My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and twenty, pass

After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, the plane finally arrived at San Francisco Airport.

Xia Jingxing and his mother got off the plane, walked out of the airport surrounded by accompanying secretaries and bodyguards, and then boarded the car sent by Envision Capital to meet them. A mighty group of seven or eight cars headed towards Silicon Valley.

"Okay, is this the high-tech holy land Silicon Valley your dad mentioned?"

Sitting in the car, Zhang Yuqiong looked curiously at the tree-lined Silicon Valley park outside the window. The land is open, and corporate buildings are scattered among it. It looks like a garden with a pleasant view.

Xia Jingxing nodded, and patiently introduced the geographical environment, climate, development history, etc. of Silicon Valley to his mother.

Zhang Yuqiong is very interested in this, after all, this is the place where his son went to college and started his career.

The mother and son were chatting, and before they knew it, the convoy had driven into the villa area in Palo Alto, and then stopped in front of the big iron gate of a villa.

As soon as Xia Jingxing and his mother got out of the car, they saw Christina walking out of the house with a big belly.

After seeing the person coming, the foreign girl was overjoyed, quickened her pace, and shouted happily in Chinese: "Dai Lun, auntie."

Caitlin, who was following the foreign girl, was in a hurry, and hurriedly grabbed her daughter, "Kristina, slow down, you are still pregnant."

On the other side, after the housekeeper opened the door, Xia Jingxing and his mother walked in quickly.

Zhang Yuqiong trotted forward, leaving her son far behind.

This made Xia Jingxing couldn't help laughing, it was the first time he had seen his mother lose his composure at such a big age, this posture was similar to that of the aunts frantically rushing into the supermarket to sweep the goods.

The foreign girl greeted her with open arms, and said coquettishly, "Auntie, I miss you so much."

Zhang Yuqiong didn't notice that Yang Niu's Chinese was getting better and better, because all her attention was focused on Yang Niu's bulging belly.

When hugging the foreign girl, she also looked cautious, for fear of hitting the foreign girl's belly.

"Kristina, Auntie misses you and the baby in her belly every day in China. I can see you today, and a big stone in my heart has fallen to the ground."

Zhang Yuqiong hugged the foreign girl,

Caressing her back, she loves and pities this unmarried daughter-in-law very much. She feels that she owes her a lot. It’s fine if she becomes pregnant before marriage. Her bastard son is often not by her side. Maybe she has to face it. Family stress.

After hugging the foreign girl, Zhang Yuqiong noticed that there was a black-haired foreign woman about his own age looking at him with a smile.

So she hurriedly asked the foreign girl: "Who is this?"

Yang Niu quickly introduced in Chinese: "This is my mother Caitlin." Then she introduced in English: "This is Dai Lun's mother, Ms. Zhang."

Seeing Caitlin open her arms towards her with a smile on her face, Zhang Yuqiong did as the Romans did, instead of hugging her, she exclaimed, "Caitlin, you are so young, it's hard to imagine that your eldest daughter is already in her twenties."

This sentence was spoken in English, and it was a greeting Zhang Yuqiong had memorized for a long time.

Although the pronunciation was not so accurate, Caitlin still understood. She replied with a smile: "Zhang, you are so young. It seems that Chinese people don't grow old. You look no more than forty years old..."

Listening to Caitlin babbling a lot of English, and the pronunciation is still Texas accent, Zhang Yuqiong is completely blinded, the little English she learned in college has long been returned to the teacher.

In order to come to the United States this time, she temporarily signed up for an English training class, but the learning effect is, that is, English for the dumb plus English for the deaf, whether she can read, speak or listen...

Seeing that Zhang Yuqiong stopped talking suddenly, Caitlin looked confused, and then looked at her daughter suspiciously, did I say something wrong?

Christina also felt very strange. Didn't she still have a London accent just now? No matter how you say it, it turns off.

"Auntie, did my mother say something wrong?" the foreign girl asked tentatively in Chinese.

Zhang Yuqiong waved his hands again and again, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "I haven't finished my English course yet, so I can only speak simple sentences."

The foreign girl was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing. She stumbled to learn Chinese, and now Dai Lun's mother went to learn English. It was really not easy for the two families to communicate normally!

