My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and fifteen, mixed praise and criticism 1

"Okay, Mr. Xia, I've written down what you said, and I'll pass it on to the CEO of Fuxing Mall in a while."

Li Ying held a notebook in her hand and kept writing and drawing. She memorized all the ideas Xia Jingxing raised.

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, and then asked, "Hey, by the way, what's the reaction from Gome and Suning?"

Li Ying shook her head: "No, they won't distribute the goods until a week later."

"I know they won't distribute the goods until a week later. What I'm asking is whether they have contacted us, such as urging us to get the goods quickly?"

Li Ying shook her head again: "No! They've always been very proud. It's all suppliers who ask for them, and there has never been a case of the reverse."

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly. It was an old habit of hypermarkets to press suppliers' payment periods, and Jingxi also learned this bad habit later. In fact, this is a way to play cash flow. As long as the business does not shrink suddenly, relying on the accounting period can allow companies that have suffered a lot of losses to maintain the ability to continue to expand.

But from the supplier's point of view, Xia Jingxing didn't like the stink of distributors.

Therefore, when formulating the mobile phone sales strategy, he kept an extra mind and left the first launch to Fuxingjia, Fuxing Mall, Jingxi Mall and Taobao, which are closest to him.

It is precisely because of this that these places can create a hot sales scene.

Xia Jingxing suddenly remembered something, and ordered Li Ying to retrieve a copy of the order statistics table in the backstage of the mall.

After reading it, Xia Jingxing heaved a sigh of relief. The orders were pretty normal, almost all of which were one or two mobile phones per order, and there were no obviously weird orders.

This shows that the scalpers really haven't figured out the way of the mobile phone industry.

Then, Xia Jingxing went to Fuxing Mobile again and visited the online e-commerce department of Fuxing Mobile.

This department is independent from Fuxing Mall, and is second to Fuxing Mall in the management sequence of the group.

Fuxing Mall is a first-level subsidiary and belongs to the innovation business group.

The e-commerce department of Fuxing Mobile is a second-level subsidiary directly managed by Fuxing Mobile. It is currently mainly responsible for the cooperation with Jingxi Mall and the operation of the flagship store opened on Taobao.

Jingxi Mall is currently still a self-operated model, and has not opened a third-party seller platform, which means that Jingxi is currently self-purchasing and self-selling.

Ari opened up B2C business last year and began to introduce brand merchants, but the scale is not large. Currently, it is only a channel under Taobao, with a secondary entrance. It will not be launched until 2008 to establish a separate Taobao mall, which is Tmall. predecessor.

After visiting the e-commerce department, not long after returning to the headquarters office, Xia Jingxing received a call from Jack Ma.

"Daren, congratulations!" As soon as the phone was connected, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the other end.

Xia Jingxing held the phone with a smile: "Lao Ma, this time I would like to thank you for providing so many advertising resources to Fuxing Mobile's online store."

"Haha, Darren, you are too polite, why should we say thank you for our relationship!"

Although Xia Jingxing and Ma Yun had some estrangement due to events such as conscientious company standing in line, investing in Jingxi, and launching a self-operated e-commerce platform Fuxing Mall, the two still did a good job on the surface, and they still seemed close.

Some time ago, Xia Jingxing proposed to open a shop on Taobao. Ma Yun readily agreed, and offered all kinds of help. No one can find fault with this good attitude.

After some hypocrisy, Ma Yun asked: "Dai Lun, how are Fuxing mobile phones selling through other channels? I read in the news that there was a long queue at the gate of Fuxing Home, with thousands of people, and the scene was extremely hot. It's too good."

Xia Jingxing heard the spying meaning in Ma Yun's words, and said with a smile: " has the highest sales volume. Your platform has a lot of traffic, and you have given so much exposure, while Fuxing Home only opened one store in the capital. , non-local users can’t buy it even if they want to buy it, and the sales volume is only one or two thousand units.”

"Hahaha~, hey, by the way, how are the sales in Fuxing Mall and Jingxi?" Jack Ma asked casually.

"No, I only sold one or two thousand copies, and I can't keep up with Taobao if I add another one."

"That's pretty cool, too, and it's the first day it goes on sale."

Ma Yun said with a smile on the other end of the phone, he called Xia Jingxing today, congratulations was a cover, the real purpose was to inquire about the situation of Fuxing Mall and Jingxi.

