My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and thirty-nine, abundant talents

After the car arrived at Ansheng Center, Xia Jing got out of the car and took a look at the 54-story building in front of him.

In the previous life, this building was hit by a helicopter in 2019, and the scene was filled with thick smoke, which frightened Lao Mei, who thought it was another 9/11 incident.

Even the governor of New York admitted that as long as you are a New Yorker, you will have some PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from the 9.11 incident. When you hear that a plane hits a building, the scene of that year immediately comes to mind.

Xia Jingxing took a few glances at the building and then looked away. Anyway, there will be no plane collision today, so don't worry too much.

The thirteenth annual meeting of the National Chinese Financial Association today is quite grand. Xia Jingxing noticed that the sign-in desk was already full of people. They were all financial elites in suits and leather shoes. Most of them were yellow-skinned, and there were also a small number of white faces. .

Xia Jingxing suddenly saw a few familiar faces and walked over gently.


Chen Hong felt that someone slapped him suddenly from behind, and immediately turned his head to check.

"Jing Xing, why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Hong realized that his question was a bit redundant. Vision Capital is now a small prince on Wall Street, and small institutions like Hanergy have been invited to participate in the conference. How could the organizer omit Vision Capital.

"I'm here to meet the world, see if I can meet some new friends, and raise two new funds."

As soon as Xia Jingxing finished speaking, Liu Hai and Jiang Ping behind him laughed lightly.

Chen Hong even complained to Deng Feng and Zhu Min beside him: "See, this is invisible pretense, the most deadly!"

Both Deng Feng and Zhu Min grinned, thinking that what Chen Hong said was too right. Now who doesn't know the scale of asset management of Envision Capital, there is no need to go around for alms.

The two went up to greet Xia Jingxing one after another, and then Xia Jingxing introduced Liu Hai and Jiang Ping to the three of them.

Many Chinese and Caucasians around who came to attend the meeting recognized Xia Jingxing, but seeing a group of people walking in after signing, they didn't come up to pretend to be familiar.

"Why did you come to this annual meeting?" Xia Jingxing asked as he walked.

"same as you,

Come here to meet some new friends, raise some funds, and wait for the rice to cook. "Chen Hong said carelessly.

Zhu Min explained with a smile: "Our venture capital is also finance. We actually joined the National Chinese Finance Association very early. This organization, like the Huayuan Technology Association, was founded by mainland students in the 1990s. At first, the headquarters was At Stanford, the influence was limited to academia, and later the association moved to New York, and the influence began to permeate the industry..."

After listening to Zhu Min's introduction, Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded.

The National Chinese Financial Association is still a bit important. It is the largest Chinese financial association in the United States. It has as many as 7,000 individual members, including Chinese researchers and managers from major investment banks, fund management companies, and financial consulting service companies in the world, as well as major Chinese financial associations. Chinese professors and students from academic research institutions, corporate members and sponsors include Bank of China, CICC, Harvest Fund, etc.

Among the more than 20 rotating chairmen of TCFA, most of them chose to return to China for development and held important leadership positions in the People's Bank of China and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

It also has some influence in China. Governor Chuan of the People’s Bank of China and Governor Gang of the Central Bank have attended TCFA meetings in China. Economist Wu Jinglian has been a loyal reader of TCFA’s financial briefings since the 1990s. The institution has also recruited many talents working in overseas financial institutions through this association.

To summarize, it is probably the Huayuan Science and Technology Association in the financial field, which builds a bridge for talent and business flows in the financial field between China and the United States, and also provides career and life assistance for young people studying in the United States, such as regular student Stock trading competitions, job fairs, career sharing seminars, etc.

Xia Jingxing asked, "Brother Zhu Min, why did you sell the company?"

Some time ago, Cisco acquired WebEx, a web conferencing and web communication service provider co-founded by Zhu Min and his Indian partners, in a cash transaction of US$3.2 billion.

"It's good to sell it! It's easy to sell!"

Zhu Min said with a smile, there seemed to be no negative emotions on his face.

"Facebook is the only one of the large technology companies founded by the Chinese now." Deng Feng said with emotion, "Although the United States is good, it is not my hometown!"

Chen Hong felt that Deng Feng's tone was a bit dejected, so he turned his head and said to Xia Jingxing, "Don't listen to him, Facebook is on the rise now, and it will be no problem to compete with Google in the future. The company's equity should be held tight."

