My Age of Investment

Nine hundred fifty-three, instant messaging

Christina handed the baby to the babysitter next to her, and followed Xia Jingxing to the garden outside the house.

Canna, sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, chrysanthemum, oleander, desert rose... Hundreds of flowers bloom in the garden, colorful and fragrant.

Xia Jingxing looked around and said with a smile, "The garden is well-maintained, no wonder my mother praised you as a craftsman, you won't die of hunger even in times of famine."

"What kind of craftsman?"

Christina walked to a chair, sat down, and looked at Xia Jingxing with a puzzled expression.

Sitting down next to Christina, Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Of course it's farming! My mother said that if you were born in China decades ago, you must be a little expert in earning work points."

"What's a work point?" Christina felt that Chinese culture was too complicated. Even though she had been learning Chinese for five years, some words popped out of Xia Jingxing's mouth from time to time still made her confused.

Xia Jingxing briefly explained the work points to Christina, and she was surprised when she heard it, as if she had discovered something incredible.

"Okay, let's not talk about this!"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, and then said another thing, "Android will launch an app store next year, and recruit a large number of developers to develop mobile apps on the Android platform."

Christina rested her head on her elbows, tilted her head to look at Xia Jingxing, and blinked her beautiful eyes at him. A pair of big watery eyes seemed to be able to speak, "Aren't Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube all connected with Android?" Do you want to cooperate? Fuxing FX2 will be equipped with these three social applications when it leaves the factory.”

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "I know, I'm just reminding you that once various software applications are widely spread on smartphones, access from PCs will continue to decrease until they are all migrated to mobile devices."

Christina, who had a lazy face, sat upright, and said with her red lips slightly parted: "You mean that people will use Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter on their mobile phones in the future."

Xia Jingxing nodded, "This is the trend!"

"I know this is a trend. Facebook launched a mobile terminal two years ago for users to use mobile devices to access Facebook. These mobile terminal users currently only account for one percent of the total visiting users."

Christina said seriously: "I judge that it will take at least three to five years for this wave of mobile Internet to completely cover Internet users. The network infrastructure needs to be upgraded, the application ecosystem needs to be restructured, and new smartphones are released. Volume needs to replace today's feature phones and older smartphones."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "You have a clear understanding of the mobile Internet."

Christina smiled slightly, "Because I have been paying attention to Android and ZTE phones."

"Okay, then I won't say much. I believe that under your leadership, Facebook and Twitter can successfully complete the transformation of the mobile Internet. On the Youtube side, take the time to communicate with Luo Li."

Christina nodded lightly. Although YouTube is no longer under the jurisdiction of Facebook in name, the actual controllers are still the original shareholders of Facebook, especially her, the shareholder with the most voting rights.

On weekdays, Facebook will also cooperate closely with Youtube. The two companies are essentially one platform, and the separation is not thorough enough.

"Today I'm going to talk about maps, browsers, mailboxes."

Christina was a little taken aback, "You said let Facebook enter these fields?"


Xia Jingxing shook his head, "It's Android, and Android will launch its own browser and mailbox next."

Kristina had a sudden realization expression, "So it's here. Everyone is curious about why Android is open source? How to make money in the future?"

After finishing speaking, Christina noticed that Xia Jingxing didn't mention the map, so she asked, "Where's the map?"

"Facebook will be used as a map, which will be used as a basic mobile service for Android and will be carried on all Android phones."

"We make maps?"

After thinking for a while, Christina understood why, and asked again: "Are you worried that the map business is too sensitive? It's not appropriate for Android to do it?"

"Ninety percent of Android's shares are in the hands of Vision Capital,

Some of them will definitely be sold in the future, but the price cannot be sold now, so I can only hold them first. "

Christina nodded slightly. As the person next to her pillow, she was very aware of her boyfriend's capital moves in recent years, and she could understand all the key points without too much explanation.

"Is it suitable for Facebook to make a map? Has it deviated from the main business of social networking?"

Xia Jingxing didn't answer, but asked instead: "How is Navteq operating after joining Facebook's open platform?"

"It's not that good. Who would look for a map? Most users only want to check the map and see the route when they are about to go on a trip."

Christina spread her hands, "But it's superfluous. If you drive, you have a car map."

