My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and forty-two, a bright light in the night

the next day.

Jiang Ping's keynote speech at TCFA made headlines in several mainstream media.

"Wall Street upstart Envision Capital is firmly bearish on the market outlook, believing that the risk of subprime mortgages is still spreading, and speculates that the losses of financial institutions involved in subprime bond derivatives transactions have reached an astronomical figure. When the next financial report season comes, the subprime crisis will Take it up a notch.” – The Wall Street Journal

"Envision Capital, a US$10 billion hedge fund, changed its low-key style in the past, and its star fund manager made a high-profile statement on the risk of subprime mortgages, believing that the rescue actions of various countries have limited effect, and huge financial system risks will erupt in the second half of the year, which may even affect the real economy. .” – The Economic Times

"Winter is approaching! Envision Capital issued a pessimistic prediction to the market: the coldest winter on Wall Street is coming, and the coldness is as cold as the Great Depression in the 1930s. Everyone pay attention to cold protection and warmth." - "New York Times"


Sitting in the super-large office on the top floor of No. 40 Wall Street Building, Xia Jingxing swiped the mouse to browse today's news reports from major mainstream financial media.

Vision Capital contributed the first time, and finally grabbed the headlines of the back page.

However, the remarks made by Jiang Ping on behalf of Vision Capital are quite topical, which may be the main reason why major financial media have widely reported and reproduced them.

Xia Jingxing then looked at the comment section again and was amused.

"Chinese guys predict financial risks? Dude, isn't today April Fool's Day? Chinese people understand finance too?"

"Chinese people are better at mathematics, maybe they have calculated some amazing results?"

"Because they only know mathematics, Chinese people can only work as analysts on Wall Street."

"Vision Capital is already a hedge fund with an asset management scale of tens of billions of dollars. Lixia No. 1 is famous on Wall Street. We must treat this company objectively and fairly."

"I bet if this speculation came from a certain white fund, it would definitely not be the current comment."


Xia Jingxing found that the opinions in the comment area were roughly divided into three groups. One group ridiculed and disdained the predictions put forward by Envision Capital;

The three parties quarreled together,

It also shifted the topic to race.

But there is no such thing as cursing, because several major financial media have manual reviewers, and the comments are only released after review.

However, the intentions of several major financial media are quite sinister. They only release abusive comments, but other comments that ridicule and refute Vision Capital are released.

Maybe this is more topical, so it can be used to stir up heat, right? Xia Jingxing thought so.

But this is exactly what he wants, and black fans are fans too. The financial media want to use Envision Capital, an upstart on Wall Street, to stir up news, so why don't they want to use the financial media to stir up the market situation and gain positions.

Of course, the financial media will not suffer any loss. If Vision Capital’s prediction is successful, it will be followed by singing praises.

After closing the news webpage, Xia Jingxing started to check the work email.

At this time, he suddenly received a call from Zhang Sanshi, who said on the phone that he wanted to bring two people to visit him.

Xia Jingxing didn't make any plans, and he agreed without even asking who Zhang Sanshi planned to bring.

After a while, Liu Xiaoduo led Zhang Sanshi and his party into Xia Jingxing's office.

"Daren, won't disturb your work?"

Zhang Sanshi shook hands with Xia Jingxing, showing a little restraint. With the widening of the identity gap between the two parties, he now feels more and more pressured to face Xia Jingxing.

"how come?"

Xia Jingxing withdrew his hand with a smile, and turned his gaze to the two young men in their twenties behind Zhang Sanshi.

"Let me introduce, this is Ma Ziming, the long-short fund manager of the hedge fund company Ziv Brothers."

Xia Jingxing smiled, he had heard of this person in his previous life, the founder of the hedge fund Snow Lake Capital, and also Zhang Sanshi's disciple. The company has kept a low profile for ten years and became famous by shorting Ruixing.

There are not many Chinese bosses in the field of hedge funds, and even rarer are those whose fund size reaches billions of dollars. This one can be regarded as one of the best.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Jiyi, Sun Hongbing’s son, also worked at Xuehu Capital, and Sunac has a very close relationship with Xuehu Capital.


Xia Jingxing shook hands with Ma Ziming with a smile on his face, making the latter so excited that his face flushed red.

He was just a small manager, a low-level employee on Wall Street. He did not expect that Xia Jingxing was not only willing to meet him, but also had no airs, which made people feel good about him.

Zhang Sanshi then introduced another young man with a pair of glasses who looked a bit bookish.

"This is Zhao Peng, a quantitative analyst at Citadel Investment."

Xia Jingxing's eyes lit up, and he felt that the quantitative trading department that he had been thinking about for a long time had hope.