Xia Jingxing witnessed his mother's embarrassment, and stood up to help her out. He introduced to Christina and Caitlin the hard work of his mother's English learning. She memorized vocabulary at home every day and reported in English when cooking in the kitchen dish name...

The foreign girl and mother were dumbfounded, and then they all smiled kindly.

Caitlin said: "It seems that I have to study Chinese seriously!"

"Oh, mother-in-law, I even bought you a present."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yuqiong took the gift box handed over by the bodyguard, and handed it to Caitlin with both hands.

Caitlin opened the gift box with a smile and found a beautiful silk scarf inside. She picked it up and saw some cute pandas playing on the bamboo.

"I love this gift so much!"

Caitlin hugged Zhang Yuqiong again with joy on her face, and then they held the latter's hand affectionately, and walked towards the house together.

Xia Jingxing helped the foreign girl to fall behind, both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

"I was worried about how my mother and your mother would get along, but now it seems that my worries are unnecessary."

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Hey, by the way, why is your mother here? When did she know about it?"

Christina gave Xia Jingxing a sideways look: "You think we should keep it a secret from them? Tell them after the baby is born?"

Xia Jingxing heard the gun and stick in the foreign girl's voice, and gently turned her body around, facing him, and said with a smile: "I didn't mean that, I meant... Walsh Do you know, sir?"

The foreign girl chuckled, "Are you still afraid of him?"

Xia Jingxing said duplicity: "How is it possible? In China, we call it raw rice and cooked rice. Mr. Walsh likes to be a grandfather. I don't believe he would be unhappy."

The foreign girl's attention was diverted in an instant, while Xia Jingxing was thinking about how to deal with the foreign girl's parents. It was impossible for the two old people not to talk to him about major life events.

After lunch, Zhang Yuqiong and Christina were a little sleepy, so they went to the room to rest. Xia Jingxing was about to enter the study when Caitlin stopped him at the door.

"Daeron, I want to talk to you."

Xia Jingxing knew that what was supposed to come had finally come, and he couldn't avoid it, so he nodded and called Caitlin into the study together.

Xia Jingxing and Caitlin sat opposite each other across a mahogany Eight Immortals table. The latter had no expression on his face, quietly watching the former mix tea for himself, without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the room was very strange, which made Xia Jingxing feel a little uneasy.

"Daren, I want to know what your next plan is?"

Caitlin picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, feeling the bitterness of the tea in the mouth, so she held it back and didn't spit it out.

Looking at his mother-in-law's expression, Xia Jingxing secretly laughed in his heart. Well, he did it on purpose. The mother-in-law looked aggressive. He had to disrupt the other party's momentum, but he couldn't be tough, he had to use tricks.

"Uh, Caitlin, you may not be used to drinking Chinese tea, how about I pour you a cup of coffee?" Xia Jingxing got up and asked with concern.

Caitlin quickly waved her hand and said with a smile, "Thank you, no need, I'm barely used to drinking."

"That's good!"

Xia Jingxing smiled, and then began to answer the other party's question directly: "I'm very sorry, the relationship between me and Christina is not suitable to be made public at the moment."

Hearing this, Caitlin didn't have much reaction on her face, because Christina had already explained it to her, and the questions inside were very complicated, and she didn't want to ask too many questions.

But it can't go on like this forever, can it?

"How long do you mean by "temporarily"?" Caitlin continued to ask.

"I will arrange all my Facebook shares before Facebook goes public, and then I can disclose my relationship with Christina."

Xia Jingxing said with great emotion: "I know, this is not fair to Christina. I didn't give her a dream wedding of the century, but the reality is like this, there is no way to be perfect."

Caitlin was silent for a while before she said: "What she cares about is not a wedding, otherwise she wouldn't have secretly given birth to you without telling me and her father.

During her pregnancy, she was under a lot of mental stress, and her pregnancy reaction was also very serious..."

Seeing the mother-in-law began to pursue the blame, Xia Jingxing did not defend himself, but decisively admitted his mistake: "I know, I feel very ashamed of this, because when she needed me the most, I was not always by her side."

Caitlin let out a long sigh: "Daren, in fact, your career is already very successful, you can stop and enjoy life completely, for your career, you gave up a lot of things."

Xia Jingxing nodded: "Yes, I also realized this problem, so I decided to correct it. After the child is born, I will always be by Christina's side, so that she will not feel lonely again."

