My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and fifty-five, the No. 1 Internet company in Southeast Asia

The next day, early in the morning.

Chen Ou and his partner Li Xiaodong came to the Silicon Valley office of Envision Capital with excitement, and a blond and blue-eyed front desk lady brought them both to Xia Jingxing's office.

As soon as they entered the room, the two immediately greeted Xia Jingxing who was immersed in his work.


Xia Jingxing nodded towards the two of them, and then continued to work with his head down, without expressing any unnecessary expressions.

Chen Ou and Li Xiaodong sat down on the sofa chair, their eyes met, and they both saw the excitement and excitement in each other's eyes.

As time passed by, the two of them began to feel that something was wrong. Xia Jingxing seemed to have forgotten them, and was busy with the work at hand.

On the way here, they had fantasized that Xia Jingxing would make a decision on the spot with a shake of his body and a painting of a big cake, and he would invest eight million dollars in their entrepreneurial project, and from then on they would reach the pinnacle of their lives...

Now that they've calmed down a bit, this may be a test that Boss Xia is putting on the two of them.

Thinking of this, the two quickly sat upright, not talking to each other, only making eye contact.

After hanging the two of them for about an hour, Xia Jingxing finally raised his head, glanced at the two with normal expressions, got up and walked over, and said with a smile, "I kept you waiting for a long time."

Chen Ou hurriedly said: "It's okay, Mr. Xia, you have a lot of things to do every day, and we are already very grateful for taking your precious time to see us."

Li Xiaodong nodded, "Yes, Mr. Xia, you are too polite."

Xia Jingxing sat down on the sofa and asked the two of them to introduce themselves.

"Mr. Xia, my name is Chen Ou, and my English name is Leo. I am from Sichuan and Sichuan. I am studying for an MBA at Stanford. I am the founder and president of the game battle platform GGgame."

"Mr. Xia, my name is Li Xiaodong, my English name is Forrest, from Jinmen, I have graduated from Stanford MBA this year, and I am the co-founder and CEO of GGgame."

After listening to the introduction of the two, Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Alright, Leo, Forrest, now please introduce GGgame in detail."

Chen Ou asked tentatively: "Then Mr. Xia, let me start with the background of the establishment of GGgame?"

"It's all right."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't show any impatience, Chen Ou started to talk about the details of his coming to Singapore to study and the establishment of the company after that.

Because Chen Ou skipped grades to the second year of junior high school after graduating from elementary school, he started college at the age of 16. His grades were quite excellent, and he received a full scholarship from Nanyang Technological University.

In 2005, Chen Ou, who was the president of the university e-sports and also won the third place in the "Warcraft" competition in Singapore, saw the hot operation scene of Haofang Online in China, and the idea of ​​starting a business burst into his mind.

He wants to build a battle platform that competes head-on with Haofang. First, he will take advantage of the geographical advantages to occupy Southeast Asia, and then use Singapore's international advantages to quickly advance to Europe and America, until he becomes the world's largest game battle platform.

After listening, Xia Jingxing asked with a smile, "You must have suffered a lot in starting a business in university, right?"

Chen Ou felt that Xia Jingxing founded Facebook during college, so he must have a common language with him, so he began to pick up some interesting stories about entrepreneurship.

"Although I studied computers in college, I didn't even know how to program at that time. While studying hard by myself, I arranged for the beautiful girls from the e-sports club to go around and trick the programming masters to join..."

Chen Ou talked about his dark history of starting a business, because he is good at playing games, can speak well, and most importantly, he is handsome, so the beauties of Nanyang Technological University like to hang around him, and he is very popular on campus.

Then, Chen Ou took advantage of himself and entrusted these little beauties to go around to help him find programmers.

Xia Jingxing looked at Chen Ou carefully, feeling in his heart, he is indeed the man who is best at making money from women, it seems that he has the talent in this area very early.

Chen Ou said with a smile: "At that time, because of lack of money and people, I had to take the lead in accompanying everyone to do research and development.

for several months,

I only slept for five hours a day, stayed at home, and ate scrambled eggs with tomatoes for three meals a day, and I almost vomited.

Because I have a beard, and the beard grows super fast.

In the words of my classmate: During that time, a handsome professional gamer disappeared, and we often saw a bearded programmer squatting in the corner and staring at the computer in a daze.

