production line." production line."

A younger civil servant opened his mouth and was about to speak, but when he saw Ge Zhifu gently moving his palm, he immediately closed his mouth.

Xia Jingxing noticed this small move, and knew that several public servants in Rongcheng might have thoughts about it, so he explained: "First of all, let's talk about the prospects. After the BOE Rongcheng factory is completed and put into operation, all upstream and downstream partners can come to Rongcheng to build factories nearby. Rongcheng brings an industrial scale of more than 30 billion yuan."

Hearing this number, Zhifu Ge's eyelids twitched, and he really wanted to ask "Is it true?"

But the habit he had developed as an eunuch for many years allowed him to restrain the impulse in his heart, and on the surface, he still looked calm and relaxed.

Xia Jingxing didn't know Zhifu Ge's mental journey, so he continued with a smile: "Secondly, any investment behavior should pay attention to one exit!

We have designed an exit channel for Rongcheng State-owned Assets!

The 4.5-generation production line is expected to have a construction period of 18 months.

After the completion of the construction, the restrictions on BOE's private placement and refinancing will also be lifted. At that time, BOE's parent company will greatly increase the capital of Rongcheng BOE depending on the situation of the capital increase, and complete the holding or even a comprehensive acquisition. Rongcheng BOE and the listed company will complete the merger.

At that time, the shares of Rongcheng BOE held by Rongcheng State-owned Assets will become the tradable securities of the listed company, and the exit channel will be completely opened! "

After such an introduction, Zhifu Ge and several civil servants understood it thoroughly.

To put it bluntly, BOE has no money at the moment, so it needs to borrow the hands of the local government to build the production line, and then acquire the production line with financing from the secondary market. The financial report data will be uploaded, and the stock price will rise. All parties are happy.

In the end, Rongcheng has an additional 30 billion high-tech industry, which can benefit from taxation, employment, industrial transformation, etc.;

BOE Empty Glove White Wolf set up a production line;

Investors profited from the rise in BOE's share price.


Zhifu Ge felt emotional in his heart, thinking that this method is good.

It's just that it's a bit tricky to bear 80% of the construction funds. It is estimated that the only way to sell the land is that the yamen is also poor these days.

However, he knew that Xia Jingxing was rich, and his legs were thicker than ordinary entrepreneurs' legs.

So he tentatively asked: "Mr. Xia, I see that the project plan states that Envision Capital will invest 311 million yuan and undertake 10% of the construction funds for this 4.5-generation production line?"

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, more than 300 million yuan was just the beginning, and he did it on purpose.

Prefect Ge said with a gentle smile, "Isn't this shareholding ratio a bit low? Vision Capital is a large group and a large capital, and it ranks among the top in the world. It won't be too much pressure to invest more, right?

The main reason is that the local finances in Rongcheng are also in dire straits at the moment. The sudden withdrawal of more than 200 million yuan of funds is also a test for us. I hope you can understand. "

Xia Jingxing had a faint smile on his face, were you the one who called me to attract investment? Now I have recruited the wolf, and you are reluctant to bear the child. Make it difficult for me to do things!

But he also understands, bargaining! It's normal.

"While the 4.5-generation line is being built, BOE also plans to build a 6-generation line." Xia Jingxing once again threw out a heavy weight.

Prefect Ge was surprised when he heard the words, "Gaoshidai line?"

This time it was Xia Jingxing's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Zhifu Ge had done his homework and knew the Gao generation line.

The so-called high-generation line, also known as high-generation line, refers to the sixth-generation line and above.

In the panel industry, the larger the number of generation lines, the larger the area of ​​the panel produced, and the greater the number of small LCD panels that can be cut out.

BOE currently intends to build a 4.5-generation line with a panel size of 12.1 inches or less; the 5-generation line that has already achieved mass production in Beijing focuses on LCD panels for 15-inch, 17-inch, and 19-inch displays, as well as 23-inch, 27-inch, and 32-inch LCD panels. LCD panel for TV.