This is also a cow!

Known as one of the few North American Chinese with a 9-figure annual income after Lu Qi.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing was in a daze, Zhang Sanshi thought that Xia Jingxing was right and he was a little speechless, so he brought some soldiers to meet him, and it was nothing more than an investment manager. Now another low-level analyst came.

So Zhang Sanshi hurriedly introduced: "Dai Lun, don't look at Zhao Peng who is young, he is actually very powerful. He was born in the prodigy class of the No. During the more than one year of working, I have created multiple profit equations for the company..."

The prodigy class of Jingcheng No. 8 Middle School is an experimental class for the education of extraordinary children established by Jingcheng No. 8 Middle School in 1985. The selected students enter school at the age of 10 to 11. After four years of study, they take the college entrance examination and go to university at the age of fourteen or five. In your twenties you are a doctor.

Zhao Peng also has a classmate in the children's class named Yin Xi, who became a Harvard professor at the age of 24 and was very famous on the Internet in his previous life.

According to Xia Jingxing, after Zhao Peng joined Citadel Investment Company, he was also cheating all the way. He was promoted to a partner in four years. When he was in his thirties, he killed the former COO of Microsoft Kevin Turner and became the CEO of Citadel Investment. He was in charge of a scale of 35 billion US dollars hedge funds.

But what Xia Jingxing didn't know was that Castle Investment played a key role in the "retail investors vs. Wall Street" in 2021, but it was just a villain.

Retail investors are actually just pawns, and this long-short war is actually hunting each other between institutions.

Castle Investment and its joint-stock subsidiary Melvin Capital, as one of the short sellers, lost US$2 billion and US$6 billion respectively.

Netflix and MGM intend to make this financial drama into a movie. As the CEO of Castle Investment, Zhao Peng may become the villain in the movie.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Xia Jingxing called Zhang Sanshi, Ma Ziming, and Zhao Peng to sit down on the sofa.

"Mr. Xia, actually, I came to see you for nothing else. I just want to recommend these two young people to you."

Xia Jingxing suppressed his surprise and asked, "Are you coming to work at Vision Capital? Of course you are welcome."

Zhang Sanshi smiled, "I heard you said that you are optimistic about quantitative investment in the long run, but you are suffering from the lack of a suitable project leader. Ma Ziming recommended Zhao Peng to me. I chatted with this young man Zhao Peng, and I feel It's pretty good, I'll bring it to see you.

If it weren't for the small temple of Gao Ling, I would have wanted to keep him. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhao Peng, who seemed a little embarrassed to be praised so much.

"Zhao Peng, I'll tell you the truth too."

Xia Jingxing said sincerely: "Vision Capital's foundation in quantitative investment is relatively weak, although I have been arranging to set up a research department a few years ago, but the progress has been slow.

On the one hand, Envision Capital was too focused on performance in the early stage, and urgently needed to prove itself to the market and LPs, and put less energy into the field of quantitative investment.

On the other hand, several fund managers under Vision Capital are not professionals, and we really need a professional to join us. "

Zhao Peng nodded heavily, "Mr. Xia, I understand, I listened to Mr. Jiang's speech on stage yesterday, and I felt extremely excited and excited!

In Wall Street ruled by old white men, it turns out that the Chinese can also call the wind and shake the wind and become the top in the industry.

I thought about it all night, and I decided to try Vision Capital. This is a hedge fund company with Chinese shareholders and executives. Chinese people will definitely not be discriminated against. They are capable and can become fund managers who handle tens of billions of dollars. , or even the CEO. "

Xia Jingxing looked at the flushed and heroic Zhao Peng, and showed a kind smile.

He didn't expect that letting Vision Capital go out to show off would attract talents to invest.

But then again, Envision Capital rose on Wall Street, and its executives are all Chinese. This is like a beacon that will attract all talents who are underappreciated on Wall Street.

Wall Street recognizes that Chinese people are good at mathematics and suitable for financial investment work, but it is difficult for Chinese people to climb to the top in this financial world dominated by white people.

As we all know, the Chinese will encounter a "transparent ceiling" in the United States. In Silicon Valley, the vice president in charge of technology is at the top, and in Wall Street, the managing director is almost at the top.

Even on Wall Street, the ceiling is even lower. In large financial institutions, the Chinese can only become the top few hundred people, but cannot become the top dozens or few people.

"Don't worry, in Vision Capital, the promotion space for Chinese people is completely smooth. As long as I have the ability, I can give up the position of CEO."

Zhao Peng quickly waved his hand, "Mr. Xia, I'm just giving an example, don't mind."

