My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirty-seven, level pyramid

"I heard that William received a full 100 million dollars in bonuses this time!"

"Wow, my God, is that an exaggeration?"

"It may be more than that! You must know that Lixia No. 1 is the hedge fund with the highest return rate in the world in recent years!"


In the morning, in the office lobby on the 49th floor of No. 40 Wall Street Building, several white and Chinese employees were talking quietly together, without noticing the bangs getting closer behind them.

Several people made a bunch of envious speeches, and a young Chinese man in his twenties suddenly said: "Do you think this bonus plan is fair? Our entire team, including researchers, traders, risk control and other support positions, all Together, the bonus pool is only over 40 million US dollars, which is less than half of William's bonus."

An old employee glanced at the newcomer who was speaking, and said with a sneer: "Fair? Fair is that you should be promoted from analyst to manager first! Then you can be promoted to senior manager, and then you can get a bonus of hundreds of thousands of dollars like me.

If you are good enough and promoted to the position of VP, you can manage a small team of four or five people, and then you can eat meat. I heard that our leader got several million dollars this time. "

The novice analyst who asked the question was named Hou Xiaoqiang. When he heard the figure of a few million, he looked envious: "Is it so much? And it's just a performance bonus? It doesn't include half-year bonuses and year-end bonuses."

As an old employee, the senior manager continued to show off, and said with a pretentious face: "Is this a lot? The real big shots on Wall Street, who doesn't make tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars a year?"

Hou Xiaoqiang smiled and didn't answer. It was too far away, and he didn't dare to think about it. He felt that the VP vice president was his next goal.

An old employee next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and laughed and scolded: "You are talking nonsense again, shouldn't the real big shots be shareholders like Darren and the others? In fact, William is just a wage earner just like us. But he is the working emperor."

The senior manager grinned, quickly changed the subject, and asked Hou Xiaoqiang: "Dude, which university did you graduate from? What degree?"

"I graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University in China with a bachelor's degree. I came to the United States to study in the first two years and got a master's degree in financial engineering from the University of California, Berkeley."

After listening, the senior manager commented in a flat tone: "Oh, then your resume is still a bit thin. The few newcomers who came in at the same time as you,

As far as you are the worst, several other Ph. D.s are assigned the rank of Associate Manager, and there is another one who seems to have jumped from **** and is also a manager. "

In this regard, Hou Xiaoqiang could only laugh along with him. Who made Wall Street here? And it's a top hedge fund.

One of his classmates failed to interview for Goldman Sachs two years ago, so he had to go back to study for a master's degree, and finally entered Goldman Sachs this year.

Hearing that he passed the interview at Envision Capital and passed the internship, his classmate's eyes almost popped out, and then he began to lament the injustice of fate.

This is because investment banks are all sell-side except for the self-operated department, and the team is huge, so the demand for recruiting is also high, and it is relatively easy to advance.

The New York office of Vision Capital is a hedge fund department, which belongs to the buyer. Dozens of people manage tens of billions of dollars in funds. The demand for recruitment is small and it is difficult to get in. Moreover, it basically does not recruit fresh graduates, only recruits with work experience.

Extending to salary, career experience and growth, hedge funds, the jewel in the crown of the financial industry, are also stronger than investment banks.

Does the investment bank have a billion-dollar income boss?

Goldman Sachs CEO Blankfein's income last year was only US$44.07 million, and the CEOs of several other major investment banks were also at about the same level.

If you want to get rich, you can only do hedge funds!

Several people laughed and laughed for a while, and were about to start today's work. When they turned around, they saw Liu Hai who was smiling and looking at them, and everyone's smiles froze instantly.

Liu Hai raised his watch to look at the time, and said with a smirk: "It's not bad luck, there are two minutes until the official working time, if I see you continue to do nothing during working hours next time, everyone , all get out of here!"

The few employees who were chatting together just now immediately slid the chairs under their buttocks, scattered in panic, and everyone was terrified.

Hou Xiaoqiang, in particular, was very afraid of losing his hard-won job. In addition to work visa reasons, working in a top hedge fund is also the dream of countless students from prestigious schools.

Even if you study in a prestigious school, not everyone can enter the financial industry. You have to start preparing and competing from your freshman and sophomore year. Every year, you have to squeeze your head for the internship opportunities offered by top financial institutions.

Every summer vacation, analysts and assistant positions provided by Morgan Stanley’s summer program receive about 90,000 applications for internships, but the acceptance rate is less than 2%. Goldman Sachs’ acceptance rate is also pitifully low, with an acceptance rate of 2.06%.

In comparison, Harvard University's acceptance rate of 5.9% is considered high.

And this is just an internship opportunity, and it's just an investment bank.

It is self-evident how hard it is and how lucky he is to join a new giant hedge fund like Vision Capital as a fresh graduate.

In the outside world, they are the proud sons of heaven, but on Wall Street, they can only be regarded as small soldiers, or even not even small soldiers at the moment. They have no chance to go to battle, so they can only do some odd jobs, collect and organize information, and pour coffee.

After being reprimanded by Liu Hai, he left. Hou Xiaoqiang glanced at the direction where the boss left with lingering fear, and then looked at the colleagues around him. One by one, they all entered the working state, stared at the six-screen computer in front of them intently, and started Get today's financial information.

