My Age of Investment

966, 200,000 people online at the same time

On September 24th, under the eager anticipation of countless gamers, the open beta of "Dungeon and Fighter" started shockingly.

The Overseas Holdings Group attaches great importance to this action, and in order to successfully launch the company's first shot into the online game market, it has spent countless money and resources at all costs.

From search engine keyword promotion led by Baidu and Google, to portal brand advertisements of Sina, Sohu, and Netease, to vertical game portals such as Duwan, 17173, and Youjiu, and hard and soft advertising of game information websites...

Under the huge offensive of money, the name of the online game DNF has filled every corner of the Chinese Internet.

Of course, itself is not idle either. The opening screen advertisements, pop-up advertisements, information flow advertisements, open platform sticky advertisements on the homepage of the website access... all methods are used.

Even netizens who don't play games know that a game called "Dungeon and Warriors" has been launched today.

Compared with the loud gongs and drums online, the advertisements in offline channels are much quieter.

Although Wu Yimin has set up a dedicated offline channel department and sent it to hundreds of cities across the country for promotion, many Internet cafe owners still dare not offend the "Catch the Sea Alliance".

The leader of Catch the Sea Alliance is Shanda, and the vice-leaders are Penguin, Ninetowns, and Giant. In addition, Jiuyou, NetEase, Changyou, Perfect, NetDragon and other dozens of game manufacturers have joined the alliance, covering almost the entire Chinese online game industry. The world is huge.

However, what is a little funny is that there are traitors in the alliance. Netease and Sohu did not hesitate to sign the contract immediately after receiving a large advertising order from a domestic game, and started to cooperate.

Shouting slogans belongs to slogans, and money still has to be earned.

Boss Ding of the pig factory has always been very clear about this kind of matter.

A few years ago, Alima once greeted Ding Sanshi, saying that Taobao would advertise on NetEase, and reserved an advertising space in advance.

Ding Sanshi replied yes, but turned around and sold the advertising space to eBay.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to commercial credit, but that eBay has given too much, and the advertising fee is several times that of Taobao.

At that time, the war between Taobao and eBay was very fierce. All the advertisements on major websites including the three major portals were covered by eBay in an attempt to kill Taobao by blocking traffic.

As a result, Taobao found another way and cooperated with a lot of small hooligan websites. When users open the webpage, Taobao ads will pop up forcibly.

Relying on such means, Taobao insisted on winning the war with eBay, but Arima and Pork Ding, who had a good relationship with each other, have completely lost contact with each other.

Therefore, as long as domestic games are willing to spend money, all alliances are paper, riddled with holes like a sieve, and can be infiltrated at will.



In the office, Xia Jingxing was engrossed in looking at the computer screen, his fingers flying rapidly.

Chopping melons and chopping vegetables generally solved the group of green goblins in front of him, and then he manipulated the game characters - let go of the girl and walked to the door.

Then the screen flashed, entering the last room of the game.

A tall and mighty tauren with an ax blocked the way, as if protecting his wife, a human girl in a green dress.

Xia Jingxing didn't care so much, he just rushed forward with two shots.

Then he glanced at the top of the screen, the boss' health bar was only a little off, how long will it take?

This move seemed to have enraged the tauren, and they kept chasing and killing Xia Jingxing's sharpshooter with an axe.

Since it was a 2D game, he could only run up, down, left, and right, so it was very difficult for Xia Jingxing to dodge.

Accidentally hit by an axe, the character's blood bar was directly reduced by half, which scared Xia Jingxing.

While carefully avoiding the tauren's pursuit, he shot coldly. After a few minutes, he finally dried up the tauren's blood.

The Tauren's tall body fell down and exploded into a pile of fragments and experience points.

The game was successfully cleared, and the SSS-level battle score was also given on the screen.

As the experience bar is hidden, the game characters are covered with golden light,

The level was raised by one level, and then eight cards appeared on the screen, asking him to draw a lottery.

Xia Jingxing didn't pay attention to flipping through two cards at random and drawing any props. Only then did he notice that the little girl in the green skirt was greeting him: "Hello! My name is Celia!"

So you are Celia! Xia Jingxing thought she was the tauren's wife, and a husband came here to commit a crime, but it turned out to be a game mission NPC.

Xia Jingxing was playing the game with relish, when Liu Xiaoduo knocked on the door and walked in, "Mr. Xia, Mr. Wu asked me to inform you to go to the overseas game meeting."

"Tell him to wait a few minutes, I'll talk after I finish this game."

