My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and sixty one, ideal

Seeing that Xia Jingxing didn't look like he was joking, Huang Xin's expression gradually became serious, and the word Sichuan was wrung out on his forehead.

After being silent for a long time, he choked out a sentence: "Then let's all compete fairly."

In fact, Huang Xin also thought about the issue of Haineiwang launching Chinese Twitter one day, but if Haineiwang did not launch it for a long time, then he would not be polite.

To be honest, this is already the second time he has plucked Xia Jingxing's wool.

But how can something between entrepreneurs be called plagiarism? This is called learning from each other.

Xia Jingxing waved his hands and said, "Don't look so serious on your face, maybe Twitter will be unacceptable when it comes to China? None of the contestants on this track can survive."

Huang Xin shook his head: "I don't think so, I have studied it carefully, and compared with Facebook, Twitter's development is indeed slower.

But after more than a year of slow development, Twitter finally started to explode this year.

The growth rate of users has become very fast, and celebrities from all walks of life, including hosts such as Oprah and O'Neill, and sports stars, have begun to join Twitter, which in turn has driven a large-scale influx of ordinary users to Twitter.

Therefore, I think that the development of the microblog service platform represented by Fanfou in China will be relatively slow in the first one or two years, but after accumulating a certain number of users, it will take off completely. "

Xia Jingxing glanced at Huang Xin, good guy, he's growing up so fast!

Twitter is indeed like what Huang Xin said, it needs to accumulate strength to explode, which is determined by the nature of Twitter. In short, the more people and the more lively, the faster the news will spread.

There is also the factor of technical limitations. The means of tweeting are currently various. Users can not only use text messages, but also send tweets through emails, web page input boxes, and instant messaging chat software.

The current Twitter feels like a news aggregation software, disorganized.

Christina and other investors used to complain to Xia Jingxing, saying that this thing will definitely not develop and has no future.

However, with the popularization of smart phones, users can uniformly use APP applications to send Twitter messages, and user experience, information dissemination, convenience, etc. will all rise to a higher level.

At the same time, Twitter will also usher in explosive development, fully reflecting the true value of its wide and fast information dissemination.

Looking at Xia Jingxing with a smile on his face, Huang Xin complimented: "But Daren, you are the inventor and founder of Twitter, and there should be no one who understands this product better than you."

Xia Jingxing shook his head again and again, he didn't dare to take it for granted, there was an old man who was good at Twitter who knew it better than him.

"Dai Lun, if wants to start a microblog, then it's time to hurry up. Penguin's Taotao will be launched for public beta soon."

Xia Jingxing said indifferently: "They don't understand the real way to play Twitter, they only know that they swarm up, and it hurts when they hit the wall."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's confident and confident appearance, Huang Xin felt that this guy might be a little lost!

It doesn't matter if it's gone, this is's opportunity.

To be honest, Huang Xin was still a little afraid that Xia Jingxing would launch Twitter products in China.

Xia Jingxing is the founder of Twitter. His name is the shadow of a tree. He is known as the king of social networking in the East and the West. The social networking sites in China and the United States are all played by this person in front of him. It is not easy to set up a Chinese Twitter.

Second, has resources. Relying on hundreds of millions of users, can easily guide new products.

The three Haineiwangs are rich, not to mention Xia Jingxing's net worth, but Haineiwang itself has gotten the fattest piece in the wave of social game dividends, and has a high probability of turning losses into profits.

But fear is nothing but fear. Huang Xin feels that he still can’t be cowardly. Even if he fails, it doesn’t matter. He must succeed in starting a business once in his life, otherwise he will have to return to his hometown in Fujian Province to take over his family’s cement factory with an annual output of several million tons.

His father has called him several times to urge him to accept his fate. He has been in business for several years and has tried several projects.

It's almost thirty, and I haven't made any tricks yet, so I'm making a fool of myself.

He just refused to accept his fate, and felt that he was no worse than anyone else, and what he lacked was just that little opportunity for success.

Xia Jingxing's statement that he would launch the microblog service of Haineiwang still gave Huang Xin a sense of urgency. He made up his mind in his heart that the development of Fanfou must be accelerated next.

If Fanfou failed again, Xia Jingxing came to buy it, and succeeded again after a transformation, then Huang Xin could also be included in the history of Chinese business.

I copied others twice, was bought by the original founder twice, and couldn't even copy a homework.

Not to mention that he has a relatively high spirit, if he were an ordinary person, he might have doubts about life.

Next, Huang Xin did not open his mouth to mention the angel round of financing. Since Haineiwang is going to become a competitor, then this matter can only be done.

Xia Jingxing didn't mention the matter of financing, and after talking with Huang Xin, he planned to leave.

Before leaving, Huang Xin asked Xia Jingxing to have a meal with him, and Xia Jingxing agreed.

So Huang Xin asked Wang Huiwen, Zhang Yiming and others to accompany him, and the group came to Cheng's mansion for a banquet.

