My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirty six, big harvest

"The rich Chinese in San Francisco committed suicide by jumping into the sea due to business bankruptcy. His son who lived in the slums was found by private equity funds. The poor boy inherited the fund principal and 100 times dividends left by his father. He became a billionaire overnight and revived his family. , more than ever.”

Andrew sat on the soft sofa in the office on the top floor of No. 40 Wall Street Building, crossed his legs, smoked a cigar, and began to talk.

"Buy a fund to be rich for three generations! When you have spare money, you must buy a fund, because it is not only a way of asset allocation and financial management, but also a family inheritance, a hope for a comeback, and a legacy for future generations..."

Xia Jingxing, who was sitting opposite Andrew, raised his head, exhaled a long mouthful of smoke, then took a sip of the brandy on the table, put it in his mouth, and savored it carefully.

"It's really time for you to replace Abel, you are more suitable for fund sales than that kid, you can be said to be dead if you are alive.

And commit suicide by jumping into the sea? They are not dead! Just fled abroad to avoid debt collection. "

Andrew spread his hands, "I didn't make it up. Now San Francisco and Silicon Valley are spreading such a story, and there are other more interesting versions. Would you like to hear it?"

Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said with a broken smile, "Forget it, it must have been fabricated by private equity funds in Silicon Valley and San Francisco to deceive customers. They obviously bought hedge funds, but they turned them into private equity funds in their mouths. It's really interesting!"

Andrew smiled. He didn't attend the thank you reception a few days ago, and the stories all came from hearsay, but he learned from Xia Jingxing today that there is such a prototype of the story, and he was also amazed.

Shit luck is too good!

Xia Jingxing lamented that people's words are terrifying. In just a few days, the story has spread from the east coast to the west coast, and the more it spreads, the more outrageous it becomes.

Mr. Lin called Xia Jingxing yesterday to tell him that a reporter came to his door and offered to interview him, a publisher contacted him and wanted him to publish a book, and a TV station invited him to be a guest on the show...

Originally a loser, he suddenly became popular and became a successful person that the whole American society is paying attention to.

Boss Lin had some worries about happiness, so he asked Xia Jingxing on the phone whether it would be better to keep a low profile, or it would be better to accept media interviews and dispel some rumors about him by the way.

Xia Jingxing asked Mr. Lin to decide for himself. Whether he wanted to publish a book or appear on a show was up to him.

After thinking about it, Mr. Lin told Xia Jingxing,

He wanted to choose a high-profile exposure. After all, he did not steal or rob. It was money earned from legal investment, and exposure could also gain fame, which would help his future career development.

Mr. Lin's choice was in Xia Jingxing's arms, and Vision Capital's legendary fund Lixia No. 1 needed such an advocate to speak out.

After all, this is not a controversial financial action like shorting subprime mortgages. There is no need to hide the achievements. Otherwise, how can it compete with those who "maintain an annualized rate of return of more than 20% for 20 consecutive years" and "grow 10,000 times in 50 years" The legendary investment company is on a par.

This can also be regarded as a kind of momentum, which is quite beneficial to the follow-up fundraising work and the increase in fees.

Xia Jingxing looked at the sighing Andrew, felt it was funny, and said, "What are you lamenting here? Didn't you also invest one million dollars in the Lixia No. 1 Fund? The profit should be more than forty million dollars, right?"

Andrew looked heartbroken, "Oh, don't talk about it, if I knew that I would have to raise three to five million U.S. dollars for investment!"

"I knew it earlier... a thousand dollars are hard to buy, I knew it earlier!"

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "I remember that I persuaded you in various ways before you invested. Why do you start to regret it now?"

Andrew looked a little embarrassed, but he was thick-skinned and quickly covered up the embarrassment with a smile.

"Daren, didn't I come to New York specially to thank you?"

Andrew said with a sneaky smile: "Tell me, which club in Manhattan are you going to tonight? I will pay for all the consumption at the venue! An imperial package of hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars per hour is optional. You pick."

"You know the market so well?" Xia Jingxing asked with a smile.

"Have you forgotten what I used to do?"

