My Age of Investment

Nine hundred and seventy-seven, Ninghan confluence (2 in 1)


In the cat hall of the China Club Club, Mu Zhixin slapped the solid wood table with a loud slap, and then he suppressed the pain in his palm, and looked around the people present with an angry expression.

"Everyone in the venture capital circle, friends in the business circle, I, Mu Zhixin, founded Conscience Company in 1984. In 2000, Conscience Company was spun off into Huaxia Digital, developed independently, and went public independently.

After more than 20 years of ups and downs, tens of thousands of conscientious people have accompanied the two companies to grow together. Today, the two companies have become leaders in their respective fields and benchmarks for national enterprises, and enjoy a high reputation in the world.

Conscience Company and Huaxia Digital have always been adhering to the concept of being kind to others, helping domestic counterparts and serving the country through industry..."

After laying the groundwork, Mu Zhixin changed the topic, "However, just yesterday, Fuxing Industrial Group and Envision Capital used a dirty trick on China Digital, which is planning to reform its shareholding.

A company that sells electrical appliances and a financial capital that can only speculate is trying to get its hands on the largest IT service and system integrator in China.

The foreign shareholders of Huaxia Digital, the Transatlantic Investment Group, only have interests in their eyes, and we tried to persuade them to no avail. These foreigners insist on selling their shares to Renaissance Industries and Envision Capital, which offer higher prices.

At the same time, the leaders of Huake Holdings, the state-owned asset management organization behind Huake Academy, were also deceived, and they believed in that illusory cloud computing research and development plan.

I dare to assert that if Huaxia Digital falls into the hands of those capital vultures, it will only take three years at most, and the country will lose an IT service brand that has been cultivated with countless hours of hard work, and it will be worthless! "

Sitting next to Mu Zhixin, Yang Daqing, one of the two Henha generals, said coldly, "This is an organized and premeditated act of deliberate revenge!"

Compared to Yang Daqing, the other of the Hum Ha Second Generals, Guo Wei, whose profit cake was severely damaged, looked even uglier.

He said in a stern voice: "Xia Jingxing just wants to force us to death! Even if he fails to acquire China Digital, it will mess up our share reform plan, disrupt the rhythm of the company's development, and thus achieve the purpose of retaliating against the entire conscience system.

Although the victim today is only the conscience, but who will be the victim tomorrow?

Xia Jingxing brought the dross of American capital operation to China. Over the years, he has been acting recklessly and constantly attacking listed companies.

From Supor to Kelon, to Little Swan and Skyworth, there are too many national brands in his hands.

Ladies and gentlemen, we must be highly vigilant about this! Otherwise, private enterprises are in danger! The country's economy is in danger! "

Lu Zhiqiang, the CEO of Oceanwide, with a Mediterranean hairstyle, slapped the table and shouted loudly: "It's simply lawless and reckless, and the majority of Chinese businessmen will not sit idly by! Whoever dares to mess up the Chinese economy, I, Lu Zhiqiang, will fight him to the end." !"

After putting on the big hat and setting the tone of the meeting, Lu Zhiqiang eased his tone and said: "Mr. Mu, Mr. Yang, and Mr. Guo, if you need funds, let's not talk about more, two or three hundred million, I will still take it here." came out."

Hearing this, the three of Mu Zhixin are very satisfied, they are worthy of being the elders of the Huashan Association, they are very loyal!

Two years ago, Oceanwide acquired too much land, which led to indigestion and an operational crisis. It was their conscience who came forward and organized personnel to rescue them.

The conscience department encountered difficulties today, and it's time for the other party to repay.

The most important rule of the Huashan Club is that members should help each other, because no one knows when they will be in trouble, and saving others is saving ourselves!

There is a Skull and Bones Society in the United States that does a good job in this area. It even trained three commanders, and they have always been their learning objects.

Shi Dazhu also put away his usual wildness,

Seriously said: "When the giant went bankrupt, it was the unreserved help of a group of seniors in the private enterprise circle that I, Shi Dazhu, was able to get out of the shadow of failure and make a comeback!

In half a month, Giant will be officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. This time, I am mortgaging all my shares, and I also want to help the company with conscience to survive this difficulty. "

Wang Xiaojun of Huayi said in a deep voice: "Although Huayi is not a listed company or a big company, we will do our best to contact the media and people in the literary and art circles. Everyone will collectively support the conscience company and Huaxia Digital, and together resist the barbarians at the door. .”

