My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and seventeen, 0 clueless

Touched by academician Li's family and country feelings, Xia Jingxing fell into deep thought for a while, until Zhu Zhaojiang had already walked back to his seat and sat down, he still hadn't recovered.

Li Ying bumped him lightly with her elbow, and he came back to his senses, and found that everyone was staring at him.

"Let's continue with the meeting! Regarding the first day's sales results, do you have anything to say?" Xia Jingxing looked around at everyone.

"Let me talk about it first!"

Chen Hong looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, and said, "I am the founding shareholder of Fuxing Mobile, and I have witnessed the entire process of Fuxing Mobile's development in the past two years from scratch, including from fundraising to building a team, to starting research and development, and product development. The press conference, and today's sale.

Honestly, it feels like a dream! "

Hearing this, everyone around smiled.

"Haha, everyone, don't laugh, this is my truest thought."

Chen Hong scanned the people around him, and then set his sights on Xia Jingxing, "At that time, Mr. Xia asked me to cooperate in making mobile phones and said that he wanted to build an epoch-making smartphone. My first feeling was that this guy was crazy. You dare to make mobile phones without any experience in operating real industries? I don’t know if even a “fighter” like Bird has been hammered to the ground by foreign manufacturers...”

The senior executives present did not know that there was such a secret in the founding process of Fuxing Mobile, and they all listened carefully.

"I advised Mr. Xia to do a good job in the Internet and investment business. The technical barriers of the mobile phone industry are too thick to be leveraged. In the end, he was determined to make mobile phones, and he dragged me into the water."

Chen Hong spread his hands and sighed: "I thought I would give it a try. I didn't have much hope for the mobile phone project, but what I regret most now is that I invested too little."

Seeing Chen Hong's humorous body language, his annoyed and regretful expression, and the smile on Xia Jingxing's face, all the executives present laughed along with him.

Li Guangnan couldn't help laughing. He met Xia Jingxing last year, and then learned about the Fuxing mobile phone project. At first, he didn't have much hope. He thought that even if the Fuxing mobile phone had strong financial support, it would definitely stumble. After some setbacks , the development will be on the right track.

He never expected that a mobile phone would become an instant hit and initially establish his status in the world, which really gave him too many surprises.

After making a joke and enlivening the atmosphere, Chen Hong went on to say: "Fuxing Mobile seems to be going smoothly along the way, but in fact it has gone through many tests, not to mention the joint efforts of the employees.

Now half of the first-day sales have come out.

Next, I suggest that the board of directors conduct a round of equity incentives for employees to encourage the big guys to make persistent efforts and create better results. "

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xia Jingxing, who nodded and said: "This is what it should be, now that Fuxing Mobile has achieved initial success, it's time to reward it for meritorious deeds.

In the past two years, everyone has been working overtime day and night to catch up with the progress of R\u0026D. President Lin Bing is still watching in the United States. Everyone sticks to their posts and works together. This is the result of Fuxing Mobile's achievements today.

Next, we must reward the armed forces, boost the morale of our employees, and then launch an impact on a higher position in the industry. "

Applause erupted in the conference room, Qian Chen, Liu De, Deng Yuanjun, Zhu Zhaojiang and other executives of Fuxing Mobile who stayed at the headquarters clapped their little hands red, looking extremely excited.

Research and development work is an extremely boring thing, especially in the absence of market feedback, it will be questioned, shaken, and discouraged...

Now seeing the great success of Fuxing mobile phone proves that all persistence is meaningful.

A mobile phone known as the light of domestic products, a high-end domestic mobile phone priced at more than 4,000 yuan, a Chinese mobile phone that has successfully entered the European and American markets...

This piece of praise is undoubtedly the best praise and affirmation for the silent work of the R\u0026D personnel.

Except for Qian Chen's bright eyes, who were looking forward to the reward promised by Xia Jingxing, the executives present didn't react too much. They cared more about the long-term development of the company and the display of their personal talents.

"Let me say a few words too!"

As soon as Lin Weiping opened her mouth, she immediately attracted the attention of the people present. This is one of the three major shareholders of Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group.

Xia Jingxing also looked at the eldest sister, wanting to hear what she wanted to say.

"I joined Fuxing Industrial Group late, and I have been working in the TV industry. I don't know much about the mobile phone industry, but I am deeply impressed by Mr. Xia and the senior executives who have led Fuxing Mobile to create achievements.

It only took two years to create a high-end mobile phone brand, gain a firm foothold in the industry, and create good results in overseas markets.

This is a remarkable thing, especially for a domestic mobile phone brand. "

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Boss Lin, Fuxing mobile phone is only on sale for the first day, so it's too early to talk about getting a firm foothold."

"Mr. Xia, you are too modest, I still have this bit of insight.