Andrew stood up with the wine glass in his hand, and the dented and deformed sofa immediately bounced back to its original shape.

He walked to the window, looked at the skyline of New York with many high-rise buildings outside, and said with emotion: "I really miss it! I remember when I was a financial lawyer in New York, clients often invited us to relax. Can't run into some familiar faces."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "You're showing feelings for whoring."

Andrew turned around and looked at Xia Jingxing, and smiled, "The charging standard of call girls is a barometer of the Wall Street financial market and even the United States and the world economy. It is estimated that starting from this month, the charging will definitely drop a lot. You can play a few more games .

But remember to ask them to issue invoices, and they can use the public account to deduct taxes. "

Xia Jingxing was speechless, because the fat man was right, the Wall Street financial market began to slump, and it is estimated that the business of call girls would also be greatly affected, and they might lose their jobs after a while.

After entering the new century, the Internet has become more and more developed, and the phenomenon of gangbang in the office is certainly not as exaggerated as the 1980s and 1990s depicted in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street".

With the increase in the complexity of financial products, it is relatively rare for people on Wall Street to take drugs, or many Americans are tired of taking drugs in high school and college.

But on Wall Street, from executives to ordinary employees, it is indispensable to go to bars and various clubs after get off work to relieve the tension caused by work.

High-income groups, high-paced work pressure, and beautiful girls from all over the world who came to New York to pan for gold produced a chemical reaction and formed a capital of money and desire.

"You should have made a lot of money this time, right? You must have 500 million dollars, right?"

Andrew remembered that 20% of Lixia No. 1 was funded by Xia Jingxing himself, and he also collected a lot of management fees and profit sharing. This fund should also be called a big profit, and it will only compare with First Securities and Stanford University. The largest LP earns more, not less.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, the Lixia No. 1 Fund had indeed made him a lot of money, and he finally had a lot more money on hand.

When the Lixia No. 1 Fund was liquidated, the remaining figure after accruing management fees for the previous two years was US$2,206.21 million.

The income distribution plan is to first deduct 2% of the management fee for the third year, which is more than 44.12 million US dollars;

Then return the principal of 36.25 million US dollars;

Then redistribute the threshold income stipulated in the agreement, that is, the three-year average annualized rate of return is 10%. Based on the investment amount of 36.25 million US dollars, this part of the profit distribution is 10.875 million US dollars;

After the management fee, principal and threshold income are deducted in this order, the rest will be the excess income, and Vision Capital will share 28% between GP and LP.

Xia Jingxing contributed 7.25 million US dollars as an LP, and personally received 338.4 million US dollars;

Vision Capital, as a GP, received 20% of the excess return, the specific figure is 423 million US dollars;

Counting the management fee for the third year, the total management fee for the three years was more than 60 million US dollars.

Adding up the three figures, it seems that a total of 820 million US dollars has been earned.

The addition of the latter two figures is equivalent to the income obtained by Vision Capital from operating the Lixia No. 1 Fund.

But in the end, the specific profit that he fell into his pocket will shrink a bit.

The management fee of more than 60 million US dollars needs to be used to pay the daily salary and travel expenses of the Lixia No. 1 Fund team for three years.

20% of the US$423 million excess income that Envision Capital received, that is, more than US$80 million, will be used to reward the fund manager Liu Hai, and another 10% will be used to reward the fund team.

In the end, 70% of the excess income was 296.1 million U.S. dollars, plus the 338.4 million U.S. dollars distributed by LP, the total figure was 634.5 million U.S. dollars.

With more than 600 million US dollars, the follow-up development funds for his mansion in Silicon Valley will also be available.

The money has not been reinvested in the financial market, and it remains on hand as liquid funds. Now the hundreds of millions of dollars in funds will not have much impact on the overall situation, and there is no need to live a tight life like before.

After careful calculation, the Lixia No. 1 Fund is considered the first fund to exit among the operating funds of Envision Capital, including VC, PE, and the secondary market, which is of great significance.

The employees have worked together for three years and finally got the bonus, which is equivalent to the IPO of a start-up company, collectively getting rich and a bumper harvest!

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