The corner of Yang Daqing's mouth twitched slightly, and he held back his laughter to let a group of actors speak out for the conscience company. The boss of the Wang family is also a talent.

However, he can also understand that the other party wants money but no money, and prestige but no prestige. If it weren't for the fact that they can pull out a few popular actresses to accompany them to drink, relieve everyone's boredom, have fun, and let the actresses come forward to make money For some resources, everyone can't even look down on the boss of this kind of low-level industry.

If there is a chain of contempt in the business world, then Huayi can only be at the bottom.

Yang Daqing took a peek at his younger brother Guo Wei from the corner of his eye. The latter was all smiles, and seemed to enjoy this big scene with a lot of responses.

Yang Daqing sneered in his heart, he didn't get along with Guo Wei when he was in Conscience Company.

Of course, it's not to grab the junior sister, but to grab the position of the master.

Later, the conscience company was split into two, and Guo Wei was kicked out. At the same time, he was not allowed to use the trademark of conscience because he failed in the competition.

Although he and Guo Wei have been as close as a pair of brothers these years, they are actually eager to see each other's jokes, and they are still competitive with each other, wanting to prove that they are better than each other.

Mu Zhixin waved his hand, and said with a look of relief: "Xiao Wang, it's great if you have this kind of intention. After all, the literary and art circles are separated from our business circles. If you participate, the influence will be too great. I still want to control the impact within a certain range.”

Hearing this, Wang Xiaojun's eyes dimmed for a moment. He took the initiative to show his favor to the chairman, not for anything else, but to join the more core circle within the Huashan Association and obtain more business and political resources.

However, the boss still looks down on himself!

This made him quite upset, and at the same time he felt a little helpless. Let's take his worth as an example, he is not as good as a fraction of many bigwigs present.

Come on, keep pretending to be a grandson!

Isn't Feng Pants also respectful like a grandson in front of him? It's all about living.

Wang Xiaojun's thoughts instantly became clear.

Seeing the business tycoons of the Huashan Club express their opinions one after another, Jack Ma, who was sitting in the back, was completely panicked.

At this moment, he wished he could yell and curse. Boss Mu called him over from Lin'an just to deal with Xia Jingxing together?

If he had known earlier, he would have pretended to be sick.

Although he had some minor complaints about Xia Jingxing's investment, support for Jingxi, and the establishment of Fuxing Mall, he was not so courageous as to tear himself apart with Xia Jingxing.

After all, Vision Capital also holds a 23% stake in Ahri, making it the second largest institutional shareholder after Yahoo.

He has joined the Huashan Club for a while, but in the end, he has not enjoyed any resources, so he put himself in it, which is useless! His old horse is not the kind of person who sacrifices himself to save others!

Robin Lee on the side is also like Ma Yun, with a very tangled expression.

He is also a member of the Huashan Association, but companies controlled by Xia Jingxing, such as Fuxing Mobile and Overseas Games, are all major customers of Baidu.

Vision Capital also bought a large number of Baidu shares in the secondary market before, and is one of the important shareholders.

Although the stock has been liquidated at the moment, Baidu's stock price will be in a downturn in the future, and if it is not guaranteed, it will need to ask the other party to support it. After all, Vision Capital is considered a small prince on Wall Street.

What a dilemma! Robin Lee sighed inwardly.

Fortunately, there was one person who stood up before the two of them!

"I had dinner with Buffett last year. Baron had a very high opinion of Xia Jingxing and asked me if I knew this young man."

Duan Yongping said calmly: "Xia Jingxing's business in the United States is so huge that it is unimaginable. Vision Capital has been rated as the fastest growing hedge fund in recent years by the mainstream financial magazines on Wall Street. The asset management scale has reached more than 10 billion US dollars. It is not far from the position of the world's top ten hedge funds."

"So what? He is a Wall Street comprador who embezzles state-owned assets and harms national enterprises. Should we confess to him?"

Guo Wei couldn't listen anymore and interrupted.

This is to increase the ambition of others and destroy one's own prestige! Hiding evil intentions!

He looked at Duan Yongping with a worried face, an idler who sold broken learning machines and had long been out of the mainstream of the Chinese business world, what right did he have to make irresponsible remarks here.

After immigrating to the United States, Duan Yongping has cultivated his personality and temperament in the past few years, and he has cultivated a good temperament. He was not angry because of Guo Wei's tone of voice, but just gave Mu Zhixin a faint look.

Mu Zhixin coughed, scolding Guo Wei on the surface but actually defending Guo Wei, he pretended to be angry and said, "How did you talk? Let President Duan finish his sentence first."