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "This is the disadvantage of the PC Internet. If it is a mobile map, it is very convenient. You can take out your mobile phone from your trouser pocket to check the route and the way to transfer at any time."

"That's true! If the mobile Internet becomes popular, people's lives will be much more convenient."

After finishing her emotions, Christina asked again: "But does this have anything to do with Facebook?"

"Lo Based Services, location-based services, referred to as LBS."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Facebook can introduce such a new function, which is social location."

Christina soon understood that after such a small function was added to Facebook, it could set off a series of activities such as dating in the same city, making friends offline, and so on.

Xia Jingxing continued: "If location-based social networking is to achieve long-term development, it must be more convenient on mobile devices.

However, it can also be played on PC, but the development will not be too fast at the beginning, but it can be laid out in advance.

As a social platform with hundreds of millions of users, Facebook will develop into a super-large network platform covering more than 200 countries and billions of users in the future. It needs to provide users with some just-needed services other than social networking. "

Christina smiled and nodded, "I see, let's do it, anyway, we have money now."

"Then Android is a browser and email, not to offend Microsoft and Yahoo."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "It was just a temporary cooperation. The call just now was made by Gates. He still wants to buy Android."

"As the company grows bigger, it is inevitable that it will encounter this kind of problem."

Christina sighed, "Facebook plans to launch an instant messaging tool next, which should form some competition with MSN and Yahoo Messenger."

"Instant messaging?" Xia Jingxing was a little surprised, he didn't guide Christina to do this, but after thinking about it, it doesn't make sense for Facebook, which has hundreds of millions of users, to give up such a big piece of fat.

Facing Xia Jingxing's gaze, Christina introduced: "We temporarily named this tool Facebook Chat, which will integrate the platform's existing messaging tools and become the only instant messaging tool on the Facebook platform.

After the user logs in to the Facebook website, a "Chat" column will appear at the bottom of the homepage. Users do not need to download any software, and can directly have a conversation with their friends in the dialogue column. The Chat friend list will be synchronized with the Facebook friend list. "

After the introduction, Christina said quite proudly: "As soon as this tool is launched, the end of AOL, MSN, and Yahoo Messenger will come.

Relying on hundreds of millions of users and the social relationship chain accumulated by Facebook, it is only a matter of time before they are replaced. "

Caressing Christina's soft and shiny hair, Xia Jingxing sighed with a smile, "You are so sinister!"

Christina smiled slyly, "Didn't you teach me this? We must maximize the advantages of real-name social networking."

"Yes, yes, you are right, and you are right!"

Xia Jingxing sighed inwardly. Facebook's trick was considered to have stabbed Yahoo's vital point. Yahoo, which was already in decline, might decline even faster than in its previous life.

Yahoo Messenger is currently the No. 1 instant messaging tool in the U.S. market, and more than 50 million people log in and use Yahoo Messenger worldwide every day.

However, Yahoo lacks a platform like Facebook that accumulates social relationship chains, so it is difficult to prevent the loss of users.

The decline of Yahoo in the previous life was inseparable from the double attack of Google and Facebook.

However, he could only mourn Yang Zhiyuan for three seconds in his heart. After all, no matter how well Yahoo develops, he would not benefit at all.

"I think should launch an instant communication tool." Christina who was lying on Xia Jingxing's shoulder straightened up suddenly and said.

Xia Jingxing said with a gloomy gaze, "The competitive environment facing is much worse than Facebook.

First of all, there is only one telecom overlord in the Chinese market, not three;

Secondly, Qzone and are also SNS services that can compete with;

Finally, Penguin is a socially focused company. "

While talking, Xia Jingxing himself began to feel a headache, penguins are hard to deal with!

However, cutting off the penguin in domestic games is equivalent to breaking off the penguin's arm. Cash flow is also an important part of business competition. Without money, you can't fight.

Christina nodded heavily, "That's true! Who knew China had a freak like a penguin!"

Xia Jingxing chuckled, "Actually, they are not as powerful as they imagined. The wave of mobile Internet has arrived. Let them play for a few more days. Now the time is not very ripe. China still has 2.5G network, and smartphones have only been sold for less than a month. Millions."

Christina nodded thoughtfully, as if she understood something.

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