Seeing that the boss refused to even lift his head, he seemed to be fascinated by the game.

This made Liu Xiaoduo a little curious, she walked behind Xia Jingxing to watch.

After watching it for a while, she said disapprovingly, "Mr. Xia, is this game fun? I don't think it's as fun as "Happy Farm."

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense, "Happy Farm" is suitable for men, women and children, and most of the girls who are still playing it for a year or so are girls.

This DNF is different, the target group is male users, and they are young people.

Look at the screams of monsters, the explosion of guns, and the scene of flames soaring into the sky, how exciting it is.

After playing for two or three hours, I still feel unsatisfied. Have you tried playing "Happy Farm" for such a long time? "

"Can this game be more popular and profitable than "Happy Farm"?" Liu Xiaoduo asked.

"The two are completely incomparable! You girls spend all your money on cosmetics, clothes, and bags. Are you willing to renovate the farm and buy some super fertilizers? Don't you!

Boys are different, they don’t hesitate to spend money for games, they would rather eat instant noodles and put on a set of fancy equipment, and then go to the most crowded place in the game plaza to pretend to be aggressive..."

After listening to Xia Jingxing's introduction, Liu Xiaoduo nodded, she finally understood why online games make so much money, it's just taking advantage of men's vanity!

After passing another level, Xia Jingxing exited the game, then stretched himself, got up and followed Liu Xiaoduo to go downstairs to the overseas game meeting.

When Xia Jingxing arrived, the conference room was already full, and the middle and low-level managers of dozens of domestic games were present.

But no one spoke, and the entire meeting room was quiet, waiting for the boss.

As soon as Xia Jingxing entered the room, Wu Yimin immediately greeted him with a happy face, "President Xia, you are here, shall we start the meeting now?"

"open it!"

Xia Jingxing nodded, and sat down at the top, with Zhang Yong and Wu Yimin on his left and right.

"After more than half a year of unremitting efforts and struggle, "Dungeon and Fighter" finally delivered an excellent answer sheet today."

Wu Yimin looked around, then picked up the document on the table and said: "On the first day of the public beta, our game reached a maximum of 200,000 people online at the same time.

This achievement directly equaled the "Journey" launched two years ago under the banner of permanent free. "

Hearing this, Xia Jingxing took the lead in applauding, and the room immediately burst into warm applause. Everyone had bright smiles on their faces, because everyone knew what it meant.

"Zhengtu" is one of the most popular online games in the past two years. At present, the highest number of simultaneous online users has exceeded one million, and its monthly income can reach 160 million yuan, with a net profit of 120 million yuan.

With this game, Giant has submitted a prospectus to the New York Stock Exchange, and it will be officially listed in the United States in November, with an estimated market value of US$4-5 billion.

"Dungeon and Warriors" has the same start as "Journey", and there is an overseas network with hundreds of millions of users. It makes no sense that it will be worse than the giant's operation.

Now that the game is preliminarily declared successful, everyone present can share a bonus, and the employees holding stock options are one step closer to wealth and freedom.

In short, the results of DNF have strengthened the confidence of grassroots employees in domestic games, and their sense of belonging to the company has become stronger and stronger.

After briefly reporting the results of the first day of the game, Wu Yimin then reported the expenditures and gains and losses of this game promotion.

"This time we spent a total of 500 million yuan on game promotion, and most of the money was spent on online channels. From the current point of view, the money is well spent."

Wu Yimin looked at Xia Jingxing, and said: "Before the official public beta, there were trolls on the Internet who bad-mouthed us, saying that they participated in our game's internal beta, pointing out that the parameters of this game are unreasonable, and there are problems with the gameplay...

But as the overwhelming hard advertisements and soft advertisements flooded the Internet, all these annoying voices were covered up.

Today, many game users are sharing their DNF gaming experience on Haineiwang, Tianya, Mopu and other communities, and most of them are very positive.

It can be seen that the eyes of most users are still discerning, and the so-called "Catch the Sea Alliance" wants to use these low-level means to snipe our public beta, it can only be said that they made a wrong calculation. "

Zhang Yong said with a smile: "As soon as the huge promotion budget of 500 million yuan came out, the entire game circle thought we were crazy. Even if DNF could become as popular as "Zhengtu", it would probably take a year of operation to earn back the promotion costs.

Many colleagues feel that we are taking risks, or that we are inexperienced and will encounter huge market lessons.

So gradually, they all looked at the public beta of DNF with a kind of hope for a good show, and even competitors such as Sohu and NetEase took our advertisements and gave us an assist, mostly because they were sure that we would fail. "

Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, knowing that Zhang Yong specially explained these words to himself.