Guo Wei closed his mouth knowingly.

Only then did Duan Yongping continue to speak: "Xia Jingxing has both capital and successful experience in industrial operation, as the old saying goes, take a step back and the sea and the sky will open up!

If Conscience Company can turn wars into friendship with Fuxing Industrial Group and Envision Capital, or even cooperate together, it will undoubtedly be a boon for the entire Chinese technology industry, and all parties will benefit from it. "

Guo Wei was so angry that his blood rushed straight to Tianlinggai, what kind of bad idea is this? Robbers have come to rob your house, and you want to shake hands with the robbers?

He really wanted to reprimand him, but he took a look at Mu Zhixin and endured it.

"Shaking hands and making peace is absolutely impossible!"

Mu Zhixin shook his head again and again, "He highly praised Li Guangnan, and every time he gave lectures in colleges and universities across the country, he would bring out Conscience Company and compare it with Fuxing Industrial Group.

If Xia Jingxing doesn't make me notorious for a long time, he will never give up. "

"Misunderstandings and enmity are accumulated little by little. The two sides have never tried to establish communication. How do you know what the other party thinks?"

Speaking of this, Duan Yongping looked at Mu Zhixin, whose face was still as deep as water, and his two apprentices who looked at him as if they were killing their father and enemy.

Duan Yongping shook his head and sighed in his heart, the pattern is small, the godfather of Chinese entrepreneurship, but mediocre! Just a little bit of good luck!

If Mu Zhixin could let go of his so-called godfather's face and have a frank and honest talk with Xia Jingxing, no matter what the result was, he would respect him as a real person.

But now, being burdened by false fame, I'm afraid that he will go further and further down the wrong path!

Confined by his status as a member of the Huashan Club, Duan Yongping tried to persuade him one last time, "Vision Capital acquired a mobile operating system company called Android, and many communication operators, mobile phone brands, and chip manufacturers have joined the Open Mobile Phone Alliance initiated by Android. .

A person who can have this kind of business sentiment is definitely not a narrow-minded person. "

"Okay, Mr. Duan, you don't need to say more!"

Seeing Mu Zhixin's increasingly ugly face, Yang Daqing knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage. The master couldn't say anything serious because of his sympathy, so he, his apprentice, was the only one to do it for him.

"It's not that I look down on Xia Jingxing. What confidence does he have to be a mobile operating system?"

Yang Daqing looked contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "This is a feat that cannot be accomplished by the power of the whole country! Just rely on him?

Just look at it, within three years at the most, his Android system will be empty, and it will gradually die out.

A conscientious company will not join their so-called Android alliance, even if he invites us to join, we will not join.

Symbian system, WindowsMobile system, which system is not a technology giant standing behind it? What is he? "

Duan Yongping is completely silent now, giving up.

The people around thought that this old-fashioned business tycoon who had transformed into an investment was exhausted by Yang Daqing's words.

Think about it too, how long has Duan Yongping been away from the front line? Still keep up with the times?

Duan Yongping is too lazy to persuade these self-righteous people anymore, let's clean the door for ourselves!

Anyway, he is quite interested in the Android system and revival mobile phones, and judges that this may be the future development direction of mobile phones.

Mu Zhixin saw that Yang Daqing had rendered Duan Yongping speechless, and was quite satisfied with his great apprentice.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he came out to clean up the mess: "Okay, let's not talk about this issue. Now we are discussing how to keep China Digital? It is best to let it complete the share reform smoothly."

Hearing this, the remaining Huashan Club members expressed their views one after another and donated generously.

Soon it was Jack Ma and Robin Lee's turn.

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and gave each other a modest resignation. They were both clever little ghosts, and they both wanted the other party to express their opinions first, so that they could have a reference.

Different from the other dozen or so traditional entrepreneurs, both of them are engaged in the Internet, and both have some business contacts with Xia Jingxing.

If the others offended Xia Jingxing, they would also be offended, and there was no direct loss, but the loss for the two of them was great.

Especially Ma Yun, seeing that Ali's B2B business will be listed next month, if the relationship between shareholders suddenly deteriorates, it will not be good news.

Huashan Club has a total of 16 members, and now only Ma Yun and Robin Lee have not made a statement. Everyone present is looking at these two emerging industry tycoons who have only emerged in recent years.

Seeing the hesitant expressions of the two, Mu Zhixin's face darkened suddenly.

This time he called on the members of the Huashan Club to raise money together, not just to raise money, but also to check the composition of members.

