My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and twenty-two, easy solution

Xia Jingxing followed the crying sound. The female doctor in the blue surgical gown was stained with blood. She was holding a sticky newborn baby in her hands. A long umbilical cord...

Although the picture was a little uncomfortable, it still couldn't stop the excitement in Xia Jingxing's heart.

After two lifetimes, he finally became a father and had the continuation of his own life.

"It's a boy!" The female doctor lifted the baby and said with a glance.

Caitlin and Zhang Yuqiong who were standing on the side looked very excited, holding each other's hands and shaking them non-stop.

Kristina looked as if she had just been fished out of the water, her face was pale, and her hair was completely wet with sweat, and strands of her hair lay on her face.

She resisted the pain and exhaustion in her body, and looked up at the crying little guy with great effort, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, exuding the brilliance of motherhood all over her body.

The doctor handed the baby to the nurse, and went to measure the weight and height.

Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu both looked away and looked at each other.


The foreign girl's voice was a little weak, Xia Jingxing kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Stop talking, rest first!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing took the hot towel handed over by the medical staff, and wiped the sweat and tears off the foreign girl's face.

The medical staff on the side kept reporting the product parameters: "Boy, weighing eight pounds and one ounce, length 52 centimeters, waist circumference..."

Xia Jingxing didn't pay attention to the little guy, and put all his attention on taking care of the foreign girl.

After a while, the nurse brought the baby in swaddling clothes and placed it beside the foreign girl.

It was only now that Xia Jingxing could see the little guy's appearance clearly. He had black hair, wrinkled skin, small nose, eyes, and small mouth all crowded together, and his eyes were also narrowed, unable to open them.

The foreign girl just glanced at it, and said with a look of disgust: "It's so ugly!"

Caitlin laughed and scolded: "What are you ugly? You were like this when you were a child!"

finished speaking,

Kaitlyn touched the little guy's face, as if she had angered him, she opened her mouth and began to cry non-stop.

Xia Jingxing translated it for his mother. He heard that the little guy weighed seven catties and three liang, but Zhang Yuqiong was so happy. If he rounded it up, wouldn't he be a fat grandson weighing eight catties?

Zhang Yuqiong leaned over to the bed, carefully picked up her grandson, and then couldn't bear to let go of her grandson.

In the middle of the night, after Christina and the little guy fell asleep, the energetic Zhang Yuqiong pulled her son out of the house.

"What about the red envelope I told you to prepare? Why didn't you give it to the doctor?"

Xia Jingxing couldn't laugh or cry immediately, "Mom, the United States doesn't like this, they don't accept red envelopes."

Zhang Yuqiong looked at her son suspiciously, "Don't lie to me? Are you not accepting small red envelopes, only big ones?"

Xia Jingxing was stunned for a moment, then nodded frantically: "Mom, I can't hide anything from you, indeed I only accept big red envelopes."

"What about the red envelope?"

Xia Jingxing smiled: "You don't need to worry about this, I'm already ready."

At dawn, the dean of the Stanford Medical Center led several experts and scholars to visit the ward where the foreign girl was.

Xia Jingxing took the opportunity to stuff a red envelope, saying that his private foundation would donate 5 million US dollars to the Stanford Medical Center to help more people in need.

The reason for the donation was very lofty. As for how the hospital handled the 5 million US dollars donation, Xia Jingxing was too lazy to intervene. He didn't want to take care of it, and there was no need to take care of it.

Because the purpose of this money is not simple, it belongs to the hush money.

He still doesn't want the whole world to know about his secret birth with a foreign girl.

Although he is not afraid of the news leaking out, it is better to have one thing less than one thing more.

The dean of the Stanford Medical Center had received instructions from President John long ago, and happily accepted Xia Jingxing's donation, and said that the medical staff in the hospital were very professional and would not disclose any patient's privacy.

As soon as Xia Jingxing saw off the principal and his party, the foreign girl's father, Walsh, arrived with the foreign girl's two younger siblings.

Walsh first went to see the little grandson in the arms of the foreign girl. The cute appearance of the little guy directly melted the heart of this Texan tough guy.

After teasing the little guy for a while, Walsh suddenly remembered something, looked at Xia Jingxing who was standing aside, and walked over with unkind eyes.

"Daren, let's go out and talk!"

Zhang Yuqiong not only heard the indifference in Walsh's tone, but also understood Walsh's simple words, as if she wanted to tell her son to go out. With a clear heart, she got up and stood in front of her son, calmly He pushed back his son who was about to stand up.

"This is the father-in-law, right?" Zhang Yuqiong looked at the bearded Walsh who looked like a bear. Although she was a little apprehensive, she still pretended to be calm and wanted to do this for her son. She was a little scared The son was dragged out and beaten.