I also want to work hard! Hou Xiaoqiang clenched his fists tightly!

After Liu Haijin finished his work in the office, he took the elevator to the 70th floor of the building.

"Come on? Come and hit two shots!"

Xia Jingxing was playing on the golf course in the office, when he saw Liu Hai coming, he immediately greeted him.

Liu Hai was also polite, picked up the club next to him, and played golf with Xia Jingxing for a while.

"Not fun! You can only putt. What do you think if you convert the first floor of the office into a golf course?"

Liu Hai said with a smile: "The floor is not high enough, so you can't swing?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "That's true! It's a pity."

Liu Hai stopped chatting nonsense with Xia Jingxing and started talking about serious things.

"Brother Jiang Ping is ready to make a move. If he said it was late, he would have missed the opportunity."

Xia Jingxing nodded, and then asked again, "What about you?"

Liu Hai said with a smile: "Of course I have to do it too! But you need to come forward and negotiate with several investment banks about the margin ratio.

Vision Capital is not what it used to be, and it can be regarded as a credit guarantee on Wall Street. They can no longer cooperate with us with the same set of standards. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly: "I support the reasonable request! But I don't need to meet in person, right?"

"Brother, that's a fund of tens of billions of dollars. I'm not qualified as the executive director of ED!"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said nothing, but pinched his chin and began to think.

Now, as the development of Vision Capital continues to reach new heights, the staff size is also expanding rapidly, and they have adjusted their ranks once.

It is divided into nine ranks including analyst, manager, senior manager, vice president, senior vice president, director, executive director, managing director, and partner. It can be understood as P1-P9 of Internet giants, and the basic salary is determined according to the rank.

If a strong trader achieves results, the bonus income can exceed that of the vice president of the small boss;

Small bosses and vice presidents do well with a small team, and their bonuses may exceed that of executives above directors.

The managing director is equivalent to the leader of the first-tier business department of Vision Capital, and only one managing director is set up for VC, PE, and secondary market departments.

At present, Liu Hai, Jiang Ping, and Abel are all executive directors of ED. Whoever stands out will be the MD managing director of the hedge fund department.

Relatively speaking, Envision Capital is relatively stingy in setting ranks, and there is no spam.

At present, it is just a company that has only been established for more than three years, and it has issued ranks indiscriminately when it comes up.

As far as Xia Jingxing knows, UBS UBS really did this, creating a Group MD that is above MD, and Goldman Sachs created a PMD, also known as partner managing director.

This is also impossible. Goldman Sachs has more than 2,000 MDs, and their ranks have been completely ruined.

In Xia Jingxing's rank planning for Vision Capital, analysts, managers, and senior managers are all grassroots employees;

Vice presidents and senior vice presidents are several small leaders in a fund, belonging to the middle level, each responsible for an investment group/track, such as consumption, medical care, technology, etc.;

Directors and executive directors are responsible for one or more funds;

A managing director is the head of a department, such as managing an entire hedge fund department.

As for the partners above, they can get virtual shares of the company, also known as dry shares, and they will receive dividends from the company’s profits every year, which is more favorable than the current dividends of only “the fund and the department’s income creation”.

Liu Hai is currently serving as the executive director of the company. In fact, his gold content exceeds that of Goldman Sachs' MD, at least as much as Goldman Sachs' partners.

Goldman Sachs also has quite a lot of partners, with four to five hundred people. In addition to high fixed salaries, they also have stock, option awards, and the most important right to participate in internal investment funds.

Xia Jingxing was thinking about whether to set up an internal investment fund in the future. It sounded like a kind of secret operation, keeping good things for himself.

In fact, it is not his random guess, because of the 500 million US dollars that Goldman Sachs invested in Facebook, 100 million US dollars came from Goldman Sachs' internal investment fund, and LP is a partner of the company. In the previous life, Goldman Sachs invested US$450 million in Xiao Mazi, and a small part of the funds also came from internal investment funds.

"Let's talk to Blankfein and Mack some other day. Our ranks are different from theirs, or we can simply send a rank introduction letter to the major Wall Street institutions, so that they don't look down on others."

The corner of Liu Hai's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "No, they should be familiar with it after a while!"

"Okay, I know about it."

Xia Jingxing pointed to the desk not far away, and said, "There is an invitation letter on the desk, go and see for yourself."

Liu Hai walked over with a puzzled face, and picked up the beautifully made invitation letter on the table. On the cover, it read: The Chinese Finance Association of the United States, in Chinese and English.

Liu Hai opened the invitation letter, looked at it, and said, "TCFA invited us to attend the annual meeting?"

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "Well, their association invited me last year, but they didn't attend because they had something to do. This year they sent someone to deliver it. You just ran into him when you came earlier."

Liu Hai said with a smile: "Their attitude is normal! Now Vision Capital is the leader in the financial industry of Chinese Americans in the United States. If you don't go, it's probably not interesting for them to open this meeting."

Xia Jingxing smiled, Liu Hai's skill in flattering grew day by day, to the point where he could do it easily.

"Not only have I been invited, but you and Jiang Ping have also been invited. Do you think you want to go and have a look?"

"Go! Why don't you go? Anyway, this is also a force, and it will help us develop our careers."

Xia Jingxing thought about it, so he nodded and said, "Okay then, let's go and meet these Chinese financial elites in the United States."

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