The main products of the sixth-generation line are LCD panels for TVs above 32 inches. At present, no domestic panel manufacturer has broken through this technical bottleneck. If any manufacturer achieves this goal, it will be regarded as a historic breakthrough in China's panel industry!

In fact, Xia Jingxing underestimated Zhifu Ge. He is also a doctor of engineering. After working in Baosteel for many years, he still has basic knowledge of the panel industry.

Zhifu Ge had already recovered from the state of shock. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "How much is the estimated investment for this sixth-generation line?"

Xia Jingxing glanced at Huang Dongsheng, who replied, "It's estimated to be 18 billion yuan!"

The prefect of Ge fell silent for a moment. Last year, the local financial revenue of Rongcheng was less than 28 billion yuan. It would be very difficult to support the construction of a 4.5-generation line. If we support the construction of a 6-generation line, I am afraid that the belt will be tightened three times. .

Moreover, there is a huge political risk for him to lead the investment of so much money! As far as he knows, the panel industry has been sluggish in the past two years, and BOE is almost losing money.

Xia Jingxing and Huang Dongsheng didn't make a sound, just quietly waiting for Ge Zhifu's next words.

Ge Zhifu sighed slightly, as if he had made a big decision, he looked at Huang Dongsheng and Xia Jingxing with piercing eyes, and asked, "If Rongcheng supports BOE in building a 4.5-generation production line, is it possible to use the 6-generation production line?" Put it in Rongcheng too?"


Xia Jingxing said categorically, "No matter where the 4.5G line and the 6G line are built, these two production lines have actually been included in BOE's planning for this year and next.

Moreover, Vision Capital has made a commitment to invest 10 billion RMB in BOE one after another!

If the local government strongly supports it, coupled with syndicated loans, it is not impossible to add a 7th generation, 8th generation, and 8.5th generation line in the plan.

So far, BOE will have 4 production lines, which can complete the complete localization of all LCD panels between 1.8 inches and 55 inches, and remove the ropes that foreign capital has tied around the necks of Chinese companies. "

Looking at the domineering Xia Jingxing, Huang Dongsheng nodded with a smile. Mr. Xia is a lucky star and God of Wealth to them in BOE, and he can't wait to pay tribute to them all!

With Vision Capital's 10 billion yuan as capital, he can go to banks, local governments, and state-owned assets to collect several times the money back.

At that time, with tens of billions in his hands, he will make those bastards, sticks, and little devils do it to death.

In fact, Huang Dongsheng didn't want to put all the other production lines except the 4.5-generation line in Rongcheng. He wanted to deploy in multiple cities, mainly because he was afraid that the local government's wool would be bald.

However, Xia Jingxing is the big boss, and the God of Wealth has the final say on everything.

Hearing Xia Jingxing's words, Prefect Ge took a deep breath, "Three production lines, with an investment of tens of billions, isn't it necessary to form an industrial cluster with an output value of hundreds of billions?"

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "Almost! I haven't made any contribution to my hometown these years, so let me make a small investment to show my heart."

It was said that several civil servants next to Zhifu Ge kept coughing and almost froze. Is this a small investment? It is estimated that it is the largest industrial investment that Rongcheng has accepted after 49 years!

Prefect Ge was very pleased. He appointed Xia Jingxing as the investment ambassador of Rongcheng for almost two years. He didn't get a single project, so he set up an office of Vision Capital in Rongcheng, invested in several small companies, and opened I opened a hot pot restaurant.

Just when he was about to give up, or had no illusions about Xia Jingxing, the other party's tens of billions of investment gift packages were directly thrown in the face, which made him not mentally prepared at all, so who should he ask for reasoning?

Zhifu Ge's complexion kept changing, and his mood was complicated, should we take a gamble? If you succeed, you will rise to the top; if you lose, you can basically only drink tea and read newspapers for retirement.

This is really a difficult decision!

Ge Zhifu felt a pain in his head.

"Let's talk about this first today. The city government will hold a meeting as soon as possible to discuss it."

Xia Jingxing knew what Zhifu Ge was worried about. After all, not every local government could have the courage of Luzhou.

However, that's all there is to say, if they dare not gamble with them, then they will find someone who dares to gamble.

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