My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and sixty-nine, abandon the past

Xia Jingxing waited in the capital for three days, but he still didn't wait for the angry move from the First Grade Alliance.

This made him more or less disappointed, he didn't fight back after being slapped, isn't that the style of that group of people? Could it be a sex change? Want to use this method to win sympathy from the industry?

With the withdrawal of a large number of institutions such as Capital Today and DCM, and the collective failure of the remaining alliance member institutions to invest in Thousand Oaks, this loose interest alliance that once wanted to encircle and suppress Envision Capital in China has become less and less powerful.

It has been a long time since Xia Jingxing heard about the confrontation between Envision Capital and Junior One Alliance.

This time, Fu Jixun robbed Sequoia's project, somewhat breaking the confrontation between the two sides.

The opponent did not make any moves, Xia Jingxing decided not to wait any longer, and took a Gulfstream plane back to Rongcheng.

As soon as he arrived in Rongcheng and got off the plane, he received a call from Tong Shijie.

"Mr. Xia, Xiong Xiaoge called everyone to have a meeting today and specifically mentioned the matter of Noah's wealth."

"Oh, what did he say." Xia Jingxing became a little interested.

"He said that Envision Capital is powerful, and advised Zhang Fan to be patient, and everyone's life is not easy recently..."

Tong Shijie said with a smile on the other end of the phone: "IDG's American chairman McGovern got angry and reprimanded Xiong Xiaoge if he can't manage the business department in China, he will replace someone who can manage it well.

You know, McGovern trusted Xiong Xiaoge very much in the past, and he had never said such serious words to Xiong Xiaoge. "

"That is! After all, IDG is the number one venture capital institution in China that has invested in numerous star companies such as Ctrip, Baidu, Sohu, Penguin, Kingdee, Home Inns, and Hanting."

Tong Shijie sneered, "What number one? Boss, I wonder if you have noticed a voice in the industry? Some people say that IDG has failed at the beginning and has become mediocre. There has been no exit case in the past two years.

There is also the matter of Thousand Oaks, which can no longer be covered completely! How has Renren's traffic dropped? There are less than 100,000 active users! "

The corners of Xia Jingxing's mouth raised slightly. Recently, some media published an article evaluating Thousand Oaks as "the biggest venture capital defeat in China's history".

In fact, there is not much loss, just over 200 million US dollars, which is only a fraction compared with the future shared bicycles, Luckin, and LeTV.

But in this era, and it was a tragedy caused by several top VCs in the industry, it would be too embarrassing.

"Sequoia's side is similar. Shen Beipeng said with a sullen face that their second fundraising failed. Moritz, the boss in the United States, said harshly. He will not give any more money until the performance of the first fund improves. assistance."

Tong Shijie gloated: "They originally wanted to expand a fundraising channel by investing in Noah Wealth, initiate the establishment of a RMB fund, and rely on this RMB fund to reverse the company's decline.

But unexpectedly, Noah Wealth finally chose to invest in the embrace of Envision Capital.

This is not just as simple as the project being robbed, it means that their hope of turning around has not been wiped out.

Let me tell you, Lao Fu was really ruthless this time, hitting Sequoia's seven inches directly. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, and then asked, "They don't intend to retaliate against each other?"

"What's the revenge? The Sequoia Capital Phase I fund is almost out of bullets. If we continue to fight, Zhang Fan and Shen Beipeng will have to wander the world.

Xiong Xiaoge is in a slightly better situation because of his past performance, but the pressure is also great.

Now the alliance is gloomy, and it is uncertain when the luggage will be divided and the team will be dispersed. "

The more Tong Shijie talked, the more excited he became. He seemed to have seen that the date of his return to the embrace of the organization was getting closer and closer.

"Okay, I know, just hold on,

Stay on the last shift, and remember to grab some valuables when you divide your luggage. "

After exhorting, Xia Jingxing was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered something and asked, "What's the situation at Walden International?"