He has never paid much attention to the Catch the Sea Alliance. If he just throws out some advertising fees, companies such as Netease and Sohu will turn against him.

It can be said that apart from Shanda and Penguin, other large game companies are not concerned about the impact of the rise of domestic games on them.

Who is the top company in the game has nothing to do with them. Will it affect their small money?

The rise of domestic games will only grab the cakes of big companies such as Shanda, Ninetowns, and Giants. In fact, they have little to do with Penguin, and they are passive defenses.

"The online promotion was very successful and smooth, but offline, we encountered some small setbacks."

Wu Yimin looked at Xia Jingxing, and said in a heavy tone, "I want to criticize you, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, these companies are local snakes. In a few months, when the game is fully promoted, they won't have any part in arrogance."

Xia Jingxing is well aware of the problems encountered in offline promotion, and the promotion of online games at the moment relies heavily on Internet cafes.

The success of "Journey" is inseparable from the tactics of crowd pushing.

In order to promote this game, Shi Dazhu used Melatonin's marketing network, established more than 1,800 offices across the country, posted game posters all over the country's large and small Internet cafes, and made door signs for Internet cafes. Light boxes and spray painting can be said to be the ultimate use of marketing methods.

In addition, the more important point is that "Zhengtu" wins over the network management, and as long as someone in the managed Internet cafe plays "Zhengtu", it will give a commission.

In this case, in order to earn some income, the network administrator must work hard to promote "Zhengtu" and even tamper with the computer.

However, in addition to giants doing this, NetEase and Shanda also have this kind of network administrator promoter model.

On weekdays, there are many tense incidents, but this time it is rare that the guns are aimed at domestic games.

It can be said that the Catch the Sea Alliance has given up on dealing with domestic games online, but it is still working hard offline.

Because Xia Jingxing knew the inside story, he didn't blame Wu Yimin too much.

Xia Jingxing said slowly: "When DNF becomes popular, those Internet cafes will naturally take the initiative to accept our games in order to improve their competitiveness."

Wu Yimin nodded: "That's true. If DNF becomes popular and others come to the Internet to take a look, the client is not even pre-installed on the desktop, and you have to go to the official website of Hainei Game or the game platform of to download it yourself. I think it's a waste of time. Turn around and leave."

"But we can't wait for the game to develop naturally, we still have to take the initiative to promote it through offline channels."

Xia Jingxing said with a smile, "They can give commissions to Internet cafe promoters, so we can't spend money?"

Wu Yimin replied: "Our game has not yet started to launch paid items, and we have already spent 500 million yuan."

Xia Jingxing waved his hand generously, "It's okay, add another 300 million promotion budget, and let me focus on offline channels.

Isn't this the base camp and private land of their sea-chasing alliance? Give the one who smashed the horse a piece of shit. "

Zhang Yong nodded in agreement and said: "DNF's potential has already emerged, and user feedback is relatively positive, so there is no need to be conservative. This is our first online game. Even if we don't make money in the first year, we still have to play domestic games.

In a few months, "Cross Fire" will be officially launched, and it just happens to take advantage of this shareholder style to promote it together.

Through these two games, it has completely established its status in the industry. "

Seeing that the two bosses are so arrogant, Wu Yimin's chest was filled with arrogance, and he decided not to be conservative anymore. He nodded heavily and said: "Okay, Mr. Xia and Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the domestic game will definitely be a success this time."

Wu Yimin asked: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Xia, I found a good game company. They developed a dance game, which is very similar to Audition. Do we want to win it?"

"What company?" Xia Jingxing asked.

"Yonghang Technology, the founder's name is Yao Yong, the nephew of the writer Wang Xiaobo, this buddy graduated from Tsinghua University, he is quite literary, and he once formed a band called "Shui Mu Nian Hua". A few years ago, he quit the band and devoted himself completely Entrepreneurial army."

After listening to Wu Yimin's introduction, Xia Jingxing remembered, isn't this the developer of "QQ Dazzling Dance"?

The games under Penguin are supported by four famous books. Except for "QQ Speed", which is self-developed, the other three games are all agents.

Now that we have met them, we must take them down! As long as there is any opportunity to weaken the penguin, he will not let it go.

"Get in touch with them. If the game is good, you can choose to cooperate with them as an agent. If they are short of money, you can also invest in them to stabilize the cooperative relationship."

Wu Yimin smiled in satisfaction, "Okay, I'll get in touch with you when I get down."

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