My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and forty-three, sneak in

Midtown Manhattan, in the penthouse of the Plaza Hotel in New York.

Xia Jingxing was wearing sunglasses, his muscular upper body was naked, his legs were crossed, and he was lazily lying on a deck chair on the terrace.

Basking in the warm sun above his head, sipping the mellow red wine in his hand, and admiring the boundless scenery of Central Park downstairs, he felt quite good after taking a break from his busy schedule.

Now that he finally has more money on hand, he bought this top New York apartment with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters for US$54.5 million, and he no longer rents a house to survive.

To say that the house price in Manhattan is also strange, as if it has nothing to do with the trend and policy of the US real estate market.

Nowadays, the prices of ordinary houses across the United States have fallen like dogs, and they cannot be sold, but the top mansions in Manhattan have not fallen but risen.

Last year, a house that only needed 50 million US dollars was needed, but this year it was a fraction more.

The former landlord also plausibly said: Each penthouse near Central Park is limited, a luxury, a status symbol...

Xia Jingxing inquired a little bit, and the top mansions in Manhattan and even the top mansions in Beverly Hills in California have generally increased in price.

This is the real social portrayal of drought death and flood death. The gap between the rich and the poor is serious.

"Daren, take a look, is this suitable for me to wear at the banquet tonight?"

Xia Jingxing looked back, and saw that Ivanka was pushing open the door and walking out slowly.

She wears a high-end Versace bare-shoulder tube top evening dress with exquisite clavicle, tall and straight peaks, and a slender and sexy waist perfectly displayed, giving people a sense of long legs below the waist.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't speak, but stared straight at her, the corners of Ivanka's mouth curled up slightly. She was always very confident about her figure, and this reaction from the man in front of her greatly satisfied her vanity. .

"Haven't you seen enough?" Ivanka walked to Xia Jingxing's side, bent down and whispered in his ear, and even exhaled provocatively.


With a scream, Ivanka was pulled down into Xia Jingxing's arms, and the latter slapped Ivanka's plump buttocks hard, "Is it itchy again?"

Ivanka twisted her body to avoid the claws sticking to her buttocks while wanting to welcome and rejecting,

While letting out a soft moan that made the man's blood spurt, he stared deeply at Xia Jingxing with eyes full of water vapor, and pleaded, "Be gentle, you used too much force last night, and it's still red and swollen."

Looking at Ivanka with an aggrieved face, Xia Jingxing secretly smiled inwardly, is my billions so easy to take away? Can't you pay some interest?

Yesterday he received a gift from the puppy from Fernando Valley, and he got it on Ivanka for experiments that night.

Because it's a new gadget, I didn't do anything serious, and accidentally swollen Ivanka.


Didn't you enjoy last night?

Xia Jingxing saw through Ivanka's trick immediately, and asked with a smile, "Does it still hurt?"

Ivanka nodded.

"Then I'll rub it for you."

"How did you get your hand in there?"

"Don't move, my family has inherited an old Chinese medicine doctor. I have a set of massage techniques to treat all kinds of bruises."

Ivanka looked at Xia Jingxing dubiously, and let him use it freely.

After a while, the recliner started to "creak".

The bird squatting on the eaves not far away was over-stimulated, flapped its wings and flew downstairs to Central Park to find a companion to play.


More than half an hour later, Ivanka, who entered the room and changed into a purple dress, came out again, and said weakly from a long distance: "This is the only one in the closet, don't break it again."

"Just buy it again some other day!" Xia Jingxing said indifferently, he seems to have unlocked a new skill now, dress destroyer.

But... Having said that, the dress seems to be quite exciting.

Ivanka didn't dare to play tricks anymore, she sat on the chair opposite Xia Jingxing solemnly, and said, "Daren, is the subprime mortgage crisis really as severe as you said in the newspapers?"

Xia Jingxing raised his eyelids, "Why, are you still concerned about subprime mortgages?"

"You forgot, I'm the vice president of Friedrich Real Estate Group. Of course, I have to pay attention to the series of things caused by subprime housing loans."

As if she didn't want to be treated as a vase by Xia Jingxing, Ivanka's tone was a little more serious.

"Having such a smart and beautiful daughter, I'm sure Mr. Friedrich will be proud of you."

Ivanka smiled slightly. It was true that his father was proud of her, but it was also true that he used her daughter as a tool. She was sent to negotiate with Xia Jingxing, but ended up in bed.

Of course, she also likes the rich material life today, her boyfriend is much richer and more generous than her father.

"Dai Lun, I read that some media said that Envision Capital deliberately bad-mouthed the capital market in order to make huge profits by shorting subprime mortgages?"

Ivanka is very concerned about Xia Jingxing's career now, and she has read all the news reports on Vision Capital recently without saying a word.

Some media have revealed that Vision Capital has two funds with a size of US$400 million each, which have bought a large amount of CDS assets.

With the rising default rate of subprime mortgages, the price of CDO assets continued to plummet, while the price of insurance product CDS soared all the way.

Envision Capital bad-mouthing the market was exposed by the media in order to sell its CDS assets at a good price, which is a proper face of a capitalist.

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "The media likes to create conflicts and think badly of people. I just want to remind the American people and make some money by the way."

Ivanka smiled, "The latter is the main purpose, right? To make some small money, it's not small money. The media say you may make billions of dollars."

"Most of it will be distributed to LPs, and Vision Capital will only earn a little hard work fee!"

Ivanka suddenly remembered her father's entrustment, and said, "Did you invest in a real estate company called Hengtai?"

Xia Jingxing nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"My father wants to cooperate with Hengtai, can you help me make the connection?"

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "You want to use them as a springboard to enter the Chinese market? Your father is very ambitious!"

Ivanka blinked her eyes and flattered her, "Is that okay? I will repay you well."

"How to repay?"

Xia Jingxing looked up and down Ivanka's plump and plump figure. Could it be that there is still some posture that has not been unlocked?

When Ivanka saw Xia Jingxing's eyes, she knew that he was planning some bad idea, but then again, she only had this little money.

Getting up and walking to Xia Jingxing's side, Ivanka leaned down and whispered a few words.

The corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth rose slightly, "Your request makes me very embarrassed, am I that kind of person?"

Ivanka spat secretly, her teeth itching with anger, and she was acting good when she got a bargain.

But the situation was stronger than others, so she had no choice but to continue acting like a spoiled child, holding Xia Jingxing's arm and rubbing against her pair of peaks non-stop.

Seeing that the gun was about to go off again, Xia Jingxing finally spoke.

"Oh, all right! I promise."

"Great!" Ivanka cheered happily, and put her arms around Xia Jingxing's neck and kissed him on the cheek.

The two played around at home, and in the afternoon, Xia Jingxing accompanied Ivanka to get her hair done, and then the two of them drove to the venue of the evening banquet together.

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