My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and fifty six, sold out

Under the proposal of major shareholder Xia Jingxing, Youtube held a board meeting.

The meeting mainly discussed one thing, the dark fiber investment plan.

Bandwidth consumption has always been a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of YouTube, and it will be cut down at any time, cutting this startup company valued at tens of billions of dollars to nothing.

Larson, director of YouTube and waterfall investment, is very supportive of the dark fiber investment plan.

At this time, Larson also knew that he was on a thief ship. If he didn't find a new way out for the oil pipeline as soon as possible, Mr. Gates' investment of more than 600 million US dollars would be devalued at least, or all in vain.

Because Google has taken the lead in investing in dark fiber, other shareholders also feel that they might as well give it a try.

As a result, the dark fiber project passed the resolution of the board of directors smoothly and entered the project approval stage.

At the end of the meeting, Larson talked about the development of Hulu Video.

"Relying on the resources of the five major Hollywood giants as well as the seven major shareholders including Waterfall Investment and YouTube, Hulu Video's initial development is very smooth, and it has achieved a good result of 5 million registered users during the internal test period. The most successful case of industrial integration with the Internet."

Speaking of this, Larson suddenly changed the subject, "But Netflix also launched its own streaming service. Although this company does not produce content and does not control the source of copyright, they have been doing online streaming for many years. DVD rental business is equivalent to mastering distribution channels.

At the same time, Netflix has nearly 10 million loyal subscribers, and these online DVD rental users are constantly converting into paying members of Netflix streaming media.

This also means that Netflix has launched a strong challenge to the status of Hulu Video.

The fact is also true, the number of paying users of Hulu Video is even less than that of Netflix. "

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "The five major media giants have blocked Netflix, wouldn't it be fine if we don't sell the copyright to them?"

Larson said seriously: "Daren, I'm not joking with you, how could it be blocked? With an anti-monopoly hat on, who can resist it?

Youtube is also a shareholder of Hulu Video, so you can’t sit back and watch Hulu Video be defeated by Netflix, right? "

After a little thought in Xia Jingxing's mind, he understood Larson's intention.

Waterfall Investment is not only a shareholder of YouTube, but also a shareholder of Hulu Video. Naturally, it hopes to see good development of both companies.

But he is different. Vision Capital bought and held a large number of Netflix shares in the secondary market. This is his own son. His shareholding in Hulu Video is indirectly held through YouTube, and the shareholding ratio is not high. Equivalent to godson.

Moreover, Hulu Video was originally the product of a compromise between him and the five major media giants on copyright disputes.

Therefore, for Hulu Video, he has always been in a state of stocking, and he is not particularly concerned.

But since Larson mentioned it today, he still needs to say a few words from the standpoint of the major shareholder of the oil pipeline.

"The management of Hulu Video has always been in the hands of their five giants, and the people of the five companies take turns as CEOs, and it is not easy for YouTube to intervene.

Youtube is an original video website. Although Hulu Video’s network TV development direction is different from that of Hulu Video, the five media giants have always been wary of Youtube. "

Xia Jingxing spread his hands, "Dude, it's useless for you to tell me these things, why don't you persuade the five companies to work together and not give Netflix any chance."

The YouTube CEO Lori Greer echoed her words: "Darren is right, the staff we sent to help Hulu Video build the website and operate it were sent back by Hulu Video as soon as they finished their work. It’s like taking root in them, and it’s clear that they don’t trust us.”

Larson's head hurt a little, and he suddenly felt like falling into a pit.

It was the first time that YouTube burned hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and the second time it was necessary to invest huge sums of money in dark optical fiber. The third time Hulu Video started to break out…

One after another, one after another.

He felt that Mr. Gates had been calculated from the beginning.

Speaking of which, Youtube invested 30 million US dollars in Hulu Video, and this money was taken from Waterfall’s investment of more than 600 million US dollars.

Waterfall Investment spent so much money to invest in two messes, each with its own mess.

Xia Jingxing saw that Larson's face was not very good-looking, and he somewhat guessed the dissatisfaction in the other party's heart.

To be honest, he did arrange Gates clearly for these investments, which seemed not so kind.

But in the long run, these are definitely two good investments.

Xia Jingxing thought it over clearly, he couldn't pull Gates' hatred for the time being, he wanted to appease him.

So he said: "Well, Larson, Mr. Gates is highly respected, you let him stand out, invite the five major media giants to sit with Youtube, let everyone put aside their conflicts, and work together to make Hulu Video a good one.

For YouTube’s dark fiber investment plan, I asked Envision Capital to go around Wall Street to see if it can find some infrastructure funds to cooperate with. "

Hearing this, Larson's face turned pale, and he finally had a conscience, so he didn't continue to trick them.

However, he had already made up his mind, and he tried to persuade Gates to stay away from the projects that Xia Jingxing was involved in. The routine was too deep.



After the oil pipe board meeting was over, Xia Jingxing took a private plane on the road back to China that night. He was accompanied by Lin Bing, Huang Jiangji, Zhou Guangping and other executives from the North American branch of Fuxing Mobile.

