My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and twenty one, quack to the ground

"Kristina, watch it, I'll show you a magic trick!"

In the suite of the Stanford Medical Center, Xia Jingxing tossed the apple in his hand, then picked up a fruit knife and "shuashuashua" peeled an artistic apple for the foreign girl.

Seeing a bunch of intact fruit peels in Xia Jingxing's hand, the foreign girl's big eyes flickered, she quickly reached out her hand to ask for it, and took it in her hand to study it carefully.

"How did this happen?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "It's simple, cut off ten fingers and you'll be useless!"

"School useless?" The foreign girl thought for a long time before she came to her senses, threw the fruit peel to Xia Jingxing, grabbed the apple in his hand and started to chew.

Caitlin and Zhang Yuqiong sat on the sofa beside them, watching this scene with a smile.

Kaitlyn felt very relieved. It seemed that Daren had listened to his advice and knew how to take care of others.

On the other hand, Zhang Yuqiong was in a very complicated mood, feeling as if the pig he had raised with one hand was cheated away by others with cabbage.

She remembered that her son used to eat apples without peeling them. Now that he is going to be a father, he has finally matured a bit.


Xia Jingxing's cell phone rang in his pocket, but he buried himself in peeling the watermelon as if he had never heard of it.

The foreign girl rubbed her belly, "Your phone is ringing, answer it?"

"Leave it alone!"

Xia Jingxing cut up the watermelon and put it into a fruit plate, and handed it to the foreign girl.

"I'm about to vomit, you'd better serve it to the two mothers." Although she said so, the foreign girl still enjoyed the VIP service in the past few days in her heart.

You know, in the past few years, Darren never cooked or peeled fruit for her, and she served him.

Well now, the identities of the server and the served have been reversed.

She rubbed her stomach, but it's a pity that she has to unload her belly. It would be great if she could be pregnant for another two years!

Xia Jingxing put the fruit plate on the coffee table next to the two mothers,

Invite them to eat fruit.

"Darren, I see that your phone keeps ringing, you should go and answer it, we are watching over here." Caitlin persuaded.

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "I've already asked for leave, and I don't have to go to work for a month!"

The foreign girl interjected, "What if there is something urgent? I read in the news that the housing market has fallen sharply recently, and something big may happen."

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "If the sky doesn't fall, if it does, it will fall to other people's sky."

The foreign girl rolled her eyes, "You are always so confident, you know, be careful when driving for ten thousand years!"

"Yo, I can even say proverbs now."

"I stay at home every day, and I can only pass the boring time by studying. I heard that if pregnant women study more during pregnancy, their children will be smarter in the future?"

Xia Jingxing was speechless for a moment, even prenatal education was given, and the foreign girls are becoming more and more neutral now.

"Beep beep beep~" Xia Jingxing's phone rang again in his pocket.

He didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but under the repeated persuasion of the foreign girl, he finally walked out of the room and answered the phone.

"Mr. Xia, our lawsuit with Zhizhiguo is finalized, and the court will officially start next Monday!" Lin Bing's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Hearing Xia Jingxing's casual tone, Lin Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "President Xia, are you going to appear in court?"

"No, you have full power to deal with it! Well, that's it, I still have something to do."

Lin Bing heard the busy tone of "beep beep" on the other end of the phone. Is this the Mr. Xia he is familiar with? He was confused and felt very evil.

Oh, he suddenly remembered something. Boss Xia asked for a month's leave for no reason, and didn't say why he went.

If Wisdom Fruit wasn't involved in this matter, he didn't want to bother the boss either.

After hanging up Lin Bing's phone, Xia Jingxing picked up the phone and looked at it. There were countless missed calls. Zhang Yong, Liu Hai, Li Ying, Liu Ruoxi... a large number of people were contacting him.

At his position, he asked for a month's leave, completely ignored anything about the company, and didn't know what the consequences would be.

It's only been a few days of leave, and a bunch of trivial matters are piled up on the desk.

What if you go back to work after a month and find that the company is gone?

That shouldn't be the case. Now that the development of each company is gradually on the right track, and the ranks are clear, even if I suddenly leave for a month, it won't be all messed up. Small chaos may not be avoided.

Xia Jingxing was about to put the phone back into his pocket when another call came. He picked it up and found that it was Liu Xiaoduo calling.

"Dahua, what's the matter? Didn't I tell you that I'm going to take a month off? Why are you still on the phone!"

As soon as he got on the phone, he was yelled at. Liu Xiaoduo on the other end of the phone rubbed his aching ears, and said weakly: "Mr. It’s about to blow up, you’re in such a hurry, and you need to make decisions about many things.”