The foreign girl hurriedly introduced the two parties in both Chinese and English.

When she heard that she was really a foreign girl's father, Zhang Yuqiong began to memorize a few English words: "Mr. Walsh, it's a pleasure to meet you. I heard Christina say that you are a good father and a good father. A man of integrity and kindness!

You are more handsome than I imagined, a bit like that movie star, what's your name... Schwarzenegger... yes, the actor in the movie "Terminator". "

Xia Jingxing suppressed his smile, what a mother! I really tried my best.

Walsh touched his big belly, but didn't understand how he was similar to Arnold?

But this does not prevent him from substituting himself into T800, after all, tough guys only appreciate tough guys.

And the compliment came from a foreign lady.

Walsh tucked in his belly, smiled and said, "Ms. Zhang, you are also a very attractive lady, reminding me of your country's movie Li...yes, that's Gong Li."

Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu looked at each other, they were going to be stupid, they were really match for each other!

Zhang Yuqiong couldn't understand what Walsh was talking about. After listening to Christina's translation, her face burst into a smile. Big girl?

Christina played the role of translator and helped Walsh and Zhang Yuqiong translate each other.

After chatting for a while, Walsh was so happy that he almost forgot his main purpose.

"Daeron, I want to talk to you alone."

Xia Jingxing knew that Walsh would have to pass this test sooner or later, so he stopped hiding behind his mother, got up and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Yuqiong secretly pulled Xia Jingxing's sleeve, and Xia Jingxing gave his mother a look of "it's okay".

Watched by everyone, Walsh led Xia Jing out of the room.

Walsh thought to himself, should he hold on to his collar later? Or just push this guy into a corner?

In short, it's impossible to let this matter go! The child was about to be born, and I didn't know that my daughter was pregnant.

If it wasn't for Xia Jingxing helping him escape from the catastrophe of the housing market, he would have wanted to beat this kid up.

Now, I can scare her so that she will not continue to bully her daughter in the future, or if something big happens, she will continue to hide it from herself boldly.

This kid must be given a long memory!

Walsh made up his mind instantly.

But the plan could never keep up with the changes. Walsh had just brought Xia Jingxing to the outer corridor, and was about to turn his face. The few bodyguards who had been guarding here all the time, whose stature was really comparable to a T800, moved back and forth.

Although several bodyguards did not surround him, Walsh looked at the posture, and if he was going to do something himself, he might be the one who was pushed into the corner.

"Daren, are these people your bodyguards?"

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly.

"Oh, that looks good, all good boys."

Walsh smiled awkwardly but politely, then grabbed Xia Jingxing's shoulder and walked forward together, bringing the latter to the end of the corridor.

"Mr. Walsh, just tell me what you have to say! The little guy will cry if he doesn't see his father for too long."

Walsh's temple nerves twitched in anger, he turned his head to look, and several bodyguards were still following him leisurely.

never mind! I will endure!

Walsh let out a long sigh: "Hey, time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, Christina has become a mother, and you have become a father too."

"Aren't you also a grandfather?"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "We have all upgraded! Oh, Christina said, I want you to quickly give the child an English name."

"I'm here to get a name?" Walsh's attention was instantly diverted.

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "You must come and get it! You are the child's grandfather and the fifth-generation head of the Walsh family. No one is more suitable than you."

Walsh scratched his chin. What should the name be?

After thinking about it, Walsh suddenly realized, and almost forgot the main purpose.

The guy in front of him has the same deception ability as his mother, and he deserves to be his own.

"Daren, actually!"

Xia Jingxing interrupted: "I understand. I will definitely treat Kristina and her mother well in the future, and I will never let them suffer any grievances. The marriage issue can only be shelved for the time being. You may know the reason, it's too complicated."

Walsh has the feeling of punching cotton, and you've finished talking, so what can I say?

"Daren, I just have one request, take care of Christina and don't make her sad or disappointed."

Looking at the solemn Walsh, Xia Jingxing nodded heavily, "Don't worry, this is the most basic principle."

"But it's also the hardest thing to do," warns Walsh.

Xia Jingxing smiled: "Arguing shouldn't be counted, right?"

Walsh smiled and shook his head, "Of course not, but the premise is that you give way to Christina."

"Okay, I remember it all."

Walsh heaved a long sigh. This was considered to be the official marriage of his daughter. Although there was no priest to witness, the meaning in his heart was similar, and he felt a sense of loss and worry for no reason.

He patted Xia Jingxing on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go in! I've already thought of a few names for the little guy, and you can refer to them later and make suggestions."



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