There are also many classmates who sympathize with me, thinking that my entrepreneurship may have gone mad.

Because in the eyes of Singaporeans, working in a big bank is the best affiliation for a prestigious school student. Entrepreneurship is not a proper job, and it is almost impossible to succeed. "

Recalling the difficult and incomprehensible years of struggle, Chen Ou laughed at himself, and soon he became energetic again: "However, we have finally developed GGgame after a lot of hard work.

Using my contacts in the professional e-sports circle, I invited the WCG champion and the ESWC champion to have a match of the century on the GGgame platform, which quickly attracted a large number of users to register.

Because of this, I got to know a large number of domestic e-sports players and industry professionals such as King Pei Le of WE Club, SKY Li Xiaofeng, and founder Zax Zhou Hao. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. Li Xiaofeng knew about it. The world champion of Warcraft, who played games and became the Olympic torchbearer, is quite remarkable.

Chen Ou said lightly: "It's no exaggeration, in terms of the achievements and popularity created by the platform, GGgame has already been very successful, but because we are a student team, we haven't been able to get venture capital for a long time, and life is very difficult.

I have been relying on the sponsorship of game companies and event companies, as well as my scholarship and various game bonuses to support the development and operation of GGgame. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly. It's normal to be hard-pressed. There isn't much future for e-sports these days. After more than ten years, it will be completely different.

"Later, I heard people say that because our team did not have an MBA resume, we were unable to get investment for a long time, so I applied for an MBA from Stanford, thinking of coming to the United States to meet some investors and completely solve the financial difficulties."

Speaking of this, Chen Ou patted the shoulder of Li Xiaodong, who was sitting next to him, and said with a smile: "Then I got to know brother Li Xiaodong through the relationship of alumni, he is an undergraduate of Jiaotong University in Shanghai, and he was still in Morocco. Torah has worked in human resources for several years and has graduated with an MBA. He has more business experience than anyone in our team.

This year, senior brother Li Xiaodong has been accompanying me to meet various investors. At the same time, he is also responsible for GGgame's business and team building, and has contributed a lot to the company. "

Li Xiaodong smiled honestly, "Actually, I didn't help much. You laid down the foundation of GGgame, and President Xia decided to meet us because of your persistence."

Looking at the two partners who were brothers and sisters, Xia Jingxing sighed in his heart.

He remembered very clearly that in the previous life, the two had turned against each other, and Jumei and Garena had often torn each other up, always wanting to prove that they were better than each other.

There are two versions of grievance stories circulating in the market.

One is that Chen Ou felt that GGgame had no future and forced Li Xiaodong to take over his shares. Then Chen Ou returned to China and founded Jumei Youpin after graduating from Stanford MBA;

Another version of the story is that Li Xiaodong and his wife's classmate, the GGgame angel investor, squeezed out Chen Ou, monopolized the company, and led the team to re-register a new company, Garena, completely eradicating the existence of Chen Ou. all traces.

Garena is mainly a game agency and is Penguin's number one pony in Southeast Asia.

Later, Garena started as an agent of popular games under Penguin, and changed its name again to Sea Donghai Group, which covers three major business segments: e-commerce Shopee, game Garena, and digital financial service SeaMoney.

This company is known as the Southeast Asian version of "Ari + Penguin + Alipay". It is also the largest Internet company in Southeast Asia and the third largest Internet company in Asia, with a market value of nearly 200 billion US dollars. Xi and Pinduoduo must be fierce!

Leaving aside the grievances between Chen Ou and Li Xiaodong, let Xia Jingxing sum up the success of Donghai Group:

It should be that GGgame first gained fame in the game circle, especially in the domestic game circle, and then successfully attracted the attention of Penguin. Penguin invested heavily and supported a Southeast Asian start-up company that filled its own game publishing territory.

Of course, Li Xiaodong is also extremely visionary and courageous. Penguin only helped him solve the game, but he successfully incubated the two ace businesses of e-commerce and digital finance based on the game.

It was already 2017 when these two major businesses focused their efforts, and Ali Zanda, the leader of Ali, was already the largest e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia at that time.