Ma Yun and seven Zhejiang businessmen jointly formed the Jiangnan Club last year. This incident made him and some old Huashan Club members very dissatisfied.

And he also knew that Ma Yun and Xia Jing walked very close, this time he deliberately wanted to force the other party to make a statement. There is no such thing as a wall-sitter here. People who sit crookedly on their buttocks must be severely punished.

After thinking about it, Robin Lee knew that he couldn't escape this hurdle. He gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart, "I'll pay 50 million. Recently, Baidu is at war with Google China, and the stock price is a bit sluggish. It's not very convenient to cash out." .”

Now, all the pressure fell on Jack Ma alone.

Ma Yun looked left and right, no one rescued him, and in the end he had to carry everything alone.

"Let's wait until next month. Ahri will be listed next month! Don't be afraid of the jokes of the big guys. Now I don't even have enough funds to buy a house. My basic necessities are all at the company's account."

Hearing this, someone next to him immediately shook his head and laughed. They are all foxes of a thousand years old. Is it interesting to play this kind of trick?

By next month, the matter of Huaxia Digital has long been settled, and even if your old horse holds 10 billion, it will not help.

Mu Zhixin's face was stiff, Ma Yun was slapping him in the face in public!

Although he had already sentenced Ma Yun to death, he still managed to squeeze out a smile, "Since Xiao Ma is in trouble, let's not think about it for now, Guo Wei, go and count the contributions of other members."

After finishing speaking, Mu Zhixin didn't even look at Ma Yun, but shifted his gaze to the venture capital entrepreneurs on the other side.

Xiong Xiaoge, Yan Yan, Zhang Fan, Zhu Linan, Zhao Linghuan, Tong Shijie and others were all stunned.

On the one hand, he was shocked by the unity of the mysterious Huashan Society, on the other hand, he despised Lao Ma's deeds.

They guessed that Lao Ma would be expelled from the Huashan Club in a short time. No one would like such a half-hearted member of a private club.

Once discovered, whether it is to maintain the rules of the club or to maintain the purity of the team, such bastards will be cleaned up.

Soon, Guo Wei finished the statistics. Lu Zhiqiang and Shi Dazhu each contributed 200 million yuan, and the other members each contributed tens of millions of yuan, making a total of 1 billion yuan.

Hearing this data, Mu Zhixin was very satisfied, turned his head and said to the venture capitalists beside him: "We have collected 1 billion here, and IDG, SAIF, and Hony Capital have prepared another 1.3 billion. What do you think? Let's gather together again, try to gather 3 billion, and then compete with Xia Jingxing!

Let him know that it is not his turn to cover the sky in the Chinese business community. "

Tong Shijie sneered in his heart, and after tossing for a long time, it turned out that this was all he had.

He made up his mind to inform the boss as soon as the meeting was over, and then it would not be easy to clean up these guys.

Then, Xiong Xiaoge began to mobilize the members of the venture capital alliance, wanting everyone to participate in this counter-merger and acquisition organized by Mu Zhixin.

Unlike the Huashan Club, where everyone is actively contributing, the fundraising scene at the Venture Capital Alliance is somewhat cold.

After removing IDG, SAIF, and Hony Capital, only Sequoia, Legend Capital, and Axel are the core members of the entire venture capital alliance.

There was originally a core member of Walden International, but for some unknown reason, he was not present today.

Seeing Xiong Xiaoge staring at him, Zhang Fan said very bachelorly: "Sequoia has no money, and it will not be able to invest in new projects in the future. It has already fully transferred to the post-investment management stage."

Xiong Xiaoge sighed suddenly. He basically knew the situation of Sequoia. After losing the trust of the American team, and adding that the plan to invest in Noah Wealth Management to launch a RMB fund failed, it was almost useless!

It depends on whether the dozens of projects that have already invested can turn around?

If they are all scams like Thousand Oaks, then they can only bid farewell to the venture capital world.

Then, Zhu Linan expressed his position on behalf of Legend Capital, expressing his willingness to invest 50 million to support the parent company.

"Axel also paid 50 million!"

Xiong Xiaoge looked at Tong Shijie in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Shijie, isn't your fund size only 100 million US dollars?"

Because Tong Shijie is relatively fat, he has a simple and honest smile with a fleshy face, "Our investment pace is relatively slow. In the past two years, we have invested in Youku, Kuwo Music, Bitauto and other projects with everyone, and the projects led by ourselves It is relatively small, so there is still some funds left.