"No, no, it's a good thing to be ambitious. I like this kind of employees the most. They are motivated and driven!"

Xia Jingxing said: "How about this, after you join Vision Capital, I will give you 100 million US dollars of the company's own funds to practice your skills. question."

Just give yourself 100 million dollars to practice your hands? Such is the strength of top hedge funds. Zhao Peng felt that he had come to the right place this time. Mr. Xia was obviously more generous than his current boss!

Zhang Sanshi and Ma Ziming watched from the side with a smile, both of them were not at peace.

Zhang Sanshi felt sour in his heart. You know, Xia Jingxing only invested 20 million US dollars in Gao Ling, and this young man was given the important task of managing 100 million US dollars.

Of course, Envision Capital just started two years ago, and its influence is not the same as it is today. Zhang Sanshi could only comfort himself like this.

Ma Ziming looked enviously at his friend, who was four years younger than him, who jumped to the pinnacle of his life once he changed jobs!

After solving Zhao Peng's matter, Zhang Sanshi didn't forget that there was a little brother beside him who needed to make arrangements. He said, "Mr. Xia, Ma Ziming plans to set up his own hedge fund, and wants to find Vision raise funds!"

As he talked, Zhang Sanshi didn't have much confidence anymore. This matter was different from Zhao Peng being in charge of 100 million US dollars. Ma Ziming's resume and past achievements were much worse than Zhao Peng's.

When a 28-year-old wants to start his own hedge fund, his first impression is that he is too young, inexperienced, and not safe enough.

As far as he knew, before Xia Jingxing became famous, it was very difficult to raise funds for Lixia No. 1, because you had no record! Why invest money in you to take risks.

Ma Ziming looked at Xia Jingxing expectantly, and hoped that Mr. Xia would also dump him 100 million dollars: use it to practice.

But he knows that this is an extravagant wish, and he is very satisfied if he can invest 10 to 20 million US dollars, because he can change from a wage earner to a boss and start his own legendary road.

Xia Jingxing pondered, Zhao Peng's loss is nothing, he has the right to train his hands, pay tuition fees, his name is different, with Vision Capital's current performance, do we need to invest in other hedge funds? And it's a nascent hedge fund.

However, from a long-term perspective, it is beneficial to spread all over the world like Julian Robertson, the founder of Tiger Fund, to diversify investment risks and trickle down.

"In this way, let's invest 20 million US dollars in you first, and form a small fund to play!"

Xia Jingxing looked at Ma Ziming with a smile, and said, "If the performance is satisfactory, I will continue to invest more in you. Maybe the subscription will be so enthusiastic that you won't even need my investment."

Ma Ziming was so happy that he almost jumped up. Seeing Xia Jingxing's silence, he prepared for the worst. If Xia Jingxing didn't invest, he would work for another two years, trying to make a name for himself in his job, and then leave to start a business.

Now with Xia Jingxing's 20 million US dollars, even if he can't raise other funds, he can try to work hard, like Zhang Sanshi next to him, didn't he also start with 20 million US dollars? Now Gao Ling has an asset management scale of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Thank you Mr. Xia, I will definitely do my best to create returns for LP."

Xia Jingxing nodded with a smile and said no more.

Mr. Xia, what about me? Zhang Sanshi really wanted to ask this question, but he couldn't bear the shame.

Seeing that the wishes of the two little brothers had been fulfilled, but he, the recommender, got nothing, Zhang Sanshi felt quite uncomfortable.

After thinking about it, he still had to be thick-skinned in order to eat meat.

Zhang Sanshi, who dared to rent comic books at the train station at the age of seven, was by no means an introvert. He said with a shy face, "Mr. Xia, Gao Ling obtained the QFII Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor qualification last year, and began to invest in A shares. We want to raise a RMB fund, can we?"

Xia Jingxing felt that Zhang Sanshi might have been deprived of his luck, but since Zhang Sanshi had recommended two talents, he thought he could still give Zhang Sanshi a chance.

"How about this, I'll arrange Fuxing Industrial Holdings Group to invest in Gao Ling. Is 200 million RMB enough?"

Zhang Sanshi hurriedly said: "Enough is enough, then there will be no difference."

There is no difference in fart, Zhang Sanshi has not actually found a domestic LP, but this does not prevent him from using Xia Jingxing and Fuxing Industrial Group as endorsements when raising funds.

With Xia Jingxing's gold-lettered signboard, raising 1.8 billion is not enough!

Maybe Xia Jingxing didn't even realize that he was prostituted again for nothing.

Unknowingly, he has become a capital tycoon with market appeal.

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