My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and seventy, rule by doing nothing

Xia Jingxing only stayed in Rongcheng for three days in total, one day with his parents, and one day he went to the countryside to visit his grandparents. On the last day of the trip, he went to Tianfu Software Park and inspected Jintian Studio, which is the previously acquired Jintian Technology. company.

Peng Haitao, who has changed from a boss to a wage earner, is still the same, with a shaved hairstyle just released from prison, an unshaven beard, and a dirty sweater that looks like it hasn't been washed for a long time.

When Xia Jingxing walked into the company and stood behind Peng Haitao, he was still engrossed in looking at the computer screen, not noticing that all the employees around him were silent.

Peng Haitao's ten fingers were dancing on the keyboard, with a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth, he was having a good time playing games.

In the game, Asura manipulated a pink lightsaber, bouncing up and down, left and right, and within a few minutes, the screen suddenly burst into light, and a beam of shining golden light rose into the sky.

Peng Haitao leaned back, moved his hands away from the keyboard, and took down the fried dough stick that was almost melted in his mouth, "Hammer! Hit a dick! And explode some broken copper and iron! Fuxing even exploded a mobile phone!" Fortunately, it has been upgraded to level 40."

The employee next to him held back his laughter, and took a sneak peek at Xia Jingxing. The big boss looked as usual, and he should not be angry.

Peng Haitao noticed that no one was paying attention to him, turned his head and took a look, and was startled.

"Jing Xing, why are you here? When did you come?"

Xia Jingxing didn't answer his question, but pointed to the screen and said, "The game is good, and the level is full."

Peng Haitao said with a sneer: "I didn't delay work, so I took the big guy to find creative inspiration."

Good one looking for inspiration! A primary school student was arrested by his parents for playing games, and he couldn't find any excuses as legitimate as you.

But Xia Jingxing didn't pay too much attention to these trivial matters, he only looked at the result, not the process.

"How's the new project going?"

Xia Jingxing noticed that there were still untouched fried dough sticks in the plastic bag on the desk, so he grabbed one and held it in his hand, tearing it up and eating.

Peng Haitao replied honestly: "The project has just been approved and is about to be developed!"

Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "This fritters are okay, not too old!"

The smile on Peng Haitao's face froze, is this hinting at himself? Don't mix it up with old fritters?

With a strong self-esteem, he didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

Fortunately, Xia Jingxing didn't mention this again, and quickly changed the subject: "Why did you move out to work?"

Peng Haitao was at a loss for words, he thought for a while, and simply told the truth: "It's boring to hide in the office and play games by yourself, but it's more atmospheric to play games with everyone outside.

We used to be like this too, we played games together when we were tired from work.

Inspired, everyone worked overtime together again. There is no limit to the working hours, but the work is more efficient. "

The corner of Xia Jingxing's mouth twitched, did he treat the company as an Internet cafe?

When he came in, he noticed that several employees' computers were logging into the DNF game interface.

But when he saw his big boss appear,

These guys immediately switched to the office software interface, and their hands were so fast that they didn't look like people with girlfriends.

Xia Jingxing actually didn't mean to blame too much, because he also knew that the more relaxed the working atmosphere of the original game company, the better. If the employees are faced with a high-pressure working environment at any time, what they think about every day is how to catch up with the schedule and complete the tasks in hand as soon as possible. , How can creativity and inspiration burst out.

As the saying goes: Slow work leads to careful work! To make high-quality games, it is impossible to mass-produce games like industrial products.

As far as Xia Jingxing knows, foreign game studios don't play games during working hours. Riot Games has even set aside an area in the company and set up an e-sports Internet cafe. If employees are tired from work, they can invite people to form a group at any time. The team goes black, no one limits your working hours.

Relatively speaking, the employees of major domestic game companies do not have such good benefits. Everyone is like a screw on the production line, working hard for 996 and 997.

Why is the working environment so different at home and abroad? The fundamental reason is that the two parties want different things.

In the eyes of major foreign companies, the soul of the game lies in creativity and inspiration, which cannot be forced by 996!

But in the eyes of domestic manufacturers, creativity is air, and imitation is king.

In the case of serious game homogeneity, everyone is fighting for speed.

How to make games faster than others and occupy the market faster than others, this is the first thing!

In this case, "forcing" employees to work overtime has naturally become the only way out.

In this environment where the whole industry is rushing to 996, you may be eliminated at any time without 996.

After the development, 996 has become a matter of course.

This principle applies from game amplification to the entire Internet industry.

In the final analysis, what games need is creativity. 996 may be able to win for a while, but it cannot win forever.

If domestic manufacturers can't change their thinking, no matter how many shifts their employees have to work, it will be difficult for domestic games to develop!

From this, Xia Jingxing thought of Penguin's development strategy. Why did Penguin buy and buy game companies all over the world? It is because of the domestic environment and the company's environment that it is impossible to produce high-quality games.