When the plane arrived at the Capital International Airport, it was already the next morning.

Xia Jingxing, who had a good night's sleep on the plane, led Lin Bing and others out of the airport energetically, and boarded the convoy sent by Fuxing Industrial Group to meet them together.

Upon arriving at Fuxing Mobile's offices in the Zhongguancun Software Park, a group of executives immediately held a meeting.

Zhu Zhaojiang, who stayed in China and was in charge of mobile phone market sales, got up and reported: "Since last week, all Fuxing FX1s have been out of stock, and it will take a month before the next batch of mobile phones arrives."

Xia Jingxing nodded, and said with emotion, "One million copies, less than three months, so it's just sold out."

Lin Bing said with a smile: "We still underestimated the enthusiasm of consumers. The 500,000 mobile phones that were put on the US market were all sold out at the beginning of the month.

There are still many netizens complaining on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, saying that they have not bought a mobile phone. "

Qian Chen joked: "Fuxing mobile phone is sold out, they don't know how to buy Wisdom Fruit?"

Lin Bing said sternly: "The Wisdom Fruit is also sold out. Just like us, we are facing the problem of insufficient production capacity."

Several executives of Fuxing Mobile who stayed behind in the country suddenly took a breath, which means that there is a huge market for smartphones!

Zhu Zhaojiang said with a smile: "It seems that our second batch of stocking 2 million units is still a bit conservative.

There are also many netizens on domestic social media complaining that they cannot buy mobile phones. "

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhaojiang took a look at Xia Jingxing, and said in a deep voice: "In addition, there is another bad phenomenon in China. Some scalpers are selling Fuxing mobile phones at a price increase of 500 yuan and 1,000 yuan, which has caused a lot of bad comments on the Internet. .”

Lin Bing frowned and said, "We have restricted purchases through online and offline channels before, and users are spreading fire on us?"

"We are mobile phone manufacturers, and we can only take the blame for this!"

Xia Jingxing said calmly, "Users don't think so much. From their point of view, if they can't buy mobile phones through normal channels, that's the problem of the mobile phone manufacturers."

Zhu Zhaojiang nodded fiercely, "Yes, there is also a voice on the Internet that is unfavorable to Fuxing Mobile, saying that we are starving marketing and treating users like monkeys."

"Then why didn't they buy it sooner? In more than two months, no matter how slow they are, they can buy a mobile phone, right?"

Zhou Guangping said coldly, "In my opinion, it may not be normal users expressing dissatisfaction on the Internet, but some mobile phone manufacturers are jealous of us and spreading rumors."

Zhu Zhaojiang nodded, "It's possible, but I did a careful investigation and found that the 500,000 units of Fuxing mobile phones sold in China were basically bought by users in first- and second-tier cities, and most of the price hikes by scalpers were in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Information in these small cities is relatively occluded, and many people do not even know how to shop online, but a small group of people have considerable purchasing power and always only buy expensive ones, not the right ones.

In addition, we also found a phenomenon that some hypermarkets such as Gome and Suning have colluded with the scalpers inside and outside the party, and many scalpers on the market come from these channels. "

"Staff in the store colluded with scalpers, deliberately waiting for the market to be out of stock before shipping?" Lin Bing looked shocked, and then said: "That's true. We have insufficient control over the store channel, and they can easily play tricks."

Thinking of this, Lin Bing looked at Xia Jingxing with a serious face, and said, "Mr. Xia, do you want to send a letter to Gome and Suning and ask them to check themselves?

Now the penetration rate of e-commerce is not enough. Many people buy mobile phones through offline stores. If scalpers control offline channels, normal users will not be able to buy mobile phones and will be forced to accept price increases from scalpers. "

President Xia Jing let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Scalpers are still relatively low-key now. I'm a little worried that scalpers will create some plug-in software to snatch goods in the future, and the online channels will also be meddled by scalpers."

Everyone thought about it along this line of thought, and there is such a possibility, but the premise is that the market popularity of Fuxing mobile phone cannot decline.

"The scalpers must take care of it, otherwise the credit of our brand will be overdrawn."

Xia Jingxing smiled, "However, with the scalpers making such a move, has the market set off a second wave of buying enthusiasm?"

Zhu Zhaojiang nodded, "That's for sure. After hearing about the price increase, many users who bought Fuxing mobile phones are showing off on social media. They feel that this mobile phone is worth buying, and they will have face when they take it out."

Xia Jingxing fell silent. Was the Wisdom Fruit of the Past Life hyped up in China like this?

Some people want to buy a fruit machine when they sell their kidneys, and some people want to buy a fruit machine if they sell their bodies...

This gives the mobile phone an extra meaning, no longer a communication tool, but a luxury item to show off.

Fuxing mobile phones are not so exaggerated at present, but there are already some signs of this.

"Enough is enough. After the second batch of stocks arrives next month, the scalpers will have no room for hype."

Zhu Zhaojiang glanced at Xia Jingxing and reminded, "There should still be some."

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