Fuxing mobile phone sold more than 20,000 units on the first day. Even if the performance dropped later, but with the addition of offline hypermarket channels, it should not fall much.

Counting overseas markets, if the average daily shipment of mobile phones reaches 10,000 units, the total sales volume will be more than 3 million units a year.

Converted into revenue, it is tens of billions of yuan, and the gross profit is several billion. After deducting marketing, research and development, taxes and other expenses, Fuxing Mobile will turn around this year if it is fast, and turn around next year if it is slow. The future potential is unimaginable! "

Lin Weiping praised sincerely. Knowing the various costs of Fuxing mobile phones, she was very impressed by the huge profits in the high-end mobile phone market. Unlike the TV market, it is a group of bitter people fighting for a few copper coins.

Xia Jingxing smiled and shook his head: "It's still hard to predict the annual mobile phone shipments, who knows how long consumers' enthusiasm for buying phones will last?"

Lin Weiping thought that Xia Jingxing was using her objection some time ago as an excuse, so she quickly said, "Here, I want to formally apologize to Mr. Xia!

It turned out that I objected to sponsoring the Olympic Games and spending huge sums of money to build the Renaissance Home. I believed that the investment was too large, too eager, and there were great risks.

Facts have proved that Mr. Xia is right in your persistence. I am too conservative and do not understand the marketing methods of mobile phones.

Sponsoring the Olympic Games and increasing brand marketing efforts will help to continue to consolidate the high-end market positioning of Fuxing mobile phones.

Now it seems that, as the image window of Fuxing House, it is necessary to invest more. It is said that many people on the Internet are discussing Fuxing House, and they speak highly of this offline store. The experience is so perfect.

In the future, Mr. Xia, if you want to build more Fuxing Houses and increase marketing expenses, I have no doubts and fully support it. "

Xia Jingxing looked at the sincere Lin Weiping. Is this stubborn and conservative old lady apologizing to me? Why did you suddenly change your temper?

In fact, he does not have the same experience as this little old lady. It is normal for him to be old and used to traditional business and not understand the new models and methods of emerging industries.

The other party suddenly apologized and expressed his opinion again, probably because he had fully seen the potential of the Fuxing mobile phone, and was afraid that he would kick her out of the car.

In fact, Lin Weiping was really worried that Xia Jingxing would cross the river and tear down the bridge. After all, the pitiful profit margin and business growth rate of the gradually aging Skyworth, compared with the rising sun-like revival mobile phone, is a world apart.

Thinking of this, she really admired her husband's vision, who could see the general situation clearly even though he was in a whole situation, and dared to bet on the young richest man without seeing Xia Jingxing.

Xia Jingxing comforted the eldest sister with a smile: "Boss Lin, don't worry about these things. After all, it's all for the company. Everyone seeks common ground while reserving differences."

Lin Weiping nodded, feeling a little relieved, and at the same time made up her mind not to speak casually in the boardroom in the future, so as not to offend Xia Jingxing.

Facts have proved that she is a little out of date, and she must be self-aware.

In addition, she couldn't wait to go to Hong Kong Island to visit the prison and share the good news of the revival of the mobile phone with her husband.

Xia Jingxing could almost guess the reason for Lin Weiping's drastic change in attitude, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. If he raised a disagreement and held grudges in his heart, he would be too narrow-minded.

As his career got bigger and bigger, his whole mind became more and more open-minded. As long as he didn't deliberately oppose him, he could tolerate it.

Then, several executives expressed their views.

But on the issue of the focus of the next work, the executives were divided into two factions, and they almost quarreled.

Qian Chen and Zhu Zhaojiang believe that we should take advantage of the victory to pursue the pursuit, continuously expand the sales of mobile phones, and grab more profits;

Deng Yuanjun and Liu De believed that the capacity of the high-end mobile phone market is limited, and they should focus on the research and development of the next mobile phone, continuously iterate products, and continue to improve the competitiveness of Fuxing Mobile in the high-end market.

This brings up the issue of production planning again, and at the same time extends the topic to the depleted funds in the company's accounts.

"Mr. Xia, to welcome the Olympics next year, the 3G network will at most cover the capital city. Even if our Fuxing FX1 arrives next year, the technology will not appear to be backward, and there will still be a market."

Qian Chen's point of view was well-founded, and many people present nodded in support.

Fuxing FX1 is the first generation mobile phone currently on the market. It does not have names like FPhone and FXPhone. For electronic products such as iMac and iPod, there is a convention and basis for people to name them iPhone.

FX is the initial letter of Fuxing Mobile, which also means function, and mathematics is the basis of all sciences, which can be used to symbolize Fuxing Mobile, which represents cutting-edge technology products.

As soon as Qian Chen finished speaking, Liu De immediately shook his head: "I am in charge of industrial design and supply chain management, and I am very aware of the problems of Fuxing FX1 in these two areas.