"Yes, Jing Xing, the future of Facebook is not comparable to that of Netcom. There are too many giants in our industry. Cisco and Microsoft are bigger than the other and have a deep foundation."

Zhu Min said: "Facebook is different. You have been the overlord of the social network since you were born, and your position is becoming more and more stable day by day. This is the benefit of opening up new tracks."

Xia Jingxing nodded, listening to everyone's advice.

"Actually, I didn't lose money!"

Zhu Min grinned, his face resembling Song Xiaobao was full of wrinkles, he wrinkled his fingers, and said to Xia Jingxing beside him in a low voice: "Last year Netcom's revenue was 380 million U.S. dollars, and its net profit was 49 million U.S. dollars. The price-to-earnings ratio is more than 60 times, which is a 23% premium to the closing price of the stock that day."

Looking at Zhu Min who kept winking at him, Xia Jingxing secretly felt amused, and said, "That's good! With so much money in hand, Big Brother can enjoy life in peace."

"That can't be done!"

Zhu Min shook his head violently, then moved closer to Xia Jingxing's side, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any shares available for purchase of Lixia No. 2? I'll invest a few hundred million dollars for fun."

Xia Jingxing laughed suddenly and said, "Even you have heard of it?"

Zhu Min laughed and said, "Good news travels thousands of miles! I'm at ease investing in your hedge fund!"

"What are you doing!"

Chen Hong interjected, "What kind of secret are you discussing, and you're keeping it from us?"

"Lixia No. 2." Zhu Min said happily.

Chen Hong looked around, held Xia Jingxing's shoulder, and said, "They are all from our own family, so we need to give some shares to the internal purchase?"

Deng Feng nodded at the side: "What you said is right, hedge funds have been rich for three generations, and they are worth allocating."

Xia Jingxing couldn't help laughing as he watched the three elder brothers coordinate seamlessly with each other.

"I want to tell you a shocking news! The Lixia No. 2 account has been closed, and it has already started operations."

Xia Jingxing compared his fingers, "If you had told me earlier, I would let you join this team no matter what.

Alas, there is no other way now, we can only wait for Lixia No. 3! "

Hearing this, Chen Hong, Zhu Min, and Deng Feng all sighed. The story of Mr. Lin in San Francisco has almost spread throughout the Chinese community. The title of "King of Hedge Funds" has already been given to Xia Jingxing whether he wants it or not. up.

Why didn't you contact Xia Jingxing earlier? This is the voice of three people.

If I knew that hedge funds are so profitable, why would I play venture capital?

Xia Jingxing said: "We won't start a new hedge fund in the short term. You can wait for the next opportunity and be the first to notify the three big brothers."

"That's a good deal! Don't forget." Zhu Min said seriously.

Xia Jingxing nodded with a smile, and suddenly said, "Hey, where's Eric? Where did he go?"

"Oh, you said Yuan Zheng, he joined Cisco following the transaction, as the vice president of engineering, responsible for Cisco's collaborative software development, why do you ask him?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just think he is quite suitable for starting a business."

Zhu Min nodded seriously: "That's a good seedling for starting a business. It's hard to work. If he starts a business, I'll vote for him too."

Xia Jingxing chuckled, Yuan Zheng is the founder of the video conferencing software Zoom, and the company's peak market value reached more than 100 billion US dollars.

At the same time, Yuan Zheng is also Zhu Min's leader, the vice president and core R \u0026 D engineer of WebEx. In fact, the foundation for his founding of Zoom in the future was actually laid during his work at Netcom.

In the previous life, Zhu Min was indeed an angel investor in Zoom, but the investment decision was made by Zhu Min's wife, who is also a powerful woman.

In addition to Yuan Zheng, there are countless successful entrepreneurs who came out of Netcom. As founders, these people participated in the establishment of a bunch of Chinese and American listed technology companies such as Shengwang, YY Duowan, Zuora, Getui (Daily Interactive), etc. , and more than a dozen M\u0026A exit projects.

Therefore, people in the industry in the previous life made up "Netcom Ten Gentlemen" and "Netcom Entrepreneur Gang" to describe the abundance of talents in Netcom.

Zhu Min did have a good eye in selecting talents, so Xia Jingxing wanted to ask him for advice.

"President Xia, are you here too?"

Suddenly a person jumped out from the side, which startled Xia Jingxing.

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