"You said Chen Liwu, the old man, there is nothing abnormal, do you need me to contact him?"

"That's not necessary! Well, that's it."

Xia Jingxing hung up the phone and looked straight out of the car window.

Some time ago, Chen Liwu entrusted Huang Hongsheng's wife Lin Weiping to bring him a message, intending to ease the relationship between Walden International and Vision Capital.

Previously, Xia Jingxing was unhappy because several companies such as Walden International and IDG were killed on the way of Dangdang's financing. He lifted the sedan chair during the bidding, and let Walden International get the shares of Dangdang and paid a heavy price.

Also because of this, Walden International joined the Avengers Alliance launched on the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2006, and also invested in Thousand Oaks Group. The relationship with Envision Capital was once tense.

The establishment of Fuxing Semiconductor made Walden International see Xia Jingxing's determination in semiconductor investment.

Afterwards, Envision Capital successfully won the favor of CIC, which gave Walden International another look. At the same time, it also made Chen Liwu clearly understand the gap in strength between the two parties.

However, because the relationship between the two companies was too tense before, Chen Liwu couldn't bear the shame of contacting Xia Jingxing directly, so he used devious tactics to find Lin Weiping to make peace.

The reason why Lin Weiping was chosen as the middleman was because Walden International had previously invested in Skyworth.

Although Skyworth is now acquired by Fuxing Industrial Group, the friendship between Chen Liwu and Huang Hongsheng is still there.

Xia Jingxing withdrew his gaze from the window, heaved a long sigh, and decided to put aside his past suspicions and accept Walden International.

First of all, everyone is just fighting between emotions, and it is not a deep hatred. In business matters, it is normal to separate and reunite because of the relationship of interests.

Secondly, Walden International has been investing in semiconductors for nearly 20 years. Its industrial layout covers more than a dozen countries and regions, including Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. It has also entered domestic investment for more than ten years. As a semiconductor company, Chen Liwu has also served as the director of Huaxin International.

In the previous life, the media broke out that among the more than 500 projects invested by Walden International, more than 100 semiconductor companies were included, and the number of IPO exit cases reached 120.

Walden International can be regarded as the main venture capital institution investing in domestic semiconductors in the early stage, and even Chen Liwu won the title of "Godfather of Chinese Chip Venture Capital".

A flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together makes the garden full of spring.

In order to create a chip industry and a chip venture capital ecosystem, Evervision Capital cannot do it alone, and needs to join forces with more powerful investment institutions.

Walden International invests deeply in the semiconductor industry, and can persist even when most people are not optimistic about it. This is actually the most ideal partner.

Later, after learning about Walden International's investment layout in the semiconductor industry, Xia Jingxing also thought about letting go of the past and joining hands with Walden International to develop the semiconductor investment market.

But like Chen Liwu, he couldn't save each other's face. At the same time, he was worried that he would be humiliated instead of easing the relationship.

Now that Chen Liwu took the initiative to invite someone to show his favor, there was no need for him to hold on to the past grievances.

After figuring it out thoroughly, Xia Jingxing called Lin Weiping back.

"Sister Lin, please send a message to Chen Liwu, saying that I want to ask him to meet."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Xia, I'll call him right away. You hesitated for so long, I thought you wanted to reject him."

"Nothing, there are too many things at hand, I forget them when I am busy, and I only remembered them today."

"Oh, that's right! Mr. Xia, I think that since Fuxing Industrial Group is going to make semiconductors, the advantages of cooperating with Walden International will definitely outweigh the disadvantages. If there were any conflicts before, it's fine to talk about it. The big deal is that we can earn money from cooperation in the future." That's the money."

"Yes, you are quite right. The semiconductor industry is a weakness of Fuxing Industrial Group. It is true that we should stop holding on to that bit of grievance and look forward."


Xia Jingxing put away his phone, let out a long breath, let the past be the past, the chapter has been completely turned, history needs to turn a new page.

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