Cheng Fuyan is a private restaurant in Xizhuan Hutong, Dongcheng District. The chef, Mr. Cheng Ruming, used to cook for Taizu. He and his grandson jointly founded this private restaurant in the Hutong the year before last. The signboard is very loud and the business is very good. .

But Xia Jingxing didn't care to pay attention to the quiet and elegant environment in the alley and the delicious food on the table. From the office in Zhongguancun to the private room of the restaurant, he communicated with Zhang Yiming all the way.

The content of the discussion, from cloud computing to big data algorithms, to artificial intelligence, all kinds of cutting-edge technologies are included.

"Didn't Facebook make a profit this year? I suggested that Facebook set up an innovation laboratory and invest a certain amount of money every year to actively explore cutting-edge technologies.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, you must not be left behind by the times. "

In the private room, Zhang Yiming, who was sitting next to Xia Jingxing, nodded sharply: "Dai Lun, your thinking is very correct. Why do you have so much cash in your account? The only way is to spend the money and transform it into technological strength and technical background. What a tech company should really do.

I heard that Google has a mysterious X department. Every year, Google invests a lot of money in this department and invites the world's top scientists to join in and explore various future technologies together. It's quite cool! "

Huang Xin sneered, "As far as I know, it was this X department that installed a plug-in on the Google search engine the year before last. As long as users search for keywords, the Google search engine will automatically pop up related products under Google.

As a result, this plugin was closed after only 24 hours of use, because the user experience was so bad that it exploded, and the management also thought that installing this plugin was an extremely stupid decision. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "There is such a thing, but the flaws do not conceal the advantages. Google's spirit is worth learning from our Chinese companies."

"Daeron, you are a man who is full but does not know how hungry he is!"

Huang Xin spread his hands and said: "Many Chinese Internet companies have not even solved the problem of survival. How can they have the capital to play this kind of money-burning R\u0026D game, and this kind of cutting-edge technology exploration, a lot of money is actually wasted. The project Total failure."

Wang Huiwen shook his head at the side: "Our start-up companies are not good, but big companies like Ali, Baidu, Penguin, Shanda, and listed Internet companies still have certain strengths to promote technology research and development.

But the current situation is that many companies have gone public, and the bosses have financial freedom, so they start to buy land and build buildings, and invite female stars to climb mountains, travel, and discuss life.

Such a person deserves to be called an entrepreneurial hero? But a businessman. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, and felt that Wang Huiwen was quite an angry youth, but he had only graduated from university for a few years, and his blood was not cold, which was normal.

"They are all antiques. We entrepreneurs born in the 1980s must not learn from them. After successfully meeting our basic material needs, I think we should set some new goals and challenges for ourselves. Contribute to the revitalization of China's science and technology..."

Now that we were talking about ideals in life, Xia Jingxing couldn't help expressing his views in front of several of the most outstanding young entrepreneurs in the country present.

His view is to integrate the feelings of family and country into the unremitting struggle of personal career.

Zhang Yiming drank some wine, his face flushed.

He was very interested in Xia Jingxing's opinion, and said: "Dai Lun, I very much support your idea.

But according to my observation, many entrepreneurs in our country were born in poverty, and the economic conditions were not good when they were young. After they succeed in starting a business, they have a compensatory mentality of crazy enjoyment.

This has caused many people to attach great importance to wealth, and it is estimated that they are not very willing to engage in some illusory spiritual pursuits. "

Xia Jingxing thought for a while, then nodded and said, "You observe very carefully, but the economic conditions of our generation should be much better, so there is no need to hold the old idea of ​​bringing money into the coffin."

Huang Xin joked with a smile: "Then Darren, you are the richest among us and the richest in all of China. What are you going to do?"

"Well, today, in front of several outstanding people of my age, I will briefly talk about some of my rough ideas."

Hearing these pretentious words, Huang Xin, Wang Huiwen, Zhang Yiming, and Guo Wanhuai all stopped what they were doing, and pretended to be listening attentively.

"First of all, the overseas holding group and Fuxing Industrial Group will set up a research and development department like Google X. They will not seek profit returns, but will put the exploration of cutting-edge technology first, and cultivate top talents for the country and society."

Everyone nodded. It was reasonable to do so. If their company could have the strong profitability of Google, it would be nothing if they invested some money in black technology.

It doesn’t matter if 99 projects fail, but as long as one succeeds, it may bring new impetus for innovation, and even opportunities for transformation and survival.

This is also a consideration under commercial thinking.

Xia Jingxing continued: "Secondly, the personal foundation under my name intends to allocate part of the funds every year to reward outstanding young scientists in China.

Only by solving the mundane tasks of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, can scientists truly concentrate on researching science and technology, and at the same time retain and motivate talents for the country as much as possible. "

Huang Xin nodded and said, "That's pretty good. As far as I know, many students at Tsinghua University think that they can't make a lot of money in China, so they go to Silicon Valley and Wall Street to work.

