My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and sixty, rice no

Xia Jingxing was slightly surprised, and then began to guess who did it.

Soon he noticed Tang Yang and Lai Binqiang who were sitting at the bottom seat with unnatural expressions.

"Huang Xin?" Xia Jingxing tentatively announced a name.

Zhang Yong nodded, "Yes, that's him. He launched a Fanfou website. From the appearance, style, and functions of the webpage, even the 140-character posting limit is imitated from Twitter."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yong stopped, and only stated the facts without adding any subjective evaluation, which seemed extremely measured.

Because he knew that Huang Xin was the founder of, the predecessor of, and he even knew that Huang Xin had a good relationship with his boss. Even if Huang Xin left, the boss did not force him to buy back the options that had been granted to Huang Xin.

Now that Huangxin has launched a Fanfou website, there will be some competition with the domestic website.

In addition, this is already the second time that Huang Xin has plagiarized his boss, the last time Xiaonei plagiarized Facebook.

Wu Yimin, Liu Yingqi and other executives were silent, watching their mouths and noses, and their noses and hearts. They were a little uncertain about the boss's true attitude towards this matter, and it was not easy to express their views at the end of the game.

Tang Yang and Lai Binqiang felt a little bit on pins and needles. They felt that the eyes of other executives looking at them had changed slightly.

Huang Xin's move is simply to put their old brothers who stayed in the overseas network on the fire.

"Okay, I get it!"

After Xia Jingxing tossed out a sentence lightly, he didn't express anything else.

All the executives in the room are trying to figure out what the boss really means, do they just not care? Or is the storm behind?

Xia Jingxing didn't give them too much time to think about it, and directly announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Zhang Yong originally wanted to discuss with Xia Jingxing in private, to find out what the boss really thought.

But after Xia Jingxing left the meeting room, he strode away from the company, not knowing where he was going?

After going downstairs and getting into the car, Xia Jingxing took out his mobile phone and dialed Huang Xin.

"Have you thought about a new entrepreneurial project?"

Xia Jingxing's directness made Huang Xin a little embarrassed, but he quickly recovered his normal expression, and replied, "You know all about it? The website has just been launched not long ago, and I'm planning to notify you."

"Hahaha~, Lao Huang, you hide very deeply! Am I so small-minded?"

Xia Jingxing scolded with a smile: "You pat your chest and say, when you founded Duoduoyou, Youzitu,, you came to me for advice on how to build a social network and how to promote a social network. When did I keep it?"

Hearing the accusation in Xia Jing's jargon, Huang Xin smiled and heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that he is still judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Daelon has not changed at all, as before, he will not resent someone because of competition, and then stumbling and playing dirty tricks.

Thinking of this, Huang Xin felt that he should express something, so he said, "Fanfu intends to merge with an angel, are you interested in participating?"

Xia Jingxing didn't answer, but asked, "Where is your company? I'll come over and have a seat."

Immediately, Xia Jingxing ordered Zhang Chenguang to drive to the location Huang Xin reported to him. is also located in Zhongguancun, very close to, just a few minutes' drive away.

"Daren, how do you feel that you have changed?"

Huang Xin greeted Xia Jingxing at the entrance of the company, and began to tease Xia Jingxing as soon as they met.

"Changed? What do you mean?"

Xia Jingxing gave Huang Xin a puzzled look, and at the same time noticed a girl with long hair fluttering and a pretty face standing behind Huang Xin.

Huang Xin looked Xia Jingxing up and down, shook his head and said, "I can't say it, but it seems to be more stable."

Xia Jingxing smiled, and said that Huang Xin was not the first person who became calmer. Many people around him said the same thing. Now that he has become a father, his temperament may be different.

"Oh, by the way, Darren, let me introduce you, my girlfriend Guo Wanhuai, a talented girl from the north, is now starting a business with me."

Following Huang Xin's introduction, Xia Jingxing smiled and shook hands with Guo Wanhuai.

Many people don’t know that Meituan is actually a mom-and-pop store.

It's just that after reaching a certain stage of development, Guo Wanhuai, Zhang Ying, and Ma Dongmin made the same choice, returning to the family, taking care of their husbands and raising their children, and leaving the glory in front of the stage to the men.

After exchanging pleasantries, Huang Xin and Guo Wanhuai led Xia Jingxing into the company.

Xia Jingxing glanced at it. The office area is not big, about two to three hundred square meters, and there are not many employees, more than a dozen people.

Even so,'s entrepreneurial conditions are much better than when a few people crowded in a private house to start

"Not bad! You're very energetic!" Xia Jingxing exclaimed.

Huang Xin turned his head and glanced at Xia Jingxing, smiled and said nothing, but was quite satisfied in his heart.

The biggest reason for the failure of startups is lack of money, lack of fame, and lack of capital recognition. Now he lacks none of these things.


Wang Huiwen was chatting with a thin programmer wearing glasses. When he saw Xia Jing walking towards him, he immediately greeted him and shook hands.

Xia Jingxing's attention was not on Wang Huiwen, but on the programmer behind him in a plaid shirt.