First of all, from the perspective of design, the current FX1 looks cool in appearance, but it is actually a smart phone with the characteristics given to it by the large screen, making it look novel and special.

In addition to the large screen, FX1 still has room for adjustment in many aspects such as hand feel, mobile phone case material, screen area, etc. We can design a more perfect product, bring more surprises to users, and maintain the fashion tonality of the product.

Besides the supply chain, the upstream link is mainly chips, including processors, baseband chips, memory chips, etc.; the midstream link is mainly components, including lens modules, screens, batteries, motherboards, etc.;

The downstream link is relatively simple, and the core link is the assembly of various parts and subsequent testing.

FX1's current supply chain management system is still relatively rough, and its operating efficiency is low.

Hundreds of supply chain manufacturers and hundreds of factories are distributed in dozens of countries and regions, many of which are exclusive suppliers. Some natural or man-made disasters will affect our production plan.

Futukang did not show much interest in our cooperation, and did not establish a special production line for us. This is because we have not established a deeper cooperation with them, and there is a lack of trust between the two parties. Can't place an order?

Supply chain management is a headache for countless entities operating enterprises. It is necessary to achieve the business purpose of reducing costs and increasing efficiency through efficient control of information flow, logistics, and capital flow.

We currently use static information for the supply chain. For the static average value of all the data such as the supplier's material stocking period, the manufacturer's production preparation period, and the channel distributor's sales period, many of them are determined by brainstorming.

At present, the deviation in doing so is very serious, and the control over supply chain manufacturers is not enough.

We need a set of professional ERP software to open up the information systems of parts suppliers, assembly plants and distribution channels.

From the system, details such as weekly sales forecast, accurate inventory statistics of retail channels, ordering requirements to outsourcing factories, excessive inventory backlog, etc. can be grasped at one hand and mobilized at any time.

The top priority is to sort out the supply chain. If these problems are not resolved, some people will suffer when the production capacity needs to explode in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Liu De gave Qian Chen a glance, thinking that this guy doesn't understand anything and just messes around all day long.

As if he didn't see Liu De's eyes, Qian Chen said to himself, "Although I don't understand supply chain management, I know that you have fewer orders, and the supplier might not lower the supply price. You're broken."

Liu De said: "That's right, so we need to sort out the suppliers quickly. Every part needs at least two suppliers to facilitate checks and balances."

"There is no order, what do you use to comb, people will listen to you?" Qian Chen tilted his head and looked at the ceiling.

Liu De patiently explained: "There is no request to stop the production of FX1, but we have to consider the inventory issue and the competition with Wisdom Fruit.

I'm not very clear about Wisdom Fruit's situation, but they and we are the two existing smartphone manufacturers in the world, and consumers will compare their products.

If everyone has released the second upgraded product, we still expect the first product to beat others and make a lot of money? is it possible? We are not yet at the point where we can sit back and relax. "

Zhu Zhaojiang, as the vice president of sales, naturally leans more towards the market, but he came out to smooth things over at this time: "I think the second-generation mobile phone should be developed quickly, but FX1 should continue to increase production.

Wisdom Fruit has not entered the country for the time being, and the country will not upgrade to 3G network. FX1 should have a golden sales period of more than one year or even two years, so there is no need to worry about inventory issues.

After the release of FX2, it can focus on the European and American markets, because their 3G network has covered a large area. "

Xia Jingxing did not express his opinion in a hurry, but quietly listened to the arguments of several people, thinking and weighing in his heart while listening.

"There is another problem that everyone ignores. If FX1 is sold at this rate, it may be out of stock in two months.

If we want to keep stocking, we will start placing orders with various suppliers almost now, but except for Fuxingjia, all other sales channels have billing periods. "Deng Yuanjun interjected a few words, implying that the company was out of money.

"Vision Capital previously borrowed 1.8 billion yuan from Fuxing Mobile. I arranged for them to send money from overseas today. The repayment will be made with interest, and it will soon be transferred to Fuxing Mobile's overseas bank account."

When Xia Jingxing was speaking, he even took a special look at Chen Hong and Lin Weiping. They were shareholders, so he mainly said this to them.

Lin Weiping nodded, expressing understanding.

While Chen Hong nodded, he took another look at Xia Jingxing, assuming that the other party had invested so much money in it recently, he immediately felt relieved.

Deng Yuanjun said: "If 1.8 billion funds come in, then the production plan and R\u0026D plan will not be a problem. After this period of time, the mobile phone sales will arrive, and a lot of cash flow will roll in."

Xia Jingxing was about to speak when Liu Xiaoduo who was sitting beside him suddenly approached with his mobile phone and said, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Lin is calling from America."

Hearing this sentence, the room was suddenly quiet.


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