My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and sixty-two, celebrity strategy

After a hangover, Xia Jingxing went to work the next morning in a daze.

Xia Jingxing slipped away after the meeting yesterday, and Zhang Yong didn't have time to ask the boss's real opinion on Twitter, so Xia Jingxing just entered the office and sat down, when Zhang Yong came to the door.

"Old Zhang, here we come, sit down!"

Xia Jingxing was leaning on a chair to rest his mind. When he saw Zhang Yong coming, he pointed to the chair in front of the desk and beckoned him to sit down.

Seeing the tired-looking boss, Zhang Yong asked, "Mr. Xia, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay! I had a drink with Huang Xin last night, and I drank a little too much."

Xia Jingxing replied casually, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yong's expression changed a little, and he soon returned to normal.

He asked solemnly: "Mr. Xia, Twitter has exploded in the United States and has shown a good momentum of development. Do we want to implement this project in China?

If you do it late, you will be in trouble! These domestic colleagues stare at Silicon Valley every day, copying whatever is popular.

If wants to do a microblog project like Twitter, it should end it as soon as possible. In addition to facing competition from start-up companies like, the four major portals such as Penguin, Sina, Sohu, and Netease will also give it a try. We pose a serious threat. "

"Do you think the four major sects will end?" Xia Jingxing glanced at Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong said with a solemn expression: "Penguin is about to launch an internal test of Taotao, and the three old portals of Sina, Netease, and Sohu also have their own blog services.

Products like Twitter are called micro-blogs in China, because compared to long-form blogs, this mini-blog is limited to 140 characters, and has the characteristics of short, easy to write, and fast dissemination, and can be regarded as a simplified version of blog products.

To me, the blog is still a bit too elegant, suitable for educated and knowledgeable netizens, but not very friendly to ordinary netizens, who can only read, not write.

When many people go to school, they can't even write a composition of a few hundred words, let alone write a long blog with clear opinions and sufficient arguments.

But now with the emergence of microblogs, the grassroots also have the right to speak. If you can't write a long speech, you can write a small essay with dozens or hundreds of words, right?

In terms of interactivity, microblog services are definitely stronger than traditional blogs, and this has also been confirmed by Twitter.

A product that is simple and easy to use is a good product and can have a market. This is why MSN can't handle QQ. "

Zhang Yong paused, and then said with a more emphatic tone: "I judge, when the three major portals come back to their senses and realize that microblog services are more promising than blogs, they will launch their respective products soon."

Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "The analysis is good, and that's why I didn't let do a blog, because blogs are popular but not popular, and they are transitional products. Weibo can really become a national-level website... .”

Zhang Yong smiled, he was very happy to see that the boss held the same point of view as himself.

So he tentatively asked: "Then Mr. Xia, let's immediately set up a project team internally and hurry up to develop Weibo products?"

"Not urgent!"

Xia Jingxing shook his head lightly, and said again: "How do you think we can quickly start a microblog? And defeat all opponents and monopolize this track?"

Zhang Yong lowered his head and thought for a moment, then slowly said: "I think some experience in the process of promoting and can be used for reference, and quickly build up momentum, defeating all competitors like destroying everything."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "The four major portals are not the start-up company Thousand Oaks. They are established companies with resources, funds, brands, and connections. They are not so easy to deal with."

"That's true!"

Zhang Yong nodded, agreeing with what he said, and then he changed the subject: "However, Mr. Xia, we can't underestimate ourselves. is currently the largest independent SNS platform in China."

"Penguin has more Qzone users than us."

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "The main website can divert traffic, and the number of microblog users can soar rapidly in a short period of time.

However, in order to retain these users and increase activity, we need to find another way. "

Zhang Yong frowned. He was not the kind of pioneering talent, nor was he born in Internet products. When Xia Jingxing asked him about advice, he really couldn't answer.

Fortunately, Xia Jingxing didn't make things difficult for him, and soon came up with a winning strategy: "Twitter has actually revealed the answer, celebrities and stars are the magic weapon to attract ordinary users.

Think about it, if an ordinary person pays attention to his idol, he can use Twitter to see his idol’s daily mood, schedule, what songs he posts, and what movies he acts in…

What a happy thing this is for ordinary users.

Maybe when the idol is happy, he even replies to the fan, which is enough to entertain the lucky fan for three days, and at the same time attract more ordinary users to follow stars and celebrities.

In the past, stars and celebrities were all high-ranking, and fans had no way to directly contact them. Now they can interact with stars at close range through Twitter. Is this attractive enough? "

Zhang Yong immediately reacted, "Mr. Xia, you mean to bring stars and celebrities to our platform, and through them to attract their fans to the platform?"

"Although the method is simple, it is the most effective way."

Zhang Yong quickly thought of a new question and asked: "We can do this, and other websites can also invite celebrities and stars? There is no technical barrier! It is easy to be copied.

Maybe in order to invite celebrities to settle in, various websites compete with each other, pay some expensive prices, and spend millions or tens of millions to sign stars to exclusively settle on the platform. "

Xia Jingxing nodded heavily: "There is such a possibility, that's why I said you can't startle the snake.

Maybe we spend some money and pay some price, and we can't invite some stars.

Because in the eyes of many people, the four major sects are stronger! The brand is louder! It is more suitable as a website for interacting with fans. "

"Mr. Xia, you are right. Sina has done a good job in this regard. Their blog platform has the most celebrities. If they launch Weibo, many celebrities will follow."

Zhang Yong feels that this matter is a bit tricky, and the situation is a bit unfavorable for Haineiwang.

President Xia Jing sighed, "After all, is still too young, it's just a website that has been established for more than two years.

Although we have launched social games that are popular all over the country and even live abroad, compared with the four major portals, we are still a little bit behind. "

Zhang Yong asked: "Is there no way to solve it? For example, spend more money, others spend one million, we spend two million? At all costs to grab celebrities and stars?"

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "The price is too high, and there is no guarantee that it will be settled without any news being leaked."

"Then there is no other way?" Zhang Yong asked with a sad face.

Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Yes, have you forgotten the public homepage of"

Zhang Yong suddenly realized that everything was connected.

Last year, launched a public homepage, inviting companies, stars, and celebrities to come and settle in.

Several popular contestants like Super Girl have developed very well on the platform. Chunchun and Liangying have millions of followers.

Some time ago, Mr. Xia suddenly ordered to speed up the development of the public homepage...

It turned out to be waiting here!

Cultivate the plank road in the open, and keep the warehouse in the dark!

After thinking about all this, the image of Xia Jingxing became even more unpredictable in Zhang Yong's heart.

The entire Chinese Internet industry is a game of chess, all hidden by Mr. Xia.

"Mr. Xia, we will not launch microblogging services for the time being, to paralyze competitors, and vigorously promote stars and celebrities to enter the public homepage of

When the time is right, split the public homepage to establish new products, or directly transfer celebrities and stars to the new microblog platform? "

Zhang Yong looked thoughtful, and murmured: "If we do this, the celebrities and celebrities will have much less worries, because they have already established cooperation with us before, and they have a basis of mutual trust."

"It's not that simple. If the public homepage of wants stars and celebrities to come and settle in, you have to show some sincerity and let them see the real benefits."

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