He has always been wary of these two e-commerce platforms, always thinking that one day the domestic holding group will have an additional e-commerce subsidiary.

Xia Jingxing knew what Ma Yun was afraid of, but he didn't explain much.

Because it's useless to explain, the more you explain, the more suspicious Ma Yun might be.

After chatting for a few more words, Jack Ma hung up the phone with an excuse.

Xia Jingxing didn't pay too much attention to Ma Yun's probing, he put the phone casually beside the desk, and started to operate the computer to browse today's news.

It was already afternoon at this point, and news reports about the launch of the revival mobile phone had been released in a large area.

"Fuxing mobile phone launched shockingly, and there was a long queue of thousands of meters in front of the Sanlitun store\

,""The most expensive domestic mobile phone debut, attracting consumers frantically queuing up to buy, the era of the rise of domestic products is coming\

,""Why does it make users queue up late at night to buy? Because it is the light of domestic products\


Xia Jingxing wanted to laugh when he saw these headlines, the media is so realistic, they are used to exalting the high and trampling the low.

He randomly clicked on a news headline and began to browse the text.

"In today's Beijing, the outdoor temperature reaches 30 degrees. On the big weekend, young people did not go out for shopping or entertainment. Instead, they came to a mobile phone store in Sanlitun, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars just to renovate...

My colleagues and I were deeply shocked when we saw this hot queuing scene, and hurriedly interviewed several young consumers who were queuing.

College student A: I have been paying attention to this mobile phone since it was first released last year. What I like most is its entertainment function, full-screen watching movies, and the mobile phone screen can also be turned sideways. This is amazing and should be the first in the industry. ...

White-collar worker B: It doesn't matter if you line up! As long as I can get the new toy earlier, I’m willing to stand in line for a whole day. I like its game function so much, chopping watermelon, swish, swish, swish...

Teacher C: It must be expensive! I thought for a long time before I made up my mind to buy it, and I only dared to buy the cheapest 4GB version. After buying it, I could only drink porridge next month. What I like the most is its image and webpage zoom function...”

Xia Jingxing carefully read the entire report, especially the section where the reporter interviewed users.

He also saw reporters coming to interview in the morning, but he didn't go up to inquire.

Generally speaking, users in the article have relatively positive comments on ZTE mobile phones. Even if there are one or two complaints, they complain that the queue is too long.

After closing the webpage in front of him, Xia Jingxing clicked on other news headlines. The reports were all the same, and they sang praises overwhelmingly.

Afterwards, Xia Jingxing went to Tianya, Maopu, Tieba and other community forums to look, and found that the content was much more interesting than the same news reports.

"After queuing for three hours and almost turning into jerky, I finally grabbed a revival mobile phone. I opened the exquisite packaging with excitement...

Picking up the phone, I took dozens of photos on the spot, and then like Xia Jingxing did at the press conference, my fingers kept sliding on the screen, and the photos really rolled like waves..."

Along with this article, there are photos of the mobile phone and the receipt of the purchase procedure, and soon this post became a top trending post in this community.

"Fuck, rich man, is the Fuxing mobile phone really as good as it is said to be?"

"Envy, I want to buy it too, but I'm too shy."

"I've been charged IQ tax. If I have 4,000 yuan, I might as well buy some pig brains to make up for it."

"Pretend to be aggressive! Why don't you just buy a broken mobile phone and make a long speech, as for that?"


Different from the one-sided praise in the news reports, Xia Jingxing found that the netizens in the various communities have mixed opinions on the Fuxing mobile phone. They may say that the grapes are sour because they can't eat grapes, or they really don't think it's worth the price.

The main point of attack by netizens is also the price, and there are few mentions about usage, functions, configurations, etc., which has a lot to do with the first day of listing.

Xia Jingxing visited many mainstream communities, and found that without exception, they were all discussing the revival mobile phone, which became a hot topic today. Every time a user posted a post saying that he had bought a revival mobile phone, it would soon become a hot topic, attracting countless people to leave comments , or envy or belittle, ridicule, and so on.

He put down the mouse and began to meditate.

To be honest, there seems to be a lot of scolding.

In fact, he can quite understand the psychology of some netizens. Some people really like to show off too much.

This involves another topic, the behavior of showing off wealth on the Internet that is popular these years and even in the future.

Not necessarily all bad things, because the more netizens scold, the more they want to buy, only buy the expensive ones, not the right ones.

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