Huang Xin noticed this scene, so he dragged the programmer to Xia Jingxing, and introduced: "Dai Lun, this is my fellow Zhang Yiming, although he is only 24 years old, he is already a member of Kuxun's technical committee." Chairman, the technical attainments are quite impressive."

"Yiming, this is Darren, the founder of Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter, the chairman of Fuxing Industry Group, Vision Capital, Overseas Holdings Group, Tesla, and Android, and the major shareholder of Ahri, Penguin, and Baidu... ..."

Xia Jingxing looked at Huang Xin who kept citing his titles one by one like he was declaring the names of dishes, and secretly felt it was funny, aren't you tired?

Obviously he underestimated Huang Xin's thick skin, the other party reported more than a dozen of his titles in one go, and then began to fool Zhang Yiming.

"Today Dai Lun is here to talk to me about the angel round financing of Fanfou. As the technical partner of Fanfou, we will start a business together and do great things together.”

Zhang Yiming smiled brightly, and ignored Huang Xin. He extended his hands, shook hands with Xia Jingxing, and said concisely, "Mr. Xia, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Yiming, who had slanted bangs and a green face, and said with a smile, "You can just call me Dai Lun or Jing Xing. I know Kuxun, and the travel search is doing well. Fu Jixun once complained to me, saying It’s too late, Ceyuan and SIG are protecting this project, and outside organizations have no chance.”

Zhang Yiming smiled. Ceyuan and SIG are Kuxun’s A and B rounds of investment institutions. They followed up with two consecutive rounds of investment within half a year. They are very optimistic about the development of Kuxun. It is indeed difficult for outside investment institutions to squeeze in.

Xia Jingxing told Fu Jixun last year to get in touch with people from Kuxun more, and even if the investment failed, he should also broaden his network.

The company Kuxun is amazing. It existed for ten years in the previous life and was acquired by Meituan. At its peak, there were only a hundred employees, but there were more than thirty entrepreneurs with surnames.

For example, Changba Chen Hua, Meihua Angel Venture Capital Wu Shichun, ByteDance Zhang Yiming, founders or co-founders of well-known start-up companies such as Wanxi Technology, Qufenqi, Rong 360, Xiaozhu short-term rent, and Liurenyou are also from Kuku News, so it is also called "Cool News Entrepreneurship Gang".

It takes resources to mix in the venture capital circle, and Wu Shichun only relied on the Kuxun circle, invested in a few old colleagues' projects, and became a well-known investor, but unfortunately, he picked up a lot of sesame seeds, but missed the byte Jump on this big watermelon.

On the contrary, SIG, an institutional shareholder of Kuxun, appreciates Zhang Yiming very much. He invested one million US dollars in the early stage of ByteDance, and made a profit of more than 10 billion US dollars.

"If you want to start a business in the future, you can contact Vision Capital. Huang Xin's friends are my friends."

Xia Jingxing said this to Zhang Yiming, and then he looked at Huang Xin again, "Old Huang, right?"

Huang Xin's smile was uglier than crying, and he could only nod if he could say anything.

He knew that Zhang Yiming was good at technology, so he wanted to recruit Fanfu to start a business together, but Xia Jingxing was fine, and persuading him to start a business, wouldn't this be demolishing himself?

Huang Xin hurriedly brought Xia Jingxing to his office, not wanting him to have any contact with Zhang Yiming.

After entering the room and sitting down, Huang Xin went straight to the topic: "Dai Lun, you have basically seen the situation here at Fanfou. I will definitely learn from the failure of Xiaonei. .”

Xia Jingxing nodded lightly, "The financial problem will definitely not be difficult for you. Even if you have no money yourself, the venture capitalists will take a high look at you because of your status as the former CEO of Haineiwang."

Huang Xin said with a smile: "Yes, at that time you advised me to stay in Hainei and do gold plating, which would be of great benefit to my future business. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it.

After learning that I started a business, several venture capitalists have approached me.

But I didn't agree, I want to wait for you. "

Looking at the sincere Huang Xin, Xia Jingxing smiled, "Wait for me?"

"Yes, you have treated me well, and I must return you an IPO."

Huang Xin waved his hand and said seriously, "Don't laugh, I'm serious."

Xia Jingxing stopped laughing and said, "Why do you think that Fanfou can succeed? That's right, Fanfou's financing environment is indeed a little better than that of Xiaonei, but this alone is not enough to succeed."

Huang Xin smiled and said: "I know that's not enough, starting a business has always been a narrow escape, and Fanfou also has the possibility of failure.

But I am really confident this time. After studying with you for a year, I feel that I have grown a lot. "

Xia Jingxing smiled lightly, "China Twitter" is not so easy to do, and the things inside are very complicated.

"Aren't you afraid that will launch competing products?"

Huang Xin felt awe-inspiring, but still pretended to be very calm on the surface, "If you really plan to launch China Twitter, has launched it long ago, so why wait until now."

"Before it was time!"

Xia Jingxing gradually put away the smile on his face, and looked straight at Huang Xin.

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