Penguin is the largest game company in the world, but it doesn’t have a high-quality game developed by its own China headquarters. If any game becomes popular, it will go to buy the other company’s company, and then put the quality of the game above the standard line, or press the market. The trending game gets a Chinese transformation and launches a local version, and then waters it with Penguin's traffic, and the money will be in your hands.

In the final analysis, this is still a lazy idea of ​​"making is worse than buying", and enterprises lack original spirit.

There is a set of successful "acquisition + domestic copy" stable model, why do you have to work hard on your own research? Go on an adventure? With this money, wouldn't it be more desirable to acquire a game company?

Xia Jingxing felt that after the Penguin game reached its peak, he was a bit reluctant to leave. The core competitiveness was traffic and capital, not any research and development background.

Once there is a popular game in the market, and Penguin does not accept the offer, then Penguin will desperately suppress and invest in similar products, as evil as the villain in the Internet.

Xia Jingxing really didn't want domestic games to follow such a path and completely become a capital game. He also wanted to push games carrying Chinese local culture overseas to spread Chinese culture while making money.

China's economic rise is no longer a problem, but its cultural rise still has a long way to go.

Only when the economy, culture, technology, and military are all prosperous can it be called "return to prosperity" and "national rejuvenation."

After pondering for a long time, Xia Jingxing looked at Peng Haitao and said, "If you're like this, set up an e-sports Internet cafe another day, and the computer configuration will be higher. Everyone is tired from work, so let's play games together! You don't need to stay in the office anymore!

In addition, you can also hold a game competition internally. All those who perform well are selected to form a team, and sent outside to participate in e-sports competitions, to compete with professional players, to have a deeper understanding of users and games, and to collide with more inspiration.

In the future, if the game developed by Jintian Studio is good enough, the head office will reward some benefits, such as gym, swimming pool, yacht party, overseas travel...all arranged! "

Peng Haitao was stunned. I just want to keep the employees playing games together? Is it worth it?

The Internet cafes and yacht parties that Xia Jingxing mentioned seemed to be less serious than him. Does this still look like a job?

Xia Jingxing looked at Peng Haitao, who was staring blankly, and the other stunned employees around him, and said loudly, "You make games, you just play! What fun games can someone who can't even play play develop?"

Now it's Peng Haitao's turn to twitch the corners of his mouth. This pretty good!

The other employees applauded loudly.

Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said, "Okay, everyone, don't applaud in a hurry, right now there is only one Internet cafe, if everyone performs well and shows outstanding results, then they will be allocated gyms, swimming pools, and yacht parties...

It's like playing a game. Everyone needs to work together to pass the level and unlock benefits one by one.

If the performance is not good, then sorry, Gameover, need to accept punishment. "

Xia Jingxing's words not only did not dampen the enthusiasm of the employees, but their little hands clapped harder.

It turned out that they still thought that the big boss was drawing cakes. Now that collective welfare is linked to performance, it makes sense. As long as they can make more money for the company and the boss, they are naturally eligible to drink soup with the boss.

If ordinary small bosses say this, they still suspect that when the performance reaches the standard, the boss will not fulfill his promise.

But Mr. Xia is different, the richest man, don't you want to lose face?

After all, he is the richest man, he can follow what he says, and has his own buff.

After several injections of blood from Xia Jingxing, a group of employees who followed Peng Haitao's decadence and disfigurement all changed immediately, all of them had rosy complexions, and they were all looking forward to the "corrupt life" in the future.

I don't know if there will be young models on the yacht party? Many employees are already worried about this problem at this moment.

Peng Haitao's eyes on Xia Jingxing changed completely at this moment, and he asked seriously: "Do you want to follow the route of foreign boutique studios? Do nothing like EA and Ubisoft?"

Xia Jingxing shrugged, "Isn't it possible? Could it be that you think the Chinese are more stupid than them?"

"No, no!"

Peng Haitao shook his head lightly, and then sighed: "It's been a few years of hard work, and the cost and time of research and development are very high. Without a certain determination, the plan cannot be implemented."

Xia Jingxing smiled gently and confidently: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as the project is approved, the company will never stop investing or give up halfway."

Seeing Xia Jingxing's confidence, Peng Haitao shut up.

From the bottom of his heart, he is also a team leader who respects a relaxed working environment, and he has always done this in the past.

It's just that Xia Jingxing's relaxed mode is more relaxed than his past ones, and it is also driven by the industry's top benefits.

This made him feel a certain amount of pressure. If the project is not done well and the benefits are not received, he will feel sorry for the group of old brothers around him who have been with him for several years.

He received more than half of the 100 million stock purchase price, and he himself was a second generation rich man, so he didn't value Xia Jingxing's promises very much.

But if team members work in such a relaxed environment every day and enjoy generous benefits, they should be able to develop top-notch products in China and even rush to overseas markets, right?

He expects the team to reach such a height, and it is still in his hands to achieve this goal, which will give him a sense of accomplishment, and work and life will no longer be boring.

He is such a person, the more challenging the job, the more he likes it.

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