As a result, it took only one year for Lazada to be defeated by Shopee. The defeat was unbelievable. I don’t know whether it was a problem with Ahri’s values, or it was not localized enough, which caused the climate to be unacceptable.

When Donghai Group was first listed in 2017, its market value was similar to that of Jumei at its peak, only a few billion dollars. However, in the next few years, the stock price increased by dozens of times, attracting worldwide attention. This achievement is unique. Belonging to Li Xiaodong should be indisputable.

"Mr. Xia, I'm a little wordy, the above is the history of GGgame's founding."

Chen Ou said with a smile: "We are now planning to raise a round of angel investment, build a perfect team, re-upgrade the platform, and strive to make GGgame the largest game fighting platform in the world.

I heard that domestic games are aggressively entering the game field, and GGgame can also cooperate with domestic games to promote our Chinese games to the entire Southeast Asia. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "You have studied thoroughly, and you know so much about domestic games."

Chen Ou said with a smile: "The social games "Happy Farm" have successfully entered the European and American markets and caused a sensation in the entire Chinese game circle. I often pay attention to the domestic Internet circle and game circle on weekdays, so I know a little bit about it."

Li Xiaodong also said at this time: "Mr. Xia, although the Internet population in Southeast Asia is currently small, there are 600 million people after all. With the continuous development of the economy and the popularization of the Internet, the game market will continue to expand.

Overseas Games is the most courageous game manufacturer in China, and it is also the first game manufacturer to go overseas and achieve brilliant results. Now it is starting to deploy the Southeast Asian market, and it will definitely be a big step ahead of Shanda, Ninetowns, NetEase, Penguin and other manufacturers. "

Xia Jingxing listened with great interest, and Li Xiaodong suddenly changed the topic, "Of course, what we look forward to most is to reach a strategic investment and cooperation with domestic games. If Envision Capital invests in GGgame as a VC, we also welcome it very much."

Xia Jingxing nodded, and then asked, "How much do you value GGgame? How much do you want to raise?"

Li Xiaodong and Chen Ou looked at each other, and they both saw the joy and excitement in each other's eyes.

Chen Ou tentatively quoted: "The pre-money valuation is 8 million US dollars, and the financing is 2 million US dollars."

Xia Jingxing nodded, did not express his opinion, and changed the subject and asked, "What is the current shareholding structure?"

Chen Ou replied: "I hold 43.75% of the shares, Forrest holds 37.5%, and the option pool holds 18.75%."

After listening, Xia Jingxing was a little hesitant, should he get involved in investing in GGgame now?

If Chen Ou did not return to China to start his own business because of his investment, and he and Li Xiaodong co-operated GGgame, would they still be able to achieve the glory of their previous lives?

After a little consideration, Xia Jingxing decided to invest, but he couldn't feed GGgame too much, and now this small company is not worth 10 million US dollars at all.

Xia Jingxing quickly came up with a quotation: "500,000 US dollars, with a post-investment valuation of 2.5 million US dollars."

Chen Ou smiled reluctantly, "Mr. Xia, you cut off three-quarters of the valuation and financing amount all at once, isn't it a bit...

How about we take a step back, $5 million post-money valuation, and raise $1 million, what do you think? "

Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly: "I'm not bargaining with you, GGgame is only worth so much now, I believe that other than me, other organizations may not even be willing to give you an offer.

Let me give you a piece of advice: the current GGgame is too weak, if you want to raise more funds, you have to come up with more convincing results. "

Chen Ou still wanted to argue, but Li Xiaodong on the side became anxious, and quickly gave Chen Ou a wink.

The two had made a plan before coming, as long as Xia Jingxing was willing to invest, no matter how much the amount was, they would accept it first.

Chen Ou opened his mouth, he really wanted to fight again, but he knew that his strength and status were not equal to Xia Jingxing's, so he could only sigh helplessly in the end: "Well, let's do it according to Mr. Xia's wishes! "

"Happy cooperation!"

Xia Jingxing got up and handed out his palms to the two, Chen Ou and Li Xiaodong got up and shook hands with Xia Jingxing.

In any case, the company still has funds for the next stage of development, saving a little $500,000, which is enough for a year or two.

Thinking of this, Chen Ou didn't feel so lost.

Li Xiaodong still had a signature smile on his face, looking very honest and honest.

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