Who wants to face discrimination overseas if they can have a high-paying job at home? "

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "I can't help that much temporarily, this is a bonus for me, not a salary!

If we want to retain talents, we need domestic enterprises to work together to develop to the top of the industrial chain. When enterprises can earn a lot of money, they can naturally offer high salaries. "

Wang Huiwen couldn't help asking: "Mr. Xia, I heard that Fuxing Semiconductor has paid the top salary in the industry and is recruiting Chinese scientists and engineers from all over the world to return to China."

Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "Yes, but not only Chinese are recruited. If foreigners are willing to work in China, we will also accept them. Developed countries are responsible for supporting the construction of third world countries."

Wang Huiwen chuckled, are you sure you don't want to use technology? Bringing in the old with the new and cultivating domestic talents?

"In this case, Fuxing Semiconductor's salary cost is under great pressure, and you have not yet put into production a production line. Even if you do put it into production, the chips produced will be low-level process chips, and you will not make much profit."

Huang Xin frowned: "Fuxing Semiconductor may need to lose money for many years if it does this, will you make up for it?"

"Yes, I will subsidize it. Only in this way can we catch up with the international leading level. How many years will it take to develop step by step?"

Hearing Xia Jingxing's words, several people present were dumbfounded, as if they heard the sound of money burning. The burning was not small money, but billions, tens of billions.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said, "That's far away, let's continue talking about my technology promotion plan!

After the group of young entrepreneurs invested by Envision Capital grows up, I would like to invite people of insight to cooperate with them.

Everyone gathers firewood, and the flames are high. Let's work together to promote technological progress.

For example, working together to build a real scientific research university is not like the Donglin Party, nor is it a business alliance. It is purely basic scientific research, and it is of course best if the results can be transformed into commercial applications. If not, you can also support it. It's just a state of progress.

If you don't do some things, you will never make progress, and even because of the progress of others, it is equivalent to our regress. "

Hearing this, Huang Xin's book business became angry, and he waved his hand and said, "Dailun, if I succeed in starting a business, I will also join your technology revitalization plan. What's the point of running a dog for a lifetime? I also want to do something truly meaningful. "

Wang Huiwen nodded in agreement with a smile, and also promised that if they develop in the future, they will join the science and technology promotion project initiated by Xia Jingxing.

Guo Wanhuai is naturally 10,000 people who support her boyfriend Huang Xin, but she doesn't have any shares in Fanfou for the time being, so she doesn't say anything big and wants to donate money and goods. She is not quite the same as Wang Huiwen. As the co-founder, Wang Huiwen still has hope of getting rich.

Zhang Yiming is a little embarrassed, I'm still working part-time, you talk to me about this.

However, he still stated: "Daren, if I start a business in the future and succeed by chance, I will definitely join you in this technology revitalization movement jointly initiated by our technology entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "Well, what we say today must mean something! If we make a name for ourselves in the future, we can also set an example for the younger new generation of companies in the future.

Generation after generation, I believe that the technology gap will always be shortened, catching up with or even surpassing the Americans. "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing stood up, picked up his wine glass, and said vigorously, "Come on, everyone, let's have a drink, so we won't drink blood. Let's make a alliance."

Huang Xin, Wang Huiwen, Zhang Yiming, and Guo Wanhuai stood up holding their cups.

They looked at the energetic Xia Jingxing, and felt very moved in their hearts. They did not expect that Mr. Xia, who was ruthless in the mall, would have such an emotional side and a strong sense of family and country.

Because everyone was young and didn't have so many calculations, they also sincerely admired Xia Jingxing's idealized goals and plans.

Ideal is a stone, knock out sparks;

The ideal is fire, lighting the extinguished lamp;

The ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night;

Ideal is the road, leading you to the dawn.


Please take the ideal horse and start from here with a whip,

The spring scenery on the road is just right, and the sun is shining in the sky.

Holding a wine glass, Xia Jingxing recited a poem "Ideal" by Mr. Liu Shahe, a poet from his hometown, which won applause from all the halls.

With such a big movement, the service staff outside the private room couldn't help but enter the room to take a look, and wanted to remind the guests at this table to keep their voices down.

But as soon as she walked in, she was shocked by Xia Jingxing's magnetic voice, and couldn't bear to interrupt, so she whispered a reminder after listening.

After a small episode, everyone continued to drink.

This time, everyone let go of some psychological and identity burdens, and talked freely with each other, chatting about entrepreneurship, work, and life ideals. It was very enjoyable.

After drinking until late at night, Xia Jingxing was helped into the car by Zhang Chenguang, Huang Xin was also dragged away by Guo Wanhuai, Wang Huiwen and Zhang Yiming were left alone, they hugged the drum-holding stone at the door, and vomited.

In the end, Zhang Chenguang couldn't stand it anymore, and arranged for two bodyguards to drive the two guys home.

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