Now that we have encountered this kind of thing that requires everyone’s joint efforts, even if Axel China is only a small fund, even if the funds of the fund are running out, we will not shrink back and do the kind of thing that turns our back on our partners! Disgusting! "

At the end, Tong Shijie gradually suppressed his smile, and his expression became extremely solemn.

At the same time, he pretended to inadvertently glance at Ma Yun who was sitting on the other side, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

Seeing this, Xiong Xiaoge looked relieved, Shijie is really just like his name, he can be called "the outstanding scholar".

Over the years, no matter whether it was investing in Thousand Oaks or Duoduo Dianping, which was liquidated and withdrawn, other members of the alliance have complained and even betrayed the alliance.

Only Shijie rarely complained, and even encouraged everyone to cheer up and stick to long-termism!

He didn't really understand how depressed Shijie was until he got drunk at a party.

At that time, Tong Shijie was drunk, a strong man who was about 1.8 meters tall and weighed more than 200 kilograms, crying like a child.

Xiong Xiaoge still remembers that Tong Shijie held his hand and said with red eyes: "Boss Xiong, the American team has already ordered me to die, and if there is no more case of return, we will completely stop the investigation of Axel China." Aid and support!

You have lost the trust of the American team, lost this investment platform, and have the money to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, but I really have nothing. I brought some LPs from my hometown in Wanwan to support my business... Once I fail, I can't even go home! "

Hearing these heartfelt words, Xiong Xiaoge felt ashamed and sad, and felt that he, the leader, was sorry for everyone.

It’s fine that Thousand Oaks is half dead. Some time ago, was also killed by and

Everyone invested tens of millions of dollars in Dianping, but in the end, only a bunch of tables, chairs and benches were recovered.

The loss is not big, the key is that it hurts morale.

Moreover, the investigation by the people below found that the tens of millions of dollars invested in advertising and marketing seemed tricky. It seemed that their group of VCs were cut off by the entrepreneurial team!

This is disgusting!

They don't even dare to announce it loudly, it's too embarrassing! We can only collect evidence silently to see if we can restore China's venture capital industry to a bright future.

Mu Zhixin had also heard Tong Shijie's rhetoric just now, and at the same time, he also noticed the disdainful look that the other party gave Ma Yun at the end.

The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest minister!

Feeling very relieved, Mu Zhixin quickly turned his head to ask Yang Daqing beside him about the identity of this loyal and brave man, and found out that he was a compatriot from Wanwan, and his father was an officer of the Guo Party.

The world is going down!

Mu Zhixin couldn't help feeling in his heart that the descendants of the Guo Party officers stuck to the moral bottom line and became good comrades.

And the descendants of the Red Party have become traitors!

Thinking of this, he took a deep look at Ma Yun, almost discrediting the old man who is both virtuous and artistic.

Ma Yun was first stared at by Tong Shijie, which made him feel very baffled, remember that he didn't seem to provoke this fat man, right? I don't even know each other!

Then, he noticed that the way Mu Zhixin looked at him became very strange, joking, regretful, pitiful...all of them.

This time, Ma Yun was even more confused, and if he wanted to expel himself from the membership, he just said that there was no need to be hypocritical.

He had no idea that he had become a "tiger father and dog son" in the eyes of others and "disgraced the family".

Here, Guo Wei’s statistics are also over. The Huashan Club and the Venture Capital Alliance have combined to collect 2.4 billion.

This is still far from the "3 billion" that Mu Zhixin said.

After listening to Guo Wei report the exact number, the atmosphere on the scene became rather awkward.

In the end, it was Mu Zhixin who came out to smooth things over on his own: "2.4 billion is enough, so please don't make up for it. The equity transfer transaction is completed at this price, which is already an 80% premium to the stock price before the suspension.

We are here to do business, not to show off or show off!

As long as we show our attitude and determination, the capital vultures will naturally shrink back when they see that there is no profit to be made. "

Most people in the audience nodded in agreement, including Duan Yongping who also agreed with Mu Zhixin's point of view.

After investing for so many years, he can naturally see that China Digital's performance in recent quarters is tricky.

Once the premium is too high, Xia Jingxing will definitely not be able to accept it and can only choose to withdraw.

Of course, this is what Duan Yongping views from the perspective of financial investment.

After Mu Zhixin's analysis, it seemed as if the sacred defense had been won, and everyone relaxed and started talking with each other.

Only Ma Yun was ignored, and he seemed alone, out of tune with the excitement around him.

This kind of environment made Ma Yun not want to stay for a moment, and he resigned before the celebration banquet started.

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