Hearing this, Caitlin turned pale and said, "I'm not saying that you must give up your career! If you don't have enough ambition, you won't become a world-renowned rich man. What I mean is that you have to give up your career." maintain a balance with life.

Although Christina has no complaints about this, I know that she really hopes that you will stay by her side more. "

Xia Jingxing looked serious, nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I understand, I won't let you and Christina down."

Caitlin saw that Xia Jingxing had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, so she softened her tone and said, "In addition to being with you, I also hope that you will give Christina an explanation as soon as possible!

A family can happily appear in front of the public, travel together, watch a football game, go shopping...these things cannot be bought with money. "

Xia Jingxing was listening very seriously. As a mother, these requests made by Caitlin were not too much, and could even be said to be reasonable. Normal couples, normal unmarried first-pregnant boyfriends and girlfriends can do it, but he and foreign girls The situation is very complicated.

He sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, even if the news of him and Christina having a child out of wedlock really spread widely and caused a sensation in public opinion, he is not as worried as before now, and the worst outcome would be to clear up All ostensible holdings are just that.

The plan to blur his shareholding in Facebook by introducing external LPs to form an S fund has already taken shape.

He only needs to launch one or two more S funds, and he can hide all his shares in Facebook into various funds under Vision Capital. There are countless LPs in the fund, including American blue-blooded nobles, business families, and universities. funds, etc., and sovereign wealth funds of other countries...

His ultimate goal is to completely hide himself into the bottom of the water, and at the same time find countless interest partners to jointly hold shares in Facebook. Interests and equity structures intersect. The more complicated the situation, the better, so that the price for some people to deal with him will become smaller. The kind that is extremely expensive, and the gain outweighs the gain, so that many people's thoughts can be dispelled.

In addition, after all the shares held are transferred to the fund, the separation of management rights and ownership will not affect the secret plan of Eagle Sauce to monitor the world. Moreover, the S Fund also has a time limit for exiting. In the future, Vision Capital’s shareholding in Facebook will only gradually decrease. will increase.

Facebook has developed to the present, just like the crops in the field, it has gradually begun to mature, and it is time to start harvesting.

No matter how high the company's valuation/market value is, it must be cashed out to be valuable. Gradually reduce shareholdings and turn them into domestic assets or other industrial assets, and the asset quality will only become higher.

In this regard, Gates has actually pointed out a clear path for him. The asset quality of Gates is actually far stronger than that of Bezos and Musk who rose later.

If Microsoft collapses, Gates will only lose one-fifth or even less of his assets;

If Tesla and Amazon are ruined, Bezos and Musk's rich rankings and even real assets will be greatly affected.

The reason why the old money looks down on the new money is because the upstarts can't bear the cyclical fluctuations, a policy, a business mistake...the upstarts are on the ground again.

Therefore, there is no need to hold Facebook shares tightly in your hands. It is a good solution to replace them with other assets, exchange them for the contacts needed for the development of Vision Capital, and replenish the blood of Renaissance Industries... These are all good solutions.

In fact, Xia Jingxing has been doing this all along. His asset transfer plan has been half completed. Even if Facebook collapses today, he is still a super rich man worth billions of dollars. A zero will be added.

Why not fix Facebook's historical legacy once and for all? It is entirely from the perspective of financial returns. It is not cost-effective to clear all the open shares now, and there is no suitable place to hold too much money for a while.

When Facebook is about to go public, the valuation will reach a new peak, which is the best time to make a move. At the same time, because the listing will disclose a lot of key information, it is also his last chance to make major adjustments.

Caitlin didn't notice that Xia Jingxing was in a trance, and still said to herself: "As a mother, I just hope that Christina will live happily.

I shouldn't have intervened too much in her choice, but I still couldn't help but find you, Daren, and wanted to chat with you more.

Darren, I hope you understand. "

"I can understand!" Xia Jingxing nodded.

"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving."

Caitlin sighed, got up and was about to leave, when she reached the door, she turned her head and looked back, "Father Christina, don't worry too much, Christina and I will try our best to persuade you his."

"Thank you, Caitlin!"

"You don't need to thank me. What you should really thank is Christina. She convinced me."

After finishing speaking, Caitlin gently closed the door and left. Xia Jingxing was the only one left in the room. He was staring at the rising heat from the teacup on the table in a daze.

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