My Age of Investment

Nine hundred fifty-two, mutual paralysis

On this day, Xia Jingxing received a call from Gates at his home in Palo Alto.

As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard a burst of hearty laughter from the other end of the phone: "Hahaha~, Darren, I heard that there was some trouble between you and Ballmer. The door to the Android conference room was broken."

"Haha, it's not that serious. I have asked the maintenance worker to inspect the gate, and found that it is quite strong, and it does not affect the use at all."

Xia Jingxing tilted his head and clamped the phone around his neck, held the milk powder can with one hand, and scooped out a spoonful of milk powder with the other hand, put it into the bottle, poured warm water and started brewing, stirring, and waited for the foam in the cup to dissipate , Squeezed two more drops on the back of his hand to test the temperature of the water. After confirming that there was no problem, he walked aside and took out his crying son from the cradle, stuffed the bottle into his arms, and then the whole world was quiet.

Looking at the little guy who opened his big eyes and was staring at him, Xia Jingxing showed an old father's smile. After taking care of the child at home for two days, he realized how difficult this job is.

Christina put her hands on her chest, and watched Xia Jingxing take care of the child with a smile. Basically nothing went wrong, and it was much better than she imagined.

She had just finished praising Xia Jingxing in her heart when she heard a baby coughing "cough cough cough".

Choking milk!

Christina didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried forward to take her son from Xia Jingxing's hands, and began to pat the child's back under the guidance of the babysitter, and the sound of crying rang through the room immediately.

"Daeron, why did I hear the baby crying?"

Gates on the other end of the phone was at a loss. When he was talking just now, Darren kept saying "OK", looking absent-minded, and now there is still a baby crying. What's the matter?

"Yes, I'm at a friend's house, and the little one is a little naughty."

Xia Jingxing gestured to Christina to go out, then walked to the next room, and began to concentrate on talking with Gates.

"Because I'm on vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands these days, I'm not personally involved with Android.

But I entrusted Ballmer with full authority to handle the matter, and I repeatedly told him to communicate with you well. I didn't expect him to have such a trouble with you. "

Hearing Gates' annoyed and regretful tone on the phone, Xia Jingxing sneered in his heart, who doesn't have the strength of a movie star among successful entrepreneurs?

Gates played this kind of play with him, who is fooling, anyway, he never believed that Ballmer's aggressive visit that day would not have been highly recommended by Gates.

However, Gates made this call today with such a soft tone, obviously wanting to deal with the aftermath and reconcile.

This is also Gates' brilliance. First send Ballmer to play the front stand. Even if things mess up, there is still room for maneuver.

After understanding this, Xia Jingxing did not express his opinion in a hurry, and continued to exchange acting skills with Gates: "Ballmer is too aggressive. He wants to buy Android for a price of 1 billion US dollars. What does he think of me? A beggar?"

Hearing the complaints and anger in Xia Jing's jargon, Gates smiled and comforted him: "Daren, I want to apologize to you for this matter. It is Microsoft's inconsiderateness and underestimation of your emphasis on Android and your future expectations. If you give another quotation, how much do you think it is appropriate?"

Xia Jingxing rolled his eyes, he felt that Gates was trying to test himself, if he showed too much emphasis on Android, would it arouse Gates' vigilance? This led to heavy fire from Microsoft.

Without thinking for too long, Xia Jingxing quickly replied: "5 billion US dollars! If Microsoft is willing to pay 5 billion US dollars, I will reluctantly give up and give up this business that I have worked hard to build for several years to Microsoft."

Before Gates could answer, Xia Jingxing spoke at a rapid pace, and continued, "Mr. Gates, this offer is definitely not high. If you win Android and add Microsoft's own Windows Mobile, two against one, Symbian's market share and status will be replaced by Microsoft sooner or later."

Gates laughed dumbfounded, "Daren, your idea sounds great! But the fact is that the combined market share of our two companies is less than half of Saipan's.

Not even a third of them.

Moreover, Android is open source, and the business model seems to be a bit flawed. If Microsoft acquires Android, it must be rectified and re-launched.

So, for Microsoft, Android doesn't seem to be so indispensable, and it's only now that a mobile phone manufacturer is equipped with the Android system, right? "

Xia Jingxing noticed the word "rectification" and felt ecstasy in his heart. Gates' words revealed a lot of important information. Microsoft still insisted on the old way. In his mind, Android open source must be a sign of not doing business properly.

Gates continued: "$5 billion is impossible because Android has no revenue and the business model is not clear.

The quotation of 1 billion US dollars is already the limit. Even this quotation has caused me to bear a lot of pressure and doubts from the board of directors. "

What Gates said was half-truth and half-false. As a guest at the press conference of the revival mobile phone, he paid attention to this mobile phone when it first came out.

After the revival mobile phone went on sale, he has been paying close attention to the sales performance and market feedback of this mobile phone.

In short, he still has a lot of interest in Android, and he is willing to spend a little money of 1 billion US dollars to buy it and study it, and learn some nutrients by the way. But it is absolutely impossible for him to spend 5 billion US dollars to buy such a thing. Although Microsoft has a lot of money, it is not taken advantage of.

"That's really a pity, Mr. Gates, just look at it, Android will definitely reach a market value of 5 billion US dollars in the future."

Gates froze for a moment, then chuckled, not knowing what to say, is the market value of 5 billion US dollars enough? The pattern is small!

He felt that he had figured out Xia Jingxing's little idea. He must want to win over a group of mobile phone manufacturers through open source, and then make Android a top few in the market, and then use it to go public to make money. What changes the world and subverts the old pattern of the market... …You just have to listen to these words! Don't be serious!

Gates doesn't think that Android has the guts and strength to be number one in the industry. Even Microsoft, isn't it being steadily overwhelmed by the Symbian system?

To subvert the existing market structure, what can an open source be used for? Technical strength, patents, funds... These are the real keys to determine the outcome, which happens to be what Microsoft is good at.

Thinking of this, Gates' thoughts on acquiring Android faded. With the backing of Microsoft's entire empire, Windows Mobile can suppress all enemies in the world.

Let Xia Jingxing figure it out on Android, let's see what he can achieve. It's amazing to catch up with BlackBerry, and wait for two. The first place will have to be divided between Microsoft and Symbian.

Gates is holding the phone, blowing the sea breeze, lying on the plastic deck chair on the beach and meditating.

In the distance, Epstein led a group of naked blond girls of fourteen or fifteen years old, and they were calling Gates' name from a long distance away.

Gates heard the movement, and quickly said: "Okay, Darren, I hope this unpleasant incident will pass like this! Don't affect our friendship."

"Of course, have a nice holiday!"

Xia Jingxing hung up the phone, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, it's good that Gates underestimated Android, he can give him a surprise in the future.

The other party said that he was on vacation in the Virgin Islands. The name sounds a bit impressive, doesn't it?

Xia Jingxing suddenly remembered, isn't that the Happy Island bought by Gates' good friend Epstein ten years ago? Zipperton, Ivanka's father and a large number of political and business celebrities are frequent visitors to the island.

In fact, it is no secret that Gates is known for being lecherous in the industry. He especially likes to engage in female reporters and female subordinates. It's just that many people are afraid of being blacklisted by Microsoft and dare not speak up.

Not thinking too much about these nonsense, Xia Jing walked out of the room, saw Christina coaxing the child, and said with a smile: "Let's discuss something with you."

"Wait a while, I just put my son to sleep."

Xia Jingxing's face was a little embarrassed, as if he messed up something just now, and it was Christina who came to help wipe his ass.

"Kristina, let's talk about cooperation."

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