My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirty-eight, platforms make talents

A few days later, in the morning.

Xia Jingxing, well-dressed in suits and leather shoes, met Liu Hai and Jiang Ping, who were also well-dressed, and the three of them drove towards Seventh Avenue together in the white Rolls-Royce Phantom presented to Xia Jingxing by President Lin.

"This is the Bailao that Mr. Lin gave you?" Liu Hai sat on the co-pilot, patted this and that, looking like he couldn't put it down, and then commented: "It's pretty good, it's all top-notch configuration , it seems that Lin always put his heart into it."

"What Bailao? Then I won't be Xia Bailao?" Xia Jingxing smiled and waved his hand, "If you like it, just take it and open it."

"never mind!"

Liu Hai hastily declined, "This is a gift from someone else. You should keep it and drive it yourself! I have won so many bonuses, and I can't spend them all in my life. You should buy one yourself."

As he spoke, Liu Hai also sighed in his heart that the Lixia No. 1 Fund had successfully completed its liquidation, and Xia Jingxing gave him a bonus of more than 80 million US dollars without even frowning.

Even if divided by three years, the average annual income has reached more than 20 million US dollars.

This income is not much worse than that of CEOs of large investment banks such as Blankfein and Mack.

Employees who don't understand the real market think that he has already caught up with the income ceiling of Wall Street professional managers like Blankfein, but he is actually not close.

Because Goldman Sachs will give Blankfein tens of millions of dollars in bonuses regardless of whether the market is good or bad. To be more precise, a century-old company like Goldman Sachs can withstand financial cycle fluctuations, and its performance will not be so bad no matter how bad it is. Therefore, the income of executives is also relatively stable.

Of course, he didn't particularly envy Blankfein and these big bosses, because Xia Jingxing had treated him very well, and it could even be said that he took care of him deliberately.

The outside world has always believed that the Lixia No. 1 Fund is the result of his investigation of the market, careful research, formulation of investment strategies and exquisite trading.

In fact, only he himself knows best that most of the credit for the fund's achievements should be attributed to Xia Jingxing.

Just talking about the battle of shorting Wisdom Fruit made him amazed! Humbled!

First go long and then go short. Xia Jingxing predicted that the stock price of Wisdom Fruit went from peak to bottom. As for the linkage between the financial market, industry, and Internet public opinion, it vividly staged a textbook-style battle for him. Short case.

Besides profits, a series of operations on Zhizhiguo made a total of more than 800 million U.S. dollars, accounting for nearly 40% of Lixia No. 1's overall profit.

Therefore, taking so many bonuses made him feel a little uneasy, so he approached Xia Jingxing several times to persuade the latter to reduce the bonus distribution ratio, and just pay him 5% of the company's income.

With a 5% commission, he still has some confidence, because he has created a total profit of more than 80 million US dollars for the company by being long on this investment in Nvidia.

Invested 10 million US dollars and earned more than eight times in less than two years.

In August of the previous year, I started to build a position in Nvidia at an average price of US$9.1 per share. In April last year, I shipped half of it at an average price of US$61 per share, making a profit of more than 30 million US dollars;

When the fund was liquidated some time ago, the remaining half of the positions were sold out at USD 108 per share. After deducting the principal of 10 million, the total profit was USD 82.85 million.

In addition, in the last half year of the fund's existence, without Xia Jingxing's guidance, he alone raised the fund's net asset size from US$1.6 billion to US$2.2 billion, and the annualized rate of return reached 75%.

Of course, he doesn't think that the big credit really belongs to him. It should be said that the role of the platform is far greater than his personal efforts.

If you trade stocks for another person, you may be able to achieve a 37.5% increase in the fund's net value in half a year, and you only need to buy dozens of stocks with a price increase of a little more than one-third to achieve it.

Xia Jingxing saw that Liu Hai was silent when he mentioned the bonus, and immediately guessed what the other party was thinking.

"Hey, why are you starting to be hypocritical again? Isn't it just over 80 million dollars, so hot?"

Xia Jingxing felt that Liu Hai was still not confident enough, he probably felt like he was living in his own shadow.

"Old Liu, if Jing Xing tells you to take it, you can take it. If you don't take this bonus, what should I do?"

Jiang Ping made a rare joke, "You have to know that I am only receiving dead wages at the moment, and the children at home are still waiting for milk powder."

"You are different. Xiaoman No. 1 has been in your hands for more than a year, and you have made a profit of 1 billion U.S. dollars."

Speaking of this, Liu Hai expressed admiration, "This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that kind of stability, I seem to see a legendary fund that has maintained an annualized rate of return of more than 50% for 20 consecutive years is being born .”

Jiang Ping couldn't help laughing, "It's not that exaggerated. As the size of the fund expands, the rate of return will plummet later. I'm afraid it may fall below the 10% line in a few years."

"How is it possible!" Liu Hai shook his head again and again. Jiang Ping gave him the feeling that he was a low-key academic master. You would never see where his limit was. Even if he was given 10 billion US dollars to manage, he might still be able to maintain more than 50% of his income every year. rate of return.

This kind of stable operation style like an old dog is probably liked by every boss, because there is no need to experience the feeling of jumping off a building. In the financial market, the leftover is king! Old man Ba, who killed a group of contemporary investment masters, should have a say in this regard.

Jiang Ping chatted with Liu Hai with a smile. To be honest, he didn't think much of Liu Hai before. He felt that the other party was too mediocre. If he randomly pulled out a bottom-level analyst from Wall Street, his IQ and education might be higher than Liu Hai's. high.

But after long-term contact, he changed a lot of his views on bangs.

This guy is more persevering, he is a researcher, and he is an MBA student. He also asks him for advice in a low profile from time to time, absorbing knowledge desperately like a sponge.

He knew that Xia Jingxing had been micromanaging Lixia No. 1 before. It could be said that he brought the football to the penalty area, and then assisted Liu Hai to score the goal.

Judging from the performance of the Lixia No. 1 Fund this year, there was nothing wrong with the goal, and the goal was scored cleanly.

When the fund was liquidated, the stocks in the investment portfolio were basically reduced to a high point, and the biggest results were kept. It looks like a financial elite!

But it's hard to say how powerful it is.

He feels that Liu Hai still needs to truly prove himself in the management performance of the US$3 billion Lixia No. 2 Fund.

Xia Jingxing smiled and watched Liu Hai and Jiang Ping exchanging compliments.

In fact, Liu Hai is just a middle-of-the-road person. If he is allowed to work hard alone, it is almost impossible to get ahead on Wall Street where there are many talents, and it is even difficult to enter the industry.

But I gave Liu Hai a chance, and the other party was quite upbeat. He seized the opportunity and made great progress in three years. At the same time, he also found out a path that suits him.

What way? Putting a long line to catch big fish like old man Ba ​​does not take much work, but it works.

In the business landscape of Vision Capital's hedge fund, such a stock strategy fund is needed to capture high-quality growth stocks in the market.

In addition to the Internet, the white horse stocks in other industries, especially the white horse stocks in the international market, in his previous life, he returned to China when the era of mobile Internet came, and he couldn't remember much. This needs to test Liu Hai's ability.

If Liu Hai can stand the test and expand the investment field of the stock department to areas other than the Internet in one fell swoop, then the ceiling of the stock strategy fund will be raised a lot.

More than ten years later, even if he retires honorably, he doesn't have to worry about stock strategy funds pulling his hips directly.

Of course, this thought is a bit far away. Right now, Liu Hai is willing to learn, has the potential to grow, has self-knowledge, does not have particularly big ambitions, and has guaranteed loyalty. This is enough.

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