Hearing the little girl's aggrieved tone, Xia Jingxing softened her tone a little, and said helplessly, "Didn't I already say it? Everything is going according to the procedure, just let me approve the documents that should be approved!"

"It's according to the process, but it involves billions or tens of billions of funds, and your signature is required."

Xia Jingxing frowned and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Stimulated by the ultra-high rate of return of the Lixia No. 1 Fund, the Lixia No. 2 Fund, which plans to raise US$1 billion, completed over-raising, and the total amount of intended subscriptions has exceeded US$3 billion."

Xia Jingxing was not too surprised by this, because it took only three years for Lixia No. 1 Fund to turn the initial investment principal of US$36.25 million into nearly US$2.2 billion, with a return rate of more than 60 times.

Some time ago, Lixia No. 1 completed its liquidation, and this fund became popular all over Wall Street. The fund manager Liu Hai was also successfully selected into the list of "Top 100 Global Traders" published by "Trader" magazine in 2007, and was selected together with Liu Hai Jiang Ping is also included, and this is the first time that the magazine has a Chinese face!

Now everyone on Wall Street knows that a hedge fund called Vision Capital has risen!

Under such circumstances, it is normal for the Lixia No. 2 Fund to complete over-raising, and it is not worth making a fuss about. It is estimated that many LPs of the Lixia No. 1 Fund are unwilling to leave, and want to continue investing in Lixia No. 2 with the exit dividend.

"Lixia No. 2 has raised the fee rate, from 20% to 35% of the excess income, so many LPs are willing to accept it?"

Liu Xiaoduo's affirmative voice came from the other end of the phone: "Of course, if you buy it, you will earn it. What about the 35% rate? It's still more profitable than those mediocre funds."

"I see!"

Xia Jingxing began to consider in his heart that the larger the fund size, the better. If the fund size is suddenly enlarged, and the trading team is not used to it, let alone making money, it may even lose money, which will damage the brand of the fund and the management scale will suddenly increase. Inflated funds will quickly return to their original shape, or even fall completely.

Xia Jingxing wanted to chat with Liu Hai and listen to the latter's opinion.

"anything else?"

"The Rongcheng BOE project has been officially signed, and the next 5 billion yuan investment will start to be allocated in batches, and you need to sign in person to release it..."

"Overseas games have completed the closed beta of "Dungeon and Warriors", and found many problems. The public beta may be delayed..."

"Hengtai Xu is seeking a senior debt financing with a scale of not less than US$400 million..."

"Ari spun off the B2B business and officially launched the listing plan..."


Xia Jingxing listened carefully, and it was true that there were no trivial matters, but all major ones, and no one could replace him as the master.

Thinking of this, Xia Jingxing felt a little discouraged. He originally wanted to do an experiment to test whether the company could still operate normally after he left for a period of time.

So far, the experiment has undoubtedly failed.

"Okay, I see, you inform them, and I will reply to their emails tonight."

As soon as Xia Jingxing hung up the phone, he turned around and saw the foreign girl blocking the door.

She crossed her hips and said with a smile, "Still worried about work?"

Xia Jingxing spread his hands: "No, I've already finished making calls."

"Hey, don't pretend, I heard everything, you can reply to the email quickly, some things really can't be delayed even for a minute."

Xia Jingxing glanced at Yang Niu, with mixed feelings in his heart, any explanation was unnecessary at this time, because Yang Niu knew very well how busy he was and how many things he couldn't let go of.

Xia Jingxing smiled: "Then I'll move a computer to work outside! If you don't go out, just reply to a few emails."

The foreign girl immediately turned her face: "I just tested you, but you still take it seriously?"

Xia Jingxing: "..."



Xia Jingxing was replying to emails when he suddenly heard the nurse's voice in the back room. He was shocked, and immediately opened the door and went in.

The foreign girl was lying on the bed, hugging her stomach and screaming for pain. Zhang Yuqiong and Caitlin looked anxious, and surrounded the bed from left to right, comforting and encouraging the foreign girl.

Xia Jingxing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses, stepped forward and grabbed the foreign girl's hand, and asked anxiously, "Christina, how are you feeling now? Just hold on, the doctor will be here soon."

Tears welled up in Yang Niu's eyes, and she was in so much pain that she was speechless, but she held Xia Jingxing's hand tightly with great strength.

Soon, a large number of medical teams arrived, and the doctor asked Xia Jingxing if he wanted to accompany him or wait outside.

Xia Jingxing chose to accompany him the whole time, silently holding the foreign girl's hand.

Time passed by, and after countless psychological torments, he finally heard a loud